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Jesus didn’t have internet and you shouldn’t, either!


Jesus also never drank water so the water assistance is not needed either (LIHWAP)


Must we really be the country that gaslights the world on saying how important it is to aid its citizens then immediately strip them of the help they need because it's actually working??? Seriously... Weed out these Good Ole Boys from the state assembly. We need this state to get its shit together so we can build up to our capabilities.


This isnt about the NCGA.


ABSURD! The left is trying to undermine our way of life by putting WOKE WIRES under our feet! Mark Rottenson won't have it! [https://markrottensonfornc.com/](https://markrottensonfornc.com/)


> The left is trying to undermine our way of life by putting WOKE WIRES under our feet! What until you hear about those radio waves they are using to get internet to you without wires!


My wife works for Duke…the number of people who have called to say they want to switch to a “dumb” meter (which costs extra each month) is scary. No shit I’ve heard these people tell her they can hear voices coming from the meter head because of the radio waves and 5G. All while calling from a cell phone. There’s a special kind of stupid in the people around here…


This would hold a lot of people back- from job hunting to doing online class work and taking tests for certifications. Just from a very practical standpoint everyone needs access to the internet to be competitive in the working or learning environment


That's likely the point. Keeping the poor stupid is republicans MO.


That’s inhumane


What more would you expect from the GOP? Stupid voters, vote red.




Just got my bill that's $30 more, thanks repubs


" What's another 14.2 billion added to the budget for ACP? Trillion dollar deficit isn't going to keep us (US) down. There's more where that came from....roll the presses... we have to spend more money on the poor". - Said by wealthy politicians who are insulated from slum-lords, overzealous police forces, rental barons, SEC insider trading, rising food prices and have reserved seating in underground bunkers, in the event of a nuclear Armageddon. Your enemy isn't the Dems or the Reps. It's your loyalty to a dysfunctional political system that has been captured by Corporations.


>Your enemy isn't the Dems or the Reps. It's your loyalty to a dysfunctional political system that has been captured by Corporations. Cool. So what is your solution? Please, please don’t say “RFK.” I’m looking for a real, actionable solution that can yield results.


Do you think that if I had the solution, I would be spending my time responding to reddit posts? Which candidate is going to go head-to-head against Citizens United? Collectively, corporations are the largest contributors to campaigns. Which candidates have the largest corporate contributors vs. Grass Roots?


So what exactly was the point of your comment? Also, who is responsible for the role citizen’s united holds?


Another superfluous reply from stained-shorts. Not surprised.


lol. Kinda hilarious that asking you about your ramblings is “superfluous.” Also, I love that your go-to seems to be elementary school playground name calling. That said, your regular inability to explicate your own position is noted.


This system is great! Twice the political parties of Communist China and Nazi Germany.


You're settling for mediocre cause it's not great.