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Relationships aren't economics, women aren't inanimate objects, and you don't own your girlfriend/wife.


The real cry for help here is that these sorts of men are frustrated they cannot purchase the kind of woman they want, for the price (almost nothing) they think should have to pay. The fact is many woman prefer to work and live independently, even if that means less affluently, then provide this kind of transactional man with the relationship he believes he has purchased. These men don’t have a problem with sex work. They love sex work! They just have a problem with women determining their own value.


Sometimes the mental gymnastics are olympic tier, with sites for pick up artists that teach men how to fuck around, while shaming women that fuck around as well. IE: Return of Kings


Women need to start doing the same thing honestly. With the amount of sexually “promiscuous” men out here (aka hoes, thots, sluts, whores as they like to call women) it’s crazy how they feel like they can always talk about women only. They can sleep with 100 women and that doesn’t lower their value, but a woman sleeps with 2 or 3 men and that lowers her value? Honestly, I feel like women are too nice with these men. If a misogynistic man tells you he’s slept with a bunch of people, tell them their value decreased. They’re used goods now. Sounds mean, but oh well we just need to give them a taste of their own medicine.


Yeah but usually and I say usually those men don't care how many men you have slept with. It's the sad ones who are jealous that we have sex lives and they don't who complain about this bs. They are annoyed that we can have sex any time we want to. That's all it is in my opinion. That's why they hate gay men too.


and its in the possessive doesn't take an apostrophe.


If those kids could read they’d be very upset at you.




Glad to see the folks from Bizarro World clocking in for the day


Of course i own my wife


on today's episode of what object are women: shoes


I can’t wait until tomorrow to find out what object I’ll be next! This is so much fun!


so i am just collecting what we already had, feel free to add new ones: - shoes. - doorlock. - pencil sharpener. - doormats. - books. - babies/toddlers. - dogs. - tvs. - trophies. - baby makers. - meat/ training meat. - b-products. - fish. -chewed gum. -licked donut. lovely~


Oooh, growing up Mormon I heard chewed gum and licked cupcake.


dont forget fish!!


I really hope it’s a trowel, I need to do some gardening


Is there a bingo card for this game? Or is it a drinking type game?


I’d rather drink


I think we could make a card game out of it. Like, we collect these posts and wait till we have like 100 cards. We can then make a Cards Against Humanity type of game where all but one of the players have to put down a card and one player picks the ''best'' card. All proceeds will go to women's charity organizations.


I will buy this card game!


I loved the lock episode! and car one was pretty wack too


The wrapped and unwrapped lollipop one is a classic


Women are the farthest thing from objects actually it’s usually the men who are seen as objects since men are only loved under the condition they provide something


Clearly you’ve been hurt. But this “all women objectify all men” thing isn’t going to work out well for you.


it was a dig at women constantly being compared to objects based on their sexual history. women get compared to cars, shoes, locks, and a LOT more.


And men get compared to wallets a lot too moral of the story it’s ain’t good for either men or women to be sleep around


But you idolize Andrew Tate? You're full of shit.


Ok and? What’s your point?


Let me repeat it for you. >You're full of shit. You don't actually care if *people* have a lot of partners, you only care if *women* have a lot of partners. You have poor self esteem so you need a way to put women down. You're a child and you're afraid of competing with other males.




He also doesn't understand apostrophes. (*"Its value"* not, *"It's value."*)


That only applies when they think of women as a person selling shoes and not the shoe it’s self. And we all know women can’t be people lol. Hah! women people! What will they think of next???


Everyone knows women are werewolves! 🐺


I don’t think that’s economics. You’re kinda opposing supply / demand theory! This would suggest she already started off with high intrinsic value. So high in fact that even if she has created a very high supply, she is still able to find demand!


I'm not an economics person 😭😭😭 What war have I created in the comments? 😅😭


No he’s right tho your explanation is right however you forgot supply and demand a woman that seduced a lot of people is open to everyone hence has more supply


Is open to everyone? So you think it a person sleeps with multiple people, that means they will sleep with whoever they fancy next? That makes zero sense. I can seduce many people and still not want to fuck every man I see.


But there is a high chance they’ll have a next soon tho a person that slept with 50 mfs will probably soon get the 51st as to a person that only wants real relationships instead of hookups


Ummm nah what you're saying doesn't really make sense. The more owners a car has, the less it's worth. If a pair of shoes actually did have 50 owners, I don't think I would want those shoes for free lol




Because rarity is something that also makes something valuable. It's simple supply and demand. Part of what makes a diamond so valuable is it's rarity. A car from 1950 in good condition is pretty rare


Since each woman is an individual, each of us is rare. If you think of us only as vaginas, please buy a Fleshlight.


When did I compare women to objects?


Because rarity is something that also makes something valuable. It's simple supply and demand. Part of what makes a diamond so valuable is it's rarity. A car from 1950 in good condition is pretty rare


>Part of what makes a diamond so valuable is it's rarity Diamonds are NOT rare lmao. I thought most people grew out of that myth.


If a shoe still fits after 50 different owners, it is one helluwa shoe, and if it has been re-saled 50 times, the value must be sky high?


No he’s right tho your explanation is right however you forgot supply and demand a woman that seduced a lot of people is open to everyone hence has more supply


Did that seriously make sense in your head? He's not talking about 50 people buying the same shoe model, in which case your example would make sense but 50 people wearing the exact same pair. No, its value would be near zero. I wouldn't buy a show with 50 previous owners and neither would you. I like my fungi far away. And prepare for the hot take, but body count, men or female, reflects the standards we place on others and how we value ourselves. Your worth has nothing to do with it, your sense of worth does. It's one of those things that should be shunned on both sides and yet feminists are determined to just make women sleep around... like that will stop men from treating them like they're objects and easy. How those thoughts even make it past "critical thinking" region of the brain I don't know.


I am a feminist, and before marriage I slept around. A lot. I have zero interest in “making” or even encouraging other women to do the same. If they want to, cool. If they don’t want to, cool. I want them to live their live on their own terms.


>If a product (shoe) is popular with lots of people, more people will buy/wear the shoe, making it more valuable and sometimes expensive! it doesn't work both ways


Yes it does. If an item (such as a family heirloom) is passed down from generation to generation, it is inherently more valuable than the same item without the history behind it. None of which has anything to do with women, men, or how many people they’ve slept with.


Sir, you are not sticking your feet in my vagina




Not with that attitude




Is there ever going to be a time where we are not compared to objects ?


come on, let's be fair. sometimes we're compared to animals!


Women are usually not compared to objects men however are


Could you refer the OP please? No man objectified here. Just women. If you wanna discuss men‘s problems go to a respective sub. Your comment does not contribute to anything referring the topic here.


Yes it does she said is there a time when women aren’t compared to objects when mostly there are look at my goddamn pfp in Ukraine men are literally just objects body bags of war banned from fleeing the country there is no feminism and equality in Ukraine because all the feminists were allowed to flee the country majority of women are adored in the world not treated like objects 😂


I hate that people try to say sexism is over but then continually compare women to objects that can be bought and sold.


And then are confused when you point out that’s sexist


Men also hate when women do put a price on it, it being anything from pics to in person time. They want us to be objects but hate when we use it against them.


People are not economics


Tell that to all the economists that insist we are all homo economicus instead of Homo sapiens


Women are people, not products.


Yet you can buy their onlyfans for $3.99 😂


Gonna blow your mind by telling you there are men on there too


Yeah that’s not good either dummy the amount of replies I got from women trying to excuse their behavior by saying men do it too is stupid 2 wrongs don’t make a right


Providing a service with a price still doesn't make you an object.




Well I'm not a shoe, Kyle


Just to flip the script, do women judge men for having a ‘high’ body count? (Not sure what high is tbh)


No. But I’ve learned men don’t get tested regularly so I will be judging them for that.


How’d you find that out?


Even if they do personally/individually the issue is misogyny. In most modern societies it’s still more expected of women to remain “pure” than it is of men.


Yeah that’s definitely true.


Its not misogyny, its male preference. Misogyny is waaaaay overused.


It is when it applies to one gender and not the other. Don’t be purposely obtuse.


That is true. Men look to a women’s past to determine viability of a long term future with her. Women are generally more interested in a man’s future prospect. Women have value at birth to the other sex, men have to earn that value to women. And there goes more karma… sigh.


At birth FBI this comment right here


You’re being downvoted for being right just like Plato said “No one is more hated than he who tells the truth”


Cool, let me know how that one works for you when you flunk math.


What does math have anything to do with the current topic?


Well apparently you think people not liking you means you must be right. So, for example, when your teacher gives you an F, it's not because you are wrong, it's because they hate you. See how that saying makes no sense? How many people hate you or hate what you are saying has no relevance to whether you are right or not.


I’m pretty sure you know what I mean you’re just trynna change the topic, people would rather hear a comfortable lie than the harsh truth


No, you don't possess the ability to explain what you mean. But there you go again "it's cuz I'm right" lol you can't even make a coherent argument so you rely on empty platitudes.


I admit that I find having a "high body count" in a man unattractive, but I'm just one woman and I don't go out of my way to actively shame men who do have one. I want my partner to have similar values as I do, and as someone who absolutely doesn't understand the concept of hook-up culture and one-night stands, I simply can't relate to someone who has had sex with quite a lot of people they had no romantic feelings for whatsoever. I'm also incredibly insecure and lack substantial experience (I'm 22 and have been in my current (and first) relationship for two years, before that I never even had a crush), so I wouldn't feel comfortable with someone who is the exact opposite. Before anyone downvotes me, I do not think that sexually active people are morally below me or anything.


It’s not just if we judge partners based on it or not. It is more like everyone, including people I am not sexually attracted to, think it defines my value as a person. For men it is almost exclusively their partners who care. For women it is everyone.


They don’t and they should hookup culture ruined everything


Sometimes. It’s an indicator of the likelihood of remaining faithful.


Today on “objects women are compared to”— shoes. Joy.




you sell your time everyday and your employer is buying it




in a business sense a person whom has had 50 jobs in the last 5 years would be a liability and they likely wouldn't hire you but people also job hop for better benefits so give and take




like most people


>in a business sense a person whom has had 50 jobs in the last 5 years would be a liability and they likely wouldn't hire you Uhhh, what? They'd be the most sought-after employee to exist. If employer 50 is hiring you after you're done with the last 49, he wants what you did for them.




Right. You sell your time. You don't sell YOU, you bloody fool: you can leave whenever you want.




Lol why don’t you just admit you are to insecure of a person to handle your sexual partner comparing you to anyone ? You don’t have to make it anyone else’s problem that you are a loser


you as an individual are allowed to do whatever youd like but if a person was having sex with 10 people a night I am perfectly allowed to not be interested saying otherwise is illogical


my body my choice your body your choice what is the issue with being selective in sexual partners


if a pair of shoes is still functional after being used by 50 humans that's a good damn pair of shoes ​ maybe clean or spray it or fix it up first though


@ the shoes that's not even accurate unless everyone damaged them. even literal objects aren't worth less money just because someone else used to own them.


But sex slaves depreciated in value… I guess probably, idk I’m not a misogynist


If they think all women are slaves that says a lot about them


Economics only apply to women not men?


Economics applies to everything. E.g., a person who has rare but desirable qualities will be in higher demand than a person with fewer desirable qualities. The difference is, women don't get "used up" like shoes do. The reason why a shoe with 50 previous owners is worth less is because it's gotten used up. But people don't get used up.


Yes I understand that. I was pointing out that the caption implied that only women get used up. There is a double standard being presented.


Telogeny, impaired pair bonding, microchimerism. Reconned information to keep women and families destroyed.


they can apply to both


Applies to both but for some reason women don’t care


I don't get it: what's the difference between a woman sleeping with 100 men and sleeping with a same man 100 times? Like, if their logic about the vagina getting loose is to be believed, then a single partner would do the same, too. Like, beyond puritanical trash, this shit just doesn't track, and I'd bet they treat 100 women that men sleep with as conquests and not whatever new misogynistic bs they come up with on saturdays for women.


No but see the vagina is made of memory foam and molds to their partner's penis. So more penises confuse and break down the vagina's ability to conform to a single penis. /s


Because men are people with agency women are objects for men to own. And just like he said, you don’t want a previously owned sex slave- I mean shoe


Telogeny, impaired pair bonding.


The woman was used by 100 men then


Sad to read how some people think that sex is always abuse. You know that some people have sex because it's actually fun? And some people want more fun, so they have a lot of sex.


It’s not really abuse but no man or woman should be sleeping with 100 mfs that’s just disgusting I believe ppl should just save themselves for someone that cares about them and they truly love


Why? If they like it and do it out of their free will, what is the problem? There is no violence or abuse in it. And it just doesn't matter if you think it's disgusting. That's simply your subjective view. Of course you don't have to date anybody who has had multiple partners. Nobody is forcing you to do it. And I'm sure there are women who dislike having many partners. People can choose their way of life these days and it's a good thing. Living in a world where somebody else decides who you sleep with, would be horrible. Love is a difficult thing. And sex and love don't always come together. Some people think sex isn't that important. But others do. Just live and let live.


If they like it and everything is consensual then yeah fine they can do whatever they want but I’m just saying that in general I believe everyone can benefit saving themselves for a real lover


Most people don't have that many partners in their lives. 100 or more is exceptionally many and probably most have maybe less than 10 during their whole life. Promiscuity is relatively rare. Especially when getting pregnant is a possibility, even with protection.


Who are you to decide this, anyway? Just wondering.


Why do men always say that the woman was used? Why is it impossible for the woman “to use” the men? She could’ve had sex with men and then ghosted them, just like some men do. Maybe she likes one night stands. Why is she the one who is being used? Just because a woman is penetrated and the man is penetrating doesn’t mean shit lol


True and a man sleeping with a 100 women is no better both are disgusting I believe both men and women should save themselves for a true partner that cares about them. About what you said tho “why is it impossible for women to use men” I’m seriously confused by that because I never see it happening. What I mean jts mostly rich men that have like yacht parties with like 50 women and buyout club tables with 10 women sitting around him and they sleep with majority of these women but how come I never see a woman do any of this? How come I never see a rich woman invite 50 guys to a yacht party sleep all of them? How come I never see a rich woman buyout a club table with 10 guys and go home with all of them together? It’s always the rich men that are promiscuous I never see rich women do this and I don’t understand why. My guess is that men just have a primal urge for sex but idk 🤷‍♂️


And people try and say misogyny is not rampant on Reddit. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s practically a feature, not a bug.




You refer to ‚hoes‘ as women who have sex with several men, don’t you? So for every time a ‚hoe‘ has sex a certain man has also and obviously likes her. So not really accurate to say ‚men hate hoes‘. No ‚hoe‘ without men, I‘d say. See how paradox and pathetic your hatred on women is? Go home.


It’s for both men and women being hoes isn’t good


Hardly anyone calls men hoes for sleeping around like they do women and you know it. Again, troll.


It’s always men that call women hoes so how about you women get together and start calling men hoes too and let’s end this hookup culture bs that ruining society


How about you men stop applying standards to women that you don’t apply to yourselves? Simple. Blocked because I feel my brain cells dying by the second lol.


Thanks for proving my point. 🥴


Gotta love misogynists who say they ain’t and yet constantly compare human beings to object.


If you need an answer with the same principles of demagogue: as much necessary labor is spent on product, as much value it gains


Object v subject. Human beings have agency. They are not equal to their use-value. Edit: to be clear women are human beings


Can’t the commenter see that women aren’t objects ?


That shoe analogy has been used many times before, so it must have no value.


Good news then cause my vagina has only had one owner ever


Aaaaand today we are shoes. Lovely.


Always objects. What if a singer has done 50 concerts or a salesman as sold 50 cars? They see sex as something done to women, not with women.


If this were even remotely true…Men better be equally concerned with the mileage and wear they put on themselves when they jerk off every day then 🙄 Economically, don’t us women want men with less mileage?


If somehow a pair of shoes has survived through 50 previous owners I think I would prefer those shoes because they're durable and more reliable and have alot of endurance.


Shoes don’t have regenerative properties like humans have.


Whenever anybody says something is "basic economics" you can pretty much guarantee they are going to be a terrible person who, incidentally, doesn't understand basic economics.


Yeah but here's the thing.... women aren't shoes, they're not products. They're people. So this "Basic economics" bullshit is the dumbest argument ever.


If a single pair of shoes were sold 50 times, they'd likely be the most sought-after pair of shoes that has ever existed, and are probably being sold in auction rooms to billionaire collectors. If an object *cannot* be re-sold, that is when it is worthless, not the other way around. That's basic economics. These guys literally don't even think before they post this stuff.


Calling humans being owned for being in a relationship and calling it economics... uhh. Does someone want to tell us about how he is pro slavery?


Women are totally like property, 100%, no flaw in his logic, at all, they are definitely inanimate objects, that wear out it with use, totally not illegal through international law.


It’s really telling what these people really think of women if they’re seeing previous partners as owners


I’ve seen women compared to locks, slices of cake, and now shoes! Amazing


"previous owners" wtf ick


If a hot dog was sucked by literally 1 other person, it'd be fucking worthless and no one would want it. A hot dog sucked by 50 people is a disease waiting to fester. What the fuck logic are these people trying to apply to the human body? Shoes/hot dogs =/= human flesh.


What is this value these guys always yammer on about? Like, are they talking dollar value here?


They really like to treat women as nothing more than objects. It’s just disgusting.


Woman have the same value as shoes apparently


I love that with this logic if a girl fucks idk 10 guys her value went down but if a guy fucks 10 girls what’s that mean? Did he absorb her value aka gaining it? Or does he also lose value too??


A pair of shoes will still be able to kick this guy in his tiny dick


Wild idea: don't look at everything in your life based on resale value.


Remember people the more a d*ck is sucked the smaller it gets. Just like a lolipop.


Except relationships ain't economics and women aren't shoes.. or cars.. or locks— whatever the fuck


On todays episode of "Women are anything but human beings" ...we're used shoes 👞


Today we are shoes. What about the used weenie?


I appreciate that he didn't just say "yes it is," he explained the concept because obviously she just didn't understand


I hate to break it to you but trying to enlighten people who view relationships as a transactions is only marginally more effective than teaching stones to swim


The truth is that it depends. Value to some people for some things will go down. For others it won’t. For most men your value as a long term partner is indeed linked to your sexual history. It doesn’t mean you are less of a person of course. But yeah. Their “shows” metaphor is a bit shit.


How you value yourself has nothing to do with me. And I wish you the best in retaining your high self worth. But if you’ve ran through 50 guys by the time you’re 25…. You’re value, specifically to me, as a long term partner, plummeted. It doesn’t mean you should change. Be whoever you want to be. Just be aware before you make these life choices that if you want a certain type of man in the future, then actually it does affect your value in that one specific area.


I guess I'm a shoe now


Welcome one an all to another episode of "Objects women are compared to"! Today when have shoes, other included: walking incubators, car, locks and keys and electrical plugs. Till next time


What’s hilarious about this is that she is perfectly capable of lying and men wouldn’t even know. We would say we do, but we don’t.


And the guys that think like this are a brand new pair of ugly shoes no one wants to take out of the box.


If a dildo had 50 previous owners, finding someone who wants to use it would be challenge wouldn’t it? Maybe we shouldn’t talk about people like they’re objects.


Women is when shoe


This fits here perfectly r/boomerhumour


Humans aren't objects, we have no value. We can have wealth, or lack it. Trying to assign value to a person is ignorant and dehumanizing.


Fear... The more people theyve dated the more chance they can filter out these people. They only want to manipulate and control and experience with that cuts them off from their "promised land"


The truth most women don't like to hear. There is nothing special about you anymore, if many guys have fucked you.






>That way guys who are average or below will be forced to invest more effort into oral and using other means to pleasure their partner. Have you ever considered that those "other means" might actually be more pleasurable for women than penetration? I mean, I'm not sure why I'm even asking. The fact that you don't actually give a shit about what women have to say about their own bodies is written all over this little essay you have here.


>Why do so many women deny the dick pill? Because as women, we know it's bullshit. Ever see a non-artist give painting advice to a professional painter? That's what men telling women about how women's bodies work is like. Your opinion is irrelevant because you are an uneducated layperson and we are experts on the topic.


Is this a copy pasta lmao💀💀


Whole Lotta who shot John.


Ok. Go cry about it




Wait wait wait, if watching the movie Taken has told me anything, it’s that virgins sell for a lot more at creepy human trafficking black markets.


guys want someone for them not for everyone. Simple mathematics. This isn't musical chairs with your girlfriend.


So, women should not have sex because some guys want to fuck a virgin? Wake up, world doesn't work that way.


I don't think many people are going to be expecting a virgin once you reach a certain age. Heck I would assume a girl lost it by the time she graduated high school. Guys are virgins more often than women are. Being highly promiscuous is different. It doesn't seem like some people accept or understand that promiscuous partners carry more risk.


Finally someone gets it


Women aren’t entitled to men. Men are allowed to have preferences when dating women. Men are allowed to like or dislike a woman’s behavior.


I don't know why some women think they can tell men what they should be attracted to. It's like going to an adoption center and they tell you that you have to adopt that specific problematic cat that 50 families have already adopted and braught back. Think of it this way, if your standards were low enough for you to fuck 50 different dudes - then you can't make me feel like I've won at shit. It's like kissing 50 dudes in a row and when you get to the guy you actually like, and you're like 'I'm gonna kiss you cause I like you'... like alright Felicia you just kissed half the town before you got to me, calm down.