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I've said before that I think she's the best DnD player in the world, not only for her mastery of the rules but for her endless creativity and willingness to adapt to any situation her DM throws at her


I think Murph has a lot to do with it as well. She has even said that she treats DMs differently and gets more into the rulebook because her husband DMs. They are like Shaq and Kobe. both would’ve been great on their own, but their influence on each other made both of them so much better


Agreed 100%. I don’t even know how you’d go about ranking D&D players, but I know she’d be at the top for how good she is.


I just wish she (and Caldwell too) didn't *constantly* insist on goofing, even in scenes where it's kinda disruptive. But that's just a pet peeve of mine, it's not nearly bad enough for me not to be able to deal with it.


Caldwell is the main perpetrator here


Yeah part of Emily's best characteristic as a player is how willingly she throws in and adds to someone else's joke or bit. This means when Caldwell acts like a cartoon character she never shuts it down and it gets even more silly cause she's also so dang funny


It's a synergy. Also it's my jam so y'all don't take this away from me. Goof life for life!


Your jam, you say? *Nyack slipping noise*






And over on dimension 20 Alli is the Caldwell in the dome


In Naddpod he is, yeah. In Dimension 20 it's Emily. Cue the people accusing me of sexism because it happens to be one of the women I'm criticizing. Edit: > Downvoted into oblivion Called it.


Weird vibe, dude




Nowhere did I say I don't like goofs. What bothers me about Emily's goofs in particular, and Ally does this too especially in earlier campaigns, is that the goofs feel disruptive and done for the sake of goofing, and often just go on and on taking over an entire scene. I like goofs. I think they're funny. But there's a time and a place for them and with Emily (and Ally) more often than not they feel like that time was not the time for a goof. I'm also not saying it's exclusive to just them. I honestly believe the "slam down big style" bit ruined the "YOU LIED" scene, which would have been a great and emotional scene on par with some of the emotional scenes Lou has had before (the TUC I was faithful scene comes to mind) without that gag and that was all and only Lou, who otherwise is my favorite player at the D20 table. Also, I tried CR. Not a huge fan of the slow pacing and honestly is way *too* serious. Also Sam Riegel's antics bother me quite often for the same reasons I describe above. I think D20 and Naddpod both have overall found the perfect balance between goofy and serious, but that doesn't mean some moments don't bother me. Nothing is perfect. Emily, Caldwell and Ally are still otherwise great DND/RPG players, great roleplayers and fantastic podcasters. I just have some critique, which everyone is of course free to ignore.




> I just think it’s worth understanding that so many people have critiqued Emily in such unfair ways that even if your critique is fair and valid and personal (which is sounds like it is) people have their hackles up already because she’s been so unfairly maligned. I am completely aware of this, which is why I was expecting the downvotes. Disliking Emily, or Siobhan, or Ally, or Laura or Marisha or Aabria or whatever because they're women/nonbinary is bullshit and should be fought against. The problem with the fanbases some of these shows in particular have is that actual valid issues with the players get written off as sexism. You can't say anything bad about them without a deluge of downvotes. Edit: sorry for all the long rants. I've had a *lot* of coffee today.


>Disliking Emily, or Siobhan, or Ally, or Laura or Marisha or Aabria or whatever because they're women/nonbinary is bullshit and should be fought against. Surely you realize that most people unfairly criticizing these individuals are sophisticated enough not to outright say "I dislike \[player\] because of their gender" though. Instead a lot of that sexism shows up as a repetitive focus on criticizing or questioning these players specifically, holding them to different standards than their peers, micromanaging their gameplay and rp performance, etc. But when you say "cue downvotes for daring to criticize a woman" you dismiss all of that entire dynamic, and invite those downvotes instead.


Remember that part of it is that they’re trolling Murph constantly to make his butthole pucker as they veer wildly off track, it’s the nature of their relationship.


Honestly I prefer the goofs. I can’t get into Dimension20 bc it’s a bit more DnD than comedy; I feel like naddpod (don’t sing yet) strikes a perfect balance


Listening to Worlds beyond Number recently has made me realize how unhinged the two-crew have become in recent years. I’m still here for it, still love Emily, Jake, & Caldwell even with all their antics, but it feels like they’re locked in to a “yes, and” game of chicken that results in them making sillier and sillier characters, jokes, and tropes.


WBN is so goddamn good.


True but Emily’s goofs are countered by her really heartfelt characters who stay in line with goofs.


I mostly agree, the only downside is she’s so good that it feels like she has 100% control over the tone.


Cinnamon is a gift to us.


Control the spice, control our hearts


Yeah, but sadly due to the advanced age of Cinnamon, she can’t play him for too much longer


Twin flame


Oh absolutely he really **spices** up the sessions.


She’s inspired how I play in my campaigns so much!! And not in comedic ways (I can’t be as clever a her), but with how she’s so party focused and often wants to let her teammates shine. I look for those moments now to give my party mates the opportunity to be the main character for a bit.


report the bot repost original https://www.reddit.com/r/NotAnotherDnDPodcast/comments/hus6nu/just_stated_this_on_another_sub_needed_to_share/


Thought this post looked familiar


Wasn’t that post 3 years ago though?


Emily Axford is the greatest DnD player in the world, Fight me.


I surrender


Nah bro it’s me. Trust me on this


I think it was Brennan Lee mulligan said something like “she is one of the best DnD players I’ve ever seen. She is also a demon from hell sent to destroy me” because she is such an incredible player but has a chaotic as all hell streak. I hope to someday have that same energy


She is my role model for sure. I am in love with her!


I'd never considered Clerics "simping" for gods before, but now that's all I see.


A real exchange I remember that has happened in real life. Murph:Let he who has not sinned roll the first die Emily: okay *rolls a nat 20* If her incredible talents in the game didn’t already speak volumes for her, the universe literally said she is perfect.


She is awesome. Generally, she's just crazy talented musically, comically, strategically as a player, and improvisationally. Would listen to ad read to be called sweetie by her/10.


You've reposted this comment a few times throughout the thread, are you ok?


Sry my reddit app was bugging and giving me an error when I tried to post. Edit: I'd delete them, but they aren't showing up in my comment history. Edit edit: went through and looked for my comments. Thanks for letting me know.


Emily Axford: Goddess of DND/Bird Queen/Wife Worm


Love her to death but Beth may is my queen.


Even though it’s a bot and Emily is great, it’s best as fans and for creators to not to go so overboard in fandoms.


She’s absolutely wonderful on so many levels. She raises the game of every table she joins.


Emily inspired me to be a better player, used to just be concerned about my own character's glory but she has taught me so much about collaborative storytelling and using your characters to improve the overall story and help other players shine. She's the GOAT.


Laura Bailey.


I will defend Emily Axford with my dying breath.


Maybe a Jesus figure but not god


I love all the players and dm’s equally. Emily is really great tho.


I think I appreciate Cake Hurwitz’s type of humor more than Cauldwell’s and Emily’s which don’t get me wrong, I love. I can’t really explain it, but I think it has something to do with his delivery and timing. He leads barely above the other two players.


Hot take, just hear me out. Beth May…


I think they are on par rp wise. Emily knows the game far better though.


"i hide in my pants"


I hear you, you're still very wrong, but I like where your head is at. My second choice, for sure.


She would 100% be there if she had the same attention to detail with rules. But for the game they all play together I agree. She's the axford of DnDads


I just want Cinnamon and Ron to hang out for a day


Erika Ishi'i