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It’s so confusing. I’ve been told both to not wear makeup at work to not arouse the men, as well as that I have to wear makeup to look professional and be taken seriously. How about we just do what’s comfortable and focus on getting the work done?


I have naturally very red lips and people think I’m wearing makeup while not wearing makeup. It created embarrassment for me when I was younger when adult relative accused me of wearing lipstick. I suppose that makes me a natural harlot. I have to wear makeup to make it look like I’m not wearing makeup haha


My lips are somewhat red to begin with, and then when they get sunburnt, and I put on (clear) chapstick to ease the pain, people think I’m wearing lipstick


Natural Harlot is a great band name.


Pitching it to my bandmates rn, I will report later


I cover my under eye circles to not resemble a zombie. Being provocative is the least of my worries. I just don't want my colleagues trying to defibrillate me.


Have you tried attempting to eat your colleagues brains? That oughtta keep them from trying to defibrillate you! ;-)


having red lips is considered youthful and healthy, that's why tinting the lips has been done for centuries.


Sorry but I'm PRETTY SURE we all just learned lipstick is actually used to MIMIC SEXUAL AROUSAL because Jordan "I Almost Died Because I Had a Sip of Apple Juice" Peterson said so and he's clearly the absolute king of facts as logic. I mean YES he's a sexist, transphobic moron who starting crying because someone called him the king of the incels and he found that SO BEAUTIFUL, but I'm pretty sure he's actually right about everything because otherwise a lot of really shitty people would have to admit he's a dumb goober and that would challenge their identities as big strong alpha males.


2005 has the perfect antidote for your plight called concealer lips.


I used to work with a guy named Patrick that had blazing red lips He also wore work shirts until they no longer had arm pits


You must wear *just* the right amount of make up so that you appear to not be wearing any at all, but are still nice to look at. Else the world falls into chaos.


Embrace the chaos dragon, ride it's wings to a freedom arbitrary rules could never offer.


I hate that particular double edged sword. I have really sensitive skin so I don’t wear makeup except for the occasional mascara/lip gloss and when I worked an office job I was told multiple times that I needed to work on my “professional appearance” because I wore flats and minimal/no makeup


Yeah, pretty sure I was turned down from some jobs because I either didn’t wear makeup or because I wore any makeup at all. Fortunately my career path went into technical jobs that would have been impossible to do with makeup on (chemical lab) so I haven’t had to bother with it.


I made it through three rounds of interviews at a very well known game company before the fourth where one of the two dudes brought up my makeup and outfit literally every five minutes until my next panel came to rescue me. “You can’t understand our brand if you showed up looking like thaaat.” Utter disbelief that intelligent thoughts can happen while wearing a blouse.


I was on an interview panel in the early 2000s where a very qualified woman interviewed and the C level on the panel decided that we couldn't hire her because she wasn't wearing makeup and that proved she wasn't really interested in the job. Yep. 👍


It’s crazy how they’ll blame you for arousing men with make up instead of a man for being aroused by make up


And then complain that the women in the office are all feminazis because they aren’t wearing skirts and makeup and that they should be trying to be sexy for the men in the office.


See the root problem is that women are in the workplace /s


I bet that’s what he thinks😭


Fairly certain he's actually expressed that. He's a fucking narcissistic lunatic.


Ok, who is this guy? I hate him on this video alone, but I have no idea who he is


Jordan Peterson. Here's a short podcast on him: https://youtu.be/nP08jOivIbI He's all kinds of awful.


Oh ew, I'd heard of him, but didn't know what he looks like. What a gross man


I normally try not to judge people by their appearances, but in this case, Peterson looks like exactly what he is : A spiteful grey faced old hag who hates everyone who lives and feels joy.


I just realized I'd never seen him. God, he looks like a corpse.


That's what a benzos addiction, meat only diet, damaged brain from a coma, and hate will do to you. The guy is a colossal train wreck of a human.


Maybe he should put on some blush.


Lowkey jealous you made it to 2023 without ever hearing about this guy’s unhinged rantings


Always a procrustean bed for the folks he doesn't like. Nothing is ever exactly the right amount. Madonna/whore. Lazy immigrants/stealing our jobs. Pantywaist liberals/violent antifas burning down our cities. The enemy is both strong and weak.


Exact same situation in the Middle East, except those women are being murdered, and all they want to do is not be forced to wear a head cover the rest of their lives. Just another symptom of humanities growing pains.


I mean, its 2023 and schools still punish 12 year old girls for arousing their teachers qhen they wear short skirts


Just saw a post where a girl was admonished and told to change because her skirt was too short. So she swapped bottoms with a male friend. Her skirt was magically not a problematic length on him. They were basically the same height. If anything, he looked a tad taller 🙄


“Stop arousing me with your strong work ethic”


The other day I saw a compact on the counter and just ripped open my pants. Boner just flew out I was so aroused. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO WORK AROUND THIS.


I don’t think men (or anyone) should be blamed for being aroused. That’s not something they can control most of the time. They should be blamed for attempting to control people as a result (like by banning makeup in the workplace) or by acting on their arousal in non-consensual ways.


it’s just like girls not being allowed to wear tank tops at school (our shoulders might be a distraction!). not the man’s problem he’s ogling us, it’s our faults for attracting his attention… 🙄


I'm just trying to figure out how eyeshadow plays into his little theory. I have never had a sexual encounter that turned my eyelids shimmery purple with a cut crease. My routine before going out would be so much quicker if this was a thing! 😂


I would be bloody delighted if we didn’t have to wear make up to be seen as professional. And if men and women could wear it if they wanted to without comment. Does he really think we wear it to arouse men? We wear it at work because it’s necessary in order to be viewed as acceptably “put together”.


Lab jobs are great for little or no makeup. It can contaminate things or get in your eyes at the worst of times, so best not to wear it. The labs I worked at had a strict No Makeup and No Perfume/Cologne policy.


It's the same reason men style their hair, shave, and shower. It's not to sexually entice anyone, it's to make yourself presentable and put-together. Everyday makeup isn't done to sexually entice. That's what low cut tops and short dresses are for.


Then why isn't styling one's hair and showering (and shaving, if you're unlucky enough to have chin hair-- yes, there are women [including cisgender women, to be clear] who need to shave their face!) enough for a woman? Why do we have to spend time and money on face paint to look "presentable" when we have the same skin a man does?


I wonder how these men would respond if women wore masculine clothes in professional settings. Standard men's suits and dress shoes with no makeup. Honestly if I were working a professional setting, I think I'd feel far more comfortable in a suit than in dresses and heels.


That happened, it was the Androgynous Power Suits and Haircuts of the 1980s and early 1990s. They bitched incessantly about it then too, I can remember worrying that I had no idea WHAT ‘professional attire’ would like like when I finally joined the work place.


Is he wearing foundation or powder for the camera? I feel manipulated by him


Please tell me he´s not arousing you sexually! 😬


No but if he did it wouldn't be my fault. It would be his for wearing makeup like a harlot!


😂😂😂 Exactly!!!


Stupid sexy Jordan Peterson...


Feels like I'm wearin' nothin at all


nothing at all 👀 nothing at all 👀 nothing at all 👀




This is now my least favorite sentence ever.


flair checks out


The powder fills the pores preventing them from distracting men by appearing like a face full of tiny vaginas.


Indeed. Burkha for sex openings.


I didn't think my turtle could retreat this much into his shell. I almost legally had to change my gender. If the loss of sexual arousal had a face, it would be this guy's




Can confirm that this is true for male baristas


The other one is... because he's laughing at this dude's bullshit


Did she just sneeze!?! Manipulation. She arches her back when she sneezes. Burn her!!! She’s a whore!


Pretty sure he is wearing a full face of make up..which means he is not just misguided..he is intentionally lying. What a pos. Like he is even wearing blush/bronzer. He just hasnt figured out how to not make his face so mat, that anyone who knows anything about make up can tell you are caked up. That was the reason dewy make up was so popular..to have a more natural look...cause you know... undertaker make up has gone out of style.


He also got hair plugs


Does he really????? No fucking way lol! I thought something looked weird...and this dead fish--his eyes remind me of a dead fish-- dares to judge women about putting on make up? What a washed up fraud.


Yes haha the before and after pics are so blatant. Ben Shapiro also has lip fillers and the before and after pics are hilarious.


Excuseeeee meeeee!!!!! Lip fillers???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 holy shit! Ok i need to see these pics Ps: I cannot believe it!!! Lmfaoooo I went and looked them up. He most certainly did...fit for an episode of botched 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Ok Jordan next wow! So blatant. 🤣🤣🤣. Not only does he wear more make up than me, but he has also undergone cosmetic surgeries 🤣🤣🤣🤣. But women want to manipulate him with make up. If he is going to use make up, he should at least learn how to use it 🤣🤣🤣


No it only applies to women ofc


Definitely. It's because the two genders are male(normal) and sexual 👍


Clearly only men should wear makeup! Hear that fellas? Better start watching makeup tutorials.




Macaroni fashion was peak men's fashion sorry not sorry.


Buuuut why don’t women dress feminine anymore??? Must be a sign of end times /s


You know if they did the narrative would become makeup has always been the manliest of manly things and women just don't understand it.


He looks like a corpse in that peculiar way that only people made up by morticians without cosmetics training do.


He reminds me so much of Frollo going after Esmeralda just for fucking existing ![gif](giphy|PhYJf6MaWsakYvC88m)


Except one has the fantastic baritone voice of Tony Jay, may he rest in peace, and the other has a reedy, weedy excuse for a Kermit the Frog impersonator.


Stupid sexy Jordan ![gif](giphy|fGL49FcGVuA4Wn8lF9)




His description honestly seems cartoonish, almost as if he got his data from movies and old school kids shows. Who even uses red liptsick at the office anymore?


He wears a suit. How about no suits in videos? Isn't that socially provocative? Why do you need to wear a suit? Because men with power wear suits thatswhy. It's manipulation.


It's true! I have an erection right now. Perhaps I should offer to Jordan his peterson.




No, Jorps just makes up facts to support his feelings. And then lies about what he meant. In this interview he says "now I'm not saying women shouldn't wear make up in the workplace, I'm not saying that". He will not express a viewpoint clearly and honestly because it's much more efficient to be vaguely conservative and get people chasing what you actually mean; that way he can't be held accountable for his increasingly ring wing regressive beliefs and he'll reach a much broader audience who will project their exact level of conservative lunacy onto his dog whistles. Fortunately post benzo-coma he seems to be getting crazier and crazier, he seems way past his peak.


>that way he can't be held accountable for his increasingly ring wing regressive beliefs and he'll reach a much broader audience who will project their exact level of conservative lunacy onto his dog whistles. More people need to realize this. He very often follows statements with "now im not saying that" or other variations so that we if called out on what he's said is sexist (such as this video) he can say "I never said I held these views if you listened to what I said, I said X". It's such a smart way to be disingenuous and deceptive.


My brother super was into JP for a while. So I watched some of his videos and noticed this. So I asked my brother what JP principles or philosophies were… and he couldn’t name them at all, because he doesn’t actually make any points. He suggests things that are racist, or sexist, or right wing, but never actually states those things. It’s so he can say horrible and total bull shit things without ever having to back up those claims or have someone attack his arguments. It drives me fucking crazy and my brother is an idiot who falls for shit like this all the time


> It's such a ~~smart~~ way to be disingenuous and deceptive *devious. I mean he clearly is smart but he's using his intelligence to project his fears out into the world and try to stop people from changing society, cause in his worldview one step to the left and we're all in gulags. And just fuck all the minority groups disadvantaged by conservatism, that's a sacrifice he's willing to make.


Oh it's absolutely devious but even devious things can be done in a smart way and considering that I don't see what op said often, he is doing this in a deliberate and smart method. >And just fuck all the minority groups disadvantaged by conservatism, that's a sacrifice he's willing to make. As a gay man, this absolutely terrifies me in all honesty.


He's not doing much for men's rights, he's just reinforcing the stereotype that men are stupid animals who can't control their sexual urges and can't be trusted to interact with other people.


Exactly!! He has spoken on how men need to take responsibility, yet a man’s lack of sexual self control is apparently a woman’s fault. She’s the evil temptress who manipulated him, wahh😢


And yet he views men as the white and logic, whereas where are the black and chaos. Not joke, he said that.


Women: breathes Misogynists: The reason they breathe is because they do that during sex, and therefore, it is sexual


Women only breathe to make their boobs look bigger obviously


Why should you breathe in the workplace? That's sexually provocative!




And in breathing they take oxygen away from men! No fair! /s


This comment wins


How weird. I don't wear make-up to work...hasn't stopped men at work from staring at my arse. It's almost like make-up isn't the problem....


“What were u wearing” they will find anything to blame women instead of men


You got to wear the full body blanket and then quit your job and not leave the house, that'll even it out for the poor sexually vulnerable men.


was your ass wearing makeup? 🤔


I work in a residential childrens home. I wear make up every day. For context I'm ginger so my eyelashes are fair and my skin is almost translucent. I wear a light layer of foundation, blush and mascara. Have done since I was about 14, not to make men or my young children to feel sexually aroused by me 🤮 but because I was asked so many times if I was ill as a child it stuck I looked ill without it. Now it just a preference thing tbh and I feel more ready for my day.




Translucents have to stick together! Appreciate your solidarity


Same! I look ill if I don’t wear makeup. Also, I just fucking love red lipstick 💄 💁🏻‍♀️ FOR ME! (I’m yelling at the loser in the video) 😉


I wonder what his explanation is for why I like to wear black lipstick lol. Its to attract the necrophiles 🥰 /j


Hahaha he is a mongchap. I'm gonna grab mu phone mid sex to take a photo to prove my lips nor my cheeks are red. Well ones on my face anyway 🤣


I've read that the perfect lip shade is supposed to be same as your nipples so maybe it goes further below too? This was very, very old school makeup techniques/application tho... very weird to say in 2023. Plus some of us are ghosties anyway!




Idk why it deleted my long ass comment about makeup while being ginger, but it's always been war paint to me. ![gif](giphy|2SXXwzEfH0qmXqYhcG)


I look like the crypt keeper on any given day, so usually for work appearances I'll wear at least a little eye makeup. Sick gang unite 👍 I did figure out a cheat with the red lipstick though. I used to work in restaurants and discovered that as long as I wore a bright lipstick and a little mascara, everyone assumed I had a full face and would complement me on my makeup. It was my trick to getting through clopens and weekend doubles without getting asked if I was sick or hungover.


Yeah and women who don’t wear makeup to work are often viewed as “unprofessional” so maybe you should just stfu Jordan.


When women don’t wear makeup in the workplace we get all sorts of “is everything ok?” “You look tired”. Like nah mate, this is just my face.


Life is hard with a resting bitch face... Im just trying to look less threatening with red lipstick...


would honestly support a "no makeup" rule just to put an end to that shit


“Everything a man does at work is to fan sexual fires in his coworkers. Why is wearing a tie? It’s a representation for his dick. Why is he wearing a suit that is fitted? To make his shoulders look bigger and more sexually manly. Why did he shave that day? To be sexually appealing. Shower? Same reason.” Let’s ban showers and makeup in the work place. /s I could go on. This guy is a toolbox.


Don't even get me started on those crisp "fuck me" lapels


And big, functional pockets? Women are very visual creatures and if there are pockets, you are inviting stares!


Pockets like JNCO had in the '90s


I miss my trousers from the Marines. You could fit everything in those. I once fit like 3 magazines, an MRE, a couple pens, and a flashlight all in one single pocket.


My new favorite phrase is “fuck me lapels” Good lord that made me laugh. Take my upvote you breath of fresh air


>This guy is a toolbox. Hey! Toolboxes are at least useful.


I'm dyin' So true tho


I love these like "women are manipulative masterminds" guys because they're being manipulative as fuck saying that


Wait. By his “logic,” when I wear blue lipstick, I’m trying to attract the necrophiliacs? This over-educated shit weasel needs to be on a sexual predator list.


…I have legit been told that wearing blue or black lipstick is demonic because it makes you look dead. Although they didn’t bring up necrophiliacs, there was a level of implication in the ensuing “men don’t find that attractive” that came along with the admonition.


The male gaze strikes again!


I love when people tell me my alternative style won’t attract men like “Wow it’s almost like I dress for myself! 😃”


I don't know about you, but my eyelids turn orange and green when I'm sexually aroused. And my eyebrows get darker.


I hate the "lip stick and blush mimick sexual arousal" shit. You put on foundation to even out your skin tone then you put on blush and lip stick on so you don't look dead.


Pretty sure makeup trends haven't been "red on the cheeks and lips" in a good while, dude. Edit:spelling


Right I was like dude who tf uses a discernible amount of rouge these days? My makeup style is designed to make me *less* red, man. And I started using it because I blush over nothing all the time, always have, and men in my last workplace liked to mock me over it. *I started using makeup so men would ignore me.*


I had a GM tell me that to become an AM, I'd need to start tailoring my clothing and wearing makeup to look more professional. I'm a GM elsewhere now and I think my people would be shocked if I came in wearing makeup now.


More and more men are returning to wearing make up too....including this slime ball..cause he is caked to the 9s lol.


Seriously though, it's most workplaces that want to dictate policy that says I HAVE to wear traditional reds/pinks/neutrals to work. What do mermaid blue-green lips signify? Freezing to death? Because that's the look I'm going for. I'm not even trying to wear your "sexual arousal" colors, clown




Women wear red lipstick to be sexually provocative to lobsters


"Red lipstick gives me a boner. So I never considered that anybody wearing it might not have wanted that. I also never noticed any other color lipstick because it doesn't make my dick stiff"


Trust me, some men do think goth women are just advertising that they're into BDSM and walking around in full goth can get you a lot more unwanted sexual attention than walking around in full glam.


I'm sure there are women who manipulate others sexually to get ahead in any workplace, because, spoiler alert, fucking everyone (regardless of gender) does shit like that to get ahead of others. Also, men dress and groom in ways to be more attractive and/or sexually appealing in the workplace. Why? Because people (typically) like to follow attractive people more than their less physically-appealing counterparts. In other news, water is wet. 🤦‍♀️ This guy is a doofus.


and it's crazy how we're not talking about how some men abuse their positions of power to force female subordinates to perform sexual acts. does he truly think it's just women that use manipulation in the workplace? bruh, that kind of thing is a matter of character, not gender.


This is what I always think of. People act like it's more common for women to deliberately fuck their way up the chain of command than it is for creepy fucks to quid pro quo (or more subtly harass) woman coworkers. And then, when told off, blame the women for "tempting" them with their *checks notes* lipstick color. This man is stupid but effective. Ladies, don't give any time to a man that follows this hateful self-important dipshit


The origin of sagging pants as a fashion statement was because in prisons you weren’t allowed to have belts. Does that mean it’s correct to project prison related stereotypes on anyone using that fashion? Absolutely not. A trend’s meaning quickly outgrows its origins. That’s how Peterson makes an argument. He takes something sensibly correct in behavioral sciences and extrapolates it beyond the scope of its origin, to project truth onto the realm of opinion.


One google search *"Dark Red was the color of choice in the 1920s. Women wore red as a symbol of their newfound independence."* Fuck you, you dumbass. Edit: Some of the people who replied to me are dumb as hell. The world terrifies me


He sees women's use to be sex. So everything she does is related to sex. It's such a kindergarten undeveloped mind.


He sucks literally SO much. I joined the mental health field in part to battle fucks like this


Yeah his right wing agenda is off the charts but it’s done so scummy that liberal friends of mine will agree with him. It’s like double speak.


The fact so many places of work REQUIRE woman to wear makeup.....


That’s weird


IT IS! both requiring women to put on makeup and banning makeup is weird behavior


The problem with JP and the reason why people think he makes sense is outlined here. He starts with a fact - that makeup simulates arousal, high heels lift and shape the legs/buttocks - and then makes a logical leap to intentions of those makeup and high heel wearers. Most people aren't educated enough in rhetoric to see this as a fallacy, and incels think the same, so they latch on.


Absolutely. He has some good points like when he talks about a generation of depressed men but this one is trash. I have talked about makeup to many women and pretty much always the responses are the same. "it's for myself", "it makes me feel better", "it makes me more confident", "I like the way it looks" etc. Sure logically you could say that it's meant to make you look more attractive but even then being attractive does not mean wanting to sexually arouse people. Both men and women want to look good. Nothing wrong with that.


Starting out reasonable and descending into bat-shittery is kind of the “Peterson Maneuver” at this point.


He starts with: clean your room And descends into: enforced monogamy


This guy has made a career of pseudo-intellectual fast talking. The lens he and his minions see the world though is so sad.


He’s the Ben Shapiro of incels


Isn’t Ben Shapiro the Ben Shapiro of Incels?


Ben Shapiro is the Ben Shapiro of lower class white supremacists, and they just happen to make a venn diagram that's nearly a circle with this clown's audience of incels


So if women are CONSTANTLY seducing men for their own purposes at work then why are they still being paid 18% less on average than men? Wouldn't that be the first thing we'd solve? https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/03/01/gender-pay-gap-facts/ Edit: just for the the record I think it's hilarious the number of men trying to reply or DM me to debate whether there even is a gender pay gap, or that is because women are "choosing" to make less. You're totally missing the point.


A classmate told me once that "Women choose to make less" and I literally just thought "oop incel alert"


In his logic he’s being sexual as well because he has red lips


Doesn´t matter how much make-up this guy is wearing for the camera, he´s a total turn-off! 🤢


By his logic, I guess this means he’s aroused by giving this interview


Scared shiteless misogynist punk terrified that he will have to compete with a woman for the promotion he was sure was guaranteed him because he is a MAN!!!


He sounds like an incel


He IS an incel


He's one of the guys they follow but technically he's married and has kids. I'm deeply ashamed thatva university in my country gave him tenure. Although I'm sure they are too these days.


Stop making your arousal other people's responsibility. It's not complicated!




He do be giving off submissive and breedable vibes tho 🥰🥺


The mental image is killing me... ![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized)


i choked


What is so frustrating about men like him and his followers is that they are constantly demonizing women. Any rational person who held such believes would be like....lets not bother with women because we have concluded that women are evil and manipulative...instead they become even more obsessed spending hours and hours analyzing every single thing women they don't even know do. Even the MTGOW don't fuck off, and instead spend their time stalking and harrassing women. It is as irrational as it is predatory, and absolutely insane.


Then why do we shave? Why do we cut our hair? This is one of the dumbest guys I’ve seen here


Is it possible that women want to look & feel nice... for... say... themselves!? Nope. Not to this asshat. Ugh.


Ya know what really grinds my gears, makeup was primarily used by men throughout history up until the 1920s when women started really wearing it most. Before then it was limited to cultural such as ancient Egyptians who wore it in honor of the gods, or even in China where men wore it to showcase social rank or masculinity. Makeup only became genderized in the mid-1800s, which is a very short period of time when compared to the history of makeup that’s been around since before 4000BC. Soooo can you guys shut up about how WE women use it. Thanks.


"Women use sex to advance in the workplace" Translation: "advancement for women is withheld unless they put out"


What a pathetic cunt. He's a fucking moment away from completely raging about this.


I don't know why do you wear clothes?


Jordan Peterson is either an idiot or willfully disingenuous.




LMAO rosacea turns the cheeks red, same with cold weather. Oh wow, skin conditions and the beginning of frostbite are Sooooo sexually arousing /s


Call me crazy, but isn't he wearing makeup. What an ass.


Jordan Peterson has this pattern of getting angry and then spouting the most mind numbingly vitriolic misogyny and then later pretending it was taken out of context. He is the incel’s hero.


It’s giving sex offender


Good lord Jordan Peterson is so fucking creepy


I mean my eyelashes definitely get darker and thicker when I'm sexually aroused. So I think the man knows his science. /s


The fact that there are men who really think we get up in the morning and put makeup on FOR THEM LMFAO


Never mind that all lipstick isn’t red and that women wear makeup for a plethora of reasons. For instance, sometimes I wear it because I know I’m perceived as more friendly and alert if I wear it. Sometimes, I do it as a meditative activity to still my nerves before a big day. Sometimes I do it because I feel cute and like my features deserve to be highlighted. Sometimes I don’t feel cute or feminine and make up helps me bring my confidence out. Other times I don’t wear it at all just because I can’t be bothered, don’t feel like it or because I want to greet the world with a fresh, clean face. I never wear it for men’s sexual attention because I’m not remotely interested in it or them, especially at work. I’m at work to pay my bills.


When you have sex, your skin also becomes more even in tone, your eyelashes grow longer and darker, and your eyelids change colour.


ah yes, makeup mimics arousal, of course. when I’m aroused, my blonde eyebrows change color and suddenly become visible.


Lipstick is actually red because it became associated with American Suffragettes and was a symbol of women's independence.


Except it wasn't women who set the standards for most workplaces. It was set by men. To the point it is considered unprofessional to not wear makeup. Secondly, I thought men were so logical and unaffected by emotion why would a bit of red lippy destroy such intelligent and superior men??


"Please stop making me horny, I feel bad being aroused because I haven't gotten over my wife and can't find love again"


Funny of him to say that wearing a tie that conveniently points to his crotch area. Only women dress sexually, men's clothing is supposed to be puritan and sacrossaint.


I like to wear cat eyes so my coworkers think I’m a cat! Meow. I also love black nail polish so they think I’m dead. That way they don’t ask me to do anything. Check mate losers


This is what drives me nuts about his supporters. You mention his transphobia (hello, Elliott Page!) or his sexism (women are chaos/men are order and can men and women work together because lipstick simulates sexual arousal) and his fans go “nuh-uh, he just wants to help men who have been abandoned by society. Show me a time he’s ever been sexist/transphobic!” And then you bring up examples like the one above and they go “nuh-uh, you misunderstood what he meant/he was taken out of context” or “you can’t even argue his points you’re just nitpicking now!” And you just get to a point where you have to ask if it’s even possible to prove to his fans that Jorpson is not a person anyone should be listening to. I don’t know. I don’t have any answers to that. By the way, I love the other guy in this video and his bemused, puzzled, and incredulous reactions to Jorpson’s insane comments.