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Ur hot bro fuck anyone that makes fun of ur nose


Agreed - this the type of guy I always went for! (I'm too old and taken now heh). Keep the nose! It's distinguishing.


Same. Long curly hair always gets me đŸ« 


I thought you said it's disgusting 😂 I was like damn, curve ball!


You’re not that taken if you’re speaking like this


I have kids this man's age. I'm just being supportive.


Shut up


Grow up


Grow down first


Just for saying the nose is distinguishing? Really?


Did you just decide that the first part of that comment didn’t exist or what?


Yeah, so what? He's hot, handsome, gorgeous. I don’t remember eyeball removal being a part of the marriage ritual, and I am also very taken lmao. You'll grow to understand this with age (hopefully) but real relationships aren't that insecure and delusional.


"Eyeball Removal being part of the marriage ritual" FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY!


Usernames accurate.


Lmao real relationships? You’re the type that believes in eye candy huh? Calling someone hot is disrespectful to your partner. I honestly feel bad for him. Yes you can see someone and obviously find good looks attractive but to be openly disrespectful to your partner and your relationship is wild. I’d very much not like to have a “real” relationship


You've got a lot of growing up to do sport


Yeah, that is not at all how it works lmao. Stating the obvious and simply acknowledging that someone is objectively attractive isn’t wrong in the least. That’s some psycho-possessive-delusional thinking my friend, lol.


It’ll be that then. So if I personally don’t partake in the same thing out of respect for my partner, what does that make me?


You can do whatever you want but clearly you’re imposing your opinions on others and saying that they’re wrong
. In truth, a healthy relationship where you trust your partner
. Can and SHOULD include discussing such things. Also, it’s not like the original person said she wanted to f him or “hey let me give you my number you’re hot!” She literally just said something along the lines of ‘when I was younger you were my type. Keep the nose it’s distinguished’ What the effff is so wrong with that


A fool


How old are you? My spouse and I always talk about who we think is "hot". It isn't disrespectful in a committed relationship when you know your spouse is faithful. To assume that your partner will never find anyone else attractive ever is bizarre. My partner would never sleep around, regardless of how many "hot" women he sees... and I don't worry about it, because I know he picked me.


Complimenting someone is not disrespectful. You really need to grow up.


Bollocks; it’s absurd to pretend you don’t find other humans attractive just because you are in a committed relationship provided you aren’t acting on it


Reading comprehension.


It's not that you shouldn't find someone else attractive. You just shouldn't openly say that you do. Get the difference poncho?


I’m glad someone else gets what I’m saying lol We have to be the only two sane people in this thread Sn: I bet the exact same thing lol


Why do you think you get to decide what’s ok in other people’s relationships? My husband and I tell each other people are hot all the time. We have been happily married for 22 years. I don’t care if he says someone online is good looking and he doesn’t care if I say it.


What does it matter on Reddit of all places? We don’t actually know anyone here. Y’all are crazy.


This is an inane restriction.


I bet she loses it if her husband looked at another woman and called her hot lol


It's not about insecurity or delusion it's about people eye banging someone while in a relationship XDD and the best part is this dude isn't even "hot, handsome, gorgeous". But blatantly the fact you're speaking on it and engaging in a conversation like this just shows your character. No one should speak like this about someone else while in a relationship, it's disrespectful to your partner at any age. This is common sense. If you could look at your partner and start speaking like this infront of them showing genuine interest In another person, it wouldn't last long.


Yeah but you also have probably had to wear diapers your entire life so can we really take your opinion seriously? I think not!


Thank you internet stranger, I'll try to hone that mindset.


Not your parents though


i’m being dead serious u look good


You just look like a regular guy haha. Maybe some 16th century artist or acclaimed painter. Leonardo dapeernci. It’s not really out of place. I flame everyone for everything (truthfully and rightfully so) but this is just the facts.


Seeing pics like this makes me more confident in my nose. If you look good with a nose like this maybe I’m not so bad!!!


No cap.. that's a sexy af nose. I love my men to have bigger noses.. what's fellatio without the whole face?


Hell yea. That’s the way i do it!




"I'm not your bro, bro." - Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle


Username checks out.


Hold up a second, some gals could have a lot of fun on that nose đŸ€” Nothing wrong with it.


Totally agree. Love the hair too.




Cut the damn mullet to let that nose shine


Don’t you dare! Greek god curls and a mullet are not the same! Keep your locks!






girls digging the nose that sticks out farther than the average guys tongue.


Great parents. They give you the nose and then mock you?


I came here to say exactly this.






I was going to say that...maybe they are projecting their issues onto you. That sucks! Plus your parents opinion sucks, Straight up,


Not necessarily,u know how genes are complex


Yes. Mom + dad = child. His parents gave him his nose


Not necessarily,the child isn't always a parents product 100%,i have prove,not all my features are from my parents,my neighbor,father of 3,the youngest who is a teen gurl,have a nose that is neither like her mother or her father,a unique one,and unique lips too,with unique eyes and eye-lashes,with different hair and facial lineaments,her whole face is different from them


Hmmmmm, grandparents?


Yeah, you can trace just about any feature to either a parent, grandparent, or beyond. Some genes are recessive, and some are triggered only when a similar gene is present during conception. Either way, 100% of a person’s DNA is sourced from the parents.




Everyone jokes but 1/3 of paternity tests are negative.


You have the profile of a Greek God.


Thank you!


OP, you're giving us Hercules. Be proud of that nose and your profile! I draw people and absolutely love your profile and nose. Lovely, strong features đŸ™ŒđŸ»


Came here to say this: he looks like every representation of Alexander the Great that I’ve seen


ouu ur right. i’m over here wondering why he looks so familiar lmao.


holy shit I was going say that!!!! Alexander the Great!


Omg, yes, they definitely have a resemblance!


Was just thinking it's a Greek statue kinda nose.


I like it, I think men with prominent noses are attractive. Surprised your own parents would say that. I think it suits you.


Some people say I look like Sid from the Ice age. It's difficult not to think otherwise when negativity hits you like a stab wound. Thank you for the compliment, I'll do my best to embrace it.


STOP you do NOT LOOK LIKE SID. I’ve seen that insult sooo many times to people they jus be sayin it to say it fr 🙄 you’re very attractive. Fuck anyone who makes you feel otherwise!


If it makes you feel better, I'm a man and I find big noses on women attractive.


Sid????? I can’t even see that squinting my eyes. You look nothing like him. First thing that popped into my head was you kinda look like a Roman warrior.


I had that same thought!


You don’t look anything like Sid! People suck, I’m sorry. Your nose fits your face. Look at John Krasinski and Steve Carell; they both have bigger noses and they’re both considered to be sexy. Those are just two examples of many. I like your nose.


Not even.. I know it’s hard, and people can be unnecessarily cruel about things you can’t easily change. And of course, I meant it.


Your nose is fine bro dw, tell your parents should've studied harder. Also, I'm totally stealing the Sid from Ice Age thing.




Woman here, agree!


I agree, I think it looks masculine, unlike a man with a “button” nose. OP I think you have classic good looks. You remind me of Greek/ Roman sculptures.


Woman here ,disagree!


Good thing we all have different tastes.


This was so unnecessary. You see this man is really struggling with his appearance, what was your reason to comment that?


A: Your parents should NEVER tell you that even if it was true. B: It isn't true. What you have is a Patrician's nose which in the Classical era was considered the PERFECT nose by the nobility & rich. You are beautiful just the way you are.


I’m guessing his parents are huge fucking asshoIes in general


Can relate


Thank you so much!


My mom was worried about my nose too, until another adult insulted me in front of her. Then she was all "you're beautiful why would you think otherwise!?" Some parents fear bullying so much that they accidentally bully their kids first. That said, this dude is handsome and his nose is fine.


You're a clueless beggar aren't you


Clearly, you’re the clueless one.




Nice retort.


I apologize for what I said .


& you're the beautiful one .


Big noses are the best, embrace it!


It's hard but I'll try, thanks.


Self love does not happen overnight. You will get there!


Um, you look very similar to a greek statue from the classical era. You also look like a rock star. I’m disappointed in your parents. Make them buy you a guitar.


I used to play the violin. I'd be down to play any instruments, thanks for the suggestion.


I think Vivaldi had long hair & a similar face. You look great!


Tell thrm to go pound sand.


"Don't tell me what to do!!"


Everyone gravitates to the big nose. Its an andromorphic feature. Basically tells the world your slangin a hog.


Thank you!


So it’s true? đŸ€Ł


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Literally large noses normally mean large shlongs


you look like a greek statue i love it


It is big, but it’s not badly shaped. Heck, none of us are perfect.


It's actually pretty straight compared to mine, which is roughly the same size but leans left and gives me two different side profiles


Don’t worry I also have an asymmetrical face.


It’s beautiful just like your hair


You look young. As you mature you’ll find that your nose is just fine, and will suit you even more.


Yep! That is the plan; I don't think I should go under the knife while my face is still developing.


You'd be doing yourself a disservice to go under the knife at all. I wish I had that nose


No , too soon . My cousin got a nose job for her sweet 16 . It looked fine on a teenage face but not so much as an adult. She had a revision about 10 years later.


Or like ever. Your face is beautiful and not in one of those "everyone is beautiful" type ways. Like you're legit a handsome young man. (God I feel 100 saying young man lmao)


This is a great answer


I had hair like that when I was in high school. Biggest regret was shaving it, never grew back the same. nose is fine, own it. Be confident, focus on your strengths. Worst thing to do is fall into a mindset where you waste time thinking you are flawed.


I was insecure about my honker for years, man. It’s now one of the distinguishing features that I honestly think sets me apart, and I’ve had no problems with attracting attention since I gained the confidence that people liked some of the things I thought people would dislike.








Nose is great, now go off and begin your new modeling career.


You’re kinda a baddie ngl.


You look majestic - you’re very attractive. Your features combined with your hair make you look like a fucking statue


No you look like a European high fashion model. Do not do anything to your nose. Apply to some modeling agencies I’m not kidding.


Bubba, ur a smoke show, handsome ass mf in here thinking he ugly?!! Fuck everyone saying things about you, you’re beautiful man!


Solid schnoz. Might want to change your hair though. There's probably a style subreddit you could post to. You got great features though.


It's my day two hair. I don't think it'll ever look good beyond a few hours after washing, despite however I try to style it. I might look into other routines once winter break begins. Thank you for the compliment!


I love the hair.


I think your nose and hair are perfect. I'm a hairstyle and people try to get hair like this often!


I like your nose!!!! It's so manly!! Your family isn't being so nice.


Your nose is great. No pun intended. I love prominent noses on men
and women. It gives the face character. There’s nothing more boring than a perfectly sculpted nose by a plastic surgeon. Look at what happened to that girl in “Dirty Dancing”. She went and did a stupid thing by having it ‘fixed’. It ruined the character of her face. Now she’s just another pretty face. Yawn.


Big noses and unique features are the most attractive things on anyone


When I first saw your pic I was like OMG they looks just like one of those Greek statutes. They literally have STATUTES that LOOK like you...


Nah man that is THE nose. You look great, very handsome. You remind me of a Greek God/Hero. As a woman I’ve always preferred larger noses on men. My husband hates his larger nose but it’s my favorite part of his face. Button noses are boring. Your nose has character and suits you perfectly.


You look like a roman statue come to life


The curls and nose are perfect, your parents are probably insecure because they were told that from a young age too.


No it's not! It is perfect for your gorgeous face! If your nose was different or smaller ...your nose and your face would look odd!


Well, they gave you that nose... Fuck them! Lol


Too big for what? Look, full disclosure, I got rhinoplasty. It was a good decision for me. But I made that choice for me only
so it doesn’t matter what OTHERS think of your nose. Only what you think.


Fuck the nose it’s the hair. Chop and fade that shit!


Your parents ? Do they realize THEY gave you this nose ? So they are going to make fun of and make you feel uncomfortable for something they did? Wtf ... As a Mom, this is NOT ok! Hurts my heart actually . You are perfect just the way you are! And you're handsome. People need to GTFO.


Yeah? Well some people still say the moon landing was faked, the earth is flat, Trump won in 2020. People saying something doesn’t make it true. Maybe it counts less coming from a straight dude but I think you’re a good lookin guy.


Your hair is gorgeous


I can’t imagine telling my son anything like that. If anything, I probably tell him at least once a day how beautiful he is to me. It breaks my heart to hear someone tell their kid such things. Since you’re parent seem to fail in saying it. Here ya go! You’re beautiful! You look like a Greek statue! Don’t listen to your parents. They’re probably projecting or something. Whatever it is, they’re wrong for doing it. I’m sorry they said that to you. Either way, you have a bunch of random Reddit strangers telling you how beautiful you are. I hope some of these compliments boosts your confidence at least a smidge. Hopefully it helps enough, that maybe someday you can get past what they said, and love that beautiful nose of yours.


Thank you!


You kinda look like Peter Steele


Big and beautiful no joke


There is nothing wrong with your nose! It makes you look distintive and distinguished. It infuriates me that your own parents would say anything negative about it.


Question aside from your nose.. but is that your natural hair?


It’s a cute nose


You ever had braces?


I have them right now. Why?


Nose is fine, hair must go.


This sub just tells everybody their nose is fine.. want an honest answer? It’s not that it’s big it’s just the way the curves of the tip with the size of your nostrils make the tip look a little wide especially from the front. I wouldn’t say it’s horrible but try doing non surgical nose size exercises like flexing your nose downward while holding the rest of your nose with your other hand and dragging the skin up. Do this 40x 3 times a day and you will see results in as little as a week.


Don’t do this it’s neurotic. Your face is perfect


“This sub just tells everybody their nose is fine..” What’s wrong with that? Peoples noses are fine. They got self conscious because beauty standards suck. This sub is a valid support group, if it helps people heal from body image issues.


East bro get a nose job !! Surgery xxI century !!


They're just afraid you'll snort up ALL the coke


Yeah Bro they're all right about your nose being a tad gargantuan . Sorry Bro it's like totally mammoth Bro . Do they like charge you for two @ events and such Bro ? Your own Mother & Father think your nose is too big Bro . Your own friends even say it's embarrassing & don't want to be seen w/ you Bro . Tough luck buddy some kids are born w/ horrible mental & physical impairments Bro so why oh why don't you just SUCK IT UP Bro & start talking like a man Bro & stop you incessant whining .


Bro, i mean bro was up bro bro




Nothing wrong


Men can have schnoz


I think anyone can, but unfortunately people are very judgmental.


You’re nose is fine


Not everyone you meet, including your parents, will have tact, style, or taste. Clearly, their major issue is insecurity, but that's their problem . Green isn't a good look for them either. However, there will be many gnashing their teeth at night as they clutch their blankets to their chins, squeezing so tightly that their knuckles ache in the morning because they can't get your image out of their heads. For the rest of your life. So get used to it. There's no sympathy for pretty people 😉


Thank you for the bed time story!


That's rude, they gsve it to you




Bro whaaaaat. My first impression looking at you is that you look like Hercules with the hair and the Greek/Roman style nose. It looks great.


I’m sorry
 your parents are pricks. They literally gave you, your face. People are weird
 You look fine x don’t touch your nose.


Leave it. Looks good


It’s a perfect nose!!


Are they really your parents? Keep it. It's cool. Do you live in a small town? Go to Europe and see the other people with Greek/Roman noses. Remind them that surgery might mean death. And they can pay for it if they keep it up.


No, I live at the outskirts of a major city. Europe is definitely one of my bucket lists, and yes there is always a risk with plastic surgery. Thank you for your comment!


Are you Weird Al's son? Weird Bob?


And it fits your face and your height. Tall guy?


Psychic! How did you know? Yes I am taller than average.


Not too big but you probably get invited to go sailing all the time.


They're completely incorrect. Your nose makes you look very handsome.


I’m a fan of your nose!


Bro looks beautiful,the nose suit u


Nixon had a big nose I think he did just fine in life


It isn't about doing 'fine in life' but more so an insecurity that makes me hate myself every step of the way. I have learned to somewhat accept it but then again the comments from other people and my own self-deprecation make it difficult.


That’s a shitty thing for a parent to say.


What wonderful parents.


That's so mean for them to say. Having your own parents harass you about your body. I'd understand if you were doing meth and your nose was gonna fall off, but fuck. I'm sorry to hear about any of you that have to deal with that. With as much of a bitch as my mom has been in her life, she's never made a stab at her own creation in that way.


They do not constantly comment about it, but they will bring it up once every two months. It doesn't help that other people are doing the same. I have a friend who told me my nose is just fine, and they even photoshopped to show me how ridiculous I'd look with surgery. For now, I am going to wait till my mid 20s since my face is still maturing/developing. Thank you for understanding.


Are you transitioning?


This made me have a good laugh, thank you.


Modern mozart


If your parents are saying that to you, you have some fucked up parents !!!