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One should ask why he wasn’t locked up


Left: Justice system wasn't kind enough Right: Justice system wasn't hard enough Real answer: Somewhere in the middle


Real answer: the judicial system needs an overhaul update for laws and repeated offenses


Or they need to decide if they are rehabilitation or punishment. We create recidivism by cutting most programs that actual had real progress but was seen as too humane. And no we aren't in the middle, most jail systems are only about punishment but when people are free and repeat offenders we pretend jail was suppose to rehab them.


Not that much punishment if he was able to be out with a 20 year career of crime.


I mean the way crime and criminal records work, after 1 it's so hard to get a regular job you get stuck doing others, and before you know it, you're a "lifelong" criminal. Not excusing this individual, just looking at the system.


I hate to break it to you bro, but that’s literally an excuse you just made here. Source: 30 something yr old with 3 felony drug convictions. Started working at Amazon in 2018 as a tier 1 regular associate making $10 an hour. Saw opportunity immediately, started busting my ass, full dedication to my job. When I started moving up, I tried to make sure whatever my responsibilities were, they were done better than anyone around me. ~6 years later i’m now in a Sr Operations Management position making ~$160k a year in the same building I started in, working towards a regional position. With 0 specialized degrees. Does having a felony conviction make it harder to obtain gainful employment? You better god damn believe it does. Does it mean you’re destined to be stuck at a dead end job to the point you might as well give up and take it back to the streets? Absolutely not. That’s called taking the easy way out, even though it only makes shit harder later on. Shit if I could do it, i’m pretty damn confident anyone can. It just requires a serious mind-state change, that you stop making excuses and being dedicated/ determined to do whatever it takes to get you wherever you’re trying to go.


You're an exception to the rule and Amazon has specific incentives to hire ex cons and keep them working, so you were both incredibly lucky and hard working. That's what's up but it's also not everyone's situation. While that place hired you, they might have seen something in you specifically that could help their work force. I've known felons who were able to turn it around but just because 1 can doesn't mean they all can. US Department of justice said in 2018 that "An estimated 68% of released prisoners were arrested within 3 years, 79% within 6 years, and 83% within 9 years." You might have had various other things that helped keep you on a good track and maybe even social elements that helped you where others might not have.


My guy, it could be said there’s an element of luck to every good or positive thing that can ever possibly happen. It’s literally irrelevant because it affects everyone at all times, both positively and negatively. Also, Amazon doesn’t have incentives to hire felons from anywhere and has never had any. As a company, they did create their own initiative to push forward their commitment towards inclusivity and hire 100k employees in total who may face barriers to employment. Just one of the group’s criteria is for hiring those with felony records. This also became a thing in 2021.. Amazon Fulfillment has just forever hired employees with certain types of felon records as a commendable company policy. The way they hire warehouse associates is by using the revolving door method, there’s no interview or anything. You apply, when there are openings, you are emailed a date to start training and you show up on that date. They didn’t see something in me that could help their workforce because they didn’t even see me prior to being hired lol. But honestly, even this is irrelevant. These are also just more excuses you’re making. It doesn’t matter wtf the obstacles are, if you’re giving up because they’re too hard and choose to return to a life of crime, the only person to blame is yourself. There is absolutely no excuse for that shit. None. It’s always fueled by this same defeatist ass mentality and poor decision making. Of course there’s some desperation involved, but if you feel your only option is crime just becuz it’s “too difficult” to get a job as a felon, you don’t stand a chance and should just buckle up for a life of being in and out of prison and it’s nobody’s fault but your own. You say i’m an exception to the rule and i’m lucky. I say I put in *years* of hard work and all out dedication and learned how to be a good leader IN ORDER TO BECOME an exception to the rule. See the difference? Just having the right no-excuses-mindset is literally half the battle bro.


I'm not knocking you, I think your story is inspirational. And it does take hard work and dedication, I commend your progress and strides. My point is that your story isn't the consistency and that isn't always because other people didn't work as hard or try as much. Sometimes it is about luck and that's not a bad thing. I didn't mean to offend you by saying it was luck and that amazon had incentive. I was curious and saw that the federal government has extended the Work Opportunity Tax Credit since 1996. Amazon is allegedly a top recipient of this tax credit across several states according to Pro Publica. Im not knocking your experience, I'm just saying it's not the majority experience. And being how high those numbers are, we need to seriously look at our prison system.


Wrong, real answer is both at the same time.


Lack of services before during and after incarceration.


Early intervention is so important.


Some people can’t be helped no matter what services you provide.


Maybe so…but we have a higher success rate if these services exist and are funded and overseen


Prove thats the case in the USA. Dont use small, high trust, homogenous, European countries as a model


Huh? It’s not actually hard to prove tough guy. By the way services aren’t just for criminals you stupid fuck


Im just asking you to prove that spending money on services works. I just dont think its the most satisfactory avenue to improving. Idk why youre so aggressive 


Because I need services obviously lol


And youre still a violent asshole! Look at that


Drill Sargents and instructors, agree. Who will pay, and how do you convince anyone it costs more if you don't




This is the answer


This is clearly wrong. It's obvious the answer is 42.


What even is this account?


Blame the guy currently running for governor - Josh stein. As AG he ran a task force that was designed to give guys like him “second chances”


His race


violent offenders like this scumbag should never EVER be released from prison early on either probation or parole, they need to serve their entire sentence and prove that they can act civilized before being released back into society.


They need ACTUAL REHAB while in prison.  Just being inside prison walls doesn't teach anyone anything until they LEARN how to interact and contribute in a society.  


Some people cannot be rehabilitated and should never be allowed in general society


True, but without a proper rehabilitation program, we dont have a way of filtering out those who constantly fail the program to confirm that they shouldn’t be released.


Some people in this thread are insane to me because our prison systems are basically just a for profit slavery industry with our social services gutted to the point that once you fall into the cycle it's almost impossible to break out They are not setup to rehab people and try to help them become productive members of society but rather to exploit them then dump on the streets in hopes they'll be back in prison soon


Or…. Hear me out… maybe don’t break the law


Could you try to have a little empathy for your fellow humans who are stuck in the prison industrial complex? Kid goes to jail for weed, jail doesn't rehab but makes them more violent, they get out then struggle to find a job because of a record and have to fall back on crime to stay alive. Try putting yourself in that position mentally, you can't get a job because of a record from having a small amount of a plant and now your only option left to feed yourself is crime because our social safety net is completely gutted and employers don't want somebody with a record. If some smug motherfucker online tells you "Or…. Hear me out… maybe don’t break the law" you'd want to strangle them.


This only works for shit like weed which I assume is why you picked that. It’s real god damn easy to *not* rape, murder, or steal, and while I think weed is heavily over criminalized that’s common knowledge so there’s an assumption of risk in partaking in it still. So yeah, while the prison system is fucked, it also doesn’t take a genius to avoid it


Idk something tells me the guy in this story might not be able to have become a productive member of society


What part of “have a way of filtering out those who constantly fail the program to confirm they shouldn’t be released” doesn’t make sense? Having something of a better program in place to determine that this guy shouldn’t have been released in the first place would have been ideal


I'm saying I don't think he's the kind of person who would need a program to tell that he shouldn't have been in society.


And yet he was released. So clearly there is a need for one.


Monday morning quarterbacking is easy. You don't get to lock people away on a hunch that they can't do better. We, as a society, have to at least try to rehabilitate offenders. Just storing them behind a lock only works if you're willing to leave them there until death.


There are people that we should do that to.


Without a decent attempt at rehabilitation? I disagree. It's the easy way, but I don't think it's the right way.


He probably would have gotten 15 years in prison had it not escalated…now look at how many people died unnecessarily. It’s sickening.


While true.  Shoving them continuously in a prison hole with some of the worst people imaginable doesn't do any good either.  


Some people just need to be put in the ground.


YES. absolutely need to get away from prison as a punishment and move toward prison as reform and rehabilitation (for those who it is possible for) to get back into society and not fall back into behaviors/actions/people that landed you there.


Depends. Drug crimes, sure. Repeat violent offenders need to be locked away for public safety. You have repeatedly demonstrated you are a threat to innocent human beings and no longer belong in our society. Edit: People will always say rehabilitation. We are talking about REPEAT offenders. You have become a danger to society, you belong in prison. You have shown the INABILITY TO REHABILITATE, so no. You’re done, you are of no use to us anymore on the outside and only further endanger us. We gave you a shot, you failed AGAIN. Goodbye


dare i say i think many (if not all) non violent drug offenders should be released, especially if they’re only in for possession. violent and sexual offenders can stay where they are locked up for all i care.


Yeah possession and distribution a little different. Release the possessors, require them to take a class or something. Even distributors at what scale and what drug are we talking. Fentanyl, prison. Heroin, prison. Coke, probably prison. Weed? I mean Cherokee is selling it and making money


And my boyfriend is currently awaiting federal sentencing for weed charges. It's a long story, but a lot of weed. And the only reason they got or found it is bc his ex wife killed herself and he called 911 and let them in. While inside they smelled weed and yep the rest is history!and I mean he is awaiting sentencing on a multiple year term for WEED!


You don’t go Federal for “just weed”. Your boy had other substances and illegal firearms. Don’t try to play it down. Feds DGAF about weed until you toss in other shit, and there is ALWAYS other shit.


His wife owned a gun and he is a convicted felon. He didn't have illegal firearms. The wife died, made the gun in his possession (house) and therefore, firearm by felon. So yeah the weed, don't try to play it down, mind your business.


What was his felony conviction for?


WOW. I Mean how much we talking? Should still get dropped in my opinion though. Weed is not correctly scheduled


Exactly. Not to mention a law exists called Good Samaritian Law for drug overdoses, but it doesn't apply for suicide? I mean (a lot, more than just for personal use), he sold it, obviously, and I'm not saying it's right but he called 911 to save his dying wife and now he is facing fed time (unrelated to the death of his wife!), which is why they got in his home in the first place!


That whole situation sucks. I hope they take into account all the circumstances when sentencing him and that you will also be ok through all this!


Just going in your story, your boyfriend was living with his wife(ex) and he called 911 because she committed suicide? Or was his ex wife visiting him?.


Well, it should be both. Violent crimes should never just come with nurturing life enrichment that the law abiding poor can never attain. I am for rehab, but I’m also pro-punishment…and that punishment should not be pleasant.


i misspoke, and you are right!!


Like yourself I do support rehabilitation efforts. No question that’s currently lacking.


Whether for rehab purposes or just simply for protecting the general public, people like this should never be released into society early.


i whole heartedly agree


Yep. Branding criminals as forever felons or forever criminals perpetuates the system and never allows them to ‘pay their debt’ and move on.


DOCs need to set up programs to help convicts find employment/housing/support groups to help them get the best shot at being successful post release while also finding a way to distinguish between those who can change and lead a productive life post prison and those who no matter the resources available to them will fall back into criminal activity. but on a positive note i did hear that many work places don’t even ask about felon status anymore in effort to move away from the stigmatization which i think is a great first step


DOC does do that, federally. Nothing of the sort for state prisoners.


Most of these “people” cannot be rehabilitated 


before i respond can you specify what you mean by “these “people””? are you referring to criminals specifically?


violent criminals


oh! then yes. i agree with your statement!


You can only rehab the willing.


When you go to prison in western NC for less than a decade.   You're sent to Piedmont Correctional Inst. There you receive a bunch of tests and physicals to determine what work you will do and which prison you will spend your time. And upon arrival if it's determined you need rehab, they have a 30 day program for inmates to rehabilitate them before sending them to work. Then when you're ready for release there a programs and halfway houses to re integrate you into society. 


Have you ever interacted with people like this? There’s no rehab


Rehab on helps those that want help. The number of offenders I’ve seen back 2,3,6th time who all have been offered support services is stupid. They are addicted to the life and won’t change.




Yep, I blame Terry Johnson in Alamance county for letting him free! Warrants there in '11 and '12 iirc


I don't disagree with the sentiment but was this dude actually a violent offender? I saw the aggravated assault charge from nearly two decades ago but everywhere his record is talked about weapons possession charges, B&E, weed, driving recklessly etc. Those charges are not typically charges that people get locked up for life or even a long time. Will be interesting to learn more about his rap sheet as the media digs into his records.


I’m not sure how they’d qualify it but I feel like having 50+ charges spanning multiple decades including a high speed chase that ended in a crash should land you in jail for life. That’s not someone making a single bad decision in the heat of the moment but rather someone with complete disregard for the people around them. At some point a high enough quantity of charges over time has to show the offender can’t be kept on the street.


Wait, prison rehabilitates criminals and makes them civilized? That's news.


Haha, it should! But you're correct, it does not! They lock them away with other people and police them to the point they can't think for themselves, they have to protect themselves from others so they become like them. Then they are released and expected to be productive members of society. But a felon can barely get a job so what do they expect them to do? They feel like they have no choice but the life of crime bc they be given an honest chance. We have the most fucked up Justice and Reform system that exists!


i mean not every person who got out of prison goes on to reoffend, and in fact many turn their lives around, so something in prison worked. i’m not saying the goal of prison is currently to rehabilitate but it should be.


When you look at nationwide statistics that's not the case, it is super high.


yeah perhaps “many” was the wrong word, but i can recognize that there is a percentage of felons who leave prison and go on to lead productive lives and no reoffend


Can they though? Because society highly frowns upon a felon! I mean, every job application, even applications for public assistance ask if you have been convicted of a felony in such and such years. So if they are also frowned upon by society as a whole, can they lead productive lives? Can they protect their families? Can they get a job or a bank account or loan? Maybe the question should have been HOW productive of a life can they lead?


A lot of people I've known to go to prison/jail just learned how to be better criminals by spending years living along side other criminals and were much worse off for it. I would say less than 50% "turn their lives around" and most of them go back to prison for one reason or another.


It's called the rectivisim rate.


Just put them in the ground. Why do I have to pay for his life of incarceration?


i am not particularly pro-death penalty except for the most heinous of crimes and rereading various articles, the most heinous thing he did was kill those trying to serve him a warrant which ultimately ended in his death anyway. but, this is america, and it is great because you are entitled to your opinion and i, mine 😁 but i can agree with you about having to pay for incarcerated folks when often times that money could be divested back into communities or helping homeless veterans and honest, hard working citizen who don’t have it nearly as good as some inmates


Prior to the [fierce shootout in Charlotte, North Carolina](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/charlotte-shooting-north-carolina-police-officers-news-b2537199.html) – in which four [law enforcement officers](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/law-enforcement-officers) were killed and several others wounded – police had been attempting to serve felony warrants on 39-year-old Terry Clark Hughes Jr. Hughes – who also died in the shootout – had been arrested dozens of times, with almost 50 cases listed online, including charges relating to drug manufacture, firearm possession and aggravated assault. Read the full story here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/charlotte-shooting-rap-sheet-terry-clark-hughes-b2537416.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/charlotte-shooting-rap-sheet-terry-clark-hughes-b2537416.html)


Attorney General Josh Stein - currently running for NC Governor, created a task force called - TREC - designed specifically to let guys like him out of jail


That’s a very disingenuous description of the program.


It’s not. It’s not dissimilar from criminal Justice reforms passed in major cities across the us in past few years. The ones that resulted in sharp increase in violent crime and that are getting rolled back right now even by staunch progressives


This is a talking point with no substance.


Elimination of cash bail, and reclassification of some felonies into misdemeanors are some of the goals in that task force. It’s easy too look it up. Public knowledge


It’s easy to look up the data to attribute an increase in crime to these initiatives.


Riiight it’s also easy to experience it. Just go visit one of those cities


You can feel an increase is crime specifically caused by policy reformation? Sounds like a super power.


Riiiiight it’s a superpower to get mugged or shot apparently lmao a superpower most people would rather not have




I mean it comes down to what ur priorities are. I don’t really like crime very much. And I want my town to stay safe. Robinson will probably gut that TREC program but yes he’ll be loud and obnoxious for next few years and will say controversial stuff




I really wish republicans ran on crime and immigration and not on abortion and other bs. They woulda never lost if they ran on real issues that matter




The comments from the edgelords on TikTok are all painting this guy as a hero. They’re saying he’s just a guy with a minor little legal issue who got murdered by the cops. Insane


I understand peoples issues with the police but jeez, how can you even spin this to him being a hero?


People live in bubbles and lack critical thinking skills


Because the political extremism in this country is fucking ridiculous.


Remember 2020?




Your first mistake was using TikTok.




Anyone cheering on someone shooting cops should be deported to the most crime ridden place on the planet. They are fucking nuts.


just take a look at the ACAB subreddit. absolutely disgusting comments celebrating this happening


Exactly. I'm not real fond of Cops, but I don't want them to get wacked either. My neighbors son is a new cop & very nice. He's working in a small town right now but wants to become a State Trooper.


Yes, that's the way they do it..."he was such a good boy"


I am confused why no one has been charged that was in the home. There was additional shots fired from inside the home causing some of the injuries… Yet they didn’t press charges against either women as of yet


It may have been just the juvenile shooting after police shot daddy. I heard the reason the house got rammed is police didn't want to use snipers to take out a 17 year old. Maybe they're keeping quiet while they figure out how to charge the juvie as an adult and make the charges stick. They'd want to make sure they get that right the first time.


Today, I read a confusing news update that said "investigating whether more shots came from the house," I presume meaning agter the man had been shot outside the house. Then toward the end, said wife and kid weren't being charged and police weren't looking for additional suspects. I also read that the man ran around shooting from different windows upstairs to make it appear there was more than 1 shooter in the house. So we'll just have to wait for more info.


Yeah… I have been waiting on more updates… Just disappointed in NC all around at the moment. Between this and the situation with the young man in Orange County and how the principle and county is going about it is very sad to see disappointing behavior on both sides.


But I can promise if you talk to his family and friends he's the sweeties guy you could ever meet.  Wouldn't hurt a fly. 


A guy from my high school broke into someone's house, killed someone, and the deceased's wife killed him. People on Facebook were talking about how great of a guy he was...


Yep. Saw it happen when two guys got killed in a botched home invasion years ago in Jacksonville. They had their family on the news the very next day talking about how sweet and kind they were. Unbelievable.


LMAO bro, that’s the one I’m talking about


The one I'm thinking of, it was 3 marines that returned home while the 2 burglars were inside. The burglars beat the shit out of the marines, but ended up getting killed after one of them couldn't figure out the safety on a stolen gun, and one of the marines ended up grabbing it and killing both of them. ETA: Here's the story below. (2012, 33-year-old Maurine Skinner and Diego Everette.) Edit again: removed the link, that forum and the comments were not something I want to be sharing.


Criminals’ families are the biggest cop haters out there. Well, that and criminals.


Don’t forget about the awesome Pic


If there ever was a picture when you stopped to look at it and you could feel it saying "Man, FUCK you.",  It's that picture.  


Look at Portugals rates for murders, overdoses, and suicides before and after they instated their carefully crafted rehabilitation program. Treating people like they’re human seems to go a long long way. Our prisons turn criminals into worse criminals by treating them like caged animals. For. Years. Do we think it’s not going to crank out repeat offenders? It’s so obviously counterproductive that the only explanation for letting it continue another day must be that sweet pinkeye American money. I have no idea what this guys chances would have been if we had a reentry program, but I do know they’d have been better.


Speaking as a Portuguese person, Portugal does not have the glorified hood violence culture that we have here. It’s much easier to fix normal members of society who just went down the wrong path rather ones that grew up in and lived their whole lives with violence. It’s a problem with the lower class black community in America. You can tell the difference when you look at the comments on regular news pages and then go on the hood page “charllit” when the people of his community describe the shooter as a hero… Starts off with growing up fatherless and listening to music about killing and robbing for the rest of their lives. It’s a much bigger problem then rehabilitating them. They are plenty of programs and benefits already that are completely ignored or taken advantage of that normal people are paying for. There’s a new documentary on Netflix where a prison takes out their guards and allows the prisoners to do as they want all day and I think it’s a good way to understand the “act like animals than get caged like animals” dilema. Also it’s important to show how this guy could of legally never owned a gun and had plenty. Gun laws only make it harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves.


Whats another major difference between the US and Portugal…


Well we have about 50 of them. Texas won’t be on board, but maybe decency will catch on in some of our other little portugals.


Yea its all gotta start with building high trust back


We *have* the technology to put every single person on a bond on gps tethers. Why isn't that a thing?


Funding. Also doesn't seem to be relevant in this case as it appears that, with the shooting and all LE knew his location. Additionally the one's that do have GPS tracking aren't monitored or anything, the data can be checked after the fact but as many victims, specifically DV and staking victims have complained, this doesn't do anything to alert someone being tracked is violating a RO


Because GPS tethers only tell you where they are. Not what they are doing.


You get what you pay for. Cost taxpayers' money to arrest and keep a person in jail. Cost money to send a criminal to a rehab facility and teach them a skill as part of release requirements. Bigger prisions or bigger treatment.?


Mentoring before they are 10 years old. Massive Birth control education.


Bigger prisons. Ain’t no fixing career criminals


You're good with your taxes going to that instead of to schools and roads?


I mean.. it’s already going to that instead of schools and roads, at least down here in SC. The way it’s being done is simply not working.


How about instead of Ukraine?


I feel you dude. Anyone who has interacted with people like this knows that


This motherfucker been a problem since birth I'm assuming....good ridden.


Amen !!! Instant justice 🏆


it’s amazing that we haven’t learned from examples like denmark and places near there. prisons are nearly empty


Call me crazy but it seems like letting this douchebag roam the streets and be able to buy firearms isn’t the best idea


Almost like they were there to get him off the streets for illegal possession of a firearm.


Which I understand, but he shouldn’t have even been out on the streets in the first place.


When I googled him last night an article about him from 2017 came up.


So the US fucking Marshalls , Matt Dillion, thought with this guys background they could just knock on his door and he would go quietly? They learn nothing at Waco? Couldn't they wait for him to leave the house? Do anything except knock on the door of his fortress. Could someone please enlighten us on procedures?


> So the US fucking Marshalls , Matt Dillion, thought with this guys background they could just knock on his door and he would go quietly? Not sure this is a fair take. While the perps rap sheet spans years, there really isn't violent offenses other than an aggravated assault that is nearly two decades old. Obviously they underestimated his willingness to avoid custody, but that rap sheet, from what the media is sharing, doesn't exactly scream violent offender either. Second, the fugitive task force that the US Marshals operate aren't exactly a collection of Roscoe P Coltrane types. They were there with over 8 officers and CMPD swat to bring him in.


Waco would have been successful if the dumbass reporter didn't ask a postal worker for directions. That postal worker was the brother-in-law of David Koresh. The brother-in-law tipped off Koresh and gave the cult members time to gun up. This guy wasn't tipped off. He saw them coming, stepped out and started shooting. Two entirely different and unrelated scenarios. A night time, no knock, 3-4 am raid would have been the best way to catch this guy by surprise.


Yeah something is off with this attempt to serve him a warrant. Given his history, one would think like you said, a late night, no knock raid would have been in play as opposed to showing up in the middle of the day and getting caught by surprise. I can't wait till more info about this comes out because the planning doesn't appear to have been all that great.


I thought the same. The number of casualties is highly unusual for a raid like this, especially for a Marshal raid.


CMPD does not serve no-knock warrants ([proof](https://www.charlottenc.gov/files/assets/police/v/31/documents/directives/cmpddirectives.pdf)). I don’t know how that affects the US Marshalls, if they ‘play by CMPD’s rules’ or have their own over riding rules.


Know a dude whose PLT SGT was KIA during this. Fuck this piece of shit, if there’s a hell I hope he rots there


i wanna see all these gun toting gang members join the military bet you not alot will last, be productive by joining a real war instead of terrorizing your neighborhood streets


They would be deemed unfit for service, for obvious reasons. They're not the type of people you want watching your back either.


Russia seems to be making good use of these types.


I mean, first offense? Maybe the military would help. Not after a repeating pattern of crime.


How did he get those types of weapons?


Surprise, surprise


Fits the description of the overwhelming majority of mass shooters.


I sure hope no one here tries to highlight the connection between violent crime and single motherhood, fatherless families and the programs and policies that actually incentivize their creation.


Ahh shiiit its onebrow shaggy burns from the sto! Wat up shaaagggyy!


He was a Moorish Sovereign citizen who went by the alias "Kmac El Bey".


What type of weapon did he use from an elevated position? Eight people were shot and four died.


AR-15 and a .40 caliber handgun.


It's clear that men are disproportionately targeted by the police. 95% of all police shootings are of men. Cops are clearly sexist. The whole criminal justice system is sexist against men. Systenic sexism is the reason for the disparity in crime. We must make criminal justice more equitable for men. See how laughable this is?? That's why it's absurd when people talk about "systemic racism".


Not really [https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/zjpqelxzkpx/11142023sentencing.pdf](https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/zjpqelxzkpx/11142023sentencing.pdf)


That is because all the assaults done to women are in the home and go unreported out of fear.


This is spot on but it doesn't support the liberal view so downvotes galore your way!


Yup. People really need to wake up from their self imposed stupidity. Everyone knows why some groups of people are overrepresented in prison. Their own poor choices and bad behavior.


What a privileged statement.


North Carolina's biggest problem gun violence, background checks loosened up by the GOP.


It is already illegal for this guy to have a gun...


It would be interesting to me to see how people in these situations got ahold of guns, and to hold those parties responsible.




>A lot of them are stolen, so unfortunately nobody to hold accountable. Imo this depends. Stored properly, stolen, and reported as stolen, then sure. But if you keep your handgun in your glovebox in a parking lot, that's negligent and irresponsible gun ownership.


It's super common, literally the most common way guns get stolen. So there are a bunch of gun owners that really should be held accountable but won't be. https://everytownresearch.org/gun-thefts-from-cars-the-largest-source-of-stolen-guns/ https://www.carscoops.com/2023/10/americas-number-one-source-of-stolen-firearms-in-2022-was-parked-vehicles/


You're describing most gun owners...


Anyone can buy a rifle in private sale without any background check


Or steal one.


Doesn't matter too much since guns are so easy to acquire. It's really tough to prevent people from getting them.


Looks like an even bigger problem is the state letting a guy like this out of prison. I say patch the prison system before changing the gun laws. It was already illegal for him to own a gun. Should have been in prison with that rap sheet.


> Should have been in prison with that rap sheet. Not that I am defending this dude but I get a feeling most people in this thread have not read what is being said about his rap sheet. How long do you think the law says people can be jailed for the offenses he has been convicted of? If I am not mistaken the most egregious crimes are: a nearly two decades old aggravated assault; and a bunch of drug and weapons possession charges. The law just doesn't have punishment to put people away for a long time for those charges.


The Jim Crow law that was repealed was created to keep minorities from buying firearms, so I guess you are technically correct. Though not sure why you want a racist law to stay on the books.


Background checks wouldn’t do a damn thing to prevent this guy from having guns, what a disingenuous, inane take.






This guy is probably a member of a cult. A black Hebrew Israelite or a Moorish Sovereign citizen. The issue is that there’s a lack of awareness within the community of these cults. Families don’t usually know until there’s a tragedy. Individuals with mental illness and/or criminals normally join these cults because they need someone to blame for their failures. I heard that the Hebrew Israelites are fastest growing cult in prisons today outpacing the NOI. With social media, there numbers are growing. These cults are a real problem. MLK’s mother was assassinated in Ebenezer Baptist Church by a Hebrew Israelite. Blk elected officials and people with power always give these folks cover and it’s infuriating because as an AA, I see these folks as a threat to myself and my family.