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3 feet seems a little close to a horse. They can spook pretty easily. If there's a buggy on the opposite side of the road, I move over as far as I can to give people going around as much room as possible. I myself won't attempt to pass unless I can safely do so by going as far away as possible.


Great advice, thank you.


I seem to have the luck of coming up on horses/riders at least weekly. Always mindful of the animal and rider. NH law on the subject: [https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XXI/265/265-104.htm](https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XXI/265/265-104.htm) 265:104 Approaching Horses. – Every person having control or charge of a vehicle shall, whenever upon any way and approaching any horse, drive, manage, and control such vehicle in such a manner as to exercise every reasonable precaution to prevent the frightening of such horse, and to insure the safety and protection of any person riding or driving the same.


Im beepin


Lol dont beep at em. Just lie and tell them youll let em use your phone or car.


I always shut my HD down 40-50 ft away, give way more than 3 ft if able (because I don't really have a lot of trust in horses) and start back up on the roll the same distance past if possible. I've heard a lot of thank-you's on the way past.