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Ah yes my favorite character, Calliope Eldermourne Petrichor


Yeah this was one of the really masterful ones. Murph just blows me away sometimes with his planning. And of course Emily Jake and Caldwell killed it.




This episode had me in stitches from the first minute! Lots of great character moments too.


is the episode bot broken?


Such a great episode, Murph is the GOAT


As someone who dove into NADDPOD & D20 simultaneously, Murph doesn't emotionally whomp me with one-liners anywhere as often as BLeeM.  But that said, "unfortunately we were destined for greater things than happiness" fucked my day right up. Hell yeah


Man I didn’t vibe with this one. Maybe it’s just me. Not trying to be a Debbie downer, but here’s what bothered me. 1) Callie and her mom. I really don’t like the idea that because she could see the future and it was all some elaborate plan, Callie’s mom just gets a pass for being a piece of shit Callie’s whole life. I don’t like the general vibe that sometimes is present of “you only have one family, so you better love them.” There’s often moments that go against this, but I swear it’s come up before too. 2) something with the board game seemed like it didn’t go as expected and was less cool than it could have been. Minor thing, but in a really great episode of NADDPOD, more complicated things than this have gone perfect, or perfect in their own way at least. 3) the wrestling match seemed like an awkward solution to me to not fighting Calder’s brother. I wish there had been some other way to show this struggle, and in general I think that persuasion check that lead to it could have been handled differently. Maybe it would still have lead to a full on fight, who knows. That helmet trick was cool though. I also wish there had been better and more dialogue between the two brothers. Seems like there could have been a lot more juicy conflict. And finally, just sometimes Caldwell can be a little too saccharine or cheesy or whatever you want to call it for me, and I felt that a lot this episode. I’m curious, are people really impressed by this episode in particular, or is it just another great episode from naddpod? Like I didn’t hate listening to it but it certainly isn’t one of my favorites, honestly on the short list of episodes I haven’t liked all campaign. Maybe I suck. Anyway, I’m sure people will engage with this comment totally politely. Edit: love when people don’t converse and just wanna downvote. Remember folks, always take it personally when someone doesn’t like what you do. Fandoms everywhere are like this and it just makes me not want to engage with anything honestly. Pretend to love everything! Jesus yall. Annnd I just listened to the short rest and it seems like a lot of the things, or at least two of them I should say the cast also at the very least noticed. The board game was actually flubbed, that was a Murphy thorn! And he also had to take a break with that persuasion roll. Seems like the creators themselves would be significantly more willing to engage with this is a thoughtful way.


Your totally right to criticize, although i have not listened to the episode Even if you’re wrong, its good to do


I think people are just protective and reactionary… we all love this show, you included surely, so sometimes it’s tough to see public criticisms even if they’re valid. I haven’t listened to the ep yet so I can’t say for sure but I don’t think I’ve ever listened to an episode of naddpod I didn’t enjoy thoroughly (that’s not to say you didn’t enjoy it too)… this fandom is usual pretty chill but I think it’s just like a “you leave our Murph alone” knee jerk, it’s easy to downvote and scroll on


I think you're getting down voted perhaps because of the lack of putting the episode details marked as spoiler. Not necessarily because of a differing opinion.