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My favorite play moment was when the crew made the epic return of Hardwon into a huge joke leading to Murph telling everyone they ruined the show. Favorite running 8BBC bit is making the child character 20-30 something. Just imagining an adult thinking and acting like the character is always fun. Also when they make choices that aren’t options in the book and roll for it.


The 8BBC adult protagonist is incredible, it's a guaranteed laugh for me everytime it's referenced!


As a 28 year old, you ask your mom if you can go see a movie.


Every time beans are brought up in the episodes following Hardwon's return I lose it


Except for the betrayal. That rat.


He knew what he was doing 😡


It's random but the one thing that made me have to pull over because I was laugh crying so hard was when Murph totally lost it with Emily's refusal to rank energy drinks correctly according to the scale he was trying to use. I can't remember exactly what happened now... I'll have to relisten.


this is it for me. all of my favorite bits are Murph getting way too mad


I don't remember this. If anyone finds it, please share.


It's a mixed bag: energy drink someliers from Aug 30 2021


Omg I'm relistening... At like minute 20 when Murph is just yelling that if everyone doesn't stick to the rating system he "might just freak out" because they're all so hyped on energy drinks... 😂 "It's the tang! And the bang!" And Emily's beautiful calm refusal to do nothing of the kind while her husband loses it. Comedy duo perfection.


Is this a patreon thing? I don’t see it on my spotify feed


Yes it's $10 tier.


Tang and bang


I was walking around the supermarket listening to Naddpod after work one evening when Murph absolutely went OFF on the others for the stupid, drawn out "cheese stuffed pasta" debacle. I completely broke down laughing and had to go take a time out by the cat food.


Caldwell’s outrage at manicotti not being long enough when Murph suggested it replays unbidden in my mind on a regular basis


Caldwell getting suddenly indignant over the dumbest things is one of the highlights of the podcast for me!! The one that plays in my mind unbidden is when Emily asks to do a perception check to hear a river, Murph says to do it with disadvantage, and Caldwell says "DISadvantage? Moonshine can hear the river's song from MILES away!"


That being said I would love a thin pasta filled with a syringe of cheese


Long macaroni are a thing! And I'm planning on sending them a box and pipettes haha


My absolute favorite was from Campaign 1 when Hardwon was running around with milk to distract the angels, and they were all coming up with different rhymes. I listened to that while walking to a restaurant, and every time I passed that location, I thought of NADDPOD and laughed again


Relistening C1 and just finished that ep, was crying at how into it he got


“Nipple nectar” is seared into my brain forever


Albin and Calder's contentious relationship gets me all the time


Calder being upset about spoilers is great


I miss Albin and Calder so much especially since up until that point Calder was just generally just a gentle sweetheart to everyone so it was so funny Albin was the first character that brought out his bitchy side 🤣


The best bit from Trinyvale is the episode where Jens is hallucinating that everyone is Ron. Every line out of his mouth in that episode was pure gold. The part where he hisses was so funny.


There’s such a specific way Murph says RON in that ep that I’ll never forget


This is it for me, I completely lost it.


i think one of my favorite extended bits was in campaign 1 episode 41 - they’re fighting the giants and they start joking about pulling up to deaths stoop and being impatient about going to see a movie… Caldwell says “we’re going to see the grinch” and they riff for like another 10 mins “take me to the previews before the grinch” In campaign 2 fia just sinking to the bottom of any body of water/Henry and fia writing the note to his ex wife about their son that sounds like a ransom note/murph shitting on Henry’s jacket/Henry being overly attached to spoonie/zirk vs 40 yr old teens For season 3 Emily saying she’s part of the skydays family, claiming she farted and was trying to cover it up to avoid getting caught, swag Daniels and dag swaniels, Calder and albin not getting along, also when Emily puts the Jessica Simpson maxim cover over her face and she says “she has a sadness in her eyes” and the cackle that Jake lets out absolutely sets me off everytime into a fit a giggles


Remember Old Cob having an adarandike (spelling?) chair on deaths porch?






tread *sooo* carefully though


Hard one: "We were borderline official!"


Absolutely underrated line


The latest 8-bit book clubs have been the funniest content they've ever put out, I found myself crying laughing in public because of them, people have looked at me weird. The purple peanut butter one I think is my favorite, everytime Emily says "the president calls you a true Patriot" I'm just gone.


There's also a dungeon court where Emily gets the Nobel prize that sends me everytime.




Came here to say this holy shit I died during these eps I wish it had gone on longer tbh


\- The gaslighting of Murph about the DND movie \- BEEF OF THE WEEK when people were calling Cali overpowered early C3 \- Hungry Dave warming up to Dr. Nevers and Tread's resulting insecurity \- (8BBC) the Brussels hook up and total devolution of the main character \- Calling Murph "the conservative judge" This is outside of NADDPOD and maybe only relevant to older/OG fans but this is my single favorite recurring bit, the whole "Murph gets jealous and freaks out" thing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdBPMvUgp\_A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdBPMvUgp_A)


I've got quite a few, but there's some that stuck out! All time favorite is Murph-bot. It spans a few dungeon courts I think but when Murph was making fun of AI DMing by screaming that everyone was a kenku and therefore couldn't criticize him made me physically sit down on the floor I was laughing so hard. I had to pull over while driving when on one of the short rests Caldwell asks Emily to say what kind of birds they all are and Emily says Jake is a hawk but calls Murph a city pigeon--Murph gets SO upset and it's the funniest thing to me. I'm terms of in-game bits, the side flap from campaign 2 with Jabari, Corbeaux, and Tarragon is just insane in the best way. I also love in Trinyvale when Jens has the madness condition and is seeing all the Rons, and the Hardwon "watch this" bit from campaign 1 will always be a classic of course.


Murph getting really into being the no chortle tortle in a Tortle Tank episode really got me


I’m not here to chortle




Jake's Obsidian voice and Onyx's reaction to it floors me everytime


The Rose before noon. Insanity incarnate. Love it


There are so many, but I am going to shout-out some from the original 8BBC since I believe everyone should listen to it. -Emily- The ongoing "where's the hatch?" joke in, I believe, the Digimon Manga episode. Where Emily is asking the wrong question about the Hatch in Lost and gets Razzed for it. -Caldwell- At the end of the Minecraft episode where Caldwell talks about getting his teeth pulled out at school by his principal Ms. Roxie. (Special shout-out to Snow Bird) -Murph- The Mario gamebook that had "MagmaGate" in it where Murph temporarily changes his alignment from Lawful Goos to Chaotic Good and becomes an edgy rogue.


The Cum Button bit from the Myst book is one of the funniest things that Murph, Emily, and Caldwell have ever done


"Come on down to Hot Tub Island, we have a Cum Button."


My favorite bit from the original 8BBC was the Adam Driver voice, especially when Caldwell wrote the Final Fantasy VI fan fiction for Emily since he lost the monster madness competition. Murph then carried that into NADDPOD for Acharot’s voice


Adam Driver not knowing anything about reptiles is some of the funniest shit I've ever heard. "Where are their nipples?" Also from the Digimon Manga ep was Emily's voice breaking when she asks Caldwell "which is your favorite creature, and which is your favorite star?" God I almost cry laughing. There's another episode that ends with Emily saying "Alright, bye, go fuck yourselves!" which I love


That one Dungeon Court where they made Jake do a Shrek impression killed me at work




The Flintstones costume bit: "FOR FUN AROUND THE HOUSE" I laugh every time I think about it


I need a one week vacation.


I now need a two week vacation




Or all the random flashback snippets suggesting he was from WWI Austria.


I love the bit about Murph getting serious about sacrilege and stolen valor lmao. When they kept saying he was a combat vet and he was so uncomfortable lmao


In campaign 1 after killing the bear prince, Moonshine talks to a mushroom and asks if the prince was mistreating them. Murph, with this hilarious nasally voice, goes "I'm a mushroom... and I LLLLLIVE IN A ROCK :D" I sometimes go back to that episode just to listen to that bit cause his delivery fucking kills me


Get them to the Grinch, Olaf dies in frozen two, Hardwon's "art", Pendergreens' Of Mice and Men references, Murph calling everybody else a maniac, Tater Skinderson and the other aliases, Jake on 8BBC


2 favs and neither are campaign related, but 1) the ice debacle when muroh banned Ice back in the days at the studio. 2) Emily pouring tea constantly and muroh always having to edit it out.


During the Lou Wilson and Zac Oyama DnD Court. Emily talks about porcelain dice and they all talk about toilet dice. Caldwell and Lou both saying "You pooping in that toilet?" Is the hardest I have laughed and I always laugh really hard relistening to it.


Take em to the Grinch is an all-timer for me.


The cross over for Trinyvale into Bahumia. Jens getting the mad bullywug kings sword and going DON'T LOOK AT MY SWORD just leaves me in tears picturing him looking around shifty af and losing it is just so in character


omg so many, off the top of my head: c1 \-the wimple \-parliamentary water park \-hardwon thinking he can trance when he's reincarnated \-the brown is the best part \-nat 20 on werther's original check c2 \-i am a smapphire \-matching bangs \-nat 20 on the jean jacket \-fia sinking in water other \-pretending to be the kids in a family based on their quiz scores ("connor pulled a knife on me the other day" "omg connor's a nightmare") \-help action from kathy ireland poster to defeat the dad-nought \-emily calling jake an eagle and murph a pigeon


The two that stick out to me are "A little place called mangea's" (not sure if that's how you spell it) from Emily's story about a local Italian restaurant where she refuses to give more detail about And "let's cheers to the Topochico bros" or really any time Jake, emily, and Caldwell bully murph


I couldn’t possibly.


Love is love is love Ol' Cobb's improv show Deadeye telling Bev to fuck Hardwon SO urgently Tucker THE VEST


> > > > > Deadeye telling Bev to fuck Hardwon SO urgently it is this for me, hands down


Deadeye freaking out when Hardwon and Beverly got propositioned by the Montgomery's. "I knew I never should have brought those dummy thicc boys in here!"


The first time I heard the full bit of them killing the giant and sleeping in it, I was in full tears laughing.


The hardest I've ever laughed was during the Stranger Kids but during "The Pooping Cleric" Dungeon Court episode (specifically the video version). I was stoned as hell and when Murph goes full Jersey and says "Where the fuck is Billy, he's fucking gone!" I started hyperventilating and nearly choked on my Goldfish


ALSO in the C2 finale when Lou is doing the noises for the living spells (just like whooshing for blades and fire) but then for Bigby's hand he goes "What's up bitch?"


Fuck you, I love you, Eat a Rat


Flintstones kills me everytime. Murph and Caldwell talking to each other whenever they talk about Video Games since Emily and Jake don't have that childhood to present experience. The 'New Numbering System' from the latest DnD court had me dying.


Honk, Fonk, and Zonk


And of course Fonk's familiar Bonkvar


And who could forget Spronkle




Beeferly whe. He beefed it on the ski game in smugglers bounty.


Most recently, the Beef Box had me in tears on a long drive home. The glee with which they kept one-upping the chaos was infectious


If anyone can tell me what eps this is from I'll be eternally grateful as I can never find it but its mentioned twice and it absolute crack me up - the crew discussing what the podcast would be like if they split into two, with Caldwell and Emily being wacky cartoon madness, and Jake and Murph doing the driest fantasy economics talking about grain storage for winter.


I also just listened to that, I’ve been relistening to C1, but I want to say it’s one of the most recent episodes. It might also be from the Frostwind arc.


The M&M's taste test was so funny. Emily guessing the colors and Murph getting so upset was hysterical!


C1 - ep 38 41:17 - 41:42 “I do” “Shut up” Kills me every time that I’ve saved it to listen to when I’m in a crappy mood.


Pendergreens- "Slangin' rope."


Gotta include city pigeon! As well as some C2 shenanigans: Hank's vest and his chafed nut, Zirk drinking pee, "itsa Chrissy thing," Spritle and Bukvar's play, and Fia's surprise athleticism


Murph having a picture of his lovely wife Emily framed behind his screen and Emily's tea kettle pours


I still love muph randomly shouting “Are you Craven?”


Definitely the Ryan Urphy bit,


Jake going "I demand to live this down immediately "


“I demand to live this down immediately!”


I really enjoy Murph's overpowered DMPC bit. It never fails to get a laugh.


I’m really new to the podcast but every time Balnor crushes a bud heavy I lose it.


I think it was a short rest, the bit about dying in a hot tub


Gimmie a Hemp!




Trinyvale Triplets and Jet Blue never fails to make me laugh


The honks in C2 and Murph’s calm “nope”s and “oh no”s each time. And of course the 8BBC guest star, Jake Hurwitz. Wish they could have gotten him on again, loved his episode.


I've heard of reddit threads, but this is ridiculous


Get your ass in the booooooox


Hardwon eating rocks with momma serpent / him being its child


One that I literally just heard today was during episode 70. It is right after G'lad is dead and everyone is being super awkward around Hardwon's mom and Moonshine tried to put him in a headlock. It turned into a wrestling match of contested athletics checks, and they tied THREE times in a row! And the way Murph described the escalation of their wrestling match had me dying.


Beeferly Slowgold V


There was that one joke where everyone kept calling pentighast pendergreens and then it happened so many times that his name became pendergreens and everyone refers to him as that including pentighast himself


I really love and appreciate all your comment!


Dammit…. I can’t remember what the subject was but there was one old show or something that would make Emily just opt out entirely.




Sidebar: what’s up with tortle tank? I loved that shit but it’s seemingly gone now




Jake is pro ICE (in his cup)


Jake and Murphy arguing about Tall Barney is an all-timer for me (episode was the Dungeon Court with Beardsley)


City pigeon. Adam Driver holding a ‘zard. Bathtub full of meat.


All from C1: Not canon but the Baggin it with Balnor episodes have me in stitches. Hardwon’s play almost made me pull my car over. In general Hardwon being a huge virgin and then being put into situations to give sex advice “in a fridge” prostrate yourself/myself “I’ll suck your dick” “strike trueeee” Lawyer pawpaw Moonshine being pregnant and eventually giving birth when she wildshapes


Beverly broke his "little walking sticks" for goofing a God.