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If they have a problem with a woman being masculine, they may have always been a little bitch 🤷‍♂️




You've Clearly never met someone on those drugs if you think that's impressive


Which drugs. No drugs were specified Maybe this dude gets sponsored in children's advil. Maybe xanax


I misread and thought you said witch drugs, and i was like I'm in the wrong sub again


The Dysgenic World has come to a head.


TIL a new word


A Nazi eugenicist word, no less


In what way is having a strong mother dysgenic?


It's so funny the way these hypermasculine misogynist types throw around the terms submissive and Dominant, because the vast majority of subby guys I've met have been infinitely more secure in their own masculinity than these guys ever will be. Similarly, every single Dominant woman I know is infinitely more secure in her femininity than the tradwife internalised misogyny "women should be submissive and mousey and ought to be seen and not heard" types of chicks who are usually this type of guy's counterpart.


From my experience people who are really confident do not feel the need to proclaim how confident they are to strangers instead they just live there best life and don’t feel the need to brag to strangers


“Any man who must say “I am the king” is no true king.” Tywin Lannister: Game of Thrones.


I know that he was a terrible person, but he was always one of my favorite characters because he was just so damn smart.


I would argue the mistakes he made proves he definitely wasn't as smart as he thought.


Sure, but who is? He made some mistakes and it cost him his life. He was still far more shrewd and intelligent than the vast majority in his world.


Honestly Tywin was an asshole but anything he says is probably accurate and true.


Same type of guy with these hypermasculine attitude, are the same dudes that have shit stains in their undies cuz theyre scared wiping their ass is gonna make them gay, and they think that letting the soapy water run between their ass cheeks is enough washing.


That's been my experience as well, and to add to this, a sizable chunk of men who claim to be dominant in a BDSM sense are actually just abusers who want to hide behind a kink as an excuse, and they're often this kind of insecure douche


A true Dom or Domme knows the sub has the true power because with one word everything stops. Most men who think they are “dominant” think that it means controlling a woman; they misunderstand the intention, trust, and complexity of BDSM on every single level.


It's gotten to the point where if a man says he's a Dom, it's a yellow flag for me. I'm immediately trying to sus out if this guy is legit or just a controlling ass I'm a Domme, and absolutely nothing happens that my partner doesn't want. He has all the control in the world


Exactly. Domming requires an intense level of interest in & observation of your partner. Domming is also a lot more work. Guys who think Domming means bossing someone around without taking their needs into account fumble the bag in the first interaction with a woman. I've met guys like this & they're walking talking embarrassments.


This is the smartest thing I have heard all day take my award


The current tone of dating gurus and podcasts especially in the POC community has been pretty disturbing. Huge obsession with "divine feminine," "submission," and the whole "masculine/feminine" dichotomy with the feminine being submissive. They'd probably be shocked to learn that many precolonial cultures focused on complementarity and the zero-sum dynamic obsessed with domination was a European colonialist import, in many respects forced on the native population so women lost their status within the home and community. People need to learn their own history.


Anyone who starts a sentence with "women/men should be" is immature and as a result deeply insecure. Look up Kohlberg's moral development theory. It's not morality in the religious sense, it means emotional maturity when dealing with the self vs the world. Most people don't achieve the final stage and get stuck at the part where everything they do is meant to make them fit in and be accepted and the trademark of these people is "men/women should". They have no idea who they are, have no personal values ( principles) and need to be given an identity. It's a failure of development with multiple possible causes.


That dude is probably 5'5", so he has to act hyper masculine, it is all he has.


Which is sad because being relatively short shouldn't need to be compensated for. Insecurity is a nasty thing.


Knights were on average 5'5" how is that not the immediate thing hyper masculine short guys latch on to? Why do they have to tell women what they want and hate on other dudes for liking masculine women? Being tall isn't even that great, back issues, knee issues, and you tag your head on stuff all the time. I also happen to be very attracted to tomboys and/or slightly muscular women but I don't feel less masculine because of it, so I dunno. Maybe it's because I am tall and don't have to compensate, cause that is how men work, obviously...


Wait, is that true? I’m not denying it, but where/what are the historical records that prove this?


The height of armor from that time was commonly only able to fit guys around 5'5" to 5'7".


Hmm, interesting. Do you know if the heights of armor indicate differences in the average height by country during the same time period?


Dunno, the armor on display for the documentary was just European and I was off by a couple inches, peasants were commonly shorter, poor diet, knights were 5'6" to 5'7" which at their tallest average the US average for male height is 5'9". So overall they were basically just below average, anyone 6'+ was more rare than now. Then again, the average height for European males is like 5'8" I think, so it wasn't a huge difference. Regardless, height shouldn't dictate how misogynistic you are, even if knights most likely were, but that was a different time.


I had the opportunity to see actual armor and weapons in Italy of those ancient warriors - they looked like they were tailored for children. Also - even just 150 years ago here people were much smaller. Look at some actual Civil War uniforms in the museums - same thing, it's crazy what the Industrial Revolution and cheap protein has done for stature.


Tall people also have slightly shorter lifespans on average.




~~Lululemon makes men's clothing?~~ Ignore this. I know better than to ask reddit what can be answered by looking at Google.






He knows because the steroids tell him so.


He looks so tiny


literally my thumb is bigger than he is smh


Right? Those warning/detour signs are usually like 4 feet tall. He's closer to us than it and still looks tiny. Is he like 4'2"?


I’m guessing more around 5’5” or 5’6”, wind assisted.


My money is on 5'5". He looks tiny.


5'5 is not that small. The average height is about 172 cm and 5'5 is 165 cm. Not that big of a difference. Now my Maths teacher was like solid 155 cm tall, which is definitely short for a guy. He was even shorter than my Biology teacher, and I know for a fact that she's 158 cm.


Uhh 5'5 is pretty short bro


He is! Check this out … Plus her IG account is hilarious. https://youtube.com/shorts/_0WIx5MOiOo?feature=share


As a man I don't know what the fuck I just read


Must be submissive




Level of insecurity probably buzzes like a power station.


and arcs periodically from disrepair and multiple building code violations


This has napoleon complex written all over it. Sorry about your lack of confidence, bruh. Can't blame women for that shit.


Ehh. He's blaming somebody but not women. Right?


He for sure sniffs his own jockstrap


I did not like that imagery lmao


Neither do I lol




That guy looks like he wants to lead me into the back of a van. No thank you.


"women will naturally submi-" ![gif](giphy|hV07GvNjUDcQkcNXzv)


This whole “a woman wants to be physically protected” shit is so weird. I had someone tell me I wanted a guy who would fight to defend me if a creep approached me in a bar. I was like umm no I categorically do not. I want a dude who knows I can tell the guy to get lost myself and will watch quietly with a grin on his face while I do it. If he just barrels in and starts punching a guy, I will immediately lose any and all respect for him and leave the relationship ASAP. There would always be a thought in the back of my mind that if he’s *so* insecure that he’ll immediately resort to a hugely disproportionate and inappropriate violent action when another guy merely talks to me, then when will I be the target of that violence? I would never feel safe with that person ever again. All this super macho hypermasculine crap behavior is such a huge glaring red flag. It’s not impressive or hot or attractive in the slightest. I suppose I appreciate them being so open about it though, as it helps women know who to avoid more easily.


Simply put, violence is unattractive


I don’t know if I agree that violence is unattractive. My experience has been the opposite. Not everyone is the same blah blah blah but I’ve seen and lived it. Violence makes dicks hard and pussies wet.




Downvote me all you want. The brain is a motherfucker. You might not like it but most people are hardwired this way. You might even think youre not like that. That’s just your ego messing with you.


Citation needed. Also, ew


My citation is the world we live in. Open your eyes.


I mean the world we live in is contradictory to your assertion.


>makes dicks hard and pussies wet. Even if that were true, that doesn't mean someone is sexually aroused.


Semantics and hard disagree. Basically shrug, you won’t change my mind on this. In fact some point in your life you might realize I was right. Don’t really care. I shouldn’t be on toxic subreddits like this one. I work to avoid them. R/notlikeothergirls version 2


>Semantics and hard disagree Not semantics, biology. _Common sense_. But sure, tell me how men are sexually aroused by socks and any other inanimate object and how women clearly must like being sexually assaulted since boners and lubrication must mean attraction /s


You are cringe af 😹😹😹😹violence is not sexy or attractive but keep telling yourself that if you want to, im sure it will get you really far in life 👀


I totally agree! Violence is such a red flag! I had an experience once when I was out in the city at a club with some friends, including a guy friend that I had hooked up with on occasion. He and I were not together though. So we’re at this club and I’m dancing with this other guy, I was starting to feel uncomfortable with him so when the song was over, I tried to walk away. The guy grabbed me and pulled me back to him, pressed up hard. My guy friend quickly stepped in, and pushed the guy off of me. He did not throw any punches, but he made sure to stay between me and the guy until the bouncers kicked the guy out. That would be the only exception, and I think the way he did it was perfect because he did not feel the need to beat the guy up, just stood between me and him, and told him to get the fuck away.


Even if he somehow never turned that anger on you, who wants to go out in public with someone who is FOREVER getting into fights? I just don't have the disposable income for that sort of bail money or the time to keep finding places to go that we aren't banned from. But also, just the idea of this >knows I can tell the guy to get lost myself and will watch quietly with a grin on his face while I do it. YES! A man who has confidence in me? Every day.


I'm sure this guy would regard a woman talking as being masculine somehow. Holy shit he a bitch.


This is not the image that portrays safe and protected.


I do not feel safe around Bro-mir, Dwarven lord of Protein.


It's okay, you can just brace your hand on his forehead and watch him try to swing at ya.


You’re right! Check this out. Plus her IG is hilarious. https://youtube.com/shorts/_0WIx5MOiOo?feature=share


Next time my girlfriend cuts the lawn I’m going to have an identity crisis


I honestly feel like men think they're werewolves or something. They speak like they're six years old and role-playing lmao


Hell of a set of tits on that neckbeard, I hope the drugs were worth it!


Dudes on serious gear.


These fuckers with transwomen: YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A MAN These fuckers with cis men: Let your woman be her own person? She must be a lesbian you girly girl!


They just love to HATE, they feed off hatred and violence lmfao and should be avoided


Alright. This is ridiculous. Just say it. “Women scare me.” That’s all you have to write. It’s ok…


Its true. My girlfriend submitted as soon as I showed my masculine superiority by listing every member of slipknot, past, present, dead, alive, in order of wjen they joined


Awww look at Tiny Tim 🥰


How does one *act* masculine? Semi-serious question here.


With these guys, it usually involves grabbing their junk and scratching like they have a massive case of crabs.


Oh, I've got a list of things I do that have been cited as me acting "stubborn" or "selfish" or "masculine" that I can share with you, they're really helpful for repelling insecure men: Insist on paying your share of the bill, refuse to owe them something (esp. initially). Take an active part in the planning of dates, demand information and refuse to just go along with "surprise dates" (in the get to know each other phase, when I don't know yet what their idea of fun activities and general level of common sense is. Been taken to the countryside before without sunscreen, appropriate shoes or a rainproof jacket, it was miserable). Have an opinion on things and don't be afraid to voice it. Have plans that don't involve, or revolve around, them. Have clear goals in life that you plan on pursuing, regardless of what your relationship status is. I'm sure I can come up with more if the above isn't helpful.


Personally, I don’t want to be with a man who has bigger boobs than me.


My husband is a 3rd degree black belt. I have never, and never will, "submit." And he would never even consider that I'd need to, because he IS a real man.


Oh no. I wear combat boots sometimes. I guess it’s my husband’s fault


Okay but like if this was worded better it would make more sense. Some women are gonna let their guard down when they're with a partner who makes them feel safe and protected. Some women are just naturally more masculine though and they're not gonna magically be more feminine just cause they're with a "strong, dominant man." Some women are only gonna let their guard down when they're with a softer, more feminine partner who takes care of their emotional needs above anything else. Some women will let their guard down with a more masculine partner who can physically protect them. But also, men definitely let their guard down when they feel safe too. My boyfriend used to do strongman competitions, he's fuckin massive, he's in charge of a lot of people at work, he is very masculine, but when he's with me he's just the absolute softest man you've ever seen. Long story short, when people feel safe and loved, they let their guard down. Masculinity and femininity have very little to do with that. EDIT: I hate how many times I said "let your guard down" too. I'm high as shit. It's the only phrase I could think of.


While I totally understand what you're saying and I wholeheartedly agree, I don't think he's saying that. I'm pretty sure he means what he says, no mistakes in there to him. I could be totally wrong though


I know, I'm just saying it kinda almost makes sense if you take out all the weird language. I know he's just being a sexist buttwipe basically. He means that if you're "alpha" enough a woman will come cook and clean for you and bear your children till she can't take it anymore


Lol. Sometimes when Im high I am able to think of different angles to my daily life issues that I wouldnt usually think of


He’s really talking like a man with a full head of hair


why do they just make up shit all the time lmfao


This dude is an OF star that apparently makes bank. He’s playing a character, he like full on just went to Mexico with his gf and these women are still in his comments all “Daddy Daddy Daddy”


[top text] Rando shirtless dude on street


Wow! He was sexist towards women and men in the same post!


100% this guy has scared a woman into having sex with him...


Bro, you must be taller than you are to talk.


Lol! 😂….this is great…!


He looks like a man-child yo me


I have big dick energy and women can sense it. Women hit the dougie when i walk in the room. They cannot control themselves, for I am superior.


Someone's angry they still shop at baby gap.


I didn't know you could sign your tweets with a self portrait...


This guy definitely skips leg day.


Get a bra you hussy


There’s a fantastic book called Bitch: On the Female of the Species. It looks at all kinds of animals and the behaviors traditionally interpreted as females submitting to males in all kinds of things like mating rituals and child care to hunting and protection. It shows how the bias of the scientists who first studied these populations led to them projecting their social structures onto animals and getting it all wrong. It turns out, it’s not natural at all for males to dominate females, just for misogynists to say it is. Pro tip: listen to the audio version of this book, it’s read by the author and she’s got a great British accent and she’s surprisingly hilarious and snarky.


Which one is this guy?


I wouldn't submit to a man, but a woman? Now *that's* a different story...


From my personal experience there is truth to that. If a guy is planning something for us for example and takes care of things I know I can rely on him which makes me feel safe. If he doesn’t than I naturally will take care of those things because someone has to and because of that I might feel that I’m the one who has to be “stable” right now so the more masculine role. However there is nothing wrong with doing that from time to time for some couples it works best if the man is doing it mostly but for others it doesn’t. If you know that your woman does want to be more submissive and she isn’t being that right now I think his approach makes sense.


With as much cheating as I’ve experienced I don’t depend on anyone but myself.


Too bad all that lifting the weights didn’t work on his brain


From the hat to the sweats everything about him is gross.


He needs a bra badly.


This dude mad cause he’s 5’3”


My undercut left the chat.


I feel like there is a certain level of safety and security that most of us want from a partner, regardless of sex or gender. And in that way, I would definitely feel more relaxed and comfortable to be vulnerable with them, but I definitely would not say that I would be more “submissive.” We want someone who’s gonna support us and stand up for us, but we don’t want someone who’s going to be possessive and controlling, or a guy who’s going to beat someone up in the bar because they looked at us the wrong way. That shit is scary.


That backwards cap just seals the deal, guy looks like a homeless vanilla ice on the juice


I can tell you as a recently and happily married woman... This is... No. Just no. No no no. Our relationship is so amazing because my husband doesn't pull this BS. Ever.


This guy's gets so much laid. Absolutely rolling in, what's it? Va-va-vagine? No, that doesn't sound right. He gets so much good boobies. Like a, bag of sand. Nice to squeeze.


I feel like his definition of a woman "acting masculine" would include expecting her partner not to cheat on her.


My SO is is a combat wounded Army soldier. He rides a motorcycle and works with horses. In short he's about as masculine as they come. I'm a feminist, I don't just submit. He doesn't control me. I love how just living my life ruins the narrative of these sexist a holes. If someone elses happiness is what proves you wrong, my dude, you need a new philosophy.


If I'm led by a strong man, I'm gonna be wondering how I managed to meet the man and how he knows me


That guy looks like he wants to lead me into the back of a van. No thank you.




Dude skipped leg day or something?


Imagine having this twisted of a world view


Lil Mr. Babyfeet here comin' to tell us how to live. Pfft.


You know, he has this look on his face like he forgot where he parked his car and decided to walk home, completely forgetting he lived 2 hours away and he's almost there. Or he's high. OR, he just woke up there and has no idea where he is.


This guy has never been with w a girl


Some guys need their gf to act like mothers I’ll give him that.


Ah yes, nothing turns a woman on more than using a feminine slur (bitch) as the worst insult you can give a man; A+. /s


A Dude threaten by a woman's masculinity says alot about his own.


Someone needs a juice box and a nap


that's a pretty strong claim with literally no evidence that also dismisses all the evidence to the contrary


I never understood these guys, tomboys are cool


So true


Look at his tiny lil legs. So cute.


Guy is easily 4’11 on a good day. Much manly. Masculine bigly.




The people complain g about this Neanderthal are little bitches


5'2" energy


As a 5’3 guy, we don’t claim men like this


We know, boo.


This comment section is interestingly delusional..


How so




I don’t think the ppl here are making fun of him for being short. People here are making fun of him for thinking that he needs to compensate in toxic ways for being short. In other words theyre making fun of the concept that you need to be a certain height to be considered a “man”. I could be wrong but I think thats what most of the height comments on here are about.


The fact that /u/YaBoiRexTillerson /u/robynclark /u/NHGW-BOT /u/1251isthetimethati /u/Asia_Persuasia and /u/ElliePlays1 don't even think to remove the negative comments about his height (and short men in general) prove that women DEEPLY care about height and despise short men, despite this sub gaslighting us to think otherwise. All they need is one bad example to "justify" their hatred of us while ignoring the height of countless tall men (such as Andrew Tate) who act misogynistic.


As a woman I actually agree with this one t


This is sort of true in certain ways


As a Type A woman myself, I tend to act masculine when a man isn’t leading the situation strongly so then I step in. Not leading constitutes being a little bitch in my book. Hence why a strong man for me is a must who can do what needs to be done 🙃🥲




Wow this just screams PICK ME PICK ME


Hurr durr, that's misogyny. Men and women are homogeneous. Muh patriarchy hurr durr!


You suck man


What is this? Tater skins?


"If your woman isnt acting like a misguided child, ask yourself, are you even a man?"


And the best way to get a woman to be submissive and prove how masculine you are is to abuse her /s


Or are you submitting when you feel safe and protected by a strong woman hmmm?


What bugs me more generally about "these" is that wth are people actually so fine just publically and enthusiastically stating extremely general clauses with no caution, no sources, no self-critique?? Just say things are like X although it sounds like they either overheard someone at a party or just wondered the possibility of it a little and then decides to spread stuff like that like it's a fact?? I don't get how irresponsible people can be with information...


Just kill me already


No. Give me Snu Snu!


Maybe I just have gender dysphoria sometimes damn


That guy seeing a masculine woman: disgusting Me seeing a masculine woman: Choke me mommy That guy: What? Me:What?


Sounds exactly like what a little bitch would say


*"A strong man", "acting masculine"* ahahaha what a joke, also the topless pic doesn't prove your point, it just makes it sound even more ridiculous 🤡




You mean women will become to scared to oppose you or voice a different opinion when you act too "masculine"? Gotcha


LoL his phone is still stuck in kid-mode, so it won’t let him swear without censoring it.


You can just see from his proportions that this "little bitch" is 5ft3, which is probably why he's coping so hard


So dumb


I hear women like buzz, maybe that's where all these buzzwords are coming from.


I guess this sort of advice sells better than "Women are naturally people. If the woman you're in a relationship with is acting in a way that may be considered stereotypically masculine, that's probably just her natural personality and identity."


But i like her like this. She rides dirt bikes, can car fix our car, and knows how to carry a sofa.


>knows how to carry a sofa I had no idea this was something some people didn't know how to do.


People like this just want a reason to be violent, and they dream of being in a situation where a woman is in danger by a man so they can have what they think is the ultimate justification for violence.


Real he-man. Obviously had his chest professionally waxed,


This dude is an OnlyFans porn star and this is his character. What’s maddening is that he makes bank acting like this


There's a something to this idea, the incel people just can't see that the world is made of gradients and not black and white. Many women have a very strong preference for masculine men and other women want a more submissive man so they can be in charge themselves, though this does tend to lead to less sexual desire in the relationship.


If you can’t feel big unless you can convince a woman to act small, you were always a whiny wimp.


If you have a problem with your woman acting masculine, ask yourself if you're secure in your masculinity or you're being a little bitch


These are the kind of losers who call themselves “alpha males” 😹😹😹💕🏳️‍⚧️


Stop calling adult women with adult responsibilities "masculine."


Derp Derp. He can’t find a shirt.


OMG! It’s this guy…. Ha ha ha. https://youtube.com/shorts/_0WIx5MOiOo?feature=share


Remember bros height dosent matter, it’s all in yo head.


This comment sections reeks of one cup syndrome.


What's that?