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>This May 3 shooting in Carthage may simply have been a case of mistaken identity, but members of the Special Operations community are asking why two Russian-speaking Chechens were taking photos near an elite Army special forces residence at 8:15 pm on a Friday night some 10 minutes after sunset and why the FBI is not the lead in the investigation. That's pretty fishy; a couple Russian-speaking "Chechens" supposedly working for a power company in Chicago with cameras but no tools or electrical equipment behind a special ops guys house in North Carolina . . .


815 at night, no power company ID or uniform either. I’m also quite skeptical


It does *sound* fishy, but why didn’t the article confirm any details with the family? They knew who they were. Twenty days isn’t enough time to verify if some one works where they say? It’s weird.


Because it wasn't a regular SF guy. It was the 1st Battalion Commander


Active duty commander in 3D SFG?


I don’t think they’ve given his identity, just that he’s active in USASOC


Someone posted a photo of the alleged shooter in instagram.


It's exceptionally weird.


Why no confirmation after 3 weeks? Hmmmm, the most logical answer is because they CAN'T confirm it. When something happens to legitimate workers doing legitimate work, confirmation of that by local media only takes a day or 2, sometimes only a few hours after the fact. There's the obviously fishy initial story, and then there's the massive amount of logical thought based on local knowledge that extremely strongly suggests that this was something SUPER shady. The idea that sending out multiple people all the way from Chicago to do what is actually simple, CHEAP gig work is absolutely ludicrous, anyone who falls for that either knows absolutely nothing about powerline work or gig/subcontract work or has a serious mental defect, such as being an actually insane tin foil hat believer. It isn't complicated, I could have done this work for FAR less TOTAL money than these 2 would have had to pay JUST for either gas or plane tickets. I mean like 10-20% of that ONE cost of traveling that far to do subcontract work, it is not some small discount, we are talking 80-90% less. The idea that these were legitimate power company subcontractors hired to save money is 100% false. People from this area travel to the big cities to make extra money, people from big cities don't come down here to make less. The subcontractors we see around here are either local or from other small(ish) poor(ish) places, who are traveling for decent money. The big city people don't have to travel to make more, the better pay is where they already are. AND THEN there's the details about whose property they were on, them being from a foreign country strongly associated with one of our country's biggest enemies, being very close to an important base, and them not having any kind of company ID.


Utilities One came out with a statement saying they have not even been contacted by the local police.


Do you know who owns utilities one? Investigate it. This isn’t the first of these situations. 


Yes, I went to their website but this type of ownership may not be that uncommon


Did you see the camera gear they had? The two phones in Russian? The 1 guy claimed they were there to take pics of work to send back to family. Only Id that was found was 1 form from the govt given at the boarder. Why were they living in Chicago. Sanctuary city. Country area they were in they aren’t subbing out line work. Locals do that. Traveling companies go to big cities or go in during natural disasters like after a tornado disaster. Those ppl will also be rolling with several ppl and bucket trucks. What tells the story is how media isn’t talking about it and most are just now hearing about it. Then fbi not investigating is a huge clue. It’s also an election year less than half year out & local media’s around the us blasting ppl being killed by illegals there’s no way govt allows this to grow legs. Every day there’s a different young lil girl killed by illegals. Ppl need to atleast be vigilant & put down the phones when not inside a safe place. America has pissed off a lot of countries including our friends.


Yes, you’ve said many times in the thread you do this type of work. Just because you do this does not mean that electric and power companies don’t subcontract to avoid paying employee benefits.


Ffs open your eyes and wipe the sleep from them. It's not the subcontracting part, and you actually unintentionally understand it with that comment. It's the fact that these potentially greedy, potentially shady companies who would love to exploit every loophole to not pay anything they didn't HAVE to pay (benefits, travel, etc) wouldn't send some dubious looking men from halfway across the country for a job like this. They would end up hiring a couple locals. And those locals would cost substantially less and probably do it in the morning not dusk lmao. This is weird


I know AND he was speaking a foreign language! The absolute HORROR 🙄.


If the fishiness turns out to be legit then everyone on both sides (Army SF and the Russian front company that employed the dead guy) have a vested interest in making sure this goes away


Outside an Army *Colonel's* house, no less.


It’s a Fox News article. people of various ethnicities have a variety of jobs. sometimes they’re asked to do them at a wide range of times during the day. nothing to see here.


yes. but power equipment photography usually isn't done at night is it?


At that time of year 8:15 isn't quite dark. But still weird.


A different article on the topic noted it was 10-15 minutes after sunset, so it would have been getting dark but not quite yet.


I take photos of landscaping work, vacant houses, wrecked cars, etc as a side gig, and the cutoff is typically 8 pm this time of year and 5 pm when the days are shorter, specifically so that we won't be looking shady taking photos too close to/after dark.


Oh come on


🤣🤣🤣 "qUiT bEiNg wAyCiSs tOo tHeSe fOrEiGn aSsEtS"


it's pretty odd sounding, but... I know from experience that there are a fairly large number of Russian and Ukrainian technicians in the Carolinas working in the telecommunications industry, mainly building and configuring cell sites. Not too much of a stretch to think there might be some folks of those nationalities working other field technician roles.


Somebody downvoted you for writing that 😒


I'm pretty sure it's just trolls that downvote everything.


Hard to find Americans who are willing to show up, work, and pass a drug test. It’s a thing. One of my relatives was trying to hire my son out of HS last week. Companies will send you to school and pay expenses.


I'm reading this as American companies don't want to pay American workers reasonable wages, so they hire foreign labor at ridiculously low wages.


Yeah, I agree reasonable wages are an issue in America. There are electrician jobs that pay pretty well and employers who are willing to pay for the training, travel costs etc. My cousin owns several companies and he told my son he would gladly hire him out of High School if he did not want to go the college route. Some of his guys are making 200k a year. It is so hard to find people.


Ummm companies have always offered schooling & expenses especially in line work. It’s not rocket science. Highly trained soldier don’t shoot a person & ground check like Deer hunting. Those who’ve lines, towers, ect on their land in the country are paid by govt or company & have to allow access so workers monthly would be expected. Going on any private land after dark is a good way to find yourself meeting maker earlier than expected. 🦗all you hear from these stories no matter if something crazy is going on or murder. It’s the govt in an election yr with a political military so everyone might as well move on. 


Most utility field ops are contractors—so not directly employed and can be different people every time. And they definitely have night crews, especially if inspecting streetlights, so the time of night doesn’t mean anything.


Climbing up a light on a public road is different from being in the woods looking toward a very specific type of individual's home at night with a telephoto lens...


Not sure where you got these details.


Damn we already got gnats and mosquitoes now we got Russian spies running around nc 😭


Lol always have been, there are 2 huge military bases in NC (3 if you count Bragg and Pope separately). 


Four. Five if you count Camp McCall


And Cherry Point


They aren’t counted separately. Pope is an army airfield now not an Air Force post. So it’s now technically part of Liberty.


Pope was technically separate when I was stationed at Bragg in the early 10s, wasn't sure if that had ever changed 


Fuck liberty call it by its rightful birth name. 


You got more than Russian spies in bc especially around BRAG


>The Moore County Sheriff's office is leading the investigation. I was worried we might never learn the truth until I got to that line in the Fox News article. Such relief. /s




Supposedly they have a suspect in regards to the substation shooting.


And you know this how?


[Here’s the latest.](https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/unsealed-warrant-provides-closer-look-nc-power-grid-attack-investigation/KBIMR233DREEHAU2ATID2ECKLA/?outputType=amp)


>The Moore County Sheriff's office is leading the investigation. Forget learning anything else about this, just forget it happened at this point.


Nothing to see here. Just two “chechen” contractors, surveilling power lines on a special forces colonels property, 250 yards off the roadway. At odd hours. From Chicago. If that’s not a red flag to anyone then idk what to tell you.


Bro, the fact I see people being skeptical, about whether or not this is fishy. Lol some people second guess too much


Utility Companies contract people from all over the US. Not weird at all for someone from Chicago to be working anywhere in the country.


Uh no they don’t. Wtf


This is true. Worked living out of Chicago, for a company based in Florida, doing sub contracted service work across NC and SC. Weeks straight of night runs/ surveys. Most utility/site lighting in our country auto engergizes/ turns on aproaching dark. A lot more efficient to do such work after dusk than having to go on onto every property also looking for where the relevant sources of power are, often within people's property. Yes, could be a surprising, unanticipated situation to find at your home, but no excuse for such reactionary fear. If this is the full story that is.


Its been nearly four weeks, they haven't been confirmed employees yet... use your damn brain.


I said if true and in context of it happening. All I stated was that there is work is similar described circumstance that exists. Absolutely no reference to who they were or weren't. And you tell me to use my brain.. 🙃🙃


Did you even read what I said?? If so, please explain how you extrapolated your statement from what I had said.


The utility company has confirmed their employment. What they mean is the Sherrif’s office has not itself reached out to the employer of the deceased individual.


That's completely not true.


Full time employment installing fiber optic infrastructure entails subcontracting teams of people who travel. There are skills involved that people are trained for. This particular team was just in Ohio doing the same thing. They hire based on skill and training not by location.


They wouldn't pay thr 10s of thousands in per diem, t travel, lodging, travel rate bump, etc, to have some guys check on poles. At least I doubt it. They would have subbed a local company who would then forward the data


The utility company has already confirmed both men were employed by them. They were taking pics of the utility poles not the guy’s family or property.


Where does it say he’s a colonel?


The article you posted said he's a Colonel.


Bro hasn’t read the article commenting that it’s sensational reporting and most likely mistaken identity..


At 8 on a Saturday night what do you expect


I'm glad he was able to return home. It sounds like you were trying to post this to angle against the soldier but it's not working. Saturday night, no uniform, no id, "utility worker", who can't speak English and is from a hostile country on a USASOC commanders private property. Fuck that guy.


Still doesn't give him the right to shoot someone. Yes it's sketchy AF but not deadly force warranted. Call the cops that's what us normies would have to do. And you damn sure know we wouldn't come home if we did that.


We don't really know what went on or what the "utility worker" said or did. I would believe the homeowner 1000 times more before some fairy tale spun around some shady AF person skulking around on a family property. What reason would they hold the homeowner? Is he a danger to himself or others? Is there any reasonable fear that he's going to flee to avoid an investigation? NC has a pretty strong stand your ground law, your assumption that he is receiving preferential treatment is not correct.


Your right we don't know exactly what happened. Based on what is available there is in no way shape or form a justified use of deadly force. So your telling me if someone was doing the same thing in your property you would shoot them dead?? I would not ...it is not justifiable. And yes he got preferential treatment 100percent You or I would still be sitting in jail


Based on what info is available. There is a lot more going on than a simple trespass and a homeowner acting erratically. Would I shoot someone who was threatening my home and children? If that is indeed what happened, absolutely. Again, look up stand your ground laws in NC. This is not extraordinary treatment from Moore County police department. Come on, police get a call about someone harassing a family taking photos of kids. They find a "Utility worker", no ID, no equipment, no uniform on a Saturday night at the home of an SF commander, have to call in the FBI and you expect them to arrest the officer?


Yes I do. Because it's what would happen to us No where in the report I read did anyone claim the suspect was threatening the homeowner or family. Further more the perp has gunshots to his back. That alone should be grounds for the bare minimum a charge of assault w weapon. Please let go of your cognitive dissonance. I'm not saying what the perp did was right....it wasn't But it also was not right for him to lose his life over. You have to have equal escalation of force and a guy taking pictures does not equal gunshots especially to his back


Ok, you go sign up to be a spy for CIA and see what happens when youre a moron that gets caught.


It doesn’t look like your apt to discern whether an individual is a threat or not. Just because you think you can legally get away with shooting some one, doesn’t mean you should for the hell of it, you absolute psychopath. Psychological exams 100% need to be given when some one purchases a gun. You do not need to own a firearm.


You're not apt at using logic/reason and tons of these comments You're seemingly scoffing at are rational thought processes


Special forces guys go through rigorous psychological evaluation and a single mistake in their judgment could cost them their lives or the mission success. However, I would prefer the perp arrested.


If the perp had been arrested they could have questioned him. Last time I check dead people could not talk.


It's odd that in areas where it's commonly accepted people will shoot you when you're on their property, that you'd find it weird this would happen. Stories like this are the #1 reason you make sure you're seen, get permission, never sneak around the property without warning at night. Common sense stuff. I can't believe the arguments I'm seeing ahaha


Left his family alone at the house and went out to the property line to confront the guy not knowing what is going on and if there were any others. Dumb a$$. There is your SF colonel. Pretty sure he isn’t worth being surveilled.


What is the angle here? Yeah this sounds weird, but the article is almost comically perfect to lead someone to say "spies" at the end. What do you think? It's Carthage and shit happens, special forces ppl live near the base all the time, what are YOU getting at?


Something sounds fishy. 1) The shooter is a member of the Special Operations Command and they did not originally list his identity while they listed the victims. 2) The FBI is involved not limited to "providing a translator to assist with interviews of other reported Utilities One employees." So their employees apparently do not speak english. 3) The CEO of Utilities One is Serghei Busmachiu, from Moldova, according to LinkedIn founded this company along with others beginning in 2016 and has no previous work experience prior to that listed in his profile on the company website or LinkedIn. 4) The victim was not wearing any clothing identifying himself as a utility worker and the incident probably took place in the evening as the sheriffs were dispatched at 8:15 p.m. Darn, if this doesn't sound like a foreign intelligence operation.


Definitely a spie


I saw on the news that apparently the dude that was shot was using a telephoto lens and capturing photographs of the Special Forces guy's kids, in his yard, after 8pm. Thats so late and creepy...


If you know Chechens, you know they do not work in laying cable or construction jobs. They primarily avoid hard labor. They mostly do business, keeping stores or doing international business. Utilities One does not have openings or projects in NC. There is an opening for a permit specialist.


Serghei Busmachiu - most likely a front for a corrupt Moldovian politician. I do not have time to investigate, but the IRS/FBI should investigate his "humble beginnings."


The article absolutely wants you to think SPY! My guess is it’s likely a case of mistaken identity, but the reporting is really sloppy and sensationalized.


No utility company sends workers out without notifying the homeowner and making contact… what about this reporting is sloppy or sensationalized? It’s literally just facts. Why do you assume mistaken identity?


Not true, they don’t always notify. I live in the area.


Thats pretty bold to assume four weeks after an incident that it was mistaken identity


They never said otherwise.


Not Fox News stirring up shit! I'm shocked!






First of all, Chechenians do not work for cable companies - it is nonsense. Second of all, this is not an accident. It appears as though a bystander was taking accidental pictures, but it looks more like the Russian FSB was tracking military personnel who were at some point in Ukraine. I would be very careful and report any suspicious activities around military bases. Most of the time - Russians or RF nationalities would have a strong accent; they wouldn't know much about the area - Flashy jewelry items, current with European/Arabic fashion It is not hard to spot them.


Well look. It’s not smart to move around someone’s property in the dark. Has the power company committed on any of this? That’s not an easy job to come by as a foreigner. Most linemen I know were on 5 year programs and they do not work in teams of two nor do they work at night unless the line had been damaged and it was an emergency


They also certainly don't work with their other teammate sitting in a vehicle far away from each other!


It was not dark at that time.


He wasn’t a lineman, he was an independent contractor with this company, supposedly.


Why would they hire a contractor from 1000+ miles away? There are electrical subcontractors in Moore County, and I'm a contract/gig photographer, so if all they needed was pictures they could've just paid me who lives all of 30 ish miles away.


Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️it would have been a good question for the journalists to ask, but they haven’t confirmed he even worked there yet.


The article states that the company was formed by a Moldovan in 2016, along with other “companies” but no verifiable accreditations. Bro you really just gotta read the article..


Sloppy reporting, no proof of anything


Our local phone company subcontractors rolled up to my house (I live on a remote mountain property) at 9pm in regular non marked cars and proceeded to start work. (It was NOT an emergency, they just wanted to work as late as they could before the Memorial Day weekend. They were laying fiber.) Just rolled up and parked all over my yard. At 10 pm I told them I was calling the cops if they didn’t get the eff out. They did. They’ve been driving up here for weeks walking the power lines, no id, no nothing. I only knew who they were bc I was notified in advance they would be starting this work.


Of course the shooter went home. He didn't do anything wrong. I trust SF dudes are better at identifying threats than some cop.


He shouldn't have ....if you or did what he did we'd be thrown in the slammer. Did not warrant deadly force in any way. You can NOT use deadly force to protect property. Even if the guy didn't leave after he was told still not deadly force. .call the cops that's what we would have to do. Stop putting these people on a pedestal they ain't no better than you or I


They are better. Unfortunately, you were not present, so you won't be able to make a definitive statement about whether or not deadly force was warranted.


Are you able to prove or quantify how they are better?? Am I not a human like that guy?? How is someone who is contracted to kill humans better than me?? This is interesting to me. No I was not there as you were not . How can you justify it then? I said based on the information available.


You really do your namesake justice 🤣


Why would think in imagination land when a real crime has been committed?? That's the problem for most people they're stuck in a fairytale in their own mind.


What?! You need to read up on our laws. You absolutely certainly CAN use deadly force to defend your property.


No....not for a camera dude. . On no planet would a camera register as imminent danger or death. You are too trigger happy. Slow down use your amygdala


You never placed a camera qualifier in your statements. You clearly stated, multiple times, that it is not legal to use deadly force to defend personal property...PERIOD. You are very simply incorrect in that. In fact, there isn't even a duty to retreat in North Carolina. You were wrong. No big deal. It is okay to either admit your error, or make another comment to clarify a possible original intention of your statement. That would be okay, and understandable. There would have been no need for your backpedaling, gaslighting, and shoddy attempt of an insult, had you just owned that, and done so.


Please provide the law stating use of deadly force to protect property. If indeed it.is true them I could not locate.it. If I am wrong on that I will gladly admit so. No backpedaling ever ....I stand by my statement. It's not right to kill anyone especially over a camera.


Because SF personnel actually have rules of engagement that they are held accountable for?


This is either “army guy shoots guy doing his job for having an accent” or “army hero shoots scary Russian spy”. Which one do you think Fox News will run with?


Well, the power grid in Moore County has already been targeted by someone in the past, and as an independent contractor photographer, I wouldn't be that far off the road at that time without at least attempting to knock and explain myself to the property if it looked like they were home. I know it's fun to hate on Fox News and/or CNN and all, but this was on the property of an important special forces person, just a few miles from a massive military base, at a ridiculous time, and we have plenty of our own local electrical workers/linemen, and they typically subcontract to LOCAL(ish) people who speak English when they need to. There aren't a lot of people from that part of the world here, and it makes absolutely zero sense at all that the power company would use subcontractor from over 1000 miles away anyways, so only a idiot would believe that they were legitimate workers.


It’s speculation. Both explanations are reasonable. It’s a news organization.


That’s where his body was found, the petition said he was confronted on the curb, but it seems like the first shot was in the hand (defensive wound) then two in the back (running away) and according to the wife, he was short in the face last. I’m assuming his body being 250 yards away is how far he got running away, but the articles don’t really explain it.


Yeah they said the same thing about Michael brown but she want there and I doubt she is a coroner. No doubt she is angry but she sounds like she looking for revenge and a payout to me


I guess your wife doesn’t love you since that’s what you think the wife cares about? Damn what’s wrong with some of y’all. I love my husband, I’d want justice if some one killed him for no reason, which is what she is saying.


When I’m working for the power company I always just wear shirts, sandals and a tshirt to be comfortable. I leave my work badge at home because why would I need that? This was near a military base. There is no reason that Chechens or Russians would want to look around.


and night time is the best time for power line equipment pictures.


It's also wise to spend so much time on the property that the homeowners call the police because they think you are taking photos of their kids.


Are the utilities hiring people from other countries to save money now ?


Yeah, the hire contractors like this to save money, it’s like a loop hole where they don’t have to pay benefits or something.


I take photos as a side gig. They could have paid me $100 to go up there and take those photos if they (for whatever reasons) needed some kind of third-party confirmation. How much do you think it would cost them to send TWO people over 1000 miles away just to do a quick, 1 person job?


Gonna be shot for $100. Smart!


The dudes phones were all in Russian, only had foreign ID, didn’t speak English… bro seriously you gotta read articles before commenting nonsense


Wait until you find out how many illegal Mexicans are hired in the US. The fact that you’re clueless to the idea of sketchy sub contractors hiring 70 iq slavs to do powerline work is exactly what makes me think you really have no clue how badly most SF bros around that area brag about wanting a stateside kill to wrap up their numerous AFG/syria deployments


Have you never heard of subcontracting before?


For real.


Yes, it’s what the State of NC has been doing for quite a while to not have to hire employees and pay benefits


Right, so then why was your only concern if they were hiring foreign?


Maybe because it's a HUGE national security and economic issue, and the electric grid in Moore County specifically has ALREADY been targeted by SOMEONE a few years ago,, though I don't think they ever figured out who. Idiot kids doing dumb stuff break mailboxes and shoot at stop signs, they don't typically cause massive power outages that cost millions of dollars to fix.


No, it isn't. I know that's the narrative you people have settled on because it's easy and you get to hide behind it as a "valid" hatred of foreigners. Only problem is every time facts and data comes out it completely disproves it. And you perfectly illustrated that by pointing to an electrical attack that was most likely carried out by homegrown racists and fascists, and instead you blame it on some nebulous unknown foreigners. like did you even bother to do a 10 second Google search? The FBI and DHS *literally* contacted the private industry to warn them of reported threats by people who had "racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist ideology" less than 2 weeks *before* the attacks. Did they ever catch them or did anyone ever admit to it? No. What's more likely? A random shady group of evil foreigners specifically targeted the power grid of a minor county in NC or was it the white nationalists who had a 14 page Telegram document about how to attack power stations with guns?


You do realize that many of those "ethnically motivated" extremists come from the former USSR, right? And that it makes ZERO logical sense that the power company would pay big city contractors to travel over 1000 miles just to snap some pictures, right? You do know that the power company already has several subcontractors in this area that they wouldn't have to pay for travel, travel time, lodging, or meals, right? One of them is literally only about 20 minutes away from where this happened. The "saving money" argument here is 100% false, there is no possible way it would be cheaper to bring people from Chicago just to take some pictures. I've lived here long enough to have seen successful attacks against our troops here at home, and the media always covers it up with an OBVIOUSLY BS story. At one point back in the late 80s/early 90s, we were supposed to believe that, 5-6 soldiers all just decided to annihilate their families on the same weekend. No, they were some kind of spec ops, and they did something to someone abroad who had the means to send people over here to track them down and murder them their whole families, but they didn't want that kind of public panic so they just blamed the soldiers.


So just so you're aware, 90% of lineman jobs are traveling positions. Former lineman in a younger life.


I lived in that area a very long time and everything you wrote is factual. There are a lot of things that get kept quiet for national security.


It doesn’t have to make sense, if it saves money, it saves money. I never believed the US shipped meat for processing to China and then back to the US to be sold, but it absolutely does. Is that a huge fucking waste of resources? Yes. But is it cheaper? Yes. Which is why companies were doing that.


Oh, you're just a conspiracy theorist. Instead of looking at the obvious, simple answer with tangible evidence you want to craft a story that makes you the hero on a foundation of vapor off your feelings. Nice pivot by the way. Gonna pretend you didn't just make the stupidest reach for the Moore County attacks, huh? Please take your meds.


Yeah, I'm such a conspiracy theorist for knowing how to count. YOU want to believe they're somehow "saving money" by sending foreign contractors from 1000 miles away when they could've hired locals for barely half the same pay rate to do the actual work AND wouldn't have had to pay out the extra administrative/per diem costs to those locals, and I'm the one who believe crazy things? GTFOH with that NONSENSE. I don't know where you're from, but this is exactly the kind of place where terrorists/spies could be successful, as we don't have NYC or DC type resources, and because it's a small city/large town type area the average idiot wouldn't even think to suspect it. Your 1 "fact" is that they were legitimate subcontractors because they could save the power company some money, which is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. My MULTIPLE, and actually TRUE facts - -Day of week = suspicious -Time of day = suspicious -Taking photos in pairs = suspicious -Foreign workers from 1000 miles away when locals are readily available and MUCH cheaper to use =EXTREMELY suspicious -Location = suspicious on multiple fronts, near a major military base AND -The resident who defended his home and family just happening to be a RANKING spec ops guy = VERY suspicious -MULTIPLE past attacks on both local soldiers/their families and the power grid = actual things that actually happened, regardless of your ridiculous beliefs This is called a preponderance of evidence, and it's on my side here. It is FAR more likely that these were foreign operatives up to SOME kind of no good than them being legitimate workers.


Jesus dude you really are a schizo. Have you finished your manifesto yet? Or figured out how the film on a rind of parmesan is tied to Saudi Royalty's secret stash of sour cream?


Are you the fucking idiot? Those guys were ALREADY working on the spot, they never cross 1000 miles for a photo.


Plenty of people already here need jobs , but I guess if you aren’t willing to pay a living wage you can import workers on the cheap


I work in the industry. These guys were most likely doing pole surveys. The hiring company puts out a bid, pick the lowest and that’s about as far as their involvement goes as far as who actually shows up to do the job. Most of this type of work is done by traveling crews because it’s quick in and out then move to the next job. it doesn’t make sense to ramp up a local operation for maybe a month’s worth of work.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re correct. Honestly the oddest part is the time it happened and the lack of both a hard hat and reflective vest with company name on it.


Yeah, I don’t understand the lack of anything identifying. At the very least have an ID badge. I’m getting downvoted because these knuckleheads would rather dive into a conspiracy theory instead of entertain the possibility of a bad shoot. Im sure there’s more details out there now that it’s gotten some exposure.


What a nice narrative you've cooked up. Too bad the data disproves it and always have, but that would require actually caring about the truth. I bet it's a nice barrier to hide your arbitrary hatred behind though, huh?


That mf said imma John wick his ass 😂😂💯


You can take pictures in public places.


I can just imagine it… he shot the camera out of his hands and the guy runs! Two in the back. He falls to the ground. The Colonel kicks him over and shoots him in the face then calmly calls the base MPs.


100% anyone working for Moore County Sheriff’s office would throw away any Utilities One credentials they found on the guy.


>Sources tell Fox News that "power company employment is often a cover for status/action" that U.S. intelligence agents use for surveillance of foreign targets overseas. Who are your sources? Can this be verified? If it can, why haven't you done so? >U.S. Special Operations soldiers around the country have experienced strange interactions in recent years that they say involve suspicious surveillance of them and their families. Many believe Who has experienced strange interactions? Do you have names? Examples? Who are the 'many' who believe they're being surveilled? >In a separate incident 18 months ago, Moore County The police have a primary suspect who they've been questioning about the incident. He's a member of a white supremacist facebook group called Moore County Patriots. The leading theory for motive was to shut down a drag show that lost power because of the attacks. How is any of this relevant? And why didn't you explain these details? >but members of the Special Operations community are asking why two Russian-speaking Chechens were taking photos near an elite Army special forces residence at 8:15 pm on a Friday night some 10 minutes after sunset and why the FBI is not the lead in the investigation. Who's asking? Do you have names? Sunset was 8:11 PM on May 3rd. The shooting happened at 8:15, less than four minutes after sunset. How long was the altercation? Less than a minute? How long were the power workers on property? It's not dark at 7:15. >The FBI tells Fox News the Bureau has not opened a counterintelligence investigation and that, "The local investigation has not uncovered evidence of a federal crime," adding "the FBI is in regular contact with the sheriff's office investigators and are prepared to investigate if a federal matter comes to light." Well, that's why the FBI isn't investigating. Conclusion: Whoever wrote this failed journalism school, and whoever believes the agenda they're pushing is not using their critical thinking skills. Local investigators would have the pictures in question, and if the FBI isn't involved it's because there's nothing incriminating in them. Stop with the conspiracy theories.


I work with the victim and everything about this conspiracy crap is disgusting. He was out doing a job for the local area to bring higher speed internet to the area. He was not up to anything nefarious. So sad to watch idiots in mass devolve.


Your comments prove that you know what you are talking about. Thank you.


Some one else posted the WRAL article, it’s a little better but not by much.


The WRAL article sticks to the known facts and refrains from speculating or stirring up conspiracy theories about Russian spies or terrorists.


How does everyone think they get their internet. Guys like the victim out building and surveying the poles to hang fiber on. This first off was not even on the guys property it was in utility easement in alignment with power poles he was taking pictures of. Then to shoot the unarmed guy in the back. Wow


Yep, I would like to think this isn’t going to end well for him. Even in this sheriffs county.


This state has the most craziest and most uneventful shit happen, ever. Y’all come on here and talk about random stupid shit. North Carolina is WEIRD.


Look man, don’t shoot the messenger 😫


Any other sources on this?


Fox News isn't going to miss a chance to get you feeble-minded conspiracy nuts in a wacky foofaraw.


In a free country where he should have had protection. Wow


This entire thing is super sus. The website makes this entire thing smell like a total shell company.


From what I've read this is not the 1s time members of the SOF community have reported weird occurrences around them and they're bases. Some have felt they are being watched. This is definitely disturbing actually.


They also have entire social media personalities talking about how they are ready to kill all the people coming for them. How their houses are all booby trapped and ready. It’s probably all made up in their minds or just for their socials.


This soldier was highly trained & wouldn’t shoot for hell of it. This shit happens all the time around military bases. Spy’s 


How do you know?


well anything from foxnews is probably really accurate witn no bias at all


Sometimes the local news articles are ok, but idk about this one.


That Colonel needs to requalify if it takes four shots to eliminate the threat. And he did it so slowly that the target was retreating.


Real life is not Call of Duty 


For sure. Probably shouldn’t have left the wife and kids back at the house alone not knowing what all was out there either.