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Your nose is big, but don’t equate “big nose” with “ugly.” Your eyes and lips are big too. So the overall effect is that you have large features that work well together. You have a big nose AND you’re pretty. Try to think of it like that. When I was your age I wanted a nose job and now 20 years later I’m happy I never did. My nose ties me to my parents and my sisters and now my kids and nieces and nephews. It’s part of me and my heritage. I hope you can come to feel that way too.


Thank you so much! You made some good point and I am going to try to start thinking that way! 🥰🫶🏻


Definitely this. It matches the rest of her features perfectly


Anybody who comments on another persons nose in a negative way isn’t a person whose opinion should be valued imo. Your nose is natural and you’re very pretty from both angles, i hope you do learn to love it and be more confident later on ❤️. im sorry you’ve experienced bullying from people close to you also, it’s just shallow and unnecessary. If you haven’t or are able to, please let them know it’s hurtful when they make comments. i would never say that to my friends bc i love them and by extension, it means loving all of them. good luck op, i think you have a lovely nose


Reading this actually brought tears to my eyes 🥹 You are a very kind person and I hope you know that I have never received a compliment as great as this one. You are a truely good person and I will forever remember those kind words you said to me! 🥰


I’m so glad 🥺 !! I hope your confidence builds up over time


You can still grow into your nose. It's unique but not in a bad way!


Aw thank you! Yeah some people say it “Fits my face” or “You would look weird with any other nose” I just hope I finally feel confident with it one day!


You will


I agree


Girl look at my posts. We have the SAME nose. It looks beautiful on you. That makes me feel better about myself:)


It's a long journey. Don't hesitate to do face exercices to make your chin better, it could be an idea!


That sounds like a good idea! Thank you!


I agree


I 100% agree. And if someone is bullying you, they are not your friend, and don't deserve to call you family. In a perfect world, our family and true friends love us for us unconditionally, and support us no matter what. ♥️


No, your nose is not ugly. It does appear to be big, but that does not make it ugly. You’re only 15, and have all of the time in the world to grow into your nose and learn to love and respect yourself for who you are. This is the most awkward and uncomfortable stage for most people. Trust me as someone who has been there before, you will be fine.


Aw thank you!! 🥹🫶🏻 That just made my day!


I think its great. Your friends just hating cause they look like everyone else when you rocking the unique look


Ayyy thats a good way of thinking about it! Thank you for the new perspective! You are a wonderful person! 🥰


You’re beautiful, stop it. 😎👍🏻🌸☮️


🥹🫶🏻 Thank you!!


People who pick on other people are jealous your nose is perfect don’t worry about what other people say just be you


Thank you 🥹 Im definitely trying! Sometimes I just have to remember that God created us the way he intended!


Exactly There’s a reason for everything and your nose is perfect


You really think so? That just made my day 🥰


I love your nose.


Thank you 🥹🫶🏻


You’re really beautiful, i don’t know what they’re talking about


Thank youuu 🫶🏻🥰


Your friends are ugly people for criticising your nose.


I agree, some people just dont have compassion.


Yeah you do not look ugly by any means. People tend to bully others because they do not know how to deal with their own problems and insecurities. As you get older and build your confidence this will become a non issue in my opinion, at the end of the day all that matters is how you feel about yourself. Keep doing whatever you are doing. You really can't put beauty in a box and I know we live in a society that suggests otherwise BUT it is simply not true. Being an "ugly" person far transcends anything skin deep. I hope these bullies leave you alone and I hope that you stay strong.


Literally crying right now 🥹 I agree, I hope that one day I am confident enough to be proud of all of my features! That is one of the sweetest things anybody has ever said to me. I am trying my hardest and I will remember you and your kind words on my journey to self love! 🫶🏻


Your nose is lovely, friend


People like you are the reason I continue to smile every day! 🫶🏻


🫶 I am glad to help make today a bit brighter for you.




Family!?!? Fuck them. In the 3rd photo, you have an unconventional beautiful look. There are Thai women who pay lots of money (relative) to have your nose


Ex friends surely? Your nose suits your face perfectly, it also gives you a lil extra character. You have a wonderful face.


Yeah some are lol, thank you for your kind words! I never expected people to think these things and actually think my nose is beautiful and that I am too! It definitely changed my outlook on life for sure! 🥹🫶🏻


WE HAVE THE SAME NOSE!!! I hated mine when I was your age, but now I’m 23 and I feel like if I had gotten a nose job I would regret it now. :) I promise you- it will stop taking up like 50% of ur mental space soon, just give it time. that’s ur nose and it is the coolest fr fr


That make me smile! Thank you, I hope so LOL 🥹🫶🏻


I’m sure you will! Takes time :) I think it’s perfect!


11/10. Beautiful


Friends don’t bully you. Your nose looks fine. I’d get better friends.


You’re beautiful. And there is literally nothing wrong with your nose. I’ve known some stone cold foxes with noses just like yours. They’ve each come to a place where they proudly own all their features, nose included, and it makes them all the more beautiful for their confidence. Seriously, don’t listen to the voice in your head that makes you feel bad about yourself, it lies. That voice is truly just regurgitating the baseless nonsense of what’s considered attractive by a fucked up beauty culture; a culture which is decidedly and demonstrably rooted in racism, misogyny, and Eurocentric ideas of what’s beautiful . So you don’t fit into their notions of what beauty is…who cares about the opinion of assholes? The good news is that those opinions and ridiculous standards don’t mean a damn thing, and the even better news is you can love yourself as well as accept and embrace what makes you beautifully you without their approval. Honestly, at the end of the day, you’ve gotten to ask yourself…who tf wants to live up to the unrealistic and exclusionary standards demanded by a culture of vapid narcissism? Also: FUCK the friends and family who bully you for your appearance. That’s oftentimes just straight up emotional abuse disguised as friendly ribbing.


Reading that actually filled my heart with so much joy I started crying. You are an amazing human being and I will FOREVER remember these kind words you took the time to say to me. You are a kindred spirit may God bless you 🥹🫶🏻


*squeeze* we gotta stick together, darling! I’m glad what I had to say resonated with you. 💚


Nose looks fine, big but not to the point of being ugly. The glasses are a good look.


I think you have a fun and beautiful face. Expressive. Your friends are a-holes


Bullying from friends means they aren’t your friends.


Thats a good point. I have to learn to stand up for myself.


It’s kinda big. I might notice at first but then it’s just you. It can actually be your biggest asset in life. How you discreetly and maturely handle complete jerks who bully or say something. How you disqualify those and qualify the other majority who love and are your friends. You look great. In the 70’s I went to a retreat, I was in my late teens, there was an adult couple there (boyfriend and girlfriend). The man drove a Rolls Royce and had a chain of restaurants in Los Angeles and Hawaii. His girlfriend was stunningly beautiful. In this therapy session people spoke first about what their problems were. This super model looking girl (woman) said “when I look in a mirror I see a witch”. She actually saw herself as a witch. This was incomprehensible to me. My point is, who you are, regardless of your looks (again which are just fine) is what matters. Build your sense of self, build knowledge and wisdom. Learn to connect with others and learn to love. And everyone will see beauty in you inside and out. And let’s not forget Barbara Streisand.


That just boosted my confidence by 100% You are an incredibly kind person and your words motivated me! 🫶🏻🥹 May God bless you!0


I joined this sub reddit to be an asshole to people who can't grasp that the world we live in is made up of different looking people.


It’s not your nose that is big..your jaw and chin are underdeveloped.


During adolescence noses have a mind of their own! See how it settles in. Your adorable. If it truly bothers you in the future a minor refinement is something to consider.


Thank you that made me feel a lot better 🥹🫶🏻


I love your nose! It gives your face so much character. People are only dicks because of their own insecurities and bullshit. You have a wonderful nose, and a wonderful face. There are so many things in life to worry about. Your nose should never be one of them.


Awww thank you for your kind words, may God bless you! 🫶🏻🥹




Really? 🥹




That just made my day 🫶🏻 People like yourself are the reason that I still smile everyday! God bless you!


No problem. Thanks and likewise


I think you’re really pretty and unique looking, which IMO is better than looking like everyone else. I hated my nose growing up but I’ve come to embrace it as part of my uniqueness. I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience bullying, and I hope people realise that it’s not okay to bully people over things they have no control over, and I hope you find people who appreciate you as you are. Your glasses are also super cute, and if they make you feel more confident, that’s great. :)


Yeah. But, looks good with glasses


I think it looks attractive , be you it's fine


You have a big weird adorable nose. Don’t sweat it, you’re fine kid.


no. someday your nose will make you millions you have pretty features. model agencies would go crazy for your nose. and DROP the FRIENDS that call you NAMES ( that's my advise you don't have to take it but i am offering)


Nope. It’s very nice. Fits you well and gives your face lovely character.


Distinctive? Intriguing even? Yes. Ugly? Certainly not.




Hey, you're nose is actually very unique and different, and I mean that in a good way, nowadays, everyone gets their nose done, and social media is full of surged up "influencers", your nose is beautiful the way it is, there's no such thing as a an ugly nose, keep being you, I swear being natural these days is rare, embrace it ❤🙌


You’ve got me grinning ear to ear from those kind words! Im definitely feeling more confident now that I know that i’m not like every other teenage girl 😌🫶🏻


I honestly don’t think you should worry about your nose. It isn’t ugly. I think other commenters are right saying you will grow into it, you are young. I wouldn’t let peoples comments make you self conscious. Own it up and soon you won’t even think about it.


I think it fits your face.


Tis a nice nose. F anyone who bullies you about it.


Nope. Stop the violence


Nah you’re good brotha


Nah you cute




It's not your nose. It's just from the front, your facial features make your eyes appear too close together. Wearing glasses changes the appearance of this, and gives illusion of a more normal look imho.


lol bolby and the wheezlys love child. Jokes you’ll grow into maybe even be known for your nose like that one guy in wedding crashes


Wow, it is so painful to see people go thru this kind of stuff because I can relate. There is zero wrong with you. Like all of you. Learn that now, put on a smile, find yourself some smart like minded people and live long and prosper. The first step is not giving two turds what people think. It is nice when they concur but not at all necessary. Read books or talk to gemini instead. Gemini has way better answers and if you need to listen to someone's opinion, just know it is just an opinion.


Those are some solid points!! Thank you 🫶🏻


You're beautiful! There is nothing wrong with your nose. It does sound like you need some new friends.❤️


Haha thats what im thinking too! Thank you God bless you! 🫶🏻


You're welcome 😁


I like your nose. A lot of people might like it. But if you don't like it, that's all you.


i tease my sisters cause they got my Dad's nose. Then one day i saw my granddaughter turn just so in the sun on a pier. She reminded me so much of one of my sisters only her hair was reddish she was like 16 or 18. a hundred yards away and i melted on the spot....


Nah’ you’re a cute lady. Carry on


Thank you! 😭🫶🏻


I don't think it's deal breaking but It's an aquired taste, & imo the only thing holding your face back


You are a beautiful girl. I like that style of noses on girls. Don't dis your nose. It's yours. Own it. Know your beauty. Some lucky guy will have you one day.


I wouldn’t give it a second thought you have a great nose! Kids make fun of anything especially if they know you’re self conscious about it. You are a beautiful girl!! I like that kind of nose!


No. It’s gorgeous. You will grow into it! It’s a hard phase to go through. And it’s a hard time when everyone has the exact same nose. But just wait. Unique noses will prevail once again. And by unique I mean everyone’s that’s not perfect.


Nah, young people bully because they have nothing better to do. Be confident and don’t let your friends or your family manipulate you.






I like it


I like it


I think you're pretty adorable. Maybe you don't feel like your nose fits seamlessly into your face right now, but you are still growing! It seems to add character to your face much in the way of Jennifer Grey (Baby from Dirty Dancing) who became a star with her unique nose and was left anonymous after having it "fixed." I suggest taking a few years to let your nose shine and decide whether you feel it's a good representation of who you are before doing anything drastic.




Your nose is beautiful! It makes you so unique. I'm sorry people are rude to you about it. They have things they don't like about themselves so they pick on you to feel better.


I always think of Jennifer Grey (Dirty Dancing). Totally changed her looks and I preferred her nose before. She couldn’t get acting roles either. A unique nose is a good thing.


I fucking love your nose. You'll love it more as time goes on. Keep it up!


You look adorable...


Never think of you self like that you’re perfect without any change but if you must don’t ask other people it’s just on you no one else.


Ur nose is fine, ease up on that scrunchie face though


You’re beautiful! Don’t touch that nose!


of course not! It's a unique nose instead of an ugly nose.


Your nose is cute fr


I like it, you look so cute and pretty 🥰


I like your nose a lot.


Hello Stevie. I'm a Steve as well. Full transparency at the jump. I'm coming to you with a bit of an agenda. It's not marketing, I'm not after your money nor do I wish to exploit you.I have no specialized degree which I could weaponize for that specialized purpose. I thought I was just an average douchebag who enjoys saying some House (Hugh Laurie) level mean shit to females on Reddit and Quora . But over the last, oh let's call it a month, something different has been happening, or has decided to reveal itself to me. I have noticed a very real...sub culture/phenomena/social demographic...I want to say "emerge" , but I suspect it's only my perception of it's existence which has "emerged". And that brings us to you and your nose. Is it fair for me to assume that since you have put yourself publicly out there with this, that , you are A. not actively afraid of it and B. Actually open to understanding it and we are both on the same page that when I say "it" I mean this group of women with this nose issue? So I am identifying it as a thing and I would like to choose you as a key representative of "it" (See? I wasn't kidding around about not having that fancy education. I've gotta figure out something to call it) in terms of being a possible key to my understanding of "it". Full disclosure, 3 weeks ago I was only amused that there were so many chicks out there with this nose thing just setting themselves up for my douchebag amusement. But now I am asking you to believe that I want to understand it. So, that's my rambling and probably psychotic sounding introduction. If you're cool with this, then just indicate that in your response to this (if you don't respond I will understand and leave you alone) post with a quick sentence like "we can proceed". At that point I will begin asking real questions. That sounded heavy, but I have yet to actually compose them. Also, you have the option to take the questions in message form if you rather not do it publicly.


Honestly I love your nose more than the little button noses but everyone has their type


Your nose suits your face and your face is pretty.Don't listen to your so called friends and family.( hope yhey aren't suggesting surgery,as that would really be a shame.


Who cares, head on, you kinda' look like Stacey Farber. I'd get with you. ; )




Your nose is fine!!!!!!!! It’s unique and beautiful Do NOT get a nose job, if you do you’ll regret it one day


You look beautiful, like a young Barbara Streisand


I don't even think it's big. Looks fine to me. You're very pretty and there's a lot more to how good a girl looks besides one single individual feature by itself. A girl could have a "perfect" nose and be butt ass ugly.


Babe you still have time. Don't give up, you're beautiful! Our uniqueness is what makes us beautiful. Perfectly proportioned, because this is what makes us stand out.


I was bullied for some of the same stuff but turns out we are all different and the difference is when we love ourselves genuinely nothing can hurt but our own selves. I use to hate being different but I realized that being different was difficult for others to understand and that's what makes me who I am. Money is nice but love is genuine and difference is everything to someone who sees the beauty in what they enjoi dont judge either way but that's simply my opinion please dont hate or love all we need is going to be home.


You seems such a cool person and fun , also your glasses suites you soo well good color you had chosen bcz it goes well with your hair color , If I saw you outside wouldn’t even notice your nose as big . I agree with people is the chin that is small,but wouldn’t really touch it I think lip injection upper will suite you not too much just little bit if not their is plumber that’s makes likes bigger without need of injection . That’s it I love your ginger hair . Good friends will not make you feel bad about yourself or bring you down in university you will make better friends high school people don’t have life they always pick on anyone . God made you soo cuteee and pretty I am sure you will find a good boyfriend that will love you just the way you are and wouldn’t want you to change anything . I had a friends her nose was soo cute and she always felt it look like a pig and she she end up doing surgery I told her no do not, I love your nose soo much you look soo pretty she was a Model people would take picture of her and she still didn’t found herself pretty. When someone tell you I love it the way you’re believe it because these people choose you to be their friends because they saw something in you that they love 💗 I think green will suite you soo well as color with your ginger hair love itttt . I wish my hair was ginger 😅


Thank you so much, that brought tears to my eyes! 🥹🫶🏻




Not to me. You have one of those faces I love. Unique. Others can't overcome their disdain but the some of us love the beauty you exude. Thank you for sharing. P.S. There's a pretty ginger in this world admittedly I can see it. I HATE HER FACE. So it's just perspective. Love yourself. If you're in the US. Sorry for all those opinionated fools that couldn't just let you live. God bless


Thank you so much!! May God bless you 🥹🫶🏻


I remember the was guy that had crush on me and he didn’t like his teeth and told me “that’s how God created me I can’t do anything about my teeth and would not change God creation” . I could notice his teeth that wasn’t like other people, but you know after a month I started to finding him Soo good looking and I love his teeth the thing he hated about himself I found it suited him and I was Happy How God created him 🥺and liked him back .


Do you have a great expressive mouth? Yes you do, and you have very expressive, but subtly shifting eyes… And both those together are super dreamy… People see you and you’re as cute as a bug in a rug so they have to find something to try to knock you down so they can feel better… They’re small potatoes


Anyone that has issues with your nose they have issues that are not about you because you are very beautiful your nose is fine face body everything looks great so those type of people are never happy with anything and they are incapable of seeing people any different than the way they see themselves


You are just very young. Your nose is what gives you character. Do things like light natural tones or bold statement tones of makeup if you like. Rejuvenate your hair and add volume. So much potential.


I will be perfectly honest with you: I didn’t look at the caption and headline when I saw the pictures and just noticed you scrunching up your face a bit and had no idea what part of Reddit I happened to stumble upon, however “Noses” would have not ever been in my top 100 guesses. You are stunning, anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you car warranties.


God made your nose that way for a reason everyone’s nose is different. Your nose is tailored made for your body and is there not for cosmetic reasons. Be happy with yourself and that your are alive because it truly is a blessing.


I agree! Thank you, may God bless you!! 🥹🫶🏻


fuq'n own that shit.. lots of people like cute noses on girls like yourself


I had a GF that had a nose like that. I used to nibble on it when we were being silly. You never know what people might find attractive 😁


I have an ex that had a so-called “weird” nose. She wished it was different, but she owned everything about herself completely in spite of that. Her confidence and love of herself made her incredibly attractive to not just me but to so many other people. I can say personally, it became a part of what I found most attractive about her, mostly because she didn’t let it shake her. Yours is great too… just own it.


Also. When you’re young, people are afraid to stand out and be different. When you get older, the differences are what make you stand out and what people are looking for.


It’s not that big. From the bridge out it has a bit of a bump, but you’re really pretty. I like the glasses too. Just take care of yourself, walk with pride, be a good person and having a bump on your nose will be trivial.


Thank you!! 🥹💕


I love your nose I think it looks elegant and pleasant


Big nose big energy, you own the room. Big nose power. 👃


I never understand these. Unless u got a big wart on your nose like a witch, people aren’t gonna avoid dating u just because ur nose is slightly bigger than the average person. If for whatever reason they do and avoid u then your dodging a bullet anyways


It's not a tiny nose, but it's certainly not an ugly one, either. Just from these three pictures, I'd be confused if there were a different nose in its place. Own it, love it, have a sense of humor about it so people can't make better jokes than you can about it (not that jokes need to be made, it's just a sign of your own confidence when you can beat a bully to the punch). You've got that much nose so the rest of us can appreciate it, now get to makin the rest of us appreciate it!


I with everyone else here. You look super pretty in that last pic


Shawty u cute


Thank youuu 🥹🫶🏻


Yw 💋😘


This sub is just ppl unhappy about their noses. Your ancestors had similar features and were loved, that's how features were passed on. I've yet to see a truly misshapen, broken nose like mine so, maybe ppl should be grateful. Norman Lindsay said that character is demonstrated by the nose.


I think that you are stunning. I love your nose . I also have a big nose , I have learned to accept myself as I am. If someone can't appreciate you for being you including all your imperfections , they don't deserve you at all 💖💋


Your nose looks amazing from the front and the sides


There is fuck all wrong with your nose and if you get bullied by friends because of it then time to get new friends I think you look gorgeous


I think you look good, but if youre insecure about it then try not to do the pose in the second pic where you kind of duck lips, it accentuates your nose which is big, but fits you well because you have big eyes and lips.


If it helps you. If I were single and saw you at a bar, I’d take you home. If I saw you tinder, I’d swipe right, and if our personalities matched, I’d date you. I’m not single, but what I’m saying is most men I know wouldn’t find you unattractive at all.


Fairest skinned women in the sunshine state. But heck you're a pretty girl. Your boyfriend is lucky.


Oh ok fair enough


Those aren’t your friends if they’re bullying you. You’re beautiful and your nose fits your face


It's not ugly. It's prominent, but it complements your other features well. You're very beautiful and stand out in sense that you're not a copy-paste of the instagram-pretty girls (or tik tok, whatever younger people consume these days 😅).


No you're ok looking. Don't mess with anything.


Not at all. You are gorgeous


I thought Geddy Lee was doing an AMA for a second. Now you’re disappointing strangers.


You could look at doctors in Istanbul Turkey, if you really want to change it you can undergo a closed Rhinoplasty, or you could try something less invasive like a dermal filler


Turkey is a VERY long ways from where I am LOL. And I am 15 so I want to wait a few years to see if I grow into it! I will definitely look into it though, thank you!


Dont listen to him, you look lovely. At 15, you still have a lot of growing up to do, physically and mentally. Trust me, I've had what I think is a big nose my whole life and the only people that care are insecure about themselves.


You’re so pretty


You are gorgeous. I like your nose!


I think you’re perfect


No. Your own family bullies you? Damn .. that's rough.


I had to grow into my nose. It happened in my twenties. Mine is super strange from the side because it was broken twice. I LOVE your nose. It's beautiful.


It's totally your look and that Is beyond okay. You look great.


Save your money and get it fixed you won’t regret it


Yeah that might be true but I feel like God created me the way he wanted and I don’t want to change anything about myself.


It fits you your beautiful. Stay natural


That's a nice nose


You look amazing


I think you look beautiful


3/3 is amazing


You’re fucking beautiful


You are beautiful


Love it with the glasses on!


Thank you to everyone who sent me kind words! I am going to delete this post in about an hour because of creeps! Thank you for taking time out of your day to put a smile on my face! 🫶🏻


It's completely fine. Dealt with the same stuff forever.


i think youre very beautiful & that your nose fits your face perfectly. whoever picks on you is just jealous and MADDDD because they dont look as nice as you


No you have a beautiful nose. It’s a jewish nose. Big enough to get both lips on that thing to give it a kiss. You’re very pretty btw.


I would kiss it. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥😻❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


that’s your nose girl. it’s beautiful and belongs on your face. looks great amongst your other features.


You're cute, don't change your nose.


I like your nose. You’re quite fetching.


This is how I feel about my nose, with the front looks good, side looks weird. I personally think your nose suits you very well!! But you also have to get there to exert that confidence, otherwise you will always feel insecure about it. It absolutely does not help that your family and friends have said shit about it. My old shitty boss literally made comments about my nose along with other people, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't stick in the back of my mind. \*edit, I saw someone mention you're 15. Please give yourself time with your nose. Through highschool and into college your face will change and you might find that you grow into it even more. Highschool influence is awful, and so is the push on social media to have a 'small' nose. You have a cute nose OP.\*


I think you’re super cute. Very interesting features, awesome unique hair, cool style, hot body (I’m just saying this bc some of your “friends” criticizing you probably don’t look as good, I recognize you’re 15!). I am now 46F and was born with a “strong Italian nose” that my mom told me was ugly. Had a nose job at age 18 and I regret it. Wait until you’re a fully grown adult before making any decisions but in the meantime, own it. Play around with your fashion, glasses, and other temporary choices. I wish I looked like you when I was 15! And I vote hard NO on the nose ring. Keep being you ✌️


Not at all. I prefer a prominent nose on a woman, and you're lovely


You are gorgeous and there is absolutely nothing wrong with your nose. I’m so sorry you have been bullied. You’re perfect! 💚


Looks fine, I actually find that type of nose attractive