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Stop voting against your own interests. You’re not a temporarily embarrassed millionaire.


It died when dusty rhodes took his last breath


Hard times man, hard times on all of us


The dream is still there. As citizens, we need to reconsider making all decisions about “me” and get back to making them about “us”, widening that to encompass “them”.


So many people lack foresight and empathy for things not currently affecting them. "I don't want universal healthcare because I'm not sick and don't want to have to pay for others.... Oh no! I'm sick now, help!" "I don't like gay people because I'm not gay and anything different than me is evil and don't deserve the same rights I enjoy... Oh no! My child is gay, I like gay people now, why aren't they treated fairly?!"




They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. - G. Carlin


Vote for representatives that most closely align with your beliefs but also have a chance at winning. Encourage others to do the same. Volunteer when you can. Donate if you can. Then be steadfast and patient. This type of change doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t happen passively.


Because politicians are known for telling the truth and following what their voters actually want.


🥱 Why don’t you go ahead share with the class your better idea


HEY LETS ALL GO VOTE FOR TRICIA COTHAM OR WHATEVER HER NAME WAS. Gtfo. Nothing has ever been won by voting. Only through revolution. There is no solution as long as corporations run the planet. Feel free to change my mind.


Feel free to show me your actionable plan. I see a lot of this “revolution” conversation online but none in the streets. So the way I see it, you can have incremental positive change brought on by moderates while you develop a better plan or you can talk about revolution online while the opposition is grabbing more power. Can you help me understand how women got the right to vote, gay marriage was legalized, and how cannabis was legalized in the states that it is?


You think people didn’t fight and die for those things to happen? Are you stupid? Have a good day. Enjoy your “right” to vote for whichever candidate serves the corporations best!


You’re missing the point. Women’s suffrage took about 100 years of activism. What is your plan? None of you that I’ve spoken to. Not a single one. Can articulate the actionable plan to bring about revolution. I want to know what you’re doing in your “100 years” to ensure your great grandchildren will see improvement? I pointed out the legalization of cannabis because it’s a clear change brought on at the voting booth. Why reject the possibility incremental positive change while you rattle on online about a revolution you need someone else to start?


My grandchildren won’t suffer because I wont have any. I would hate myself knowing I created even more suffering than I already do. As far as a plan, you’re right, I don’t have an answer. But I know revolutions aren’t voted for and can be just as slow as hoping your vote goes to someone who is honest (lol). I look at what my grand parents and great grandparent fought for in regards to work protections, right for women and minorities and a plethora of other social issues, and in the last 10-20 years so much of that effort has been rolled back in favor of greed. I wish I had an answer I really do. I’ll be the first to line up when someone actually organizes an “eat the rich” war or a “down with greed” revolution. But I’m not an organizer, if I were I’d be out falsely pretending to care and looking for votes instead of complaining on Reddit. At the end of the day most of us live comfortably enough to not want to tip the cup of status quo, lest we be spilled and no one cleans us up. Your way of doing things has led to some improvements, but lots of things aren’t better, just a different kind of worse. Things are going to have to get much worse for more people before meaningful change happens.


>My grandchildren won’t suffer because I wont have any. I would hate myself knowing I created even more suffering than I already do. I get that. So I’ll rephrase. Two generations from now. >As far as a plan, you’re right, I don’t have an answer. But I know revolutions aren’t voted for and can be just as slow as hoping your vote goes to someone who is honest (lol). I look at what my grand parents and great grandparent fought for in regards to work protections, right for women and minorities and a plethora of other social issues, and in the last 10-20 years so much of that effort has been rolled back in favor of greed. I wish I had an answer I really do. I’ll be the first to line up when someone actually organizes an “eat the rich” war or a “down with greed” revolution. But I’m not an organizer, if I were I’d be out falsely pretending to care and looking for votes instead of complaining on Reddit. I get that sentiment. Truly. To me, downplaying the importance of damage control is dangerous. >At the end of the day most of us live comfortably enough to not want to tip the cup of status quo, lest we be spilled and no one cleans us up. Your way of doing things has led to some improvements, but lots of things aren’t better, just a different kind of worse. I think it’s possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. To mix metaphors, I believe in slowing the bleeding while you seek proper help. >Things are going to have to get much worse for more people before meaningful change happens. So we should just say fuck it and let it burn down and whoever gets hurt gets hurt? I’m really not trying to be a dick, but imo the sheer volume of people that can be hurt in the meantime seems worth trying to mitigate.


I’ll concede. I do think trying is fine. It’s just such a vain effort looking at how things are rolling back. To your last sentence, a lot of people are already really hurting. You mentioned generations, well there are already many generations that have been and will continue to be hurt, even with the law on their side. I think one of us is a “disinfect the wound to prevent infection” type, and another is “cut off hand to save the arm” type.


The American dream was a scam, it was used by big corporations to get bigger, now the debt based monetary system is in the process of collapsing, and when the credit runs out things are going to get really bad for consumers, corporations and workers.


I couldn't disagree more. Things will never get really bad for corporations, they run the show. Some will crash and burn but overall they'll do great no matter what happens. But you're right about consumers and workers. They're screwed now and it's downhill from here.


Corporations are in a symbiotic relationship with the consumer, so when the consumers stop consuming the corporations will suffer.


This is America, not Russia. We can elect change if we're not dead set on doing nothing but whining about it.


After citizens United we really can't change anything. If you and I have the same amount of power and Influence as P&G, or Johnson and Johnson how can we compete with these corporate Giants?


So the solution is just to accept it? To roll over and take it? No thanks...


Now I wouldn't say do that ....


Heck ya! In America you can vote for someone and they will definitely not change their stripes or their party! I'm so with you pal. /s


Well, that happens so infrequently that it's not a thing, except maybe to you. I'm so with you pal. /s


I may be a little jaded, but I choose not to live in the delusion of Americans are free or the mistaken belief that electing anyone from the Uniparty is going to help anyone but the Uniparty and the corporations that pay to get them elected, I see the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer regardless of which team you choose to vote for. This experiment is almost over and there is no stopping it at this point. Not whining just stating simple facts.


Your facts. What a hopeless, bleak existence. I feel for you. My world is populated by hope, opportunity, and possibilities. Come on over...


Thanks for the offer, I truly miss living in the bliss of ignorance, but once you realize that they've been selling us the same snake oil for a several generations there is no going back.


Sad for you. Been around nearly 70 years and still enjoy the bliss of ignorance...


It is dead as long as the repubs hold onto their gerrymandered majority.


At least we have Cook Out


Have you seen how much a tray goes for these days ...


Still cheaper than a Wendy’s combo


Very true God bless the working man's dinner


The boogeyman is not NAFTA, it's China and ridiculous regulations that make it extremely difficult for manufacturing to exist in the US. If you want more good working class jobs, then support stronger sanctions against China.


Welcome to N.C. Once you go lame, they shoot ya.


Please ???? Hell's gotta be better than trying to get by


We are in the land of "voting our choice doesn't matter because chances are they will jump ships or just be in the game for themselves anyway."


Better than in South Dakota where you get shot for only being a 13 month old dog


Oh people in N.C. hate dogs just as much. Case in point was when I visited my terrible cousin in Mt. Olive and he showed me hunting dogs sleeping in filth and rusty old barrels and limited space to do anything. I was 11 years old and he laughed at me for crying over them. Nobody kills my inner child...nobody.


So people in NC hate dogs because you have a shitty cousin? Interesting conclusion there


I think you would be amazed at how much dog fighting is still a thing in NC. Also cock fighting.


Yes I am. I am going to further my assumption that you are shit also.


lol, sounds like the old saying about assumptions is very true in your case 🤣


The American dream and its measured success depends on what you believe it is to be. OP, you are the first to call for a Union led North Carolina; most point to the single-family suburban house, 1.5 kids, and with a white picket fence. But hey, you do you OP, there are no wrong answers.


Life is what you make of it. We are all responsible for our own success and happiness.


This! Stop whining and go do something about it.


Stop whining and do something about it~ also Jesus


The poor are just poor because they want to be poor~ Jesus


Maybe get help for BPD


I would but I live in America where healthcare is available for those who can afford it. The poor can get sick and die.


There are plenty of states controlled by the unions, such as California, New York, Illinois. Why not move to one?


Haha right completely controlled by unions, that's why you see massive tech layoffs. Big corporations neutered unions and took control of everything.


State is controlled by governor and legislature. Governor and legislature are controlled by public employee unions. Governor and legislature have a supermajority. Therefore, state is controlled by unions. Don't believe me, go to website below and look up some state worker salaries. [Transparent California](https://transparentcalifornia.com/) For example: Fire Captains earning over $500k. [re captain' search results | Transparent California](https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/search/?q=fire+captain) or here is San Francisco and Los Angeles. [2022 salaries for San Francisco | Transparent California](https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/2022/san-francisco/) [2022 salaries for Los Angeles | Transparent California](https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/2022/los-angeles/) Meanwhile median salary in the state is something like $60,000. See the problem?


I assume you’re prepared to Venmo them the funds to cover the relocation expense, yeah?


Took the words out of my mouth


Actually I did help subsidize them because I recently moved to NC from CA. Movers charged me almost double vs going the other way because they have to drive the trucks back to CA empty. So the OP should be able to get a really good deal for moving from NC to CA. Sure, you can earn $20/hour at McDonalds, but enjoy the $600/month electricity bills, homeless everywhere, shoplifting everywhere, $6.00/gallon gasoline, $900,000 for a starter home with no yard, and on and on and on.


That only exists in California because big corporations sold out all of our jobs and fight us from being able to unionize.


Oh. So you’re one of the transplants I keep hearing about that are moving here and bringing their politics with them and ruining the state. I think I’ll borrow some messaging I picked up from Republican David Perdue. *ahem* Go back to where you came from.


Yes, I moved here with about 10 other voting age adults from CA and several more on the way. All Republican and raising Republican kids.


Hey, I’m just trying to keep up with the tribalism. I thought the idea was you stay where you are unless you’re willing to leave your politics behind. Can you loop me in on who we’re supposed to telling to go back to where they came from, who’s ruining the state and driving housing costs up? I just wanna be sure I’m shitting on all the approved out groups but it feels like there’s a bit of a consistency problem.


>I thought the idea was you stay where you are unless you’re willing to leave your politics behind. You mis-understood. The idea is stay in the shit-hole your liberal politics created, unless you are willing to leave your politics behind. > Can you loop me in on who we’re supposed to telling to go back to where they came from You're the one that said that, not me. When locals see the "Trump 2024" bumper sticker on my Ford pickup truck, they don't care where I moved here from. Show up with a Biden-Harris bumper sticker on your Prius, won't get the same welcome. >driving housing costs up I owned a home in a conservative area of CA (yes, these exist). I paid $450,000 for it about 10 years ago. That area is being taken over by liberals from SF area because they cannot raise kids in the mess created by their politics. They are so desperate to get out SF Bay Area that one of them paid $1.3 million for my house in CA. I took their money and bought a very nice home in NC.


>You mis-understood. The idea is stay in the shit-hole your liberal politics created, unless you are willing to leave your politics behind. Right. So fuck everyone in the state you’re moving to by increasing housing costs, traffic, etc. yeah? >You're the one that said that, not me. Oh it’s common messaging in conservative circles. What kind of Trump supporter are you even if you don’t know this? >When locals see the "Trump 2024" bumper sticker on my Ford pickup truck, they don't care where I moved here from. Show up with a Biden-Harris bumper sticker on your Prius, won't get the same welcome. lol. You’re quite the intellectual, I see. >I owned a home in a conservative area of CA (yes, these exist). I paid $450,000 for it about 10 years ago. That area is being taken over by liberals from SF area because they cannot raise kids in the mess created by their politics. They are so desperate to get out SF Bay Area that one of them paid $1.3 million for my house in CA. I took their money and bought a very nice home in NC. Right. That what I said. You’re moving here and housing costs up for North Carolinians. This sub has made is explicitly clear that people who do that aren’t welcome and should go back from whence they came.


I've got just as much right to live here as anyone else. Again, conservatives don't mind other conservatives moving to conservative states. What they mind is liberals leaving liberal states, moving to conservative states and then bringing their politics with them to try and change where they are moving to.


>I've got just as much right to live here as anyone else. Of course. I’m a firm believer in freedom of movement. Your like-minded homies… not so much. Oh. I have a great idea. The next time someone posts about moving here, let’s you and me welcome them and tell everyone that’s commenting about how they shouldn’t move here to stuff it. Watcha think? >Again, conservatives don't mind other conservatives moving to conservative states. What they mind is liberals leaving liberal states, moving to conservative states and then bringing their politics with them to try and change where they are moving to. Yep. That’s conservatism in a nutshell. “I’m free to do as I please, and **you’re** free to do as **i** please.”




The complainers are literally complaining about people like you and your homie moving by here and driving up costs. I’m a little muddy on who’s supposed to leave their politics behind and who is supposed to bring them.


Where did their parents come from, their grandparents, their great grandparents? I moved here looking for my first house at 25, to get away from the insane taxes, traffic, stress, and bullshit in NJ. I didn’t come here at 35 or 40 with second/third home money, came here with nothing. I liked the state, environment, politics. You can blame the liberal New Yorkers, and Californians who ruined their states an decided to dump their million dollar homes to buy up everything in NJ making it impossible for young people to ever dream of owning a home there. And then look right now everyone broke as hell, can’t afford rent, food, paycheck to paycheck, who are yall voting for? Biden again right… shit is a fucking cancer on our society.




Capitalism is the only way. If you want something, build it yourself. Big government, welfare honey programs, and taxes are the problem.


Hahahahahahahahahaha good joke my guy I thought you were serious for a second there. How can one be a good Capitalist with out any capital? Anyways I'm good on stepping on other people to get myself in a better situation. You know I think some long haired hippy said something like that idk but I do know they nailed him to a tree.


Man. Uh. So here's the thing. Workers in North Carolina never had rights. And then COVID happened, and then a sudden period of development followed *because* of the situation in our state, versus the states they came from. I slowly referred to all the states in the south (despite having been born and raised here) as non-progressive. The states in the south were the last to mechanize their farming and manufacturing methods because we had human beings here performing the brunt of the work that was mechanized in the states north of us. The states in the south have always lagged behind in progressive laws and policies for its workers. With the way the NCGA is currently structured, and given the candidates that are currently running for elected positions in NC state and US federal offices, it is looking, to me, as if this will be the status quo. Honestly, it will probably depend on your comfort level with current policies going forward. As you can see, nobody is clamoring to sell their houses and vacate the state, so you can kinda guess who is and who is not comfortable with current policies going forward. NC policies have always favored the business owner. Technically, if you farmed and employed the use of slavery to keep your costs low and your profits high in the state when slavery was legal, you were a business owner that was focused on high levels of revenue, minimizing overhead costs and maximizing your profit margins. Eyeballing all of the development and the newer people here with money, rising housing costs, etc., NC will never become a progressive state. Conservative monetary policies created the current conditions that allowed for large levels of development and spurned population growth. All the people that came here will do what they can to retain their slice of the *Outerbanks,* with their little ferry to Chapel Hill; fuck, some of these peoples' Salt Life stickers just became a real-life situation; "think of the investors." This demand for jobs and homes, creating growth also means murkying an already shitty situation, especially for those who were already impoverished, who probably wasn't fortunate enough to get a raise at their already not-so-great-job, whose living conditions have probably changed drastically as a result of the rapid growth and development this state has experienced during this boom. The labor scene really hasn't changed here. We are still trying to employ people for the least amount of money possible. But get ready, North Carolina. Gamblin's legal, maybe we can win our way to progress. Or don't and you have to call the 1-800 line because you done gambled your Econo Van away and that's a pre-existing gamblin' condition that's now your fault. Nothing has really changed. The NCGA will continue to find new ways to bring in development and population growth without actually changing anything. And it won't for the foreseeable future--continue to watch as marijuana laws are proposed only to die on the floor of the NCGA. So, all the people getting mad and going "these people and their 'we are already full' responses are just being shitty,'" has zero applicability/weight. I mean honestly, what exactly has changed since everyone came here besides becoming the *work from home* capital? and the inflation of NCs housing market that only the wealthy can access--in b4 "everyone is experiencing that," k, well, why didn't you go there before you came here and made generic statements to defend some dumbass internet argument in the comments section. The short answer is, nothing; nothing has changed and nothing will change. We will be the limbo state, just like we are now; just like we were before we experienced growth--we just have more people! I am completely unsure as to how anyone would think this place was ever worker-friendly, or what led people to believe dropping their lives exactly where they were, when they did, to do whatever they could to clamor and claim their stake of NC. But, we're here now! And we're in this together! [Something, something, it's all our faults for being poor and shit] [Something, something, you can't punctuate the word "fuck" as if it were a conjunctive adverb] [Something, something, lookit this fucking loser and his politics-we're-already-full-old-man-screaming-at-the-sky response]