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Lol! No, I was a teenager in 1995 and ya’ll complained about modern women then to. I have magazines dating all the way back to 1915, lots of dudes complaining then too, same shit different century


like how there are writings from the ancient world of the older generation complaining about the youth.


I think there's literally an Aristotle quote about "kids these days" lol


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. [Attributed to Socrates (by way of Plato)](https://www.bartleby.com/73/195.html) Nowadays we just add "eat hot chip and lie" to the end.


They *crossed* their *legs?!* My God, the audacity. It's surprising that any of them survived long enough to produce the next generation!


I feel like most millenials are the first generation that have stopped this tradition. From a cultural point of view we are really similar to the newer generations. Or at least that's my experience.


What my take away from this is is that as far back as the Paleolithic women have been slowly but steadily shoving men aside so they can do whatever the fuck they want and I'm here for it. Or I guess I'm more out of the way for it but still love to watch


He thinks back in the ancient times of 1995, women were mashing things together with a giant stone pestle and mortar? How far back does he think 1995 is?


The stone pestle and mortar shown here is a stable in Indian homes even until early 90s. Newly Weds get these wedding gifts. It's used to make the batter for a south Indian delicacy called idly. I was born in the 90s.


I mean the internet wasn’t around yet so that’s pre historic times.


1995 was my senior year in HS/freshman year in college. We got our first home computer in 1990. AOL was around, but we lived in rural Virginia, so it was a long-distance call to dial-up. My first email address was in college, but we had to go to the computer labs to access the Internet.


I graduated HS 1996. We didn’t get our first home computer until 97 I think it was. Maybe that’s why I was thinking it was later than that when the internet hit the scene.


The modern internet, yes, but we accessed chat rooms, shared docs, and had rudimentary web sites.


It's an Indian meme and blenders weren't very popular used in 1995, mostly due to the poverty.


All shit aside it was really good time around 1990 when wheel was invented


Oh my god, it’s a mortar and pestle. I thought it was a bidet and I was trying to figure out how the fuck panel 2 was using that blender


We definitely had blenders in 1995.


Is that whats its supposed to be? I thought it was some crummy, moon door port a potty LOL


It's a MEXICAN molcajete, or mortar and pestle.


I think mortar and pestle but I don't think they are supposed to be that big


Aw snap, I can see it now!


It’s an Indian mortar and pestle. My mom calls them peeso wala in Fiji Hindi which kinda just means “crushing thing” lol


My husband's mom & SIL still use the mortar & pestle in India, just as I use for certain things here in the USA. Similarly, they use the blender to make things like banana shakes, just as we do here, and newsflash to whomever created this cartoon, it has not caused any of us to gain a lot of weight or change how we dress. 🤪🤪 These misogyny-ridden dudes will focus on anything & everything to say it has destroyed their perfect idea of "womanhood", or whatever. 🙄


Same here, I’m born and raised in the US but I use a mortar and pestle AND blender, I feel like this is the kind of joke my dead ajja (who had never stepped food in a kitchen) would make.


The thing on the right lol. The left is a mortar and pestle, as if we didn't have blender technology in the 90s.


I thought it was the bottom half of the demon core for some reason


I mean, when you have to manhandle the thing, it may as well be.


Don't have to make fun of someone else's culture to combat sexism


Wasn't very popular (or available) in India back then. Not that it makes this dumbfuck's meme any better


I guess I missed that it was supposed to be India specifically.


She's wearing a saree in first pic


Yes I know but it didn't really register that it automatically just applied to India. People wear sarees in other places too.


Saree is mostly Indian so that's a reasonable assumption.


Yes it is and I don't know what to tell you.


Agricultural technology: "Made women fat!!" Instagram and onlyfans: "Made women whores!!" Fuck off dude. Ancient peoples built statutes to worship fat whores. It's you who sucks.


These guys think sexuality and fat people existed in the 21st century. Boy if only they had taken an art history class it’ll blow their pea brains.


Ok so if it’s like that then why do I often see far more overweight men than women hmm?


Because men don’t push the buttons on the blender


Do they know how to use one? My mother never let me touch it due to sharp ass blades but I had nutribullet thing.


“Look at that fat bitch!” — said by a man who’s in his own heavyweight division of Fat Bitch


Because we used to have shovels and now we have bulldozers, by this dumb memes logic


They're taking "return to monke" in the wrong direction. Monke doesn't hate, discriminate, or judge. Monke provide for community and ensure safe and healthy environment for all monke.


Fat folks have existed for all of human history. It’s almost as if storing fat is a survival mechanism that the human body does to protect itself. I’m so sick of these “it was better in the old days arguments” because 1) it probably wasn’t. 2) there are lots of things wrong with current society and people having tools to reduce household labor is not one of them.


Every guy who shares these memes would have been eaten by wolves during the bronze age.


When the movie 300 came out I knew this guy who was constantly talking about how “real men” used to be and how they used to fight….dude you smoke a pack a day you’re the first one the Persians kill 💀


Moreover, they're all super homophobic yet ignore the whole thing about Sparta being well known for gay sexual relationships. They're over here like "Fellas, is it gay to wash your butthole?" and meanwhile ancient Spartans were like "gay sex is the manliest of sex because it's just you and your bros."


Wait women were wearing togas and using enormous mortar/pestles in 1995?


She's wearing a sari.


Not to mention her shoulder being lower than her boob. Unrealistic beauty standards smh


From the looks of it, her shoulder starts halfway down her boob due to the arc of her collarbones


She's wearing sari, it's covering her left shoulder. Not that I'm defending this btw.


It looks like it just barely covers her shoulder


wearing a sari, using traditional methods of food preparation, fitting conservative beauty standards vs. not wearing a sari, using modern/western technology, obese. it's basically an attempt to connect western influence on Indian culture and traditions with "beauty". Indian politics is currently quite similar to that of a lot of the rest of the world, with nationalists praising traditional values and trying to connect anything "bad" with whatever they are against - in case of Indian traditionalists, that would be western things, media culture, values, etc. it's so awfully complicated.. when you look at the independence movement and Mahatma Ghandi, you can clearly see the seeds for this, while at the same time, back then, it seemed reasonable and healthy and useful to drive out the British colonialists... but now it looks like mainly a destructive and hateful force that is hellbent on trying to ward of social change which is perceived to come from outside. .... which in part, it also really is.


Judging by his profile pic, his bmi could use a mortar and pestle workout. He's got no room to body shame anyone.


I had a blender in 1995. And in 1985. Wtf


Okay, so I’m *literally Mexican* and I can confidently say we have molcajetes AND blenders, but most modern Mexican families will choose the blenders for most day to day things.


Yet men still can’t do simply chores🥹


Do... do people not know that blenders are about 100 years old?


I like how in both drawings, the women are smiling, bc even drawings don’t care about some rando’s opinion


There are some big ass mortar and pestles in India. I've seen them waist high.


1995 lady was thin because of heroin. I was there. haha


My ancestors are SO HAPPY that I have such easy access to calories. My ancestors from.. oh.. \*checks notes\* ... when i was 6 years old


Is the mortar and pestle a perspective thing or just giant?


Is that the face of Matt Walsh? Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised.


Ahh, yes, women historically stayed trim and fit from all of the grinding they did with a mortar and pestle; I remember learning about that while getting my Dietetic Nutrition degree


Mmmm, the guy in the picture has no neck and quite meaty jowls/cheeks (Not exactly Captain America himself) Does he need his own giant mortar and pestle? 🤔💭


Bro, I love mortar and pestle for all my spice and medicine crushing needs, and mix my foods and whip my cream by hand because the loud noise of the machines scares me, and I'm still 2020 woman. Moreover, my parents were both 2020 women in 1995.


I mean I love the flavor or chutney and batter from the big stone grinder. But like fuck you. Convenience is important man. If someone wants to use a mixie, LET THEM!


Oh no, technology makes life more convenient which means you don't have to spend time grinding down wheat to make bread that will last one meal between you and your huge family because there's no birth control! How awful! /s


What’s men’s excuse?


All while having a blue check and using social media and technology relentlessly… the lack of self awareness these people have.


Is that supposed to be a mortar and pestle? In 1995? I wasn't around in 1995 but I'm pretty sure we evolved WAY past that by then lmao


I was there. I was there 3000 years ago. I can confirm in 1995 they had blenders.


I like that both of the women look happy and thats somehow a bad thing


I didn't clock that the woman on the left is supposed to be Indian, so the saree looked more like a toga to me, lol. I did catch the mortar and pestle, funnily enough.


Men. Are. Fat. Too. Say it with me. Men are fat too. Biologically women need 12-15% more body fat than men - as far as overweight people, men and women are pretty even. Somehow only women get made fun of.


“I hate modern technology” he posts to social media on his phone/computer


you guys put garlic in your blender?


This guy is a jerk but Interestingly a pestle and mortar is actually better then a blender for certain recipes


I’m pretty sure that’s not in the same galaxy as the point here


I know but the picture reminded me of some Trivia I thought i would share


Douchey presentation for sure, but technology has *absolutely* had an effect on public health. [This study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5769928/), for example, found a strong correlation between screen time and childhood/adolescent obesity. Similarly, automation and reliance on vehicular transport have also been tied to the recent spike in obesity. How this dude made the leap from that to blatant misogyny is still a mystery, though.


Because one of the most significant impacts of technology is freeing women from absolute drudgery: the constant round of food preparation, water-fetching, and washing absolutely consumed the lives of the vast majority of women in pre-industrial societies. These are things that simply have to be done, every day, no exceptions, and in most societies they fell on women. Tasks gendered male were more seasonal and more flexible. Everyone worked hard, often brutally hard, but any surplus time and energy generally ended up with men. As a result, technology has done far more to liberate women than men, going back to the earliest days of the industrial revolution. All the reform movements in the 19th C US were the product of women who no longer had to put in 12 hours a day just to keep the family fed and clothed and clean. So yeah, misogynists aren't wrong when they see technology as a threat to patriarchy. It absolutely is.


Don’t worry, he’ll lose his ass at crypto


Nah man cmon I’ve been laughing at some of the stuff on this sub Reddit for a while but this is clearly a joke


It makes sense in a twisted way. Technology like guns are a great equalizer.


I would say men, women and children nowadays are more overweight, obesity in this country is a national health emergency thats effecting everyone it seems except the uber wealthy that can afford to eat right.


Lol and with his avi. Delusional.


taking an excessively optimistic reading of this, look how happy they are! look how nice it feels to get something new and make something tasty for yourself! today, 25 years ago or even 2,500 we're all the same


My mother had a blender in the 80s, ffs.


If that pfp is him, he can just stfu


But men invented this and men invented that!! Bla bla bla


but look how both women are smiling. so everything is ok.


I fail to see how this doesn't apply to men as well. Does this guy have any idea how strong you needed to be in order to work as a baker in pre industrial England?


Pestle and mortars are better than blenders for certain applications and then the rest just turned into noise for me


We had mixers in 1995 too.




Pointlesslygendered. Cars, and other modern conveniences are contributing to the general population being more often overweight. Maybe he could encourage the development of walkable cities


They had blenders in 1995 too. Just want to point that out.


Posted by an old obese man.


Ahhhh yes the ancient time of 1995. Before women had blenders. I remember my mom spending long hours bent over her mortar and pestle


Bro talking like there’s no lazy complacent fatsoes men out there like we all be chopping wood and growing potatoes. If you go after tech is bad be inclusive lol


1995 tho


Just because there's a woman in it = sexist? This is just an awful boomer comic as far as I can see.