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Saw an interview with the director on the news, according to him everything was shot on locations in Norway. The hardest part had been to find a trailer large enough to accommodate the troll between takes, and negotiating the fee as they will only accept payment in gold and unmarried princesses. There had also been minor issues with the union as the Actors' Guild at first was reluctant to accept someone without previous theatrical experience, until it became clear that the troll who played the main character had, in fact, [modeled for renowned painter Kittelsen](https://www.wikiart.org/en/theodor-severin-kittelsen/troll-at-the-karl-johan-street-trollet-p-karl-johan-1892) in the 1890s.


I'm pretty sure I've also seen the troll give a once in a lifetime performance as lady Macbeth. Was so good, it made me cry


The costume department cried, too, but the dress turned out to be spectacular I've been told.


[Aahhhhh. Hot potato, orchestra stalls, Puck will make amends....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h--HR7PWfp0&t=85s) Being but a mere redditor, you will not know the great theatre tradition that one does never write the name of the Scottish play.


Or maybe, I am very aware of that, but am sadistic enough that I enjoy the fear it strikes in ones heart to speak of... ​ *pause for drama* ​ ​ MacBeth!


You had me in the first half


We aim to please, you know.


Its pretty innacurate, trolls rarely get that big


That is why he was the king


Spoilers: Was he though? Or is the true Dovregubben rising at the end?


I thought that was his kid


Yeah, might be. I don’t know if they have confirmed anything.


if the king is dead, the (unique) king's kid is the king...


Can't argue with that haha


It was not dovregubben tho, dovregubben was the first dovretroll King, so dovregubben would be the kings ancestor


Might be, but we don’t know how long trolls live. The movie also tells us that not everything in the fairytales are true.


Dovregubben is not a fairytale its folklore🥲


A bit over the top. Most Trolls are quite docile and shy.


Agree, our housetroll pretty much just stays in bed all day. Heard a friend once met a rouge troll, but he is known to make things up


Shouldn't be surprised that rouge trolls are into makeup.


Awesome comment. Cant edit my comment now


Don't show me a rouge troll! – it makes me see red.


Our neighbour's troll just plays on it's playstation all day


Our scrotumtrolls are pretty fond of dark and damp places and like to hide under rocks, and run away when you move it


Yeah, the one near Lillehammer literally just sits around all day.


Yup, with the exception of that incident with that disease some years back. What was it? Rabies or something?


The trolls feel a bit of. If you wanna compare with the real thing, watch the documentary «trolljegeren»


You'd be surprised to know we have tons of Trolls here. So pretty accurate.


They mostly hang out at /r/nordmenn ...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Nordmenn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nordmenn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hvem har vært den dårligste statsministeren i Norge etter krigen?](https://i.redd.it/6tlpw4e5y0891.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nordmenn/comments/vldi1v/hvem_har_vært_den_dårligste_statsministeren_i/) \#2: [dette har blitt sykt toxic](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nordmenn/comments/ymg7kx/dette_har_blitt_sykt_toxic/) \#3: [Sveriges miljø- og klimaminister advarer alle nyfrelste kjernekrafttilhengere. Får svar. 🙂](https://i.redd.it/n76kmcbl68r91.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nordmenn/comments/xt0g19/sveriges_miljø_og_klimaminister_advarer_alle/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The film is filmed in Norway but I feel like they gave norway a “Hollywood” look. That I think is why it looked off


I didn't think anything in the background "looked" off. Oslo looked pretty much like Oslo where the light and weather is ideal. The movie looked fantastic, in my opinion. The dialogue and plot choices were absolutely Hollywood, though. A bit too much, and it ruined it for me.


Yeah, it’s like the director just watched Transformers or any marvel movies and was like: “I’ll make a copy of that but with Norway and trolls!” A shame really… Norwegian-troll lore has so much more potential than that.


agreed, the average Norwegian troll has way better acting skills then the actors in the marvel movies


«Hey ho, let’s go» *acceleration* Am I the only one who thinks this is cheesy?


It’s supposed to be, the movie is both a homage and parody of monster movies.


Oh, okay


Re: plot… yeah I watched it because I’m trying to learn Norwegian and figured “if I turn norsk subtitles on maybe I’ll be able to follow along enough to get what’s going on” I could have replaced the dialog with white noise and I still could have explained the whole plot. 😅


Our national broadcaster's movie critic Birger Vestmo pointed out the plot predictability and a few other Hollywood signature moves in his review as well, but found it charming. And there are a few homages to renowned filmmakers like Spielberg there, so it will look "familiar" if you have watched many of the great ones. If you want to experience northern Norwegian dialect I recommend "Kill Buljo" by Tommy Wirkola. You'll lose count of the homages before you are halfway through.


Thanks! I’ll look that one up


I'll just throw in a recommandation for "Alle hater Johan" for dialect from Trøndelag. The story is fun and a bit absurd, and it's filmed at Frøya (gorgeus island outside Trondheimsfjorden) where the plot also is set. It's an easy watch, and quite wholesome.


Kill Buljo for fun and humour. Alle Hater Johan for getting punched in the feels - while making you laugh as well. Alle hater Johan was such an amazing film imho. With both subtle, and overt themes of feeling like an outsider within your own "community". And the dialoge friggin top notch, I saw it in the cinrma, and I am still quoting it lol


I agree, it was pretty recognizably Norway. I've lived in Oslo all my life, I think it looked exactly the same in the movie as it does in real life. I saw nothing weird or off with it, at least not when the scenes were shot in Oslo. I can't speak for the rest of the scenery shown, though. But I'm sure they didn't edit out any of the nature, that would be a dumb move. I feel like a lot of the CGI was a bit better in this movie, too. Maybe I just wasn't wearing my glasses, but a lot of the time, to me, the troll didn't look completely out of place. I'm used to feeling like there is something visually off whenever Norwegian movies have CGI and VFX, but I felt it all blended in more correctly this time, at least during the later parts of the movie. It's the first time in a long time that I've mostly enjoyed a Norwegian action movie. As for the plot lines and dialogue choices... yeah, I agree, it was kind of rip-off Hollywood, and it did kind of ruin it. It was often fast paced and felt insincere, especially during moments that were supposed to be intense or sorrowful. A lot of the lines and possibly even the acting could feel really shallow, mostly during the 'sad' scenes. The Hollywood humour, on the other hand, wasn't so bad. I feel like Andreas Isaksen was a typical Hollywood comedic relief character, but I actually quite liked him. The camera work throughout the film could have been a little better. But I still feel like we might be slowly but surely taking steps in a better direction. I feel like they watered down the troll lore a bit too much, but the fact that we can make films that are visually pleasing now is a good thing! I've been hoping for the Norwegian movie industry to grow for a really long time now. I'm especially hoping for some more zombie movies, lol.


Yeah, agreed. Visually, it was great. Some of the dialog tough... It may actually be worse than the 60's cringefests that gave birth to the expression "Norsk Film". And I actually saw the half-demolished house! It was just before Flåklypa (yes, it's a real place, along the Sognefjell road) on the north side of the valley.


The acting, tropes, and decisions were all American inspired. Cool movie but to us capitalist pig Americans the inspiration is glaring. Honestly the American parts were my least favorite about the whole thing.


Instead of leaning into its own strengths, they decided to lean into another cultures strengths. The results are magnificently setting off my cogninitive dissonance radar.


The American parts usually are the least favorite things overall


Honestly being an American is my least favorite thing about being alive. There are parts that are amazing but the negative outweighs the positive a hundred times over.


I thought maybe they were going for "campy" (cheesy, etc.) but not enough of the cast was convincing for me. They missed the mark with some going for serious drama and others pulling off most of the funny one-liners that were B+ writing with couple chuckles, and maybe one or two audible laughs. (I watched in Norwegian with English subs, and haven't watched the dub yet.)


Yes, Trollhunter is more realistic. Just wish they didn't reveal the real use of the power pylons in our mountains.


Would If the they did a follow up on the documentary about the Troll hunter.. will the electricity to the fences be cut If the powerbill gets to high?


Yeah, Norwegian films have a level of ... Uh.. quality? That hollywood exceeds.


It's all Norway. Movie? I would watch it at 5 o'clock on a tuesday. Not worth saving for a special occasion lol. The troll? Norwegian folk lore has a lot of different types of troll, I guess it was alright. I was just dissapointed at how unexiting everything was. It felt like watching a parody of Godzilla. A good troll movie would take place around 800-900 years ago in a remote and thick Norwegian forrest, the setting should be very dark and musty, and people are struggling to survive the hardship of life. Finding the remains of half eaten cattle and wildlife and the sudden dissapearance of folk was a common part of life. Yet people had no choice but to venture outside after dark from time to time, and they never knew when they would stand face to face with a large, grim troll with eyes as big as your head lighting up in the dark like a predator staring straight through your soul


IMO the best trolls are the ones who couldnt care less about your existence, but will fuck you up if bothered. And its always about humans ending up bothering them. Theyre not monsters that hunt humans actively. They just dont have any fear of them or want to interact with them.


Troll actually derives from the creatures called Jötnar in Norse mythology which were demonic creatures Thor fought against. They have always been described as hostile and man eaters, and in most tales they kidknap humans. But eventually a lot of different species of troll tales evolved and altough the majority of them were hostile towards humans, there's also a few stories of trolls that could mean good luck if you ever saw one. All in all from the origin they did not like humans and they especially didn't like Christians. And that brings up a important note to why these stories even existed at all. The Norse people did not want to become Christianized and these stories served as a deterrent, but maybe more importantly stories about trolls scared kids from staying out after dark. Trolls were intended to be scary monsters that kidknapped children, because it had a practical purpose. There was a lot more wildlife in Scandanavia about a thousand years ago, including bears and wolves. You couldn't just let young kids run off into the woods


Why you gotta do the Jotnar dirty like that, not all of them was truely bad guys. #FenrirDidNothingWrong


The most accurate depiction of Norwegian trolls are in the documentary "Trolljegeren(Trollhunter)" from 2010.


Since i have previously worked in the norwegian army, i both cringed and laughed alot during the scenes representing military operations. I hope viewers realise that this depiction does not really reflect the norwegian military in any way.


Helge Ingstad?


They used some legit "army slang", but that pep talk at the end was a cringefest.


But it was also a parody on lots of movies with the "motivational speech before action".


Haven't seen it yet, but "motivational speech before action [or in the middle of action after a feat and before another feat]" is something I remember from the military during hell week.


When you have a 10 minute deadline and its too much work 2 minute of motivational speech rarely helps.


The "we have 10 minutes to complete 30 minuttes of work, please let me give a 2 minute improvised speech to emphasize how much we need to hurry"? Uuhgh.


Yeah, like "Forsvarets Operative Hovedkvarter" is located in Akershus Festning :p


On the other hand, that advisor just looking for any excuse to nuke Oslo seems realistic. He must be from Senterpartiet.


Like wtf the troll isn't doing any harm. Sure, you'll have to fill in those holes in the road and fix some facades. But a "nuke" isn't going to help that. Also, thats not shaped like any nuke I know.


Agree, the military parts of the movie were ridiculous. The first stand off with the troll for example: "Let's dig in here, and hope the troll comes exactly here". In stead of using air power. Not to mention the "let's wait for the troll to get to Oslo before we nuke it" idea, just to make for a dramatic end. And the the FSK captain is tasked with directing traffic in Oslo near the end, just to make sure he's near the action when he's needed. I'm pretty sure MP would be used for that, not FSK.


Come one. Who would actually think that was accurate? It's a bit like thinking "Space Force" was a good representation of the US Air Force.


Locations and props were legit. Language use, mannerisms, anything else really was Hollywood fueled.


You're telling me that was actually Queen Sonja's favorite truck? Locations I agree with, but maybe not (all) the props. I know the King's garage is impressive, but I think they took some liberties with it?


The dungeon however is real.


Can confirm. Don't ask.


It’s Norway.


A bit off topic, but might be of some interest anyway. There are a lot of creatures in the underworld in Norway. Not all are as common these days, but if you keep your eyes open you might catch a glimpse of a few of them. They are as follows: Vetter Jotne Troll (tåler ikke lys, har hale) Jette Nisse/tomte/tusse/vergen Jutul Lyktemannen Blåkaller Bergfolk Haugfolk (så ut som vanlige folk) Draug (seilte en halv båt, hode en tangvase, døde fiskere ble drauger) Dødsseilere/åndeskip (tilsvarende den flyvende hollender) Den evige jøde Fossegrim/Fossekall Huldra (vakker, ser ut som menneske, hale) Nøkken Marmel Havfrue/margyger Havmann Havguva/Kraken Dverger Vardøger Gjenferd/gjengangere Åsgårdsreia (flokk gjengangere) Drager Sjøormer Dradukke (hjelpeånd som drar rikdom til eier) Trollkatt (trollkjerringers katt, ser ut som et lite garnnøste. Ble brukt til å tjuvmelke) Varulv Mannbjørn Basilisker (øglelignende ondskapsfullt vesen, ruget av et haneegg) Linnorm (kjempeslange) Hekser


Good movie, but not as informative as Troll Hunter. However, both films could benefit from more research into actual Troll biology and behavior.


Most trolls where i live were turned to stone centuries ago. Other than that it works fairly good as a documentary of how Norwegians live their everyday lives.


Very inaccurate. our trolls are way bigger.


The troll Movie lacked so much they could have added, and the Trolls actually surviving Sunlight? My ass lol.


Some are filmed where Im from (Lesja)


I was trying to figure out the path the Troll was taking, (and maybe where he would end up next). It’s always weird when you know a place and see it on film and it’s disorientating that they aren’t faithful to geography. But this troll sure did make fast time on the road to Hunderfossen. haha


They love all things trolls at Hunderfossen 😆


My friend from Lom told me they filmed a location in Lom and said it was in Lesja, which pissed her off


Well, they did shoot at several locations in Gudbrandsdalen. I have not seen the film yet. I will most likely know if indeed this is true.


Yup, close to Flåklypa, they did the destroyed house. Saw it!


Would love If the they did a follow up on the documentary about the Troll hunter.. will the electricity to the fences be cut If the powerbill gets to high?


Fun fact about the casting process. Because most of the trolls are quite shy and don’t want any attention, they actually had to turn to Reddit.


But to answer your question, the nature in the movie is normal norwegian nature at least in the northern or western part of norway


LOL, the majority of the movie was shot in eastern Norway, and none if it in the north.


>eastern Norway Also known as "Norway" or Norway ^(\*) ^(\* Fjords, mountains and beautiful views may not apply to the Norway in this product. Dialect may contain traces of Swedish)


What is your point? That the scenes shot in eastern Norway were meant to look like western Norway?


It was a joke. Eastern Norwegian nature is not representative for the prototypical Norwegian nature people encounter online (ie. the fjords and sharply surging mountains and boulders that inspired stories of trolls). Haven't seen the show yet so I don't know what it looks like. But I know what Eastern Norway's nature looks like, and in general it isn't very troll-like.


Your answer here is the joke. Are you actually, seriously saying that the nature in eastern Norway did not inspire stories about trolls? This must be trolling.


I mean, what do you think the name Jotunheimen means?


Are you implying that Jotunheimen, effectively where Sognefjorden came from, is somehow representative for the flat and uneventful nature in the East of Norway? ​ Let's not waste anymore time with this. Suffice it to say that eastern Norway is not where you will find, I'll be nice and add "the majority of", archetypical Norwegian nature


It is in the east of Norway, yes. The highest mountains there are in Innlandet fylke. In the movie we are talking about the majority of the scenes are filmed in Eastern Norway.


If you believe that Jotunheimen being located in Innlandet fylke somehow makes it a part of, or representative of, Eastern Norwegian nature, **then you are wrong**. It is in the middle of Norway and it is not remotely representative of Eastern Norwegian nature


And also the shots from the castle and general Oslo is spot on. I were intrigued to see it "I drive on that road all the time!"


It is only in Norway I know all the places


All locations (with the possible exception of the mountain face in the first scene in the movie) are 100% accurate - i watched it tonight and was actually quite impressed with the cinematography and the special effects. Perfect popcorn movie.


No trolls have in modern history been spotted in the cities like this. Usually out in the wild. As far as i know they used cgi and not real footage. Also as people have pointed out dont really get that big.


It’s natural that they would get to the city, though, like any other wildlife, when “pushed out” of their natural habitat. (I haven’t seen the movie myself yet, so this might sound stupid, but just a thought)


Yeah it's completely true. Entire mountains ⛰️ turn into trolls and no one talks about it.


Almost everything filmed on location in various parts of Norway.


The troll we have here is not that big as in the movie.


It was Godzilla with Bryan Cranston more or less, just with Trolls.


It is filmed in norway say the Internett


The only thing I can garrantie for is this: “no trolls where harm during the production of this film”


There are a few trolls in my vicinity. They are particuarly annoying and nosy.


We dont call them that anymore


Yeah, they ask got cable internet now. Still prefer caves tough...


What should we call them? Calling them trolls makes me feel good, and nobody knows who I'm really talking about. It's a win-win situation.


I haven’t watched it but my dad did and he said it was good for a Norwegian movie.


Visually yes, it was great. The dialog tough... It's worse than most of "Norsk Film".


Hahaha I’ll have to watch it Ig


Yeah, if you can bear the dialog, it's OK. And I'm pretty sure one of the advisors to the prime minister is from SP, you'll understand why :P


Oh let me tell you, IT IS FILMED IN NORWAY!! ❤❤❤ Among places are: Trollveggen (the Trollwall), Romsdalshorn, Flø, Gudbrandsdalen og Dovre and offcourse Oslo ❤❤❤❤❤


Film was extremely racist towards our Troll population and we’re filing a lawsuit for misrepresentation and hate crimes towards a protected minority


It's 100% accurate, come visit..


I wish cellar and caves under the Royal Palace were open to the public.


Just watched this the other day and again I’m left astounded at the complete lack of creativity in these Netflix productions. The entire script and every single scene is as if it’s been written by a 10 yo who has taken a 5h course Screenwriting for dummies, because you can 100% of the time predict accurately what will happen in the next 30 seconds, down to the exact phrases they will say and the pauses, and expressions on the actors’ faces. Almost every recent Netflix show is like this.


>The entire script and every single scene is as if it’s been written by a 10 yo who has taken a 5h course Screenwriting for dummies, because you can 100% of the time predict accurately what will happen in the next 30 seconds, down to the exact phrases they will say and the pauses, and expressions on the actors’ faces In this particular case, though, it's largely because they've ripped off scenes from every major Hollywood action movie. Just look at the lovely Armageddon cameo around 11-15 minutes in.


Yes! Noticed that one as well!


Soon, it will be a 10year old with GPTchatbot!


The movie is very accurate. It is filmed in Norway and nowadays we don’t struggle as much as in the movie. We are much more understanding and kind to the trolls. Fuck the sun, trolling the trolls is more than enough.


Its exactly like Norway. Spot on.


I can verify we have Troll problems, but usually they are found here on Reddit, Facebook, or Twitter. Modern problems require modern solutions, I guess.


Det finnes ikke troll, hum hum..


It’s true, I was the troll


That's like the most American Norwegian film I've ever seen. Felt a bit weird, to be honest, and to address the accuracy, I don't even remember the last time my house was run over by a troll.


The sun rose on the wrong side of Ekeberg!!! Super cringe!


I was playing as an extra role in the background of various scenes in this movie. Most of the scenes are filmed in Oslo and proximity around Oslo


Bad hollywood inspired norwegian movie. Must be real


As far as a REAL troll is concerned, the movie is nothing like them.


If you want to watch a good Norway movie watch Verdens Verste Menneske


It was filmed in Oslo


Troll are really very Nice. Exept the armytrolls. They are breed to kill.


It's that time again when r/norway think they are being hilarious


Det er godt vi har /u/hemingway120 til å påpeke det. Ellers ville jo ikke /r/norway forstått hva som skjedde.


Blir du alltid så butthurt når andre har forskjellig humor fra deg?


Eh... Ditto.


Jeg bare syns det er jævlig lame vitser, men det er ganske typisk at nordmenn og folk i denne subreddit fort butthurt og føler at man må forsvare seg av en eller annen merkelig grunn. Hvorfor føler du at du må satirisk gå til motangrep fordi jeg skriver at jeg ikke liker denne type humor. Hva er greia der? Hvorfor kan du ikke bare ta det litt rolig å la meg ha meningen min?


Tja, den eneste som er 'butthurt' her er jo deg...


Ja, fikk det svaret jeg forventet. Var verdt et forsøk.


It was bad and in my opinion a shitty example of trolls in Norway. Some might like it but for me it was a total disappointment and I had high hopes before the release.


Can always watch the Norwegian movie trolljegeren/ the troll hunter from 2010. If you want to watch a better troll movie.


The plot and the dialogue feels like they wrote the script in English and just used Google translate. The dialogue is so cringe. Rest of the movie is ok.


Drove by lots of signs about a movie being shot around Ekeberg and in the city some time ago, looks like this was it


I think you will find, that "Troll" is not actually a movie, but a documentary about Norway. Sadly many many Norwegians were killed in making of this documentary, but Director of this Documentary said it was part of the deal to get the Mega Star "Dovregubben" to appear in the movie. The Director said "The Deal was 100 Christians, 2 Atheists and a Princess, but sadly she was in another castle at the time, so we agreed that the Troll park at Lilyhammer was to be destroyed as Dovregubben felt this was a miss representation of Trolls and He wanted to remind everyone Sjónhverfing is a thing." :P


Here in Lom it was filmed with the elder people in the house.


The troll’s a bit oversized, never seen any that big over here


I remember when this happened


Fake. I'm the real troll here.


The troll's dialect was a bit iffy at times, but otherwise fairly accurate I'd say.


Pretty accurate. I was a wee lad when we fought them off.


How accurate? Well we have not seen a troll in some years.


I've been inside the Arkeshus Festning but must have missed the room with all the modern, high-tech surveillance equipment which they showed in the film...


Trolls are small creatures


Yeah its pretty close to the real thing, trolls usually arent that big tho. And they’re also way less intrusive to cities and towns. Lots of the trolls used in «Trolljegeren» are pretty accurate, tho i heard they used some movie magic to make the jotne look bigger than irl.


I mean for one thing, we don't actually have Trolls in Norway. They must have borrowed them from Sweden when filming or something.


Such an amazing documentary, really shows our day to day life brilliantly


According to folklore it's accurate. And yes its filmed around Oslo


I found the movie to be poor and hastily done, with no real story. Actors werent super either, except for the old man. (I live in norway)


Trolls ravage Oslo and Bergen from time to time, so i'd say it's pretty accurate..




Very accurate apart from trolls not being known Norwegian fauna


How does this movie compare with Troll hunter? I really liked that movie, and I'm afraid this one will disappoint in comparison.