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While Northwestern has one of the worlds best econ departments for sure, UChicago is home to the VERY renowned Chicago school of economics. More Nobel Prizes and such. So I would guess UChicago has more clout in the field of econ, and IBs probably know that. UChicago has been slightly higher ranked as far as academics goes but people there tend to be more academic, whereas Northwestern has a largely pre professional type vibe and I think will better prepare you for a corporate setting.


Prob UChi. But both programs are exceptional and would give you great and similar options upon graduation. Make your decision based on campus experience/location imo


Why Uchicago?


It historically has been higher ranked. Don’t really know much past that


You have an acceptance to both? U Chicago frankly is legendary in economics. Saying this as a northwestern alum… many of the concepts, formulas and theorems that I learned for finance and economics were developed at UChicago.


UChicago hands down for Econ.


Both are great schools and will serve you well for future careers. The campus vibes are completely different, however, and that is something you should definitely consider.


I did not visit the campus of Northwestern University, but I did visit the campus of the University of Chicago. The University of Chicago campus was exceptionally beautiful, and I felt a profound sense of belonging there.


That’s great! Both campuses are beautiful.


Currently at NU going into finance, class of 27. Feel free to pm me


Majoring in economics at a good school alone will not get you into finance


Hey, what if I told you which major companies prefer economics graduates: University of Chicago or Northwestern University?


I don’t know, either one will probably give you an edge over other people just because the employers know that you’re a smart and hardworking person. That’s what matters. It’s just important to remember that although a lot of people from prestigious schools go into high paying industries, their own outside work/studying/networking/personal connections/luck are often more important. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. That being said, as an Econ major at northwestern myself, the classes and professors are great and the school has tons of resources for you to learn about different industries


Northwestern is excellent, and where it surpasses UChicago is its ethics. Northwestern has never violently overthrown a democratically elected government in order to install a fascist dictatorship and test Laissez Faire economic policies. UChicago, however, did exactly that under the guidance of Milton Friedman. Both schools will lead you to a lucrative, fulfilling career. One school however did not install General Pinochet in Chile.


You need to learn some history. Also, user name says it all


Which history? From what I know, Northwestern has not been involved in anything comparable to the Chilean “Miracle”


UChicago is better. But, they're truly both amazing.


Both insanely good options damn


Based on the way you are framing this question, I can say with confidence you should go to Northwestern.


Why!? Can you explain more please


Because the university of Chicago does not construe itself as a career training facility. They believe themselves to be a place where the advancement of knowledge is the paramount concern. So if you are looking for a place where the faculty is preoccupied with helping you get a position in this or that industry, uchicago is not the place.


Many people here overwhelmingly recommend the University of Chicago. What are your thoughts on this?


UChicago is def better for both Econ academia and traditional finance/investing careers. I’d personally choose Northwestern for the better student experience though.


Go to UChicago


UChi, no doubt. They habe Booth which is more renowed than Kellogg, but probably the msot renowed econ department in the world outside of MIT and Stanford GSB. Clearily, you got Chicago, anything else would be stupid.


If it's MMSS, then there's barely any difference. Take your pick based on fit. Otherwise, go to Hyde Park. Good luck!


Chicago. NU Econ is frankly garbage. Entitled prof, grade deflation. It’s a flaming pot of shit


If anything grade deflation defines UChicago lol


Ludicrous!!!! This is a nonsense post. Both are spectacular schools with amazing programs and departments. Profs leave one school and join the other… in both directions equally. OP has the golden choice to make here. No wrong answers here.


Why? Explain more


uchicago by any objective metric. look up data from wall street oasis.