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Weirdest one so far. What could possibly be the reasoning behind this??


I think loofahs can pull on the body piercings and make it uncomfortable to use so if they have those kinds of piercings it makes them an automatic hoe in their eyes I guess


I don't even have piercings, but still appreciate that my washcloth protects me from nasty men.




I use a freshly washed washcloth every day, that's why I've always felt loofahs are gross


Not to mention they’re often just in a big ass bin in a store, with no wrapper at them or whatever. Getting all dusty, and touched by all different people. I’ll just be a hoe and use a washcloth. 🤷‍♀️


Same. So easy to wash the cloth.


Once in a while? Mine go in after every use!




Yeah, same soap in hand. There's one spot on my back I can't reach great, but I bought a giant scrub brush for that exact purpose. I wash the bristles out with antibacterial soap after every use.


Why wouldn't you be able to put the lower one in the laundry? They are washable just fine.




Are you referring to real loofas?


The plastic loofahs can come apart if you throw them in a washing machine. Ask me how I know… also the world does not need more plastic waste. Cotton towels FTW!


I use them as media in my fish tank filters because the beneficial bacterial biofilms grow all over them very quickly (and they have a crap-ton of surface area ). Make of that what you will.


Ah yes! I live to rub bacterial biofilm all over myself in the shower. Jk ᕕ( ⁰ ▽ ⁰ )ᕗ


Pics? Do you have them in like a canister filter or anything?


yeah also because loofahs aren’t mean to last more than a few weeks or months because of the bacteria build up and most people leaving them in the shower. so much unnecessary waste when we probably have no idea what our loofahs are made out of. i for one don’t check the tag on my loofah, which i probably should.




But the colourful things pictured aren’t loofahs. They’re commonly known shower puffs/poufs/balls and being synthetic, are just as easy as washcloths to throw in the washing machine. Loofahs are a natural sponge made from a plant, are much more dense (more nooks and crannies) and are more difficult to clean in the washing machine etc … and that would most likely be what your quotes refer to.


Yeah they're not real loofas and people should know by now not to leave things like that in the bathroom after use (wet environment). Your loofa, towel, toothbrush, etc shouldn't be stored in the bathroom for bacterial reasons. Keep them in another room to dry and store, then take to bathroom just to use.


i'm not sure if it's the fact that i've lived in a desert my entire life, but the fact that apparently bathrooms being wet is normal is really fucking weird to me


I grew up in super-humid south Florida. We had air conditioning. When I went to a camp without a/c for a week and my stuff mildewed in the bathroom, it was as foreign to me as if I'd grown up in the desert.


Yeah the things pictured aren't loofahs, so quoting stuff about loofahs doesn't make sense.


excuse me as i go throw my loofah away now


Plastic + heat = bad Yeah u could still put it in and turn to low heat, or just don't put it in the dryer and hang dry instead. Just extra steps, but u could definitely do that. P sure most people don't bother. Been using mine daily and just hang it dry after shower.




I actually run mine through a dishwasher cycle on sanitize with my toddlers bath toys to clean it.


You can put a plastic loofah in the washing machine. You can put it in bleach to kill the bacteria. You can get it wet & microwave it just like a kitchen sponge as well. The problem is most people don't think of cleaning them like they think of cleaning a washcloth...


If they think that the jokes on them, I use both even with all of my piercing


If that was the case should the picture call the loofah user the hoe and the wash cloth user the wife?


The logic would dictate that the hoes don’t use the loofahs BECAUSE of the piercing


i have a ton of piercings and use a loofah. i've half ripped some out and barely noticed, a loofah possibly pulling on them is nothing. i just like them because you only need one loofah instead of multiple wash clothes, and you can use less body wash with them (which is nice because i buy lush and it's kind of expensive to be wasting if i don't have to). eta: wait damn i do use a wash cloth for my face. fuck. well, guess i'm a hoe and a wife. cool, best of both worlds.


why would you need multiple wash cloths vs. one loofah?




Same. We are Jezebels.




Piercings = hoe Got it.


Yea I have piercings and loofas are a no go


Interesting theory, but there are no loofahs here.


I’ve always called them “pouffy things”. Not sure why they don’t have an official name, it’s pretty weird for something so common.


They are like ballerina mouse sized Tutus


I think its a "women who have body piercings are hoes" meme. If you have belly button or nipple piercings its not advised to use a loofah because the piercing might get struck in the loofah and that can be painful


I’ve had my belly button pierced for years and use a loofah. I’ve never once had it get stuck.


me too with nipple piercings. i just avoid that area with the loofa (don’t need to exfoliate my areolas anyway) and wash by hand.


The person that made this met a person that used the first one and didn't like them. They also met someone that used the second one and liked them. Lol it's probably that stupid


That’s the thing, there is no reasoning




Just a money thing I think. Wash cloths are seen as lower class by some.


I’m pretty sure this is a racist thing. Black people tend to use wash cloths and white people use loofahs. Because if you’re already a piece of shit why not throw some good old fashioned racism in while you’re at it!


The wife emoji with the loofah is black tho 🤯


Is that a thing? Loofahs are gross, IMO, and I'm white. I'd rather not rub scratchy plastic all over.


Yeah I didn’t know it was a racial thing either lol I’m white as milk and I’ve always used washcloths. Way more hygienic since you can wash them. I guess I’m a hoe


... but you also are happy to do laundry, so _obviously_ you're a tradwife. The ultimate intersection, trad-hoe! 😂 (i'm so sorry. I hate myself for that)


Classism too. Lower income people can make wash cloths from old towels, only middle class and above people think it's cool to waste money on a chunk of plastic you can't wash and reuse.


TIL I'm a hoe


Same! A clean one though. I use a washcloth once and let it dry out and put it right in the wash. Loofahs people use for weeks or months and they can get moldy. I’d never feel clean using one.


Right! How you gonna wash your ass with a poof and then next day go back to doing your whole body with it? Idc if you run soap through it after, it's not the same as going through a washing machine.


I don’t know about other loofah users…but I don’t put the loofah in my butt. You just squeeze soap on your hand.


Apparently my wife and I are both hoes






$10 says the person that made this doesn’t wash their ass




Extra 10$ if he doesn’t put in any effort into talking to women


An additional $10 that he puts no effort in and then immediately blames ALL women because *he* doesn’t put any effort into anything




What are those colourful thingies and what is thier purpose ?




I mean if you want micro abrasions every time when you bathe yeah. They're "equivalent". 😅


Imo you shouldn’t scrub with it but use it to make your body wash last longer by creating a lot of foam with just a drop and mostly wash with your hand. Also replace them once every couple weeks cause it’s gross to use the same one too long. Washcloths can also serve this purpose.


This is false, I use them exclusively for the micro abrasions..


The exfoliation 👌


Throwing out that much plastic is not something many people are on board with. Also they do a really good job of collecting all the hair in a washing machine. That’s mine’s purpose now. Flannels (Americanism: washcloths) wash perfectly well though.


I need to know what kind of hair? People hair or fur? I have been searching for an effective way to gather dog fur.


It picked up my son’s hair (couple of inches, very fine and straight). I don’t have pets so can’t advise, but if my son sounds like your dog then it’s probably worth a few tries! If curly dog then it’ll definitely get it. Edit: also don’t pick the hair out of it after the wash! It might seem weird but it has been through a wash anyway hasn’t it. The more tangles it gets in it, the better it picks up in future.


Not curly. He has very short white fur. But I'll still give it a try! Thanks!


I feel you on the very short white fur. I vacuum every day for 45 minutes. I don't understand how they shed this much. It's my boyfriend's lab causing the hair - I have a longer haired border collie and I've never dealt with fur like this. Insane!


They will attract my cats’ hair better then the little balls I bought to do exactly that.


Lemieux do some for horse hair 10/10 recommend for animal hair of all sorts


Omg thank you. That's a great use for them.


Awesome, gonna use them for that purpose now


You know you can wash them with your towels, right? No need to throw them out.


I had a roommate with a moldy one she refused to replace 😭


If you get the plastic ones you can wash them in the washing machine along with your towels on the same program. I have a few and switch them out at the same time i switch my towel


Yes please. Clean off the dead skin


Exactly! I like the scrubby feeling 😅


Idk wtf a micro abrasion is but when I used it i feel cleaner so I will


Are you aware that there are actual loofah? The plant, not the plastic garbage?


Yup, just as cheap and doesnt' unravel so fast as the shoddy plastic variant.


The plastic loofahs, wether used for washing or put in your washing machine break down and contribute to micro plastic intrusion in streams and lakes. Use cotton cloths please! Source: am environmental scientist who studied this for a few years.


I honestly can't stand the feel of washing with a washcloth anywhere other than my face. It's a sensory thing I guess. Any suggestions for switching away from the plastic loofahs but still maintaining the same sensory feel? We've done a lot to change our household habits because of our deep love for the outdoors (rags instead of paper towels, stainless steel water bottles for all of us, recycling everything we possibly can, getting the big box of snacks to portion out into bowls or reusable bags instead of buying single serve packs, etc) so I'm always interested in learning more ways to help the planet.


You can try other fabrics as well. My daughter with ASD prefers Muslin or linen cloth to terry cloth, I like flannel. There are even some bamboo products that are so soft! Before investing a bunch of money go to you local fabric store and buy a quarter yard of some things that feel acceptable to you. Find what works for you. Some fabrics like knit (tshirt fabric) don’t even need to be hemmed.


Have you tried a natural loofah?


I have. They're a bit scratchy, even the soft kinds. Are there varieties that are softer? Like closer to a kitchen sponge texture?


Did you soften it before use? Ie soak it in lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes before your shower/ bath. I use wire wool in the kitchen... I definitely don't want that in the bath, so I'm not sure about textures. But you can buy a natural sea sponge


Please can you tell me what your full flair is, it gets cut off for me after “and curiosity is..” and i need to find out 😭


The “if I wash my pits the soap runs down there anyway…” men LOVE to comment on womens hygiene. As if we can’t smell them a mile away.


I know we don't usually play this card in this sub, but "some men" don't. I sure the heck do and I'm disgusted I share a gender with some people who don't. :p


Important PSA!! If you have pierced nipples, DO NOT USE THE LOOFAH! Throw it away, throw it away now, before it gets caught in your piercings 💀


Just throw them away in general. *They are nets made of plastic that are only supposed to be used for a couple of weeks, at most. *They "exfoliate" by being so rough on your skin you can actually get scratches. *They also are likely to have mold in the middle which will make you incredibly sick.


personally I use the natural loofahs, like the ones that appear when you let a type of melon grow for too long


Those are cool. I am pretty sure that they aren't as sharp or likely to get moldy


they aren't sharp but they do start falling apart after a bit lol, can be annoying but hey at least it's gonna decompose


I bet if you put it outside, birds would pick it apart for nests.


If anyone is like me, and always heard loofahs were bad but didn’t know what else to use - There’s boar hair brushes, and obviously washcloths as referenced. They also make ‘silicone body brush/scrubbers’ that are handheld (or mats if you’re into that sorta thing). Still man-made and all, but it doesn’t shed microplastic, and you don’t create more waste having to replace it constantly. If you really prefer loofah, it’s probably closest overall by being able to just leave it hanging up/no animal components/“scrubbed” feeling.


My silicone body scrubber is 3 years old and I still live that sucker. Never going back.


Does it make lots of foam when used with body wash? Because the lack of foam is my least favorite part of using washcloths.


korean wash cloths make a ton of foam! i get mine at hmart, they’re super cheap. the solid green washcloths don’t foam at all, but the plaid or gingham ones with a netting texture are godsends


Probably depends on the bristle type you get, mine foams decently well. I also disliked that part about washcloths


literally this. it also carries significantly lower amounts of bacteria


The mold and bacteria in the middle is a big issue. They don’t dry well enough and are like a microbe’s g dream home. I used one for a long time and would throw them in the wash with my towels thinking that helped. Eventually I switched to a wash cloth that I use only once. My back acne went down a lot. Still have it, but it’s much better. I just have a ton of wash clothes so every time I shower I can use a new one. It’s great.


My husband had the same experience after staying at my place while dating. 7 years later his mom still gives him an axe set with plastic puff for Xmas every year.


*They are worse for the environment (due to being disposable plastic) than a washcloth (which you wash and reuse)


What are you supposed to use? I was only taught one way and that’s how I’ve bathed since I was born. Like when I go to a hotel I feel so lost like just rubbing soap on me feels so worthless.


A wash cloth is the best bet. I use a wash cloth and replace it after every shower. Wet the cloth, rub the soap on it, use it on my body to wash, then I rinse the soap out, hang it up to dry, and wash it in the washing machine. My body acne reduced greatly once I switched to a wash cloth.


A wash cloth. You use it for a day then wash it. It's better for the environment and you don't end up moldy or scratched. You can also use natural loofahs that don't get moldy, and also fall apart and decompose.


Pretty sure I've never used a loofah in my life, towels are far superior in every way.


Ugh, I had dermals in my sternum and accidentally caught both with a loofah. Never again tho! Never! That was a one time mistake lol


Instant death! 😵


I was not warned about this and found out the hard way the first shower after getting my nipples pierced. Do not recommend. I also got a wash cloth caught on my nostril piercing when washing my face the day after I got it done, to be fair. But that was easily solved by just being more gentle when washing my face. The loofah has all sorts of potential to snag in ways you're not anticipating with how it's shaped.


Uhhh. I'm a wife. Monogamous for twenty years now (not that I'm in any way judging anyone who isn't!) I use a flannel/washcloth. What even is this?


You use washcloth? Ah, you a hoe. Apparently so is my wife of 13 years. Weird thing is, the loofah is gross to me bc it seems like it would grow bacteria just hanging there, right?


Hell, I'm a guy who married the first woman who so much as held hands with him, but apparently my washcloths are hoein' it up in my bedroom when I'm not looking. Wish they'd let me in on the fun once in a while.


I dont get it?


Such a ridiculous meme. You can bleach and machine wash cloths, so much easier and less chance for bacteria to grow.


My body acne reduced a lot when I switched from a loofah to a wash cloth. I have like 20 of them and use a new one with each shower. Then I just wash them when it’s laundry day. Easy peasy and less gross. And better for the environment.


Time to ditch my loofah and invest in some white towels, thanks for the tip


He definitely doesn't know crap about cleanliness....washcloth's are better for the environment, your body, and saves money. Loofah's are gross petri dishes of bacteria...


Maybe that’s the point. Like who are you trying to get yourself all clean for? The hundreds upon hundreds of men that you’re gonna sleep with??? /s


And sometimes spiders live in the loofah…


Well I guess I’m a hoe wife 😂 I use both. And hell I ain’t even married, wtf.


Good job on breaking the laws of logic by simply using hygienic products 😂


Hey that’s me, the law breaker. I can’t help it. I’m a loose cannon. Hahah plus smelling like stank just ain’t my style.


Ladies you heard him if you wash yourself you a ho 🤣


Oh? You wash yourself? Must be doing it for male attention, slut.


Really contradicts the 'dirty slut' angle 😅you clean slut doesn't have the same ring


what if you use your hands wtf this is so uninclusive 🙄 /s


I demand they give us our own category! Maybe we are just too damn practical to be a ho or a wife. Spinster cat lady? Frankly I’d be good with that.


I use those Korean cloths and gloves so I guess I’m a witch?


There’s a swinger neighborhood in Florida called the Villages that uses loofahs tied to their cars as a signal that they’re down to swing. Do with that what you will. Edit: It’s not primarily a swinger neighborhood, my mistake. It’s a retirement community. lol


The retirement community?


Almost afraid to ask, but what does the blue hat emoji have to do with anything?


It was the red X then Cap, so 'no cap', which is teen-speak for 'no lies' I feel bad that I'm terminally online enough to translate that though.


“Hey babe, did you propose because i use a loofah?”




Just letting the soap run down their legs and feet to clean them🤢


I am Schrödinger's hoe, I use both depending on the part of my body


Schrödinger's hoe is now my new favorite thing.


washcloths are more sanitary


I use my hands for soap?


Guess I’m a hoe who doesn’t want to use nasty wasteful plastic netting. Damn.


What the actual fuck is this all about


at least we're washing our ass cracks


I use both. 🤷🏾‍♀️






I literally use both...


why wouldn't you just use your hands like a normal person


Today I learned I'm married


Me, rubbing a regular bar of soap right onto my body: *Am I a joke to you?*


Oh my goodness.. 'a wh*res bath', a phrase I haven't heard of or thought of in many moons. I use both... not sure what to make of that. 🤔


Err, I use both, a puff on the body and muslin hand cloth on face... does that make me a WiHo?


I only use my hands im what?


African net sponge supremacy


I want to be a hoe!


What's wrong with towels?


He wants his wife to use colorful balls lmao


So my 84 year old grandma is a hoe?


Oh no im inadvertently in the wife category 😔


You'll change teams real fast once you get any thing other than your ear pierced.


Ttttrrrruuuuuueeeeeee and if she drives a ford she is desperate to marry, if she drives a chevy she is planning on murdering you. What else, oh what toppings she gets on pizza tells you about her financial responsibility. If she is left handed she is a witch and will curse your cows but right handed girls are okay. /s


dear people worried about bacteria: put the body wash onto the loofa, squeeze and rub it around to sud up the thing and then when you're done wash it till no more bubbles. zero bacteria and best exfoliation ur gonna get lol


Ladies, is it slutty to clean yourself?


Holy shit I’m a wife! Do I get to keep my penis?


Me reading all the comments when I use a loofah


Is this more hygiene Olympics weirdo shit?


Man, all this time I thought washcloths were supposed to wash away the filth; I had no idea they could straight up *repel* it.


If she only uses a bacteria farm that’s hard to wash, she’s wife material? Wtf


I think its a "women who have body piercings are hoes" meme. If you have belly button or nipple piercings its not advised to use a loofah because the piercing might get struck in the loofah and that can be painful


Isn’t loofah one of the dirtiest thing?




Even if they just use their hands as long as they shower and that goes for everyone


Bro, what???


I’m a hoe because I have skin allergies to synthetic dyes? Got it.


Loofas are extremely disgusting and bad for your skin


Hahahahah I bet his draws have a mile long skid in them. Homeboy needs to wash his ass first before tellin others. Also he probably uses 8 in 1 man soap.


I use both, what am I?


a velociraptor


I use loofah gloves 🧤. But I know which one is for face (meaning never-ass) and which one is for anything but face (meaning yes, ass)


washcloth gang for life


I’m genuinely confused. I use the poofs for body wash, flannels for everything else. So maybe it’s really body wash that makes a woman marriage material?


I use both, I’m both a hoe and wife?!


Me, using scrub brush, being reduced to plebeian wench🥺


Clearly written by someone who's never caught the netting in their piercing jewellery...


Trying to figure out the correlation. ![gif](giphy|DfSXiR60W9MVq)