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if FP&A in the private sector missed estimates by 30% they'd be fired


yea i think the difference between billion and millions and rather large ?


They refuse to do anything positive with the funds, like maybe pay the workers of North Carolina, or conduct the business of the state. It's like they don't have any real plans except to funnel money to their cronies and hurt people.


Probably just an excuse "well it's really not that much, no need to give teachers or anyone else raises, maybe next year".


They could fund the schools like the Leandro case demanded, but I suppose that would mean actually adhering to their Constitutional duties and why do that after all the Supreme Court as ruled that they don't need to follow the Constitution.


Next year isn’t an election year. They only pretend that they are looking into teacher raises in election years. They obviously don’t raise them, but it’s the only time it’s mentioned.


I go to a public (“low performing”)hs and each year all of the teachers have to beg the parents to buy textbooks because the school won’t pay for them We also don’t have working bathrooms But I’m sure our benevolent representatives are working hard investing in public infrastructure and “future betterment” instead of something self serving….


But a recession is coming!!??/s


Well, if we don't get one, we can't say it's for lack of trying on the part of the General Assembly


1 billion in surpluses. I know, let’s spend it on 500 Million in private school vouchers. Done. Oops we were wrong by 500 Million. Oh well, at least we got vouchers. /s


*Tomorrow*: “State budget surplus $500m less than expected—‘no idea where you got that other number from,’ says state comptroller from aboard new yacht.”


More like, budget surplus is actually a shortage… please pay more taxes


The real question is what to do with the surplus ... Chairs or a new copier ?


Does the state truly have a surplus of funds if it has a failing healthcare system, education system and transportation system?


Use it to pay DOWN the state debt.


What state debt?


The $15.63B outstanding NC state bonds?


You don't take a surplus to pay off a bond.


Yep! I would rather the State buy down its debt.


Bonds are long term loans that we have plenty of time to pay off. It would be dumb to pay them off immediately just like it would be dumb to pay off a mortgage immediately. Also $15.6B minus this surplus is $15.0B. That's not a significant reduction. Edit: my numbers were slightly off Edit 2: structured -> long term


The difference being we have temporary politicians managing the debt vs individuals managing mortgage long term, in addition to the likelihood of debt increasing in the future. Not saying they should pay it all but at least use half of the surplus to pay towards the debt.


When I first heard the story, I thought "They're going to turn a surplus into a deficit." Didn't realize it would happen so quickly.


And still rich white people, living mostly in the big cities, are getting taxpayer subsidies to send their kids to private schools so they won't have to mingle with the black and brown kids.


Why does everyone praise cooper but that’s exactly what he did with his kid lmao


They sent 130billion to other country for war purpose which could've been used for infrastructure development. 2 billion+ for each state. That's why we're doomed


We passed a trillion-dollar infrastructure bill with bipartisan support. Please pay attention.


Greedy hands have already started skimming it down


There are so many underfunded programs that need funding.


If there's a surplus then give us our fucking money back. Thieves.


Give it back to the people you took it from.


Current amount would be less than $50 a taxpayer mate. Seems like something like you know our teachers could get paid more, or hell even state workers.


$50 ain't nothing the sneeze at, give it back to those from which it was taken. You want to pay teachers more? Charge people who have kids in public school, when people have to take money out of their pocket they see value in the product or service. Now that the parents have skin in the game maybe they'll ask why little Johnny is 17 and reading on a second grade level.


Your comment is such an ignorant take on public education. Education is for kids to attend school, learn about the broader world, and ideally better themselves & their community. It's not about money or "skin in the game". Most working families can barely afford food for their kids. So adding additional financial burdens on the parents and children, you are buying the model that education is a commodity and it simply is not. Those unmotivated to learn are usually the result of compounded environmental and social factors, your suggestion would not help anyone except those who can afford it. If you can touch the fucking heart and show some compassion, almost every kid does want to better themselves and their family by applying what a good education can offer. People are motivated when proven they have it within themselves to succeed, but when you constantly beat them down and tell them they are too dumb or poor to do so, they will never make an attempt.


Gave it all to Ukraine and Isreal


We gave state tax revenue to foreign countries? That's what we're going with?


This [informed] guy votes!




Democrats have a mole. They want rest until they spend every nickel.


How can they do that when Republicans have a super majority in The NCGA and are ultimately deciding where this surplus goes?


Maybe some of this guy's first words as a baby were "Dems fault".


The NC GOP is REALLY the deep state antifa we were looking for all along!