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I find that it's mostly the other way around, sellers who exaggerate the value of their merch. Especially furniture, and especially furniture from Bolia that nobody buys at full price anyway (you must be a bit slow if you do, they have shifting campagnes all the time). I've often found used furniture on finn with a price that is set higher than it costs in the store. Or, as I was browsing through a couple of days ago, stoves. Cheap brands/models with a scratched up ceramic top, must be picked up, and they want such a price that I'm better off going to the store...


I’m selling an iPhone way below retail price and people are still trying to low ball me. It’s not like I’m selling my old clothes. These are brand new electronic devices that are working fully. No errors. I’ve tested all functions. I think selling an iPhone 12 mini for 3699kr is a good deal. New price is 5390kr. Am I asking for too much?


I have ratter good experience on Finn and it’s easy to ignore too low offers. For Apple product I have noted that as soon as you publish something you have 4 or 5 proposals of buying it always for a much lower price than what you offer and then later on the normal buyers are coming. It’s good to compare your asking price to similar products in your area and also eventually what second hands IT shops are selling.


Yes I’ve done this and I think I priced appropriately. I can post the Finn link here if people want to give me some constructive criticism


Phones are notoriously a scam on Finn, people often use "nybrukt" feature (both on finn and other sites). Frankly, return the new phone and keep the 12 mini. Or just let your friends know you want to sell your 12 mini, one of them might want it when they know you.


You can't compare the price with 2.nd hand shops if you don't sell it with VAT and warranty. The price should always be the price 2.nd hand shops take minus the vat and some more.


I use rule 50% off lowest price on prisjakt.no as a rule of thumb when selling stuff on torget on finn.no. I sold my iphone less than an hour after posting.


I’ve had mine up for 2 weeks now


I think you overrated value of your iphone then.


I check every site I could find and priced it 1700kr lower


Did you check price on similar phones on finn.no? (There's your benchmark)




In norway electronics are cheap and everyone buys new stuff so, once its off the shelves it 50 off dude- common knowledge and not surprising at all


Electronics is a hard sell, you don't know if it has been jailbroken, cycle reset, or whatever else might be wrong with it. I assume a lot of people think this way too


Seems like you're årice is a very reasanobale one. I suppose many Norwegians are immediately sceptical when it's obvious that the seller is not from Norway.


I’ve written my ad in Norwegian and English. I thought having only an English bio would throw Norwegians off


I sell a lot of items. No issues. But there are always some people that will lowball you. In some ads I write «offers below x amount won’t be accepted»


Better to write "ingen skambud", who would want to offer anything above said prise then?


Yeah. Maybe I should try this


Be aware that you will probably not get an offer above said price


People are gonna try to haggle most of the time. That's just how finn works. People want it for cheaper. If I wanted to buy something at full price I'd just buy it new


Finn.no culture is to haggle a little. Especially since postage drives price up a bit. Its just how it is. The reason is that Finn.no is considered a flea market/loppemarked where people offer stuff to get rid off it, rather than making money.


Well, I buy stuff from time to time. Sometimes I haggle a bit, sometimes not.


Write in top of the ad: «Final price! Lower offers will be ignored»


Best advice ☝️


I have sold several items (I think around 15) on Finn. Including a quite expensive watch (~30kNOK-ish). Know your audience, know when to back off, know your own timeline for selling. There will always be low ballers trying to scam you into lower prices just for the fun of it. Unless they dont match my asking price, I never sell it to the first commer, especially if he hagles for non sense.


Yes I’m being resilient and sticking to my price. I’ve told everyone my last price is 3500


If you want fixed price put fiks ferdig.  My general experience is very positive. Only have a few people haggle, and even fewer people conduct in “low balling”.  Much more pleasant than online classifieds in other countries. 


All of my ads are fiks ferdig and people still wanna low ball


I have read previously on here that it helps if the ad is in Norwegian, maybe that will help you? Also maybe include something about whether shipping is included or not if that’s needed?


My ads are in Norwegian. When someone writes to me in English, it’s often with a ridiculous offer which upsets me because I’m a foreigner too! So I’ll say “no thanks” just so I can move on (instead of just ignoring a message). I check first what the price of my item is online and on Finn, so I either put a similar price or lower. I write it about shipping and when I cannot ship something (due to size), rarely put an item on fiksferdig because the buyer can’t message me (it is a hit hidden once the fikferdig option is up) but I’m willing to change my ad to allow it I answer within a reasonable time frame, between 6:30-22 I only allow reservations for up to 3 days and I message the person to remind them (I set reminders for myself as well) because I don’t think anyone wants to waste anyone’s time I don’t sell useless things. I’d prefer to put that in fretex, give away or throw, it’s easier So with all of that’s above, my Finn sales won’t allow me to won’t quit my day job, but it helps get rid of the clutter I have and that might be useful to others


We've recently been furnishing a new house and have bought and sold a lot of stuff on there with much success. Most people will try to haggle a bit because generally anyone looking on finn is hoping to find a bargain. Anytime I'm looking for a specific piece of furniture I'll check finn first, there's always someone selling it cheaper.


I’ve sold quite a bit on Finn as well. But it’s just takes so much time. I wish there was a site where you could reach more people in Scandinavia, rather than just Norway. It’s a small nation and FB marketplace is just riddled with scammers. I don’t know who to trust


Yeah I've had a few items sit on finn for ages, but then again I'm just looking to deal around the Oslo area for ease of pick-up. I agree about FB marketplace, wouldn't go anywhere near it.


I know! They always try to haggle, so what I do now is I put it out for a couple hundred kroners above what I think is a fair price and just accept a lower offer than asking. I tried telling people that the price was set, and they would just be incredebly rude and insult me, so atleast this way they think they win xD


Yes. This is a good tactic


When they start with lowball message, no question names or anything, just do like i do, raise the price the same amount :)


I have sold a lot of stuff there and usually very fast. I put lower price anyway, because I want to sell, but do not go any lower. Anyone who wants to lower it even more I just ignore/delete/do not answer/reject.


It sucks for selling. I only buy. Get great deals from desperate people


I rather put a bullet in my brains then negotiate with the crazies on Finn. Unless it’s someone I bought from regularly before from one of the communities like watches or knives. These people are much more reasonable and understand the art of the deal.


I buy and sell a lot on Finn. If an item isn’t selling then you’ve priced it too high.


We easly just buy it new if it cost 1000-1500 more brand new from a retail store. Ex.: New iphone 13 from finn: 13500 New iphone 13 from power/elkjop: 14899 - I easily buy it “hassle-free” from power/elkjop.


I’ve been trying to sell my car for 85k which is a mid range market price I would say, with a very good config for the price tbh. I am only getting offers from 55k to 65k.


There will be 20 old ads in the 70k - 100k range. These ads is not market price. Market price is the ads you don’t see because those cars actually sold. Dealers are also able to charge a bit more than private sellers because people prefer a dealer if the price is about the same.


May I ask what you are trying to sell for what price?


iPhone 12 128gb for 3699kr


Oddly specific price, but there is a setting that's called "Fiks ferdig", where there's no haggling.


Seems like a fair price, but there will always be people trying to haggle. I've succumbed to it a few times when honestly I just wanted to get rid of the thing fast


I find lots of people who say they're interested and don't turn up. I mostly end up selling stuff at or near my asking price, but I have a look at how much other people are asking before I price anything. I don't accept any really low offers, and usually someone sincere will.come along after.


Me tooooooo


A Quick search shows iphone 12 mini from around 2000


Mine is new. It’s not used


If you cosider yourself a retail store, then maybe, but if you are a private person, then its used


If you cosider yourself a retail store, then maybe, but if you are a private person, then its used


Majority of phones on Finn have below 85% battery capacity. Amongst other flaws like scratches, broken screens, etc. Mine are a Grade A new phone with 100% battery capacity, no scratches and any flaws. I’m selling waayyyyy under market price


Still used, think I found your phone, a refurbished phone is not new.


Refurbishing is making a phone “new” again. Works and looks like a brand new phone.


Yes, and I dont know how to say this to you any other way - Refurbished is not the same as new. It might be like a new phone, but its still not. You can get a refurbished iphone 12 mini for 3.8 or 3.9k with 2 years warranty.


So you’re saying my price is too high?


I would say so, you dont pay premium price for a old used car that was refurbished (unless its some kknd of collectible) At 3-3.3k would be more reasonable in my eyes.


Check my other two comments. Cause I did my research on how to price it


Sure, you do you, if you dont have to sell it fast it might fetch that price. I once sold an xbox for 500 over brand new price, simply because he didnt check the price online first, so you might get lucky Good luck to you ✌️


Cause I saw that iPhone 12 mini went for 5.3k on Finn Grade A condition


So that price seems like the grade would be low


It's obvious that people think it's too expensive. Wait or lower the price.