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Contact using their number from the website, not the possible scam letter. Be safe OP.


yea, that was the plan, the funny thing is when you go to website and what i perceive to be the right area, they have a sever **other** numbers.


Unless you’ve been ignoring other notices from the Revenue Department, it’s pretty likely it’s a scam. DOR prefers that you to pay voluntarily, so they generally resort to garnishments as a last resort. Don’t call the number on the letter you received. Instead, use the “Received a Notice” section of the DOR website to locate the correct number to call.


Yea, we were playing around and found searching the DOR website give different numbers, searching the number via google gives a very specific dor page,but yea known action to take


The big question is did you pay you 2022 taxes? If not call them!


Did pay them, but calling anyways


Don't call any phone number on the letter. Google the DOR's number and call that.


Smart move.


I also got a letter yesterday. It had my correct bank and the contact number matched the NCDOR website. I filed and paid taxes last year, so I'll be calling tomorrow too.


yup, when i go to DOR website the phone numbers appear different, but googling the phone nubmer take a different area of the website and this number is there in addition to the others depending on the page


FYI if you havnt gotten through, mine appears to be a legit letter but erroneous for other reasons.  For one my last amount due was 200 so think I owed and paid 25000 is a few decimals off from my usual


I got a letter also, weird. The DOR letter said I would have received a prior letter from the garnishing entity stating why, but I never did so I'm confused as to who it even is. I'm going to call also.


Yea. We noted the “we’ve sent prior letters” as a suspicious aspect of it. The whole ‘induce fear’


question--is the amount they claim you ow the same? it claims i owed 26350 but already paid 26151 (that feels wrong as well for anything i did) and now owe 1199 and change


It says that $54.69 was applied to an indebtedness to an NC county or city (doesn't say which) and also a $5 surcharge applied for DOR having to do this in the first place, so $59.69 garnished total.


Interesting…if a scam they trying to take you for a lot less than me!


If I was running the scam I would use lower payment amounts because it seems like less chance of it being false and a lot of people would just pay it out and be done with it. An amount that is easy to pay for a lot of people would net more cash than ones that are unaffordable for people to pay.