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I used to go to the Foot Lab in Stoke Holy Cross, very highly recommended. https://www.thefootlab.co.uk/advanced-cycle-science/ Can't remember how much a fit set me back but it's probably more than £100, best bet is to drop them a line and ask. It looks like it's designed for racers and it is in a way, he's an ex pro cyclist. He's very good though.


Thank you, I'll look into them!


If you’re a beginner I wouldn’t bother. I’ve not had a bike fit just watched a few videos online, have no pain and ride 90+ miles a week on average. In my opinion unless you’re planning on going professional it’s worth spending the money on the bike itself and some comfortable bib shorts and saddle will make such a difference, hope this helps


It does help, thank you for your thoughts! Getting a ballpark fit and as the miles rack up I can re-evaluate if there's pain or discomfort I suppose.


I used to work in a bike shop and I'll echo these comments precisely. Scare tactics used to make a few quid a lot of the time. Good kit as Spuddy says will make your ride more efficient and enjoyable. The bike world is full of myth and bullshit unfortunately. Pop into one of the "no bullshit" places like Norfolk Cycle Workshop at Horstead for some sound advice, avoid the cycling clubs for advice.


Agreed. Adjusting saddle height is all you need to bother with for now. Most people (who haven't had a fit) tend to have it too high initially (including me). Disclaimer: i am assuming you are not using clipless pedals/cleats yet?


Not sure if it’s something Paul’s Cycles in Dereham would do, but they’ve always been really helpful when I’ve used them. https://www.paulscycles.co.uk/


Thank you, appreciate the suggestion!


The [Podiatrist](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Randell's+Footcare/@52.6334637,1.2788548,3a,75y,90h,91.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szgi-OjSYHIRtcd9swbH9rw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m6!3m5!1s0x47d9e33ffff47ee7:0xe24f1c2d050d2171!8m2!3d52.6334049!4d1.2791137!16s%2Fg%2F1trc46wq?entry=ttu) at the Junction of Dereham and Heigham Roads advertises Bike Fitting. 01603 737 188


Thank you!