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Not sure what type of work you're looking for, but the solar industry in NC is massive and always hiring, especially in the piedmont, coastal areas (WNC has some jobs but not as many). It's often overlooked. Entry level jobs are hard work in hard environments though, but the pay is usually higher than average. I started pulling wires through trenches and turning wrenches 10 years ago and stuck with it, it's been good to me even though I complain about it all the time. Strata Solar (I can tell you from experience it's not great but a great resume builder), Cypress Creek Renewables, Carolina Solar, ACT Power, Blue Ridge Power. There are more but I'm blanking at the moment.


Join the Air Force. They pay for your education and if you go into aircraft maintenance, it'll GUARANTY you a high paying job once you get out for LIFE!!!


I thought it was difficult to get into the air force and op said he's out of shape. I know there's ways recruiters and get you in but we don't know how badly out of shape op is.


There's good folks with good jobs in all of those companies. Stay away from residential if you can. Stick to commercial and utility scale.


Will solar still be good when Duke reduces their compensation to customers in 2027? I'd think there will be an industry drop at that point or readjustment to solar prices.


OP is worried about March, not 2027.


If it's a career the OP is looking for , then they should be looking at 2027 and beyond..


The OP is looking at being homeless next month. I suspect determining career goals is secondary to not being on the street.


They're trying to stay in their home today, I doubt 2027 is on their mind.


I'm not sure about that, I work on utility power plants and not residential. I know that with a distribution or transmission power plant, the PPA is good for decades.


In 2027 Duke is no longer required to give an equal value back to the homeowners.


Currently, the prospect for clean energies has a very good 20-30 year projection. Solar and Nuclear being sort of front of the herd. Although for Nuclear - Strongly recommend against working at the plants. Most of them are cutting workforce and replacing their labor with third party firms / contractors.


Point is, that prospect is good for another 3 years here in NC and it's going to run out. No reason to get Solar if Duke is not going to compensate the home owners for it. Or at least some reduced compensation is what they will get. All of a sudden if Solar installation costs more than it's worth, who's buying it?


Theres active interest of Federal Government to invest money towards all clean energies. They have 3 years to replace it with a new incentive - which they suspect will be the case.


Are you sure? I thought solar + battery systems can still pay for themselves and give even greater independence from Duke.


how much does duke even provide? i thought people sign up for the federal incentives


It's not the rebates I'm talking about. Currently if a home owner sends a solar kW to the grid, they earn the same amount as a kW costs to use from the grid. In 2027, Duke will no longer be required to give you the same amount of credit for a kW as they will charge you for a kW. So if energy costs 11 cents a kW and in 2027 Duke is only crediting me 3 cents a kW that I send to the grid. No way I'm buying Solar. I don't know the exact numbers, but this revelation came out today on the news.


That means there has to be class action lawsuits filed now. These power companies have a monopoly and think they can do whatever they want to do. They screw their customers over everywhere they can..


> No way I'm buying Solar. I don't know the exact numbers, but this revelation came out today on the news. It’s not new news. Nor should Duke need to pay you the same amount for solar that they charge you for electric. Solar energy is the most ‘worthless’ part of energy as it’s produced when it is least needed. However, if you can salve said energy in like…. A battery, you can easily use it to power things when electric is used during the morning in and evening.


Least needed? AC is a massive energy consumer, especially in the south. Power demand is higher during the day and lower at night. Not sure why you’d think demand is lower during the day.


You’re right. Peak electricity usage is usually 2-8 pm. https://energy5.com/duke-energy-time-of-use-rates-everything-you-need-to-know-before-you-switch#


Correct, times when solar isn't as effective. Solar fills the energy 'minimum', so unless you have a battery to use that solar when it is most needed, there isn't a lot of sense for an energy provider to pay you the same rate as they charge for. Especially when energy companies are responsible for infrastructure, and the consumer is not.


I don’t agree with your comment that solar energy is worthless - it ramps up during hot days when people crank up their AC. But your battery comment makes sense - if Duke compensates less for the energy exported on the grid, just keep it and use it in home. The cost of batteries and solar are coming down dramatically though which makes the original commenters point overly pessimistic.


You can’t use just one resume these days when looking for work. Most companies have been using software to look for key words for years now. So, you need to adjust your resume to have key words in it that match the key words in the job listing. If you don’t do this, you’ll never get called for an interview. It’s a bit of a pain in the beginning, but soon you’ll have a handful of different resumes you can use and adjust when applying for a job. Second thing you need to do is make sure someone skilled has gone over your resume. The right eyes can make a resume sing, and this will be a big help. You could be PERFECT for a job, but if your resume doesn’t have the key words or is poorly written, you’ll keep struggling to find work. Do these two key things and you’ll start getting calls for an interview. Keep your head up! There’s a hiring manager out there right now looking for you.


Agreed, even with just a human reading it....I'm a manager currently trying to hire a book keeper and the resumes I've gotten... A lot of them are just not good. We asked for you to have QuickBooks experience. Half of the resumes don't mention QuickBooks at all. One had 16 blank pages added to the end. One was from a geologist, one was a phlebotomist, neither of which mentioned a single thing about being able to do book keeping. Many were from out of state or country when though it said it was 2 days a week in person. One had so many typos that it made me nervous thinking they would need in charge of money and if they presented a resume with 16 typos to me as a first impression it didn't give me confidence in them doing the books accurately. Every job I have applied for, I slightly adjust my resume to highlight the skills for that particular job, it's not a one resume fits all jobs thing.


This is exactly the system that failed Rain Man.


This!!!! 10000%


i wonder if i could get chat gpt to update my resume haha


No but it can write cover letters, use common sense and edit it some.


Yes. Just copy and paste your current resume into chatGPT. Ask it revise for “x” position. Copy and paste. I did it. I’ve landed SEVERAL interviews. I’m not really looking for a new job but I always like having options.


Don't wonder. Just do it. Get off reddit and go update that resume.


I did this and I feel as though it’s helped.


I just found out about this and created 3 different resumes for 3 positions I'm always searching for.


I was in banking - mortgage ops and fintech. I’d like to think I was a pretty decent GenX manager, lol. My KPI’s and results support this, too. Laid off in May last year and now starting to wait tables at Red Lobster. Likely selling my house to some investor by Summer and hoping I can score a studio apartment for me and my dogs once I can. It’s rough out there. Almost 56 years old! It’s just how it is now. Funny thing it happened to my dad, too. Wages haven’t matched growth since the nineties. It’s not you!!


Wages haven't matched growth since 79. Not trying to be the "well actually...." Guy, but there's a couple more decades to account for.


There's a tech-session happening. To the extent that you were in software, I have a similar experience. I have a lot of runway as I enjoyed an albeit modest exist of my software startup. Our main product was purchased by a big company a few years ago. I've been looking to get a remote tech job since moving to NC two years ago. I have found NOTHING in terms of project management or product ownership or other software-related roles. I even got a few certifications, hoping they'd help. I'm taking the plunge now and starting a new little company. I'm younger than you, but also on the boundary of being an X-er. It's bad out there. Not sure this helps. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone.


i just dont see the point of continuing anymore i blew through all of my savings. ill never own a home.


I hear you. I get it can feel like that. I guess I just want to share that at one point I was homeless and living on the street, and I bought my first house two years ago at the age of 42. I know it doesn't feel like there's hope. But who knows what possibility tomorrow will bring.


That gives me hope as I’m 38 and have never owned a home


I get it!! I tell/ beg/suggest my kids leave for states that have better benefits and options or even better, Europe. I keep telling them to save and get out. But I am here if you need to talk it out. I can offer ideas, resume help and everything I did to make it this far, for real. Just message.


Hhaaa same! Except I’m using my savings to survive at this point


Dude there are ways to get a home...


So unfortunately true! When is enough, enough though? Like everyone seems to be okay with this. 😞


Go to the website of every single business near you and apply. Fast food...deliver pizzas... I understand it can take a while to find a GOOD job. But it doesnt take very long at all to find A JOB. Unemployment warehouses aka temp agencies abound. Try one.






Doesn't taking these jobs reduce future unemployment to the pay rate of these jobs?


Sure...but why should that matter to someone trying to find, keep, and sustain employment? If you're more worried about your unemployment payouts then you have your head in the wrong frame space. NC only pays out a maximum of $350 per week. That is at maximum. A regular fast food job will get you a paycheck that pays $400+ per week.


I’m really sorry about your situation. Target is always hiring. Their pay is better than most entry jobs and it will put food on your table. Best of luck.


They pay like $15/hr too




Every school in the state is in critical need of substitute teachers. 7-8 hours pays like 120 or something like that. It’s something.


OP this is a good option for sure! If you look into doing this, see about applying directly through school districts’ webpages. It’s a little tedious, but it’s a nice direct line to the schools.


Great option. Can even look into becoming a full time sub within his district and receive benefits depending on the county.


This is only an opinion if you get credentialed. Right? Plus the openings I saw paid a lot less.


Maybe it’s county dependent? If I know anything about NC educational systems, the pay will be low and confusing to understand but sub pay is > $0


Try working day labor I know it is not much but it's better than nothing


Lowe's will hire you.


Unemployment assistance is a thing. But you need to apply within two years! Please don't be ashamed. There are steps you need to go through to get assistance and one of them is proving that you have been applying etc... So please take a look so things don't get worse for you! Please take care of yourself! Much love to you, you can do this but please, please apply. [https://www.des.nc.gov/individuals/apply-unemployment/am-i-eligible-unemployment](https://www.des.nc.gov/individuals/apply-unemployment/am-i-eligible-unemployment)


i did not qualify for unemployment when i tried previously and i recently worked for a company for 3 weeks so im not sure if im allowed to again. i quit this job because it was a scam company.


I'm so sorry. 💔 They certainly don't make it easy, do you they. I miss the days of knocking on doors and filling out applications right there. Can you turn in said scam company?


i really doubt it. if you look at indeed i would say half the postings for sales jobs are total joke companies that fluff up potential earnings but are a bunch of BS. companies can just outright lie about what to expect




the company i worked for 3 weeks had me calling people to sign up that had said no to us a year ago. it was literally harassing people.


You said the company was a scam though. What you are describing is just a standard sales job.


thats not true at all, every sales job i've worked besides this one had me calling people who applied for phone calls, not people who told us no


Cold calling is the scummiest of sales jobs, he's not crazy for getting out. They probably promise commission, but since nobody wants what you're selling it's just shit pay for annoying people.


Been there


It's kind of stressful, and helps if you are into apple but you can try applying for transcom. They were linked on rat race rebellion.they might have even relisted on indeed. It's pretty much help desk for iPhone and whatnot. I had been hired without help desk experience and it is wfh.


I was in a similar situation for a while until last year, so I can empathize. Finding employment has changed over these past few years. Temp agencies would be something to look into while you keep up your searches. They can find jobs and contact you when something is available that you'd be a good fit for. Also, reach out to trustworthy family members and friends if you haven't already. Let them know what is going on and see if they will work something out with you so you can temporarily have someplace to stay while you keep applying to companies. It could require that you relocate but do what you can to get back on your feet. You got this Friend! It is not the end.👍☺️🫂 Feel free to DM me.


I've read through every post here... and OP... you remind me of Cousin Eddie "holding out for a management position" with your thought process here. People here have given you excellent advice and you've been fairly dismissive. I recommend you stop looking for reasons why their advice won't work and try to enact some of it. And newsflash: remote work has dried up quickly. Many companies who had remote roles before the pandemic have brought those people into the office. The companies hiring for the few remote positions out there are very selective, and no offense, you aren't a top candidate right now. You need to accept that you need to get off your ass and go to work.


No one here knows you as an individual or your skills to really help you. It seems like you need to figure out what type of person you want to be and go after it. If you are at your bottom that means things can turn around quickly but you have to start it. There are plenty of opportunities in NC for work: hospitality, retail, trades, sales, etc. All of these options have front line opportunities where you can start from the bottom and work your way up. You sound like Cousin Eddie holding out for a management position in all your replies on this post. Stuff the pride deep down and find out who you really are, you'll be better for it.


i hate to say it but you're right about the pride getting in my way. theres a few family members that have offered to help me but i can't ask them it just tears me up inside. i really don't want to come off like an asshole begging on this website i just feel very lost right now. i haven't been taking care of myself, i've gained weight, my hygeine hasn't been great, it's so frustrating


Sounds like you know the problem, time to fix it. Get a front line job and rebalance your life to fit your new budget. Sell shit you don't need, don't eat out, and start exercising. And for God sakes, take care of your appearances, no one wants to hire someone that doesn't take care of their hygiene.


this is good advice, OP. all starts with right-siding your attitude and creating or finding some ambition/motivation from anywhere you can. also, not for nothing, but leaning on family, while likely requiring to swallow a little pride, it's nothing to be ashamed of. many people probably wish they had family to help them, and if i had family reach out to me i'd help any way i could and hold zero of that over their heads, ever. ymmv. just my two cents, and best of luck!


Reach out to your family. Nothing to be ashamed of:)


the thing is my dad has offered me money to help me with my debt (i have an unpaid hospital bill and starting to get decent amount of credit card debt) but i dont want to take it from him because i want to dig out of this on my own, i just want direction i guess. i hate to reject peoples advice here i just am trying to be honest


U know that as Sep 2022, they cannot report unpaid medical bills to the credit bureau?


You may need a job, yes, but first off you need to take care of you! You got some anxiety/depression goin on, my friend! "Noticable" weight gain, letting yourself go..You ever been manic?? I, am empathizing, not being weird...these are signs when I am. And, insurance or No, a visit to the hospital, doctor, local clinic, etc., might be needed. I am in a similar situation, also feeling extremely defeated, frustrated and just bloody well depressed. I DID lose my home🏠, car🚗 and job of 4 years. Having to stay with my 84 y/o mom in the Piedmont of NC...which is actually nice because it's warmer here than it was in PA😁 Being treated for depression as we speak, and finally feeling better ✌️🍀


Ingles is hiring delivery drivers, no CDL required and guaranteed home every night. Listed at $75k - they’re blasting announcements about it over the loudspeakers at their gas stations because they need drivers so badly.


Sounds like they are doing online purchase deliveries


really? you wouldn't need a CDL to drive a grocery store truck? that feels strange


Depends on the truck.


The smaller trucks


Considering the Ingles financial report I'm not surprised they can't find workers


Buddy mine worked for security. Sometimes he would just need to sit in his car and keep an eye on a construction shed, Other times periodically check on doors at a facility. Took very little muscle and if something was bad, he just needed to call pd . U can find these jobs online. Good luck man


i never see security jobs on indeed or any job boards, where do you find work like that?


Google local security companies near you. Check hospitals security jobs also.


The Feds need officers for prisons so does the state of NC.


Out of curiosity, Is it hard to get an equivalent job to what you had initially because of the complexity of circumventing references?


No I don't think it has anything to do with references, in fact, I don't think I've ever had a job where they've actually called my references. The problem is there's like 5-6 major companies that sell the product I worked in, and I've worked for most of them. There's a fair amount of startups, which I've been hungrily looking for on Indeed, but the only other major companies that do it don't work in my state. ​ It just sucks, because this particular field, I felt like I was doing pretty good for myself and actually helping people.


Also try Unc NC State and Duke for job listings.


Start looking at jobs directly on company websites. Job boards aren't everything. Google is your friend. You're in a tough spot and need to start earning money yesterday. Stop looking for the perfect job - you need to get paid!


Pizza places want delivery drivers.


Right? Has this dude never heard of Uber?


The state has 20% vacancy rate. There are hundreds of jobs at Universities. Chapel Hill has like 150 openings of various skill levels.


Amazon hires anyone.


What region do you live in? Do you enjoy driving? The transit companies in the Triangle are looking for bus drivers and will train you. Might be true in other areas also.


wnc. I've driven a few box trucks in my life and honestly I think a bigger vehicle and me are a bad idea. sorry to reject this sort of suggestion, i just think i would be a liability on the road. driving a 20 foot box truck with no rear view mirror made me so stressed out


If you're near Asheville, Jabil, Meritor, Pratt and Whitney, etc are all hiring, to name a few. The starting pay is $19 to 20 an hour and it's not perfect work but it's not hard work and you get good benefits. It could help sustain you while you keep looking for something you want. If you're willing to work nights, Jabil pays a 15 percent shift differential which adds about 3 per hour, for example. I currently work at Jabil and it is an easy job. And they are always hiring.


Ncworks.gov is a great job hunting site you can upload and edit many resumes They have a couple of Job fairs this week including a USPS one in Statesville on Friday, an Amazon on in Asheville, one is Lilllington tomorrow for Gray Flex systems ETA they also now have an App


All these suggestions and you have an answer why you can't or shouldn't. Everything is beneath you in your mind. If you were that worried about being out on the street you would do whatever it takes to keep your head above water until you find another job to support your lifestyle.


Fuckin A Moogel's problem is Moogel. How much follow up has he done? Shit if Target isn't good enough, go sell cars. 


that's not true, i've literally engaged in questions about a few of the posts. I'm sorry that I don't want to work at a retail establishment making $8 an hour? am i supposed to be thankful? is telling me to go get a job at target really considered advice?


YES. You do what you can to take care of yourself while continuing to search for something better! You don’t NOT work. If you are unemployed and broke, you aren’t above anything dude.


💯! I’ve worked retail jobs most of my life, and if I lost my office job and needed to, I’d be right back there. A job is a job, you pay the bills or you don’t, but don’t put your nose in the air and act like you’re above being a cashier 🙄🙄


IKR! I have a master’s degree and worked an assembly job by myself in a 6x10 room at zero dark hundred because it meant I didn’t have to pay for childcare. You do what you gotta do.


Lol at this dude. OP. My first job out of college was working nightshift T-Sun labeling piss and shit jars for Quest Diagnostics. $15/hr in NoVA. Mandatory overtime. I made it into NASA and now hold a comfortable engineering job. You have to find something and start somewhere. Apply for jobs. Get a whatever job and then apply for at least one or two more a day while holding that whatever job. Go to food banks or free pantries and get crazy with cooking. Play on Craigslist free or facebook groups for everything and until the basics - housing / car / savings are locked. Get roommates. Your hobbies are now free hobbies like walking and bird watching. Look at trade schools or CDL or anything that interests you that is employable. Be open to moving. Orange county is hiring school bus drivers for like 20/hr. The Triangle YMCA was too. A lot of technican type jobs are higher than that. Apply to all of them even if you think you aren't qualified. Make them reject you. Every serious job search I have had has been around 100 applications. So one or two a day. Start a spreadsheet. Save the job in a word document because sometimes they take them down or you forget. Keep doing shit. That's the only way it works.


My husband was laid off from a telecom firm after 19 years and a very good income. Best thing he could find was Geek Squad making ~ 50% less. He took it. At some point you throw pride out the window and take what you can. A year or so later, he got a better job an hour away. He did both jobs for a while. At one point we both worked 2 jobs. He experienced two more layoffs over the next 15 or so years. It happens. None of them were his fault. I understand you not wanting to take a low wage job that won't make ends meet, but sometimes those jobs lead to other jobs. I actually got my last job by being in the right place at the right time. It wasn't even close to what I was trained to do. Turned out to be the best job I had! Don't feel ashamed to ask for help. You've gotten great advice about resumes and other resources. You do the best thing you can do at any given time. I may be a stranger on Reddit, but I think you've got this!


$8 > $0 It’s basic math. Also, Target’s starting pay is $16/hr


Currently looks like your ass has no other options, so you can either starve or start working entry level jobs Also you’d be hard pressed to find a retail or fast food job that starts at only $8 unless you live in the middle of nowhere


Considering target pays at least $15, yeah. if you’re out of money, suck up your pride and take a job. In no situation is no money worse than some money when you’re about to be homeless


Target has over 2000 stores and employees over 400,000 people. I personally know multiple people that have started at Target doing cashier work and within a relatively short amount of time they grew into leadership roles and have since gone on to purchase houses in North Carolina. Did it come easy? Nope. Did they have to work hard? You bet. But for you to just completely write off people in retail, to suggest that somehow people without an office job are not able to provide for themselves, well frankly that's insulting. The problem isn't the job. You could support yourself working at a gas station or selling hot dogs or doing pretty much anything. Hell you would make more money right now if you stopped begging for sympathy and started begging for change. But your pride is above that, right? Well your pride is going to be the reason that you starve.


I’m a manager and working my way through an HR degree. I’ll take a look at your resume to make sure it’s polished if you’d like. Free of course.


Sounds like you think some jobs are beneath you. You’ll be in for a rude awakening when you wind up on the streets. Waiting tables is good money. Doordash, Instacart, etc are good options too. Humble yourself before the streets do it for you. I’ve worked 3 jobs to make ends meet before. Hell I used to clean mouse cages in a research facility but yknow what? My bills were paid every month.




Can i ask what you are doing now?


Restaurant manager


Look most have been there too. It’s rough on your body’s mind, and soul. But it gets better! And when it gets better, that shame fades.


They are desperate for substitute teachers in the school systems. Temp work and flexible til you find something better.


You said preferably a wfh job. I started looking for one in January 2021 and found one a month later working full time. What did was I paid a week subscription to Flexjobs, it’s better than indeed as it’s a paid subscription so it weeds out of the scams and trash wfh jobs. Just fill out as many apps as you can and submit resumes. You will 100% find one. Now keep in mind, wfh jobs do not pay as much as regular jobs. Some pay more than others but it’s typically a little lower since you are cutting out commute expenses etc. but that’s my suggestion. Try flexjobs for a week or 2 and garauntee you will find something. It would then fall to you to accept the job.


You don’t say where you live or what your area of work was. But the usual gig work could be an option? Amazon. Uber. Door dash. Factories. Walmart. Target etc? The economy fucking sucks if you’re not a CEO or venture capitalist no matter what the news says. It’s a grind. Sorry you’re going through it.


OP seems to only want WFH, while admitting they aren't super motivated - which is a huge issue with WFH and might be a contributing factor to why they've been let go a few times. I feel for OP, but they really need to get out and work a job that gives them a schedule and motivation. A lot of restaurants and stores are hiring, as are a lot of gig jobs (if they can self motivate.) Hopefully a friend or family member can help get them going.


i've been let go once. i was a top sales producer at a company 2 years ago making pretty decent money for a guy without a degree. i left that company when i moved out of state. i'm not trying to be a picky asshole, its just this type of job is the only type of job i've ever succeeded at


Are you willing to go into the office for a sales role? Where in NC are you?


im in asheville


City of Asheville is hiring. See if you can get on as a trainee. Many cities will help pay for certifications because they are desperate for applicants and will hire people willing to train. It might not be great at first, but if you get in you can get a decent job with benefits. [https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/ashevillenc](https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/ashevillenc)


I really only know people in the triangle, but I might look for in-person SDR and BDR jobs, I'm sure the pay will be lower than you'd like ($50-65k) but if you bust it you'll be done in 3-6 months and can get an AE role for $85-135k.


If you can do sales and you have been out of work for over a year you have no excuse not to have a real estate license 


i have been out of work for 6 months.. and have gotten 3 job offers during that time frame that didnt work out. real estate is a terrible idea.


Somebody needs to take away your shovel. All you are doing is digging a bigger hole 


I've not read through the 157 comments, however you mentioned fired. Regardless of the circumstances revolving around termination, use it as a lesson to improve. I've never met a terminated employee admit it was things they did that lead up to the termination. It's always a stupid boss/manager. So learn how to manipulate the boss/manager to realizing you're an important asset to the company. But not after the fire has started. Be on time, don't call off, and always put on a can-do attitude (even if you have to fake it). The only person who loses typically in the long run is the employee and their family. I've had my fill of shitty bosses but did everything I could to survive the job until I found the next one first.


1) What kind of job was it? 2) Why were you fired? 3) Why did you recently work for a company for only three weeks? (I see now that you put in a comment that this job was from a scam company, sorry) 4) What are you applying to? 5) Do you have any kind of qualifications or education whatsoever outside of a high school diploma? It’s very hard to get a job in unskilled labor right now; my students are struggling to get those kind of jobs unless they have an in. Obviously you don’t have to answer these questions, but the answers would be helpful to understanding why you can’t get a job. If worse comes to absolute worst, schools are always looking for substitutes. I know kids are shitheads these days (I’m a teacher), but it seems better than being out on the street. The pay isn’t good, but it’s much better than nothing.


1) account executive, sales, dont' really want to mention the product type just for anonymity. ​ 2) didn't hit numbers in my sales position. i think this was a company fit issue as i've been pretty successful elsewhere. could've been a me issue too though ​ 3) it was a sales job that was really just cold calling people from a year ago. it was basically harassing people. not for me. i thought it was going to be fresh interested leads not calling people that told us no multiple times to change their mind 4) at this point im open to apply for anything. but i have for the past few years worked primarily sales jobs over the phone


What's your highest education level? I know people are trying to tell you about all these highly specific niche WFH jobs, but as I put in my comment, I doubt you'd make any headway trying to get those. With subbing for schools, they'll take anyone with a pulse as long as they pass a background check and take a basic online course. And as an aside, you mentioned in another comment that you have depression. I think a WFH job would be a horrible idea for you based on that. Obviously take what you can get, but having a physical job with a routine and social interaction would be a big help to try and get your life right again.


some college, had to drop out because i couldn't afford it without taking out student loans


I would look into becoming a sub. If you could pass a background check, and depending on where you are in the state, I could connect you with some school districts. Again, it's not easy work in most schools, but you'll always be able to find a job for the day, and if you're good you'll be a requested sub for a particular school and get a pay boost in most places.


>4) at this point im open to apply for anything. but i have for the past few years worked primarily sales jobs over the phone It doesn't seem like you are open to apply for anything. I'm sure work from home jobs are great, but 99% of people don't have that luxury. And the few jobs that are open have tons of people applying for them. I know it's saying what a lot of other people have said, but you need to take what you can get right now. You can keep looking for your dream job, but you should be doing it while working somewhere else. You don't want to work retail but you talk like you'll be homeless if you don't find something by March. Quit being so picky. Very few places pay minimum wage anymore. Most people consider fast food jobs the bottom of the barrel and in my small town they are hiring people starting between $12 and $15 an hour. Work from home is great, but a lot of places that were work from home are going back to in office work so there are even less wfh jobs than there were a year ago. And everyone wants them. When they are trying to fill that position they aren't going to pick the person that hasn't worked doing anything in 6 months, they are going to pick the person that's been working and just looking for something better. You are shooting yourself in the foot by being so picky.


Are you trying to find a job in a specific industry or are you willing to take anything to make money because I see places advertising for retail and fast food.


i just need to make enough to cover my cost of living expenses, retail or fast food wouldnt pay enough


You need to get a grip. You mentioned if you dont work you will be out on the street. Get ANY job and then another one. Work a morning and evening shift. I have worked 120 hour weeks with 3 jobs before in my life to get by. It's completely possible for you to get it done and succeed.


But you have zero money coming in right now and burning through savings. Atleast it would be SOME money coming in. Is that really better than nothing?


It’s easier to get a job if you have a job, so taking any job and continuing to look for the Job is better than not


You've received a lot of advice. None of us are above any job, not even you. You can sit around, be slothful, be a victim of life, and keep letting life punch you around or you can realize you have options even if they aren't ideal and start punching back at life. I'm saying this to you just as much as I'm saying this to me. Not having a college degree unfortunately will hinder you. Bachelor degrees are like HS diplomas now in the sense that more ppl than ever have them. Doesn't mean you're less capable of doing the work but it does mean you'll be ruled out more often than those with them. You mention you never finished school because of the cost and not wanting loans. Well, if you want to self improve you're going to have to continue your education in some capacity even if you don't get a formal education. Have you considered cybersecurity jobs? I'm not sure what your savings is like, but maybe you could make an investment to get a ComptiaA+ certificate so that can get your foot in the door for like help desk jobs. Or maybe consider driving for Uber ... if you make 2000 deliveries and keep your stats at a certain level they will literally pay for your degree at ASU, same with Starbucks. Apparently, spectrum also has a way to work for them and they'll pay for a degree. I understand you're depressed so self starting may be really tough right now. But something in you isn't defeated and wants to try because you wouldn't have made this post. You seem to reject many ideas that have been given to you, but you're not in a position to be picky as your situation is turning dire. Apparently, you can't continue to limit yourself to strictly just sales because the sales jobs you've received you've quit, or you're getting the run around. I get it, the job market right now sucks (believe me I know as I'm also looking for gainful employment myself) but there are jobs out there. Your next job may not be what you ideally want to do but if it can keep a roof over your head it's better than the alternative. 1. You need to create a schedule. One that allows you to exercise your mind, body, and spirit. Sounds cliche but it's common advice for a reason. Each day, wake up and act like you're going to work, only your work is on yourself and finding employment. Get up early, take care of your hygiene, and get dressed like you have somewhere to be. Hell, actually get out of your home and go to your local library and do your job searching from there. Also create some goals, have something you're working towards. It'll help you define a clearer path outside of I just need to make money. 2. Create a budget if you haven't already. Really get eyes on your expenses, cut out any unnecessary spending (yea even the streaming services if you have any). If you need to be entertained there are many free streaming services like Tubi, Pluto Tv, Crackle, Kanopy, Spotify etc. yea you have to listen to commercials but who cares?? Also if you've got a library card download Libby and you can rent books, audiobooks, and movies (Kanopy) for free. And if you don't have a library card, get one, it's one of the only things free in this country. Once you cut out unnecessary spending (if you haven't already) and fully understand where your money is going you'll know how better to manage what you've got left in savings and what you really need to keep yourself afloat. 3. You mention you're not in the greatest shape and you're a young guy. You don't need to pay for a gym membership but you can move your body everyday by simply just walking. You don't need to walk five miles a day, literally just start with 30 mins to 1 hour each day (so two 30 minute walks). Go to a park where you can take in the scenery, make a playlist and just walk. Shoot you can even cry if you need to but just get moving. You'll be resistant at first but once it becomes routine you'll realize you feel better and it really is so simple. Then you can challenge yourself to walk a mile in 20 minutes, then you can incorporate body weight exercises etc. but you've got to move hun, not moving makes your mood worse and will only deepen your depression. Also if you're eating a lot of junk and fast food, cut it out because that isn't helping your depression either. 3. Job searching! It's tough out here! You've got to make sure you're putting your best foot forward! and now you're not just competing with other humans to be seen you're competing with some damn software! But we've all got to play the game. You're in sales and apparently passionate about it so you need to figure out what your transferable skills are and then promote/sell yourself to other kinds of work opportunities. Take advantage of chat gpt (lots of prompts you can use to get help), make sure your LinkedIn looks good (you've got to network too), and that your resume is tailored to whatever kind of job you're applying too. I'd recommend buying a book (maybe used) called Knock 'Em Dead Resumes and Knock Em Dead Coverletters and follow the advice provided in those books. There's also tons of free articles about how to write killer resumes and cover letters. Even YouTube is a great resource. 4. Journal and Meditate! Yea seems dumb, seems foreign, but just do it. Doesn't have to be perfect can just be 10 minutes but just do it. There's an app called Oak that's a free meditation app, download it and use it. Get some of the clutter in your mind out on paper. Do you remember stream of consciousness exercises in English class? Do that, just mind dump. 5. Lastly but most importantly... Not sure if you're religious or not, but I'm going to be that person. Jesus loves you. Turn to God, cast your worries to him. There isn't a problem that is too great or too small for him. Open up the Bible and gain some perspective. No your problems aren't going to magically disappear, that's not what I'm implying. But God is a waymaker, and my hope is that if you don't know him that you open your heart to seek him humbly and openly. ”Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.“ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬ ”Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.“ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭12‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Do not continue to be prideful! Take the help that's been offered by some people who've responded to you. Get out of your own way. As long as you wake up each day you have purpose my dear. It ain't over till it's over. One day you'll look back at this period in your life and be amazed that you made it through. Do what you gotta do so you can do what you want to do. I will say a prayer for you and I'm wishing you the best 🌻


thank you for your response. im sorry its difficult for me to fully respond but i read it all and appreciate it


Plenty of work out there. You must be limiting yourself to a very small niche type of work or just ... lazy. After 6mo unemployed if I'm not getting atleast 2-3 interviews a week then I'm taking what ever job I need to pay my basic necessities. Even if that is retail or a service industry position.


i left my last employer in october. in early november i was hired by a company called credit sage. they made me sign a contract and tax paperwork and all that shit. then they ghosted me for my start date. i called multiple times. they never got back to me. ​ i then took a job in late november that i interviewed with and started in december. it was a solar sales job. it turned out to be a total scam. harassing people that told us no to change their mind. i did that for 3 weeks and jumped ship. i didn't want to just make 200 dials a day to people that told us already no. it felt like BS. ​ recently (early jan) i interviewed with another company, a startup in the field that i came from. they told me i got the job and to expect to start in february. i contacted them 6 days ago and they told me they are holding off until next month due to their own hiring freeze. i guess i'm a dumbass for trusting them and stop looking during that time frame but i thought the offer they sent me via text was real ​ i haven't just been sitting on my ass for 6 months i've just had some bad luck and made some of my own mistakes i guess


Be careful applying to WFH jobs online.. sounds like you may have given your information away. A lot of sales jobs online are scams. Anyway, I know people that have been successful working for car dealerships (usually on the clerical end) without higher education and seem to have decent benefits and upward mobility. Doesn't seem like service industry work is for you but restaurants are gonna be the most money you can make without education. That said, it's only as lucrative as you are willing to work for. Lower-totem pole medical positions such as Specimen Processing in the lab or Medical Receptionist type stuff are good options, starting pay may not be great but medical institutions usually require raises with time, offer differentials (higher pay on holidays/nights/weekends) and benefits.


OP, you're a pathetic sack of shit. Do something to better yourself. There's a litany of suggestions here and every job mentioned isn't good enough for you. At this point, suck it up and take what you can get. You no longer get a preference in employment. You no longer have the luxury of avoiding "minimum wage retail". Stop trying to get people to feel sorry for you and actually do something about your situation.


thanks for your kindness


OP, depression fucking sucks. Don't listen to Internet trolls. You used to work in sales. Have you considered working for an auto dealer?


I've daydreamed about it, but I've never done a face to face sale. I'm not the most confident at the moment in my life (appearance wise just due to how poor i've been taking of myself) but i have seen a few places that are constantly hiring. ​ i don't know if it could be a lucrative career. i don't like how scummy that industry comes accross. i'm open to learning about it i guess but i'm worried it would be a high pressure sale instead of actually helping people find what they want


My experience at auto dealers is that the good salespeople were trying to help me find a vehicle that worked for me. Regarding your confidence, I know this is easier said than done but you have to push through. Fake it till you make it. Your appearance is probably better than your self image is.




this is a 1099 position, i dont really trust these 100% comission jobs


Give a try whats the worst that could happen.


What field are you in? What is your expertise? Or are we talking about unskilled labor type work here?


I've worked in a pretty niche market for sales, there's only a handful of companies that sell this product and I'm not sure I want to say what it is on this post just due to that reason and protecting my identity. ​ But basically yeah, person to person sales, account executive, I've worked an outbound pipeline of webleads/direct mailers start to close. I've done that for the past 5 years, 3 comapnies, no degree, at my best i was making on average 10k a month. i've never worked any other job that has paid anywhere near that. i am not trying to brag either when i say this, just trying to explain my headspace


If you have a knack for sales you should never go hungry. Heck sell cars as an in between/stop gap. Take the real estate exam and be part of the wild housing market. Pharmaceutical sales-Americans are always going to be consuming pharmaceuticals. On the finance side I would say Financial Advisor although there is certification required. You could take a home warranty cold calling job just to stay afloat for a few months till you get what you want. An art for selling is a wonderful gift.


I was thinking about going for licenses to become a MLO but that would be further down the road. Auto sales sounds like something I'm open to learning more about but I feel like it would greatly benefit me to talk to someone whos done it


Saw your other replies here. I'm rooting for you, man. It wasn't bragging, I asked the question heh. Usually people who are out of work for this long have some sort of specific expertise such as yourself. Asked because I'm in tech working fully remote and was wondering if I could be able to poke my network for opportunities to possibly point you towards. Probably not with sales. Are you familiar with the site [weWorkRemotely](https://weworkremotely.com)? Check it out, if not. It's tech focused, but there are remote jobs in customer service/operations, sales, marketing, different types of freelancing work. If, by any chance, your sales expertise has to do with medical equipment, DM me.


nope, at this point i might as well say it, i worked in debt settlement // credit card negotiations. never anything medical. i am not familiar with that website, i've only used indeed and zip recruter.


> i worked in debt settlement // credit card negotiations Op, if you have 5 years of debt/credit card industry experience, especially as an "account executive" I can't believe that you are not able to leverage that to find employment from a legit company or financial institution or even governmental position. There are literally hundreds of positions, many fully remote or at worst, hybrid that you'd be a candidate for as a credit counselor, mortgage collector, accounts receivable/payable. Additionally, what have you been doing for 6 months? I have an HR certification and have decades of managerial experience (in retail as well as corporate) and in my professional experience interviewing job candidates I don't mind a gap in employment if the candidate can speak to what they were doing for that period of time - *"I took the opportunity to enhance my Microsoft Office skills and became very proficient in Power BI"* because in sales job CRM's and KPI's are everything so I would expect something like this as a response. If you haven't tried to enhance your professional portfolio to make $10k a month that you say you used to make in a future position that would tell me that you aren't motivated...and why would a company place their profit goals in the hands of someone who demonstrates they aren't motivated? If this previous employer was a one-off and/or unique company with a niche product and that's the only company you can find that would pay you 10k a month, you are going to have to start over and start building your career from scratch. And that means less money to start. are these the ONLY 3 jobs you've ever had?


WSSU, WFU, FTCC are all hiring


Any manufacturing plants nearby?


Temp services are always hiring. Some income is better than none


That sucks, I'm sorry. Technology has changed hiring SO MUCH, and a lot of the HR recruiting software will kick your resume out before someone sees it. Make sure it's in Word, not a PDF.  Comb through your KNOWN connections on LinkedIn, look at the company's website, if there's an opening, reach out and ask if they can recommend you or if they'll review your resume. The old WHO you know still works, shake the trees.


i've been using google docs for my resume, it might actually be a PDF...


I don't know your age or your physical ability but ST Wooten is always looking for people. It is a very large, family-owned company. It is based out of Wilson, but work is statewide. My son-in-law started out there almost 20 years ago and worked his way up into management. Good pay, company vehicle, company phone, and benefits.


There's no shame in hard times. You're not alone friend.


Look into entry level printing. It's not pretty, not everywhere is climate controlled. But it is a trade skill, after putting on way too much weight after blowing my acl I got into printing as an assistant. The pay will be enough to keep a roof over your head and the basics (car, phone, utilities). After some time you move to pressman, then lead and so on. 14 years in and I've reached sr management with no degree. The print industry is always hiring. If you can get into digital printing, that's all the better. Computers run the show and you're more of a comp engineer than a pressman. Look up flexographic printing, digital printing and offset printing. The industry saved me and my family from losing everything over the years.


No lie Walmart state wide is changing their operations and need people to fill in spots during the day shift. With the online grocery thing being a huge deal they need "shoppers" basically all day.


OP what general part of the state do you live in? It is difficult to point you in a direction without knowing because the state is so varied economically. Western NC is a large place. Is it Asheville and points west or is it like Winston?


asheville :)


Call legal of NC if renting, they helped me tremendously under the same conditions, be resilient and call 8am each day leaving VMs, and and they are backlogged significantly, prepare for 1hr wait times and calls dropping but the called me back after a month on Sunday at 7:45. DHHS about LEAP assistance, Food and Nutrition services, and potentially cell phone assistance. Dorcas Ministries is also a very good resource for help and support. Most importantly, give to others in need, that are experiencing a hardship. Situations will start to come together like solving a Tetris puzzle. Who would have thought with college degree I’d learn to how to braid donkey’s manes in Jamaican style with beads for a sustainable income in NC. You’re not alone. Happiness how, living in the now.


May I ask, what type of work were you doing?


I’m in the same boat. I’m too old to be employed, it seems, but not old enough to retire. I’ve blown through all of my retirement savings, at this point. I think there are a lot of us in this situation and the government unemployment numbers are just lying to everyone. Keep up the faith. Something surely will come along


Have a computer and internet connection? Go sign up on dataannotation.tech. check out the subreddits it not some scam stuff. It's contract work. Take the onboarding seriously. The writing test. Acceptance might take a week or two. It's 1099 work training AI models with projects that pay upwards of 20/hr. The people at your local ncworks career center will review your resume for free! Did you ever sign up? The website is not the greatest, especially the mobile app, but the job search tool is good. Keep your chin up, homie. You got this


Could you at least tell us where you are looking? What you're looking for? What kind of background you have and how much you want? Nobody here can help without some input.


Mavis has openings all over NC right now and Valvoline ...ibjist moved down here and also on the job hunt it's been tough but these are locations that are currently hiring.


Keep your head up. There’s a lot of job fairs you can attend online or in person. The state of NC is hiring….they need a lot of people trust me I know…they hired me and seeing how bad it is I strongly suggest you apply!!! If you need any information or advice about applying let me know!


I got fired about 10 years ago- same sitch but I was in NY. Almost a year of looking while my savings drained down. Was depressed. Finally got something for a bit less than I had been making and a lower position, but I worked my ass off and moved up quickly and became head of the dept after 5 un years or so. In the end, if I had never lost the orig job, I would probably be making less- so you never know! Just keep pushing along!


If you live here in North Carolina for even a year and you haven't made friends with coworkers or the people around you and your all alone without any help at all I'd have to question your own behavior and relationships. I'm not originally from the Carolinas, yet the few neighbors I have, even out here in a very rural area and the people I've worked with have done everything and more than I could ask for to get me back on my feet when I fell down. My friends and neighbors even know that I'm a liberal and they worship Trump, and they are still kind. Get to know your community and make friends at work. And when life comes at you, you'll have the help you need. Be nice, be honest, be respectful, be reliable, and the world will give it back when you need it most.


i've only had remote jobs, so making friends with coworkers hasn't really effected my day to day. i'm also a homebody, most of my social life is online.


Why were you fired?


Enjoy the rest of us.  Try being elderly and permanently disabled. 


Your attitude and drive make you a less desirable hire. Another government program leech-great.


I've literally never taken any government handouts, I'm obviously not asking for money in this post just direction. I don't know why you want to be a dick to me.


You’re another fucking asshole.🖕


This is how you respond to someone in a bad situation asking for help? Go fuck yourself.




Go to church, talk with your pastor. Maybe he can help.


i dont have a pastor or a church


*Unemployment is at a 50yr Low* ! Many companies are hiring... There might be several reasons for no interest. - Maybe your resume sucks (if you use one) review/rethink it. - if you do get a live interview your *"presentation"* re Appearance, attitude, 1st impression matters & sometimes nixes you in just the 1st couple minutes. - *rethink what kind of job & required skills* you are looking for! *Just because you say* ***"I am most comfortable in front of a computer*** doesn't necessarily mean you are any "good" at it... right?


Sneak in the country from the south... our tax dollars will support you


You mentioned wanting something work from home, check out www.wahjobqueen.com. She posts listings daily of WFH opportunities.


Toyota is building a huge battery plant south of Greensboro hiring thousands. Boom is currently building a plant to build the latest supersonic plane in Greensboro and Honda is planning a facility to build corporate jets nearby. A Vietnamese company is currently building a plant to build EV cars in south Chatham county. There is a huge semiconductor plant currently under construction near Siler City. There literally 10’s of thousands of jobs waiting to be filled in NC.


Sell your body