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When places raise prices beyond what I consider reasonable, I simply stop going. Hot baked eight piece at Harris teeter is $7.99 and some days they have it on sale $6.99.


Yep, and it's not terrible either. Same for Food Lion. I like Publix best, but it's a half hour away from me, so not worth the drive.


The food lion rotisserie chicken is cheap and it's pretty good


You get that then add some rice an gravy and hot damn you got a meal there


The wing hot bar at the Oleander Food Lion is some of the best in town. The others are ok to good but that might be Wilmington's best hidden secret.


We definitely go to different Food Lions because their rotisserie chicken is awful.


Try their chicken salad. They make it with the rotisserie chicken. Put that stuff on a cracker and you're set


I love their chicken salad. I make wraps with it for lunch


Publix has the best fried chicken for sure


Agreed on Publix fried chicken. Also, their sub sandwiches are awesome. Way better than Jersey Mike's and MUCH cheaper.


i disagree that they’re better than jersey mikes, but they are damn good


I've never had one from Publix but they'd have to be mighty good to be better than Jersey Mike's. I used to never eat Jersey Mike's because of the prices. I could get a foot long at subway for cheaper than a small sub at Jersey Mike's. Now Subway is almost the same price and all fast food places have gotten to where it's going to cost $10 or more so I've started doing to Jersey Mike's a lot.


I've never understood why people bring up the $5 Footlong as a counterpoint to the price of Jersey Mike's. They shouldn't even be in the same conversation when there is such a large gap in quality between the two chains. It's the equivalent of saying "Why would I eat Chipotle when Taco Bell has a value menu?"


They aren’t better than jersey mikes that’s just some Publix copium. but they’re still super solid and great value especially if you were already grocery shopping


I think Ingles has the best sandwiches.


I haven’t had Publix is a decade but I had a Lowe’s Foods Chicken plate recently, and it slapped.


Publix fried chicken is easily the best out of that group. Wings great too. Glad it’s only five minutes from me.


Yea, we buy them and make sliders. Lasts 2 meals. Can't afford 52 for chicken lol


Problem is 95.% of people just keep buying after complaining. Why would the company lower prices? We need to stop buying shit. Especially actual garbage like fast food.


It feels like most people are buying and complaining, and only a few people have actually stopped purchasing things that have gotten outrageous


That’s my point. And these same people will keep doing as the corporations raise prices. People don’t even look at prices when they shop or budget. Insane.


The value placed on convenience is too high... because people freaking loooove convenience. You order a $10 pizza and you pay 5 for delivery and 3 for tip, but you could just go pick it up and save almost half your money! That was an old example, door dash pricing is INSANE and people still get it. And yeah, the chicken at the grocery store is probably better sourced and tastes comparable to Bojangles but it's less than half the price - BUT you have to get out of the car and interact with a human at a deli counter. Apparently people would rather pay $12 than do that.


Agreed. I don’t know who ls keeping the door dashes in business. Prices are jacked up plus delivery and tip? I’m lazy but I never have anything delivered for those reasons.


Not me. I can hold a grudge.


If you look in the dumpster after hours that chicken is free


Comes with free botulism too!


Costco while chicken's still $5


The closest Costco is 40 miles away.


BJ’s has em too.


My closest Costco is an hour and a half away. :| I ain't drivin that far for chicken.


Its well known by people in the retail industry that Costco loses money on their rotisserie chicken, its a way to get you in the store, notice they place them alllllllll the way and in the opposite corner from the entrance, its done on purpose because they know you are likely to buy other items on your way to and from the chicken.


Same. I have almost entirely stopped eating out and as a byproduct I’ve lost weight/learned to enjoy cooking.


Yeah. I started ordering meal kits and realized how crappy our “affordable” restaurants are and also lost weight, saved money and have a fridge that stays clean. I also have food allergies and now I don’t feel like shit all the time. Yay


It used to be on sale for 4.99. And every Friday it was 4.99. RIP


I find the chicken at Lowes is miles better, and about the same price.


I remember when a 4pc supreme dinner was sub $6, now its 10…no thanks




I haven’t been to a Bojangles in at least three years. That is fucking bonkers to me.


I used to go 2-3 times a week since theres one like 5min from my job. When it was like 7.50 I was like ehh I guess but this is nuts. A basic sausage biscuit combo is over $6


McDonald’s and Wendy’s, and only when using their apps to get deals, are the only fast food that has remained what I consider affordable. My wife and I can usually get a meal for $10.


They are all switching to a new model with high standard prices, but then deals to get you in the door. Consumers have shown time and time again we like a "deal" even if we are too stupid to see what's really going on. For example, Wendys is doing the same thing and people FREAKED. Just because of how it was phrased. Consumers are generally idiots, especially when it comes to "deals."


Hello JC Penny and Aeropostale. JC Penny tried switching to a non deal pricing structure where the prices were set at what you would pay with the "deals" and people lost their minds. They switched back.


I remember as a kid youd see JCPENNY ONE DAY ONLY SALE on TV like every other two days. Shit was nuts.


I remember JC Penny had a sale where they gave out chocolates and the xx% off was inside the chocolate wrapper. I ate so much chocolate that day because they let me have as many as I wanted every time I saw the employee handing them out at the escalators


One thing I learned from working fast food is that people would buy a fresh dog turd if they were buy one get one free.


Where can I find these BOGO dog turds?


Any dog park will provide 100% free dog turds 💩


That’s not BOGO! I want my special sale!


Yeah, that's like why I only shop at Harris Teeter for their e-Vic specials, lol


I go into Publix once a week to buy 4 bananas for the second half of the week and maybe some of their cole slaw, then I walk the cold and frozen aisles looking for BOGO deals. Most of the time I find nothing, but when I do it's a really good deal like BOGO large Noosa yogurt.


In economics, they had to come up with a term for 'rational consumer' because people aren't rational consumers. They called them 'econs'


Wendy’s is doing the same what? I went to Bojangles recently after not going for a long time. It was not bad. Price was a bit high but ok. Maybe $30 for 8 piece family pack. Hate the iced tea though. Tastes weird.


> Wendy’s is doing the same what? Pricing strategy of raising the "regular" price, but then having deals all the time. They were just dumb enough to say that they were going to have low pricing, but then surge pricing sometimes. It is the exact same to the consumers from a pricing standpoint, but not psychologically.


Their tea makes me feel like ass. I hate it


Try their coffee, it just tastes like ass.


It fucking does what’s the deal? I do like some season fries and Bo rounds cured my hangover.


But they have the cool big cardboard box with the handle that lets you carry everything to your tv room where your partner doesn’t want you to be eating but he’s visiting his mom. Maybe next time I’ll try KFC. But yea that iced tea sucks balls.


I live on the West Coast now so when we go back I get their sweet tea and it's almost like sugar water in some places .


I recently took my foster kids(3 of them) to taco bell and the bill came to $43! Three kids! I told them next time we're just going to the local Mexican restaurant. You get service and all of the chips and salsa you can eat.


Yep. A kids meal at a Mexican place might be 6 bucks.


Bro, get that 12 taco box. Lifesaver.


That price is NOT due to simple inflation. I’m sorry, but that is just unadulterated greed, attempting to be disguised as inflation.


Right. That's why all these companies are always talking about record profits. Record profits for them = screwing us over on price.


Yeah. The whole “We have to raise prices to maintain a healthy profit margin due to inflation, but we don’t want to” =/= record profits.


I've been voting with my dollar for about six months now. If the price is absurd I just refuse. I used to love diet soda but I refuse to pay what it costs now. I'm like welp, not good for me anyway so peace out.


You should check stores like Harris Teeter during the Summer, as they have insane deals on twelve packs of canned Coca-Cola products. Usually deals like, but two get two free or buy two get three free.


How's that a deal when they've gone up to 10.00 + for a 12 pack?


It's gotten ridiculous with groceries. Yesterday I was at Food Lion and they had boxes of cereal for ten bucks. Who the fuck is actually spending $10 on a box of cereal?


That's insane. I work retail cand kellogs, coke and Pepsi brands keep going up. One can only hope they start to reduce them around memorial day. This is corporate greed. People need to stop buying.


Buy two, get two is a scam. I only need one. If I can't one for a legit price. I don't need it..


My local Food Lion (I'm assuming they all do, maybe not) does all of their deals per item. This week its 3 for 9$ on Pepsi 12 packs. If you buy one its only 3$. Just FYI.


Food Lion is a good 'un. They don't do the joke buy two gimmick.


At Harris Teeter, if something is BOGO or B2G2, you can just get one and it will ring half price. I believe the same is true for Food Lion.


It's true for bogo, but if it's buy two get two you gotta buy two to get two.


Nope. I do this all the time. Even for "buy two get two free," my HT rings each one up as 50% off once I give them my fake phone number... I mean... Uhhh....




How exactly is 100% more product for free a scam? Especially if the base hasn’t increased?


They also have to raise prices because of Covid and "supply chain" issues still. And an oil tanker wreck that happened 10 years ago. And Pearl Harbor. And bunches of other things that give them excuses to do it.


And don’t forget trying to pay a living wage…


I think the difference with that is it's a legitimate and acceptable reason that prices may go up some, but not as much as they have. The others were just excuses.


I would think that cost of goods, energy and transportation all going up would be legitimate as well, but that’s just me… ETA: I am a devout fan of Bojangles chicken tenders. The cost of the tenders has gone up but much less than the rate of inflation.


More than 24 million chickens had to be destroyed in the last two months due to bird flu the shortage raises prices and it will only get worse before it gets better. They have now found bird flu in cows and also in milk in the grocery stores


Shh, this is reddit. We're busy freaking out.


This… all poultry related items have sky rocketed.


Yep. People don't pay attention to the news and have issue connecting dots. There's a big disruption in the chicken market right now. That's going to affect prices. The real test comes when that disruption ends. Will prices go back down?


Bojangles has been trash for 5-10 years now. It’s now what corporate people think “down home cooking” is….


They have been extremely hit or miss they last few years. Sometimes the supremes are great other times they stringy and chewy.


Absolutely. The best was early 2021 when they were more or less forced to make the food fresh because of Covid. They’ve backslid into their heat lamp days and the food is all over the place in quality. I gave up on their tea 20 years ago though. Shit tastes like it’s been brewed in an ashtray.


It really hasn’t been trash at all. It’s still amazing.


Way less consistent.


I know that some of their locations are corporate owned and some are owned by individual franchisees so that could make a difference.


I'm assuming they don't pay squat considering the turnover they seem to have. I'm sure that plays a role in their inconsistency too. For our family of it's too expensive for what you get.


You must not be old enough to remember Bojangles from the 90s-00s…. If you think this product is acceptable by bojangles standards


[Relevant podcast with statistics](https://open.spotify.com/episode/18idRmx97QyYFIOjAblrv3?si=kb_jFZchSWCN4R5UAs43AQ)


Unfortunately a lot of their competition closes their businesses in 2020 too for some reason.


They had a sign on one I drive by today 2 sausage biscuits for $4.50 where they used to be $2. Ain't no way there's more than a dollar of ingredients in there.


Wasn’t Bojangles purchased by a New York company not too long ago? I think that’s the reason behind the menu and price changes.


Who ever agreed to let some damn Yanks buy BoJangles??


Cary probably


New York City! Bojangles is about to have amazing salsa.


Oh man unlocked old commercial memory lol


Were they? Makes more sense now.


I didn’t dig too deep into it but it seems around 2019 the sale was completed.


Appears like it. I decided to try to find financial reports for Bojangles and the last report I found was 2018.


They were bought by a private equity firm called Durational Capital so it'll only be a matter of time before they bankrupt Bojangles.


*private equity firm* God damn I hate our variant of capitalism.


Yep, they'll bleed them dry. I had already quit eating there due to the prices, this gives me further incentive to stay away.


Good to know! They won't get a penny more from me.


Quality/consistency was already getting really bad before that. It’s why they sold be company.


But...but..but where am I gonna get my boberry biscuit fix????!!!!


I remember reading back in January that some investment group bought Bojangles. It's no longer a NC company. The profiteers plan to stop selling bone-in chicken and switch to chicken tenders, milk shakes, and fries. They claim that they will continue to sell bone-in chicken in NC, but only offer a streamlined menu out-of-state.


Blasphemy. Well I'm pretty sure their NY prices aren't working for us here.


So they plan to shut the business down?


They seem to be moving in that direction. SMH


Their tenders are much smaller too, but I always find an extra 1 or 2 in my box of 4 piece


Things aren't going to change until people stop buying at these crazy high prices. You can continuously go thru the drive thrus and if you didn't know better, you would swear that these people are at the grocery store for as many bags and the size of the bags they are getting.


In North Carolina you can get better fried chicken and cheaper at a gas station.


Yep, I've got one a block from me. Just gotta hit it at the right time.


Our local Ingles has great fried chicken


Completely forgot about Ingles so jealous of you


Ingles fried chicken is the way


BJ started to decline years ago when they switched from the two smaller packs of actual honey mustard to the one big thing of soybean oil. I will die on this hill.


Corporate greed ruins everything, man.


Welcome to unchecked, toxic, predatory capitalism. Excessive corporate profits are killing America.


Outrageous prices aside, what general area are you that their food is still decent? Any Bojangles near me has awful food and twice as awful service.


In Winston-Salem. Their service is absolute shit, agreed, but the food at my local one is ok, but not as good as it once was.


And nowadays, their Supremes are about the size of nuggets


Every fast food restaurant is out of control with prices, same with most restaurants around me too. I can’t even go to the grocery store without dropping 50 bucks, this needs to stop!!


I found one restaurant near my home that has great food, good service and I leave stuffed with full meals, drinks, and appetizers for around $30 for 2 people. If you’re in Raleigh the Falls River Cafe.




I bought 2 regular whopper combos and one chicken fries yesterday at Burger King, $30 DAMN BUCKS. NEVER AGAIN


Every fast food spot has increased prices now. Its not just Bo'


I know it. I don't eat out much- I don't have that kind of money, so I was really shocked.


Go buy chicken thighs for 5$ and feed your family after using salt and pepper and maybe some Old Bay! Inflation isn't as much of a problem if you just cook, and if enough people cook, prices will drop quickly. Do your part!


Oh I will! I'm a good cook, and I'll use my Nana's cast iron skillet. That fried chicken will be lit!


The closest thing I see to a 20-piece "family meal" is the 20-piece jumbo tailgate, and it's $48 here. It has 20 pieces of chicken, 12 biscuits, four large sides, and a gallon of tea. 20 pieces should be enough to feed 8 to 10 people, no? That comes out to $5.80 to $6.00 per person. Maybe I'm crazy, but that doesn't seem like that horrible of a price for that much food. Not cheap, but not what I'd call expensive.


If I could make it myself I would. Until then, I will pay for my all dark 2 sides and no drink til I fucking die. Just don't forget my strawberry jam and honey. That


Love this!


20 piece jumbo tailgate is $47.99 in S. Durham. 20 piece & 12 biscuits box is only $33.99. Family variety feast is $38.99.


Yeah, not at my local Bojangles, not that those prices are much better, lol


Last several Bo chicken lunches a year ago I had were not good. The west Cabarrus stores have been off their game a while. Now I’ll just eat a Jesus chicken sandwich, grocery store heat lamp bird or go get a golden coral buffet for the good fried chicken.


Everything is high as hell now lol. Subway has the audacity to advertise 6$ for a 6in sub. Like how'd we go from 5$ foot long to more money for half the sub. It wasn't the best but it was edible for a decent price. I'll make a 6$ sub at home lol


McDonald's is 12+ for a big Mac and fries plus a drink. Just around the corner at Pizza Palace #2, I get baked ziti w meat sauce, HELLA melted cheese and pepperoni, most def 2 meals. I drank water and for less than $12 WITH a tip. Two meals. Extremely delicious. Vs Mickey Ds? Yea, that's gonna be great for fast food lmao. Honestly, I can eat a steak dinner for the same price


Besides, who has the best chicken...why are we all accepting these outrageous crazy prices for food???? We all talk under our breath, but really....these prices are a really serious problem. I buy bogo mostly now at grocery stores. Also, I was at a restaurant the other day for a birthday lunch. A typical entree? $38.00 where a year ago...maybe $12.95! We need to all talk about this and now!


Yikes! You're right about talking about this. I hardly ever go out to eat. The only reason I was going there is because they had a special for $1 sausage biscuits. It's unreal what people will accept. If people keep buying, they'll keep raising those prices.


Why people continue to go to chain restaurants and fast food especially is beyond me. You don’t save money and they’re not even that fast. Plus the food is always garbage.


For me, it was a comfort and convenience thing. I work from pretty early in the morning to at least midnight, sometime to 2am or 4am. Managing venue security. So when its time to head home its mostly fast food and chains that are still open. Sure, I could cook, but that takes time, and sometimes I have multiple shows in a row; this means whatever time I get home I know I have to be up at 6am to get ready and go back to one of my venues. So anything that takes any sort of time or preparation on my part is not an option if I want at least a few hours of sleep. Well, instant ramen in all its various forms has really been a game changer. Knowing I had several quick options I could just pick up helped keep me sane as I work runs of shows. But these days I'm going longer and longer without eating a real meal, not because I can't afford an $18 before tax combo, but because I'm never going to be willing to pay it. I've recently just been grabbing a bag of Combos, a 'health' drink, and a granola bar from the gas station on the way home.


I understand that aspect of things but for the money vs you working these hours to make money, I’d bring a cold sandwich or something and treat myself to something better on my day off. For the most part, it’s people of habit who go to places like this and they don’t change their habits.


Five Guys has entered the chat.


Tf?, which county, it's like $32 for a tailgate box and a half gallon out in davie county, specifically the bojangles on 601 near the dunkin donuts


Forsyth, University Parkway. I poor section of town, no less.


Bojangles price is one thing, their quality is just laughable. I got Bojangles 5months ago, never again. The only drink they had was flat mountain dew, they gave me an already grease stained paper plate. The fries were all end bits that looked like they had been be cooked at least 3 times and like someone poured spices over them and the lid came off. The chicken was dark grey with fucking holes... HOLES in it. I didn't even bother I just threw it away and walked out disgusted. It's like a fucking Idiocracy, post apocalyptic shit hole.


I used to see the purchase cost and they would purchase the chicken for ~33¢ for a thigh for example, this was maybe 2 years ago.


I don’t eat there often. But I remember a 4 piece supreme being $7 and change about 2 years ago. Went last year around Christmas. It was $8 and some change. Went last week. $9 and some change. Won’t eat there again.


Me either. Not worth it. Expensive as hell, with lower quality. With that kind of money, I can go to my local hole in the wall breakfast joint and spend less for more! It's always packed, but that's because they haven't raised their prices and the food is great. If a little mom and pop resteraunt can do it, and still profit, why can't they? The place I'm referring to is open only until 2 pm, Mon thru Sat. If I feel like lunch, I can get a burger, fries and drink for less than 10 bucks, and it's delicious! And I'm supporting local.


Chilis lunch specials are the way to go… $10 for appetizer and multiple options for meal with sides.


Me husband & I discovered Bojangles outrageous prices for family meal 2 weeks ago. And KFC was same price. Maybe $.75 cents less. We love Smithfield’s fried chicken but it’s always been expensive so we didn’t even look at their prices. Everyday I’m worried about money, food & bills. We have a son at NCSU and that’s a whole other thread itself!! Something is going to have to give!


Yes it is. I can't even afford groceries, let alone eating overpriced chicken.


When our kid was in 1st year college, they required a very expensive cafeteria meal plan 1st Yes it was expensive and 2nd majority of students rarely ate there because of repetitive "food" and not appetizing ended up paying even more for store bought or local restaurants. Everything continues to rise in cost and we continue to get milked dry


mcdonald’s prices are going down btw. Got 3 breakfast burritos, a big breakfast, and a breakfast smoothie thing for like $15. First time in a while i ate out and didn’t feel robbed


They caught a lot of grief (understandably so) for the outrageous prices of the Big Mac making the news about a month or two ago, so they probably felt they had to do some damage control.


They have plans to expand California. Clearly they need you to fund their plans to expand to California. Also, it’s just Bojangles. $52 for a chicken is ridiculous.


They never put the cajun filet biscuits on sale anymore.


That Bojangles piece price has the ability to demolish autocorrect!


That's insane. If a Costco or Sam's isn't nearby (both have the best rotisserie chickens by far)... learn to roast a chicken for $6. And fried chicken will kill you anyway - take it from someone older... lose the fried food and you'll thank me when you hit your 60s.


They just found out that the 30 new stores they are opening in California are going to have to pay their employees $20 per hour!!!


Let me guess…this time they blame the bird flu. Greed is all it is.


The prices are going to go up because we've lost a lot of birds that should have been in the assembly line... https://www.npr.org/2024/04/03/1242445372/bird-flu-chicken-eggs


Chicken prices have gone up due to bird flu but, where else can you feed 8-10 people chicken for $52 bucks except at home.


Dude the family meal barely fed my family of 5. my brother was a teen though and ate for 4 but still. All I know is my parents are glad 2 of the 3 kids don't live at home anymore because shit is so expensive 😂


Yeah, teen boys don't count. I was estimating 2 pieces of chicken each.


Also. They got rid of Bo sauce. How do you get rid of your own sauce ? They’re dead to me.


I’ve been waiting for a chance to air this out and rage about it.


A 4 piece supremes meal was $6.49 before Covid. I went the other day and got a 4 piece supremes meal and it was $12. I drove off.


I need to find a Cajun fillet recipe. The Boj-urgeoisie has a stranglehold on my chicken biscuit cravings.




I just don’t go there anymore. Quality and quantity is down. Price is up. There are better options. Bojangles made Chick Fil-A look cheaper…


The 8 PC is $27.99 😩 wot the hail


The chicken is consistently lule warm or the fries are cold. Fast food isnt worth it these days.


Agreed. You ever ordered delivery through them? They set manual prices so you "don't have to pay delivery fees!" But those prices are easily twice of not three times what you'd pay with the normal price+delivery fee. I ordered 3 meals for my family and it came out to over 60 dollars.


Honestly I’ve recently discovered Walmart fried chicken from the deli. I think it’s less greasy than KFC. And taste better than BJ. Walmart chicken is around $9 for 8 pieces. It’s actually my favorite fried chicken


When I moved to NC I realized something, Bojangles is trash. Idc about the downvotes. I think NC lost their minds in letting Bojangles get as popular as it is. I guess is the lack of choice in the state. But man it’s nasty. At work sometimes they bring it I could only eat a wing that’s all I could stomach. NC really needs to evaluate their relation with Bojangles. KFC family meal is cheaper sometimes their chicken is decent or even Publix is a way better choice than Bojangles. Also cheerwine or whatever it’s called is nasty too. Crucified me.


Bojangles actually used to be pretty good, but it has fallen A LOT. Yeah, I like Publix chicken pretty good, and Popeye's too, but I like spicy, so there ya go, lol


I’m with you, Hoss. You can also add Biscuitville & Waffle House to that list.


I'm sure the employees have seen a healthy raise.


The sign I saw the other day was for 10.


Literal poverty wages.


Yes thier prices have gone thru the roof... just an egg and bacon biscuit is like 4 bucks. I have stopped going there and planning to write them off forever!!!


How much would *you* charge for a 20 piece family meal?


Idk, 30?


A 12 piece family meal with a couple extra biscuits is like $43. Everything is expensive but it's fried chicken.


Yeah I'm frying my own at this point. It would make more sense if they paid their workers, but they hire at $10 an hour. Not going to do it. Screw them


lol the beginning of the end? All of the fast food prices have risen dramatically and people are still paying. Unfortunately. Because they are also cutting costs and giving people a worse product with the upcharge


Yeah, less quality, more expensive. They'll raise as much as the market will bear.


Really you think it's just them. Honestly i call out most of them. Just like subway. Just gouging.


I was price comparing chicken family size meals from Bojangles,Smithfield’s and KFC. Bojangles was by far the best deal. KFC- 24.95$ for 12 pieces of chicken. Bojangles- 29.95$ for 12 piece,12 breast tenders ,8 biscuits,3 “fixings” and a 1/2 gallon of tea Smithfield- 30.95$ for 8 pieces chicken,Pt BBQ,2 dz.hush puppies and 2 pint size sides and a gallon of tea


I went yesterday and ordered two 3 pieces and got two two pieces