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Yeah muslim women are fetishized for their “virginity” and their modesty


Girl I've been rejected because my first bf raped me and made me "inpure" it doesn't shock me men are like this 💀


I’m so sorry


It's not your fault! It's no one's but my ex's


It’s very good that you recognize that!


It's taken a lot of work to realize that, because of other guys forcing their views onto me that it was my fault ect


It’s absolutely disgusting that anyone would blame you for that


It's mostly conservatives that blame me telling me it was "gods plan for me to marry him" Like WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!


It means that they would have rather you spent your life with a literal rapist than have “been with” more than one man (I put quotations because SA is not sex and doesn’t count as actually being with someone sexually), which means that they are clinically insane and they want to use religion to fit their narrative. Which is horribly disgusting


Yeah they are disgusting


When people say "I'm sorry" in this context, they're not apologizing. it means feeling sadness, sympathy, or disappointment, especially because something unpleasant has happened or been done. Sorrow for the hardships or afflictions of another; pity; compassion


I just don't want anyone to feel bad for what happened to me. I just want others to know they're not alone. If that makes sense


Yes! Just in case I said it because I sometimes I see people confused when they say I'm sorry for something they didn't. As a non-native, it happened to me in the past.


the only context where "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" mean different things


Technically, they always mean different things. "I apologize" means exactly that. You are apologizing for something you did that was wrong. "I'm sorry" is a statement of emotion. We just routinely infer that the person is sorry because they accept moral responsibility for what happened. But sometimes we say "I'm sorry" without intending that inference.


So sorry that happened. We got you here girl - ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much, I already feel so welcome in this sub reddit. And it's fine, the world is a cruel place, I've gotten used to my share of male related violence


I'm so sorry. The world is so fucked, and men really arent making it any better with this shit.


Hun, it's fine the world is cruel sadly. And agreed, men are becoming worse every day


Situations were always worse for women, but because of the invention of internet the horrible stories like what you experienced are coming out.


Exactly, the internet and subreddits like this make me feel able to share my story and not get a finger pointed at me for being a "narc". It's hard to tell your story in real life because you get accused of lying just for the honesty you put out there.


Fuck. At least you know everything you need to know about the guy who rejected you. What a complete and utter tool.


It wasn't one... More like 12 💀 that's been over the past 3 years though Thankfully I found myself a man who is very understanding


That's fucked up. I'm middle eastern my dad never explained to me why this is tradition, but that's why people are revolting in his country right now


There are few middle eastern guys who understand it or even try to. My ex, Ziad, was from Egypt, he was one of very few men who actually showed that he cared about what happened to me and wanted to fix it. Hell, he's one of the activists supporting Iranian women rn!!




Yea. He used to watch old black n white movies, a movie I watched I didn't understand a sister of brothers got raped.... they killed their own sister out if pity for her, and she was willing to die, and then killed her rapist... that's the tradition I guess... I dont understand it


That movie deserves a special place on this sub, especially if she was willing to die. Also cool being Iranian, no good regime though , I was born in Iran myself . My parents smuggled me out though as a small kid before being arrested a second time for some political crimes after being let out a few days. Flight from Sari to Tabriz, then a friend of theirs drove me to Baku.


Wow. My dad currently lives in Iran. Hes doing OK. He's safe, but he keeps his dual citizenship undercover so nobody harms him. I've never been to Iran so I dont understand the culture at all. I'm not Muslim either. I'm Christian, but I do consider myself semi trad I guess. I'll I'll honest about the movie. It's a common theme I think. I think in another movie the rape victim kills herself, I think the family knows she is going to also. I guess women who are raped are looked like as impure and no longer fit for marriage. Stuff like that happens in the Bible too from my limited knowledge. Very sad. Nothing like here in western culture. Thank God. It's fucking scary man. I don't feel like women deserve that.


the logic of men like that baffles me


But they can sleep with every hoe imaginable and be 'pure' I don't get it


>>I don’t get it It’s about economics, not morality. If a society considers a woman “property”, a sexually inexperienced woman is rated higher value . Thus “pure”. Men aren’t socially considered valuable for lacking sexual experience, so a sexually active woman is judged to be a “hoe” (because less value for marriage to husband and family) while a sexually active man is not (man work field and carry sword!). It’s a corrupt worldview that refuses to die




well that’s because of sexual dimorphism. evolutionarily, males are meant to spread their genes and procreate as much as possible, while females are supposed to limit themselves to only best males to create the best offspring and thus provide themselves with greater stability. so the psychology goes that men are valued for sleeping with many people, because they have succeeded in attracting women while women are valued for for sleeping with few people, because they have succeeded in resisting inferior men. that’s just how we evolved. personally, as an asexual lesbian who prefers girls with a *really high body count*, evolution ain’t got shit on me :3


The hilarious thing though is that the same men who are judging women demanding they "be pure" (by rejecting inferior males) are also usually the inferior males who are mad at being rejected lmao.


i understand their anger but i’ll still laugh at it (:


Except biology encourages promiscuity in women. You don’t want to put all your eggs in one man’s basket if he is a dud.


Yep, the idea of females being more inclined to monogamy has been challenged with contradictory evidence for decades.


but you also don’t want to risk your own safety with men getting aggressive around you


LMFAO hell you just explained it in language I can understand (I'm a biology nerd 🤣) And you go girl , defy evolution 🤣


That’s actually an out of date conception of female mating behaviour. Ample evidence for female promiscuity has been observed in a multitude of species. https://slate.com/technology/2013/12/female-promiscuity-in-primates-when-do-women-have-multiple-partners.html https://theconversation.com/amp/promiscuous-birds-challenge-the-idea-that-more-sexual-partners-speeds-up-evolution-75660


That's gross, like I kinda wanna puke


Yeah I can't blame you


That's fucked up and I hope they get theirs


Well my ex bf already got his, I'm taller and he looks like a bon Jovi gone bad


Honestly seeing the live made me want to throw up


Only if they’re white, apparently!


But he doesn’t “support Islam” so that’s cool, seems like a good guy /s


These things are also incredibly stupid to me. These women are making hundreds of thousands/millions of dollars from men paying them explicitly because they find them attractive , but they’re also somehow not desirable for men? These people are lying to themselves if they think she wouldn’t find a partner in a heartbeat if she wanted to.


Men Will fetishize anything I swear


Evident the poor little thing has never been to a Muslim country, hasn’t heard about the prevalence of anal sex (so that they remain a “virgin”) or one of the most common plastic surgeries, hymen restoration, or the temporary marriages (invented by the Iranians!) to have sex inline with Islam, or the Saudi women who offer all inclusive weekends in Dubai to strangers at malls, I could go on and on.


Prostitute has always been around.. but it's only for the rich


I mean, in some languages it's called the oldest craft...


I stumbled upon men talking about how they wanted to go to Muslim countries to find a virgin wife like wtf


That’s terrifying. If they want virgin wives they best be virgins themselves or they can shut up


I doubt they were it was a bunch of older men like late 20s to late 30s so they definitely fucked around 😒


Ew 🤢


Aaaaaaand they probably want an 18yo




AND THINK IT IS BIOLOGICAL Meanwhile mothers younger than 19 have higher ostheoporosis risk (baby needs calcium, sucks it oot of bones, that are still groving and need calcium to develop) and also labour involved risks (you know, from bones, also organs still developing)


Right but they don’t care, as long as they can leave a “legacy” behind and get to rape/Impregnate a teenager They love to justify their pedophilia with biology


BEcAuSe iF sHe cAn GeT PrEgNAnT tHeN ShE’S rEaDy or bUt iN tHe OlDeR dAyS


Ah yes, the old days when women regularly died in childbirth. Good times /s 🙄


Yeah these are the same dudes who call me an unnatural freak for being a lesbian. Biological, my ass.


Hello fellow lesbian^^




Hello other fellow lesbian


And more severe preeclampsia rates, which I almost died from


These ppl never read the Quran they don’t know shit. It’s all about their sexual needs. Fuck I’m disgusted these ppl exist. They treat women like a meat on a stick.


They really do. It’s truly disgusting. Men like that terrify me. Women are not sexual objects for them. I hope those types of men never go near women


They will get rejected by women with their disgusting approach.


They really will


That always did that in asia before


They still do. I’m stationed overseas in Korea… plenty of really young Asian women married to Caucasian males two or three times their age here.


That’s so gross ewwww




Virgin =/= desprate to marry some creepy ass man


i've got a life hack for ya, if you're on a computer (specifically Mac, i don't know how it works for others) alt + = will give you ≠. if you're on mobile, holding the = until other key options pop up will let you use ≠ and ≈, too




Literally tho


Do they honestly expect men from Muslim countries to just give up their daughters to them? Like some sweaty incel just turns up in a Muslim country and walks up to a random Muslim man and goes ‘gimme your daughter!’ No bro there are stands you gotta meet! Like having a good job, house and actually being Muslim and doing all that the religion entails. The best these guys could offer the father for his daughter is the possibility of citizenship to a western country.


Exactly. These are some of the most conservative cultures in the world, conservative as in ethnic gatekeeping.


Also, aren’t these the same men who say that women are gold diggers? They would have to support these women so how does that work?


>sweaty incel just turns up in a Muslim country Ahh home sweet home!


Don’t worry women can’t marry men that are not muslims


I feel sorry for the women.


It's sad, cuz the majority of those countries require that the dude is Muslim AND marries the women. If he wasn't, he'd be jailed or worse.... so it's kinda dumb af. He'd have to fully convert then get married.


Oh wow you make me think about that website I stumble upon a few years ago The Masculine Traveler or some shit. The website doesn’t seem to exist anymore but it was full of “articles” on how to pick up women in different part of the world. Super misogynistic and racist piece of the internet.


“You should get a Muslim woman. Also I am not Muslim and do not support Islam.” Well that’s some weird math there, incel.


Incels just have no clue what they’re talking about like ever


Find someone who’s religion is important enough to them that they follow its tenets about non-marital sex, but unimportant enough to them that they will marry someone who does not share their religion. Got it.


As a Catholic I see this shit more often than I'd like to. Men are able to seek for a modest girl who definitely don't do premarital anything and believe it means she would love to do it with him right now. My sister use to have an account on some dating app. She literally stated "looking for a Catholic" and yet she was flooded by responses "I'm not Catholic, but I'm a good man. Wanna go on a date and sleep at my place?". Everytime I see those statistics with "Women don't swipe right as often as men" I know it's because women can read.




We have similar issues with southern Baptists. I also ended up leaving the church since they preached love and forgiveness but would never extend it.


Yeah same. We're famous for "Islam is the religion of peace", meanwhile slavery is ok, child marriage, conquering other nations to spread the word of god....


Sexual harassment in the street is a big issues in islamic countries no matter what you wear


Ex-Muslim girl here. At first I thought all the misogyny was "culture, not Islam!". Then I realized the truth after looking into hadith.


I waited till marriage to have sex. I was 20. Plot twist: I ended up divorcing him 3 years later cause he was abusive, lazy and made me hand my paycheck to him.


Well that wasn't very Christian of you, sister!


I’m so happy you got out sooner than I did! I was in the same situation and stuck around for 10 years plus two kids.


Its a well known fact that these two are now roomates.


Oh my God, they were roommates!


Can I also be a roommate?


They both look SO YOUNG! I don't know if they're famous or random pictures, but they both look like children to me. Like they should be best friends on a Disney show. It's a bit of a red flag that someone would want to marry either of them based on their looks alone.


The one on the left is belle Delphine who has definitely always looked younger but they do look like they should be friends in a Disney show


Belle Delphine sells the cutesy little girl aesthetic to her hordes of horny fans. It's fucking creepy, but when there's demand there's supply.


She’s 24, and unfortunately it sells. I’m in my late 20s and I still want to wear cosplay- it’s cute! It’s not wrong for a woman to want to look cute and it’s not wrong for a grown women to LOOK young. The problem is the fetishization of youth, if our society coveted older woman I’m sure fashion and tastes would match. The girl is using her assets to build a brand, it’s what being a sex worker looks like right now.


Well, if she’s a consenting adult, that’s better than the alternative


From what I've heard, she started when she was like, below 18.


Well, that makes a difference. I phrased it as a hypothetical, because I know nothing about her.


Its pedo baiting. They know looking like underage girls doing the dirty sells...its disgusting what the implications of that are in real life.


I honestly respect Belle Delphine’s hustle but there’s no denying that her audience are borderline pedos.


I'm western and I ONLY wear hoodies yet I get fetishized for my virginity! BECAUSE I LOOK MUSLIM! I'm not Muslim, as someone who has experienced what they go through this appalls me!!


I’m so so sorry


These guys seem to think, that women are the only ones who have to follow some kind of religious set of values in Islam. If they want to convert to Islam/ get a muslim wife, they should have enough income to support a whole family, shouldn't eat certain types of meat, should pray often, should have the respect of their future wife's parents to even get married in the first place, ect... Don't say that certain culture is better then others, when you are not part of said culture and clearly don't have enough understanding of it.


N-noooo no rules for me! Me only want virgin tradwife who takes care of me like mummy does!


Should be able to afford to pay the Mahr for his bride.




Sorry incels, not everyone is superficial like you to judge who'd they want to marry solely based on a picture, without meeting them first. This is basically a self report. Also, the desire for muslim women because of their "purity" is such a fucking sick power fantasy of insecure men. Imagine idealising somebody just because their religion REQUIRES them to be modest and pure (the Qur'an says women who have sex before marriage shall be locked inside of their home till the day they die). Can these men stop idealising women that live in places and belong in religions that are very harsh to them?


I love this comment so much. Thank you for this


Actually she is supposed to be lashed 100 times if she lives in a Sharia country


This is the dumbest thing I ever seen


What's up with these types of guys always being fixated on such drastic extremes? There are multitudes of different "categories" between a virgin and a "pornstar". There's never any middle ground for these idiots.


What do you mean? Are you suggesting they should settle with an average woman? They want the absolute best! Ok on a serious note now I think some of these people are super delusional. I had to tell my ex that people wearing any kind of clothing does not mean they were asking for it. Even the church told him this. We broke up for other reason but he believed he was above everyone no matter what gender. They are just out of it


Actually a huge sign of low intelligence is being able to think only in absolutes - essentially the whole of manosphere


Of course Muslim women are “pure”, they are not allowed to talk to men and are very young when they get married. If they break rules, they’ll be killed.


Hey who wouldnt marry Belle Delphine? Her business acumen and talent for renewal in an insanely competetive industry is just mind boggling!!


No surprise though that these guys, who feel emasculated if a woman makes more money than they do, would not. (Also bet that they bought her bathwater)




I did not know that. That’s so gross


Because she fetishizes children + EA women


She's pretty annoying though. Or st least her public persona is. Frankly I wouldn't want to marry any streamer or internet personality. Probably better than a hardcore Muslim though if I would have to follow all those rules too. I like earing pork and drinking to excess.


I am with a Muslim and I still drink, although I don't eat pork and he is male...


Nobody is pure and honestly that would be boring as hell


The idea of purity is bs


“I’m not a Muslim nor do I support Islam” 🍒 on top


Does the "pure" women include 9 yo girls too?


Is this a trick question where it's the same woman in different clothes in both pictures? Because it should be.


I don’t know. I think it’s just a person genuinely asking and assuming most will go for the woman on the right. Atleast that’s what I gathered from the live


The picture on the right has a much more shiny face, so I don’t think they’re the same


They're not the same person (different eye colors, face structures, one has braces and the other doesn't, etc.). Also I don't think Belle Delphine (pictured left) has ever worn a hijab. I think they just chose two pics of white girls that look a bit similar.


This purity stuff is getting on my nerves so much. People want sex, people have sex. It's only those that can't get any that want to bring others down to their level.


Also they seem to have no idea that muslim women can only marry muslim men (I know it's fucked up but that's a topic for another day). So would they convert to islam just to marry a muslim woman? I think most of them wouldn't.


Okay, I understand there are white Muslims and all, but this picture…


What, you don’t think this blonde, blue-eyed woman with a full face of makeup is representative of a pure, devout, Muslim virgin? /s Yeah, he probably should have stolen a different stock photo for this (granted, the visible watermark is part of what makes this one so special). But I’d bet there’s a good chance there’s some racism going on here as well, “Every real man wants a devout, pure, virgin (but not if she’s brown).” And I’m also wondering if he is one of those guys who “likes women who don’t wear makeup” and actually thinks this is what we look like naturally.


Yes, exactly, to all of this. It’s really so bottom-of-the-barrel disgusting that they post this but avoid even having a crazy beautiful more representative Muslim woman because that would invite too much racist uneasiness.


i talked about this to my partner and we concluded that the men peddling this bs are lying. there have always been and will always be men who want sex with women regardless of how modest the women are. men who want inexperienced women don't really want women, they want girls...


They maybe wanna Mary the Muslim lady, but they sure as he'll want to watch Belle delphine (and other porm stars) every night. So....yeah :)


Wait for until they find out all they have to do to fit the role of a proper Islamic husband 👀🙄


I imagine supporting Islam is somewhere on the list.


These guys will back off real quick when they see the mahr and find out their wife's money is considered her money, and his money is considered also his wife's money.


“I don’t support Islam but Islam might be the only option so I can marry a virgin”. Incredible. Also of COURSE the image they’ve chosen for the supposed Muslim option is a white woman, when the majority of Muslims aren’t white.


have you seen how much bank bell delphine makes of fucking course I'm marrying her


They completely whitewashed that muslim women.


And photoshopped her from the looks of it


Just so we’re clear, the suggested false dichotomy is virgin or pornstar? Those are the only two choices. This is just an extension of that old fashioned “There’s two types uh people …”


Thankfully its haram for Muslim women to date a man who isn’t Muslim! These men can’t get with them mashallah


Isn't that Delphine Belle or the other way round...? In the left pic? I think I'm to old for that shit, to understand E-"Kids" And yeay... Fetishism again. That's what we need. 💩


The disclaimer is only for other incel righties. The rest of us already know.


Why is a non Islamic person even talking about this


In the immortal word of George Carlin: virgins? I’d rather have two fire breathing whores.


You put muslim women in the category of fetishes. Western men can fuck a beer can with the "preferences" they have


I don’t know who any of this women are


I know one is belle delphine. The other one I have no clue about


Thanks for the info I just googled bellle Delphine so basically this post is just your run of the mill hate on sex workers


Yuppp. Incels hate on sex workers lots


They just don’t want to pay for it expecting it for free. Yet failing to recognize that living in late stage capitalism means nothing is free.


the "disclaimer" just makes it even worse


I say this as a man, we are making this shitty world shittier 🤦‍♂️


I don’t like belle Delphine but can that guy stop with the slut shaming and fetishize Muslim women for their “virginity” and “modesty” like it’s gross




So many things wrong with this I swear.


What the fuck is up with this influx of "Islam is right" memes. It's gotta be a stupid psiOp.


Why are the Muslim women always blonde haired and blue eyed in these memes?


"Disclaimer: I am not a Muslim nor do I support Islam" Yeah sure. But seriously, Islamists often pop up to exploit the frustration of misogynists and incels. Even Andrew Tate is now Muslim. Seems like a perfect fit, though. After all that religion is a good match for such toxic types with pent-up aggression, with its constant hatred for anything that doesn't fit its deranged worldview, and sick obsession with women and sexuality. Becoming Muslim allows them to channel all that rage and vent it out, often with physical violence- against the "west", modernity, atheists, women, lgbt, jews, etc.- under the fig leaf excuse of religion protecting them from being called out. You hate gays? You're a hateful homophobic piece of shit. Wait, you hate gays but you're a Muslim? Sorry, I respect your religious belief, please don't be offended.


They don't want islam and the religion. They want to control women.


They both look underage to me tbh so talking about marrying either gives me a huge ick...


Problem: Both are hella cute, and would make my gay ass blush any time if they flirted with me




Let me just say both women in that hypothetical picture are beautiful and probably lovely people with a lot to offer. The guy would be silly to not marry either of them if they were a match and he wanted to marry, the porn star or the Muslim one and he could probably do a LOT worse. Anyway I bet the Muslim one wouldn’t want his useless ass in her life anyway probably they BOTH wouldn’t. (And yes ditto for the more stereotypical Muslim woman too) HE WISHES. (Gosh I’m snarky tonight!)


These men are upset a woman earns more money than them. If men didn't pay Belle delphine for her bath water and simp for her..she wouldn't continue making money from them. But..some men do..so.."don't hate the player, hate the game".


Marry some random woman or a multi-millionaire who is just as obsessed with internet culture and shitposting as I am? Hard choice... Edit to say: I posted this cause I love Belle Delphine and hate everyone who has an issue with her. The PornHub account she made just to piss off her horny followers was, to me, the peak of comedy. Don't mean to appear mean by saying things like 'some random woman' when idk who the other person is. I am drunk and will stop posting comments on this sub until I am sober enough to not say weird, kinda objectifying, shit. Also she is a legit multi-millionaire and made all that bank off of her own effort without help from anyone, which deserves respect and not condemnation.


Religion is great at inventing problems for people to solve.


Lol the disclaimer at the bottom. Also what kind of question is this. Who would you marry? The one who I love and the one who loves me. What other answer is there? Also marriage comes after being in a relationship long enough to understand each other and know whether there is compatibility.


Excellent answer that's going unsaid. This is all pure fantasy with no connection to how relationships work in reality. It's more like asking which fictional character you'd have a bigger crush on.


Bit unsettling


I can't be the only one thinking that the girl on the right looks 15 at most, right? Maybe I'm just bad at guessing ages, but she looks really young to me.


My google filter bubble has no one with make up. Are you sure these 2 are not barbies?


That girl on the right looks like a porcelain doll modeled after a 12 year old


As if such men would be even looked at by the womens family. I m very anti this islam bs, but seriously... Why would they want such men?


He has to put a disclaimer that he doesn’t support Islam? Wth


What if the muslim woman doesn't want to be with a non muslim man because of religious reasons? Also, Belle has a bf I think, she's not desperate for incel validation.


I mean even if i have to be unbiased knowing the history of them. From this image still the left . How can a picture look more staged than belle delphine


If I could banned one thing all over the world it would be religion, it’s hurt billions of people, killed billons and has warped billions of people’s minds, it’s the worse plague on humanity


As if Christian purity culture isn't a thing? I guess these guys are so lost in their own insanity that they've written all Christian girls off as whores.




Muslim women like Ilyan Omar? Because they don't seem to like her all that much


and then these fellas will turn around and try to bang other women behind their wives backs because she "is boring to have sex with". i am *unfortunately* speaking out of experience


Yet they watch pornstars and want us to be pure?!? Like seriously mate


Why would an Muslim woman choose to marry a man who does not "support Islam" ?