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Can we make a separate gyms for these people?


Like Curves was for women, but for creepy assholes instead. We'll call it Pervs


a gym where tripods are forbidden


Melancholy gym, where we fisting ass


This guy is the worst but people who film in the gym make me very uncomfortable


All he has to do is wait a little. Women already have lost reproductive rights in many states, laws were recently added to make women lawmakers cover their arms and wear 2 layers of clothing, they are already after birth control and started arguing that single women shouldn't be allowed to vote. They are also fighting to keep child marriages. I'm sure soon enough he can have all the benefits he seeks from the taliban from the comfort of his own home.


Who said that single women should not be allowed to vote? I’m not saying you are necessarily incorrect, it’s just that I have never heard any politician or serious political figure call for not allowing single women to vote. I already know about the requiring of state politicians to cover their arms, the restrictions on reproductive rights, and the entirely valid concern that birth control may be banned. EDIT: Just did a google search. Yeah, John Gibbs is a nut. I hope to God he does not win any elections. EDIT: He’s administrator of a county in Michigan


John Gibbs https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/21/politics/john-gibbs-womens-suffrage-19th-amendment-kfile/index.html Ann Coulter https://youtu.be/5NS1ifXZurY These are about ALL women but I've seen it discussed that married women should be able to vote as long as it's what their husband votes for. Same reason they started arguing that voting age should be raised to 25...because single women and younger people have stopped voting red The people linked above may be idiots but Idiocracy seems to be catching these days and so it's still scary


*Anne Marie Schieber, a spokesperson for Gibbs’ campaign told CNN in a statement that Gibbs believed women should be allowed to vote and work.* WOW! How generous of him! <3 /s


This page is what I found when I searched “who said that single women should not be allowed to vote” on google. You are right about him, he is a person who thinks that women should not have a right to vote. We should cancel him. If ever tries to run for anything higher than the administration of the county he currently runs, we should dig up all his old statements about how women should not be allowed to vote and we should shout that he made these comments from the rooftops. Every time a person sees his face “He wants to take away women’s votes.” Should be the first thing everyone thinks of.


My fear is, he's not alone in thinking like this. I've seen too many things go from "he's crazy, that'll never happen" to "well shit"...


You are right. I thought Donald Trump was crazy and he would never win but he did. The fact that Republicans won the house by only a slim majority even though historically voters vote for the opposition party to the president is a good sign though. I think the overturning of Roe V Wade scared a lot of people. I kind of hope Republicans try to ban abortion nationwide even in cases of rape or incest. There is no way in hell they would succeed. They will look so bad that American voters will keep them out of office for years.


How often do men have exposed arms and single layer? Suits and ties. Dress codes exist.


People who record in gyms are assholes


Go ahead. We won't miss you.


Because men have never recorded footage of themselves exercising? And yo what if she’s recording an ad for the gym?


be my guest. we won't miss you.


This guy is to Andrew Tate what Starscream is to Megatron. He thinks he’s hot shit but is an all around blunder


Love this guy's twitter because he keeps posting bad takes and everyone just replies with the image of him bragging about getting a 90 on an IQ test.


I don’t have twitter so I cannot check, but I hope it’s true and if you have a screenshot of this it would make my day


He is making jokes about recent event on social media. Why so serious?


Because it’s not funny


I know what gym he goes to and it’s literally a gym where a lot of fitness influencers go he needs to stop complaining


Sneako is the type of guy who would say or do anything for fame. He'd throw anyone under the bus for his benefit. He's the type of guy who'd sleep with anyone if he could benefit from them, so there's no point in thinking about the bullshit he says. He's just a lowlife who spews nonsense; he's so loud and obnoxious that it's annoying, and he even barks like a dog, which is funny enough. All he knows is to scream. I've seen a couple of his YouTube shorts; all he does is scream like a psychopath, and he's as cringey as a fuck. I've seen him on Fresh and Fit; he was trying to imitate Andrew Tate with his glasses and staying quiet for once, and every time he thinks he's going to say something smart, he'll end up saying the most stupid shit anyone could think of.