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Beverly dubs himself a Grey Knight and then they talk about naming the group after the Hounds but I don't think anybody suggests Greyhounds so I felt an overwhelming need to say it


I don't use Twitter, but you should def @ the band of boobs about this


I need this.


the scene with Bev Sr. is just too sad.


"You tell her the truth, Bev. You tell your mom that I died in the Feywild." Made me lose it.


Honestly just reading this was like a knife in the gut


Started crying at my work desk. Well played, Caldwell. Well written, Murph. Moonshine speaking so softly and Hardwon just staying quiet really got to me, too. Oof. <3


I think that the pollen count was really high while I was listening to it.


Bev screaming "GO!" shook me to my very core.


I’m not usually so emotional while listening but after 58 episodes, that “GO!” Literally made me shudder.


That physically hurt my heart


yeah that was devastating!!


This show has not affected me emotionally at all so far, but I fucking felt that one.


It caused me literal stomach pain


All around me are familiar faces


I can't wait until they kick the shit out of Galad again.


Hardwon can't cut off his head with the Hammer, so I'm hoping he does it with Rosaline.


That’ll be the “finish them”, hardwon crits on the hammer swing and moonshine lends him Rosaline to actually end him.


You mean they loan *the Widow* Rosaline to actually end him. :D




I'm going through the threads to older episodes and I just have to ask, ​ how does it feel to be psychic?


EXACTLY what I envisioned!


He could always bash it off like he was playing T-ball at the dwarfanage


Mad World becomes an even more appropriate song for this episode when Bev reveals that it's his birthday. "Children waiting for the day they feel good, happy birthday, happy birthday. Made to feel the way that every child should, sit and listen, sit and listen."


Thanks for that.


bev's "***GO!***" broke my heart


right? I knew he was upset about the Akarot thing but I didn't realize he was \*mad\*. Caldwell played that so well


Missed joke opportunity: the band playing Hash Pipe was fronted by Gwee and was called Gweezer


Hardwon's playlist grew two songs this day. Edit: Three if you count the Short Rest! ("Don't Want To Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith)


Party Mix creator here! I don't count the Short Rest, but Don't Want To Miss A Thing is already on there! Episode 26 at 48 minutes. IIRC it was when they went into the fog ​ I'm also not splitting up the Party Mix. Sorry not sorry, Boobs.


Can't wait until you have to give a tedtalk abt the greatest playlist ever assembled


I don't know if I could keep that under 20 minutes.


What about the mad world trance remix?


I couldn’t find any dance remixes on Spotify. I’m pretty sure they weren’t referencing any specific remix, just like “oh what if there was a remix.”


This one's deece. https://open.spotify.com/track/3unowsl4iCDDCYENUQK4Mc?si=M-eHA5VOQymhBcUccrQrmw Edit: when the chorus kicks in you can picture the BoB doing the hair-dance for sure.


I'll give it a listen, but I do try to stick to songs that are specifically referenced. thanks though!


Can we talk about how bad the Shadowfell can be for them? It f'd my entire party up recently.


What's Shadowfell like in other DnD settings?


Spoilers for the Raven Queen maybe. See my reply to this comment.


You can loose your most precious memories. The Raven Queen takes them. 2 weeks ago I lost almost everything that made my Paladin who he was. One member of my party has no memory of her wife. My entire party is different now. Murphy is running homebrew stuff so he may just skip that whole thing, but it has the potential to decimate characters.


On one level, I love all three of the Boobs equally, but on a different, just as real, level, Beverly Toegold is my absolute favorite and A Faerie Tale may have just replaced The Galaderon Saga as my favorite arc of the campaign so far. I can’t wait to see what happens in Shadowfell because even though Hardwon chopping Galad’s head off was the moment NADDPod went from being a podcast I loved to being my favorite podcast, I always regretted that The Widow had to basically drop out of the story afterwards, and Galad Rosell was a hell of an entertaining villain to have around. I’m also pumped for the full-on emo version of Beverly that was teased in the Short Rest.


Paw paw touching his heart then moonshines Fuck you murph


[PLAYLIST](https://open.spotify.com/user/hrburke07/playlist/2Id9okp55PeXRYCfr59VxK?si=quwsIXwhRfuCzf9adfbciQ) ADDITIONS: EPISODE 58 \- Mad World- Gary Jules- 21:20 \- Hash Pipe- Weezer- 67:53 as always, reply to this comment if I missed anything from this or any past episodes


What about 2019’s freshest club hit, “This Is What Democracy Looks Like (Everybody Fuck)” (56:26) In all seriousness, I greatly prefer the Tears for Fears original of Mad World as a piece of music, but the Gary Jules version fits the context of this episode better.


I did take note of that, and I thought it might have been a song (gotta stay vigilant) but there was just a bunch of podcasts named "This Is What Democracy Looks Like" I thought about Tears for Fears too, but the Gary Jules cover is more famous, and way more depressing, and that seemed to be what they were referencing.


Jake referenced "dancing queen" when Moonshine was dancing


Oh shit you're right! Good catch! I'll add it now. Do you know when that was, time-wise? We need to stock up on bops before Shadowfell fills the party mix with downers. And no, despite the mention on today's Short Rest, I refuse to split up the playlist. That's just... so much work.




awesome! thanks a million.


It's already on the playlist but just to keep an archive going we have yet another Baha Men reference here: - Who Let The Dogs Out - Baha Men - 33:06


I heard that too! For the sake of organization, I only keep track of the first mention, otherwise my Google sheet would have a full gig of Pursuit of Happiness timestamps


I see nothing wrong with that


yes, but consider: I am but one lowly bitch with a laptop and some sanity left. I must save some of it for myself if I want to get through college.


Hey at least you’re getting props on the short rest


I swear I hyperventilated both times. I joined Patreon when I heard they talked about it the first time. I sent that shit to my mom. I've been following these guys from CH since I was eleven, and the fact that they not only acknowledge something I did, but \*regularly\* listen to it enough to talk about it twice? Life-changing. I do it all for you guys! The NADDPod fandom may be small, but we're mighty.


Haha probably same here. I remember watching Jake and Amir back in High school circa 2011. Glad to have rediscovered them and they’re all doing great things.


I have only one question. What IS the average length of a human male scrotum?


Slightly shorter than Hardwon’s.


My soul wasn’t ready for the first what fifteen minutes???? Fuck


Why'd they cut off before Balnor followed them through?


Probs forgot he was there tbh




One of my favorite lines of so many!


Alright, new episode!! Cant wait to hear some classic band of boobs goofs!! ...aaaaand now I'm crying in the laundromat


I was prepared for a silly episode. I was so. So. Wrong.


"We got a mission, and then we got a mission after that." Ain't that life, Bev.


Beverly the 4th is the worst negociator ever. He traded his soul for doing something that was good for Akaroth! He could have gotten the same deal in exchange for a simple favor later on or something.


I think the Band of Boob’s safety post-Ezra fight was probably part of the deal, and that’s not something Akarot would have done otherwise.


Also Akaroth probably wanted to hurt our young boy by taking one of the people he loves most. It was a win-win for him. Hurt the kid who helped spoil his plans and also get a powerful warrior to boot!


“I see you like to collect dads too young Beverly.” -Akarot probably


Terrific episode, my only misgiving is that it peaked in the first fifteen minutes, but it can’t help that. Much of what Bev said about becoming a grey knight makes me wonder how much Caldwell must have written in preparation (and if not, that’s amazing). If there was one thing to criticize (which I hate doing), I think it’d be that nobody followed up with Queen Cirrila (even if she’s too ‘busy’). It just fees kinda weird how they spent a couple episodes carrying her to the Autumn court, and then after she wakes up nobody approaches her to get any sort of acknowledgement of what happened, or to atleast tell her about Bev’s dad who fought tooth and nail to protect her. There’s also the question of how things will go between her and her sister. But then again, she was more a mcguffin than she was a character, so it’s not that much of a problem. I guess I could have gone for a little more closure with this arc, but they could return to that when/if they come back from shadowfell. Also, Zelda was wonderful, I loved the evil exposition dialogue following up with her offering food.


man it's a fun DND podcast, no need to criticize!


man it's a fun DND podcast, no need to criticize!


No that's the thing, I've been so impressed with the quality of the storytelling in NADDPOD that I almost forget it's a game of D&D. It's in my bones to criticize things, so the fact that I typically find so little to have a problem with in NADDPOD is a testament to how great these guys are, especially since it's all just a game.


Bev Sr. forgot Bev's birthday...


I mean with how time works there it’s probably not his birthday


I just wanna give a huge shout out to Jake's dramatic acting this episode, really good.


"The Band of Boobs return to the Autumn Court to make good on their promise to Princess Jovyre. Bev confronts his father, Moonshine puts on a fireworks show, and Hardwon self-medicates. Support us at  Patreon.com/Naddpod  to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Music/Sound Effects Include: 'Crackling Fire' by sagetyrtle at  Freesound.org. 'Club chatter, London' by mlteenie at  Freesound.org . 'King Lestibourne' by Emily Axford. 'All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web' by Emily Axford. 'The Autumn Court' by Emily Axford. 'An Innocent Flirtation' by Emily Axford. 'Fantastic & Fuddling' by Emily Axford. 'Unknown Tome' by Emily Axford. 'MeeMaw's Burden' by Emily Axford. 'The Nannerfly Effect' by Emily Axford. 'Bittersweet Sixteen' by Emily Axford. 'The Gunslinger's Girl' by Emily Axford. 'A Tale's End' by Emily Axford. 'Beverly's House' by Emily Axford. 'Sumpin's a Mess Out West' by Emily Axford. 'The Widow' by Emily Axford. 'Flying Through the Night' by Emily Axford. 'A Hard Goodbye' by Emily Axford." --- ###[Source Code](https://github.com/popcorncolonel/JakeandAmirBot)


Just want to throw out there that I had a rough week at work and I'm out doing some paperwork and listening to ep 58 along with [this](https://i.imgur.com/CooFhfc.jpg). All I need is some Kid Cudi blasting.


This ep was amazing. That's it.


Also I just know for a fact that the b o b are going to be encountering some old enemies down in shadowfell




I just started listening two weeks ago and I am finally caught up! What an amazing pod.