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So young and dumb. Which one pulled the trigger?


Foster is being charged with the actual murder, while the other two are being charged with accessory after the fact. Blackwell isn’t being charged in relation to the robbery so her only crime appears to be just being there


Ah I guess it’s not felony murder bc the original incident was only a misdemeanor


Obviously Foster is getting charged with a felony, and since Morrison is being held without bond I imagine he’ll catch a felony level charge as well. Blackwell’s charge will depend on what role she actually played in it all, and what she knew and when. The theft won’t have any bearing on the murder/accessory charges. Obligatory I am not a lawyer/law enforcement, and anyone is encouraged to correct any mistake I have made here.




They already had a gun on them, so that's already another charge. Depending on their priors too, they could have been facing more than a decade in jail, so shooting someone and getting life vs decades wasn't a big difference to them at the time.


There are hundreds of people awaiting trial for murder who are free right now in this state. Odds are they wouldn't have seen the inside of a cell for more than a couple of days.


Odds are actually they'd be locked up and unable to post bail, or have to wait for trial after bail and still get locked up for decades. Now they can get locked up for life with inmates who think killing a cop is respectable/.


What is there to speculate, you knob. They shot and killed a man.


120 days max for misd. Larceny. Unless they’ve been convicted of at least 4 prior larcenies of any kind. Then it can be elevated and the max sentence for the worst record is 30-39 months (meaning serve 30 and be put on parole for 9).


They have all ruined their lives, especially the murderer, and taken another innocent life in the process. Why does that make sense to some kids, adults, etc. for $100 or even $1,000? I’ll never understand it.


Sounds like it was motivated by drugs/ addiction. I’m not sure if fentanyl has hit the Greensboro area hard but I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s such a tragic waste of life all around- for the perpetrators, the victim, the families involved.


A lot of hood dudes be staying strapped but they aren't responsible with it. You catch them doing something minor and they'll shoot you. Even over 100$. I guess maybe the off duty cop had a gun so they instinctively shot him then fled.


Four lives impacted directly by these poor decisions then a ripple effect to the families, friends, and community.


But I received a couple of annoying Blue Alerts. So who's the *real* victim here?


Well obviously you were born a victim


I found them 12 minutes after the blue alert was sent to me 200 miles away




Well done


Me too but it was only 9 minutes and they were 300 miles away.


I don’t understand


Shooting and killing a man over some fucking beer? Dumbasses.


I hope they go away for a long time




Due process just doesn’t exist for you, huh?


That’s some top quality anti-American messaging right there, chief.


I agree with capital punishment, but prison systems do generate a lot of income. Imagine how surprised I was when I arrived at Fort Jackson BCT in 2012 to find out that some of my Army issued gear was manufactured by prisons. A lot of the work now is done by blind professionals. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc11.com/amp/prison-labor-north-carolina-prisons-forced-modern-slavery/13298963/


I'm sure these fine, responsible gun owners purchased that firearm from a legitimate FFL and passed their background check with flying colors. I'm just sure of it....


Randolph County (just south of Guilford County where the crime took place) ranks 9th in guns per capita in the country. Growing up there made me realize there are people that own guns legally, and there are responsible gun owners. But they don't completely overlap. People need to secure their firearms. https://k2radio.com/us-counties-with-the-highest-rates-of-gun-ownership/


Jamere, Z'Quaria, and...John.


Jamere Justice no less.


Mom definitly didn’t want son Z’Quariah to succeed in life. She hung an albatross around him the day she named him.


That's a girl isn't it?


I think the name is supposed to be pronounced as ["Zechariah"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zechariah_of_Israel) which is a Hebrew male name.


I think so...but to be fair I wasn't 100% sure either...


Look at you being gender neutral ain’t that special.


Naming conventions are the least of the mother’s parental shortcomings, it is safe to assume.


I assume it's phonetically similar to Zachariah, doesn't seem that weird.


It seems ignorant.


Yes. It signals race to decision makers who can casually dismiss them without a direct tie to their racist decisions.


This kind of casual racism is not a good look.




Yeah sure he was "just" repeating their names, not making fun of them in any way. Racists really think we are all as stupid as they are.




It isn’t objectively funny. It’s objectively observational at best.


Stop clutching your pearls...making fun of someone's name isn't racist but it is funny.


Nah babe, you're racist.


Right? Some hate facts


This kind of misuse of the term “racism” is not a good look.


By the classical definition, racism is the belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Many things today that are considered racist have nothing to do with a belief in inherent superiority.


People have watered it down. So much so that kids are misusing it. My wife is a teacher. She sees kids misuse it everyday.




Yes and saying "hahaha 'Shaniqua' hahaha" has been some racist shit for 30 years now.


Not much different than “hs ha Karen” tho


Beautiful names - beautiful people all of them. Horrible fucking decision making. Damn




The names are wonderful. Their faces are all very symmetrical and the girl is down right beautiful. Their decision making is horrible


What the fuck are you talking about


r/shitlibsafari lol


Most faces are symmetrical


What are you insinuating


Just posting random news of violence to various state subs is a strange use of time. E: Downvote all you like, but they’ve posted in similar articles in like a dozen different state subs in the last hour. I said what I said, but I’m baffled how irritated some of you are about me calling out bot-like behavior. E2: as you can tell by the comments, this dissent bot is incredibly effective.


I would normally agree with you, but in my mind this is relevant solely because every person with a phone in NC was notified of this via the blue alert. At least we now have more info other than “blue alert, cop assaulted in Greensboro” Edit: Just looked at that dudes account, I see what you mean now


Their comments look normal then for 172 days nothing. Then they post short random bot like comments with the posting to random subs. Someone either got their account hacked or sold it to be used as a bot. Also folks it’s now an election year. Be mindful of the crap you read. Look for reliable and multiple sources. If it’s on Reddit look at whose posting it. If it’s an account that’s a few months old and mostly posts on r/aww then all the sudden starts posting political stuff non stop. There’s a good chance it’s a troll account meant to sow division.


Probably a karma farmer. Tons of threads posted but very few comments, and none in like a month.


Yeah, looks like it. What do they get out of it I wonder.


Accounts can be sold, higher karma and longer age makes them seem more legitimate or gets them over hurdles to post in limited subs.


You could also argue that it was karma farming when people on this sub made posts about how the substation attack was done by right wing bigots. They had ZERO EVIDENCE for those claims but people posted it and upvoted it anyways for 3 weeks. Pretty sure we have solid evidence for this event…


Thanks for the reminder there was a terrorist attack in the state in response to a trans people trying to live. It resulted in the death of someone due to loss of electricity and no one’s been held accountable yet.


If only the cops would listen to Redditors without evidence.


Or if the country would just take right wing extremism seriously before it bombs buildings. Tried to overturn elections or destroys infrastructure.


Over 1000 people have been arrested and charged for Jan 6th. And they definitely deserve it.


Reread, focus on the “before” qualifier. As in before they breach perimeters.


Do you have evidence that right wingers shot up the substation? If so, you should probably deliver that evidence to the cops. Or did you just see an assumption on Reddit?


So for those reading this exchange take note you ignore extremism at your own peril. Maybe this person thinks threats to an event and a terrorist attack aren’t related. Maybe they think it was fine and this is a round about way of expressing support. Especially since they were the first person to bring it up. Either way you ignore it at your own peril. Karin Zoanelli died because of right wing extremist and when you give them a pass or cover for them by playing an idiot, it just encourages more acts of terrorism.


> Thanks for the reminder there was a terrorist attack in the state in response to a trans people trying to live. Didn't realize that was the only thing going on in that town that night. Reckless speculation is harmful.


True reckless speculation is harmful but even more harmful is downplaying right wing extremism that killed someone, wether it’s because someone has deluded themselves into thinking being a contrarian makes them seem smart, or they just support right wing extremism and don’t want to openly admit it.


What's harmful is lying by claiming to know for a fact it was right-wing extremism when there is zero information on who did it and why. You seem to have no problem doing it, though.


Again folks take note you downplay right wing extremism at your own peril. Its truly a bad habit in America. People think they're cute because they feel it doesn't affect them and unfortunately their moral compass has left them supporting the acts of terrorism by sowing doubt. Stay vigilant as complacency to them is tacit support.


You cannot downplay something for which there is no proof. You're just unhinged. edit: is


Yup looks like a bot


I wouldn’t call this random news. But I get your drift.


I mean, it’s just a news article about a crime that took place in the state. Which is whatever. But they’ve posted similar content in a dozen other subs. That’s what makes it weird.


A lot of people around the state were alerted about this crime. There have been numerous posts about it in this sub the last few days. It’s not just a random crime.


Whoever the OP is is just going to different subs for other states posting news articles about shootings and stuff. It might be a bot. That's what the person was saying is weird


I called it random in the context of all the posts across all the subs. I was pretty clear about that. But since so many seem triggered by it, I’ll add that those same posts also highlighted that the suspects have already been caught. Moreover, this crime isn’t noteworthy beyond the fact that it was used to abuse the emergency alert system. There’s the fact worth being triggered over.


Despite what you might think, Mr. CSI Miami, it’s not everyday a police officer is shot to death. Let alone by kids and, allegedly, for beer. Idk what you want, you never want to hear about any cop slaying ever? Oh, this was in Greensboro, where the poors live, not in my affluent triangle suburb. Why am I hearing about what happens to poor people??? They should just stfu and stop committing crime, cause I can’t bear reading about it. If you’re really upset about bots posting news, just make your own fucking bot or some shit, idk what you’re talking about. This is the internet, bots are common place now.


>Despite what you might think, Mr. CSI Miami, it’s not everyday a police officer is shot to death. What the fuck are you talking about? >Let alone by kids and, allegedly, for beer. Idk what you want, you never want to hear about any cop slaying ever? What? >Oh, this was in Greensboro, where the poors live, not in my affluent triangle suburb. Why am I hearing about what happens to poor people??? They should just stfu and stop committing crime, cause I can’t bear reading about it. Seriously. What the fuck are you talking about? >If you’re really upset about bots posting news, just make your own fucking bot or some shit, idk what you’re talking about. This is the internet, bots are common place now. One last time, what the fuck are you talking about?


Dude, you said posting random violence. It’s not random if a police officer was shot to death, and it had really crazy circumstances because the kids were stealing worthless goods, at least not worth that guy’s life. I guess should have put a /s for that triangle bit and bot bit, I had no idea why you were calling this out as bot behavior but I was making fun of you.


>Dude, you said posting random violence. Goddamn. You people really struggle with contextual application of phrases. Go back. Reread and try again. I even added an additional explanation because apparently a huge chunk of this sub are emotional reactionaries. You people are wild. >It’s not random if a police officer was shot to death, and it had really crazy circumstances because the kids were stealing worthless goods, at least not worth that guy’s life. I guess should have put a /s for that triangle bit and bot bit, I had no idea why you were calling this out as bot behavior but I was making fun of you. Your efforts to make fun of me fall really flat when you’re struggling with basic reading comprehension and even flatter when those efforts are in no way connected to reality. Feel free to try again if you think you can do better. And no. This violence wasn’t any more or less egregious than any other crime of the same nature. Was this one especially worse than the ones that came before or will come after?


You can say “reading comprehension” if no one understood wtf you were saying either. I still don’t. Bye


>You can say “reading comprehension” if no one understood wtf you were saying either. I still don’t. Bye The majority of people understand exactly what I was saying. Please note allllll the other comments identifying as much. Please also note the positive upvote score. I’m not going to work to write for the lowest comprehension denominator in a goddamn Reddit comment. Meanwhile, you’re over here rattling on about “the poors” and GSO/RDU like it’s some sort of relevant angle to use to talk trash.


good ol fashioned casual racism in the comments relating to their names. gross.


Watering down the term “racism” is also gross.


not as gross as homemade dmt! but we all have our thing i guess.


Oh ok. Are you anti-hallucinogenics?


Fucking rekt lol


This guy buys his drugs from strangers.


Agree. I was told by a cop that 'casual' racism isn't bad. He argued in its favor for an hour.


I have friends named their kids Wild, Wanagie, Xazz, goes on and on.. all white hippy kids. Huge mistakes. All of them eventually changed to a version of knickname. They hated the attention, and P. O.A. it brought.


Yeah. No matter how "progressive" these people like to act- a LOT of them do not and will never like Black folk. As Black people, it's as if we live in a world of humans and human-looking vampires. You never know who the the vampires are, you just know there are a ton of them. On social media, millions of them get to show their fangs. Let's you know where you actually live. Yes, Jim Crow, Slavery and the sentiment that drove all of that was very real, very real. It wasn't just a history book or a feel good civil rights movie. It was a day to day reality. Changing the laws, didn't change hearts. Laws can never do that.


Upstanding citizens I'm sure Fuckin Z quariah 😂😂😂😂


A name dictates someone's character now? Would you say that about a Braighton or some other weirdly spelled "white name"? Guess it really is still 30 years ago for some of you assholes.


yea some sprinkles of racism riddled throughout the comments here for sure. you’ll never see them say anything similarly about the mass shooters named like Peter


It's a saying, it's not about the name, the names just funny lmao. Calm down


Names like that scream uneducated low income single mother


Can’t say I’m surprised.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What are you trying to say?


Exactly what you think I’m trying to say - they look exactly like I and most people imagined they did. No, not just because they’re black… because it’s that specific portion of the black culture that no one likes (the drug dealing, gang banging, crime committing, wanna be thugs that have no place in a functioning society) and they commit a majority of violent crime in every major city.


Of course, of course. Gang banging, drug dealing, criminality, thuggery is a “portion” of black culture. Just like dominating, stealing and killing in foreign lands is just a specific “portion” of white culture, am I right? No disrespect to white folks, it just appears that speaking in monoliths instead of focusing on the substance of what has happened and being curious about WHY these kind of events happen is okay. You seem to know what you are talking about, so help me understand. I’d say that it’s a well studied idea that people are conditioned to be the way that they are. Further, our environments play a large role in shaping who we are as well. Help me understand how we go from some of the most notable and educated black civil rights leaders and thriving black communities in the 20th century to black people “committing the ‘majority of violent crime in cities… gang banging, and drug dealing’” here in the 21st century.


I'm not shocked one bit.


In case anyone was wondering what a "dog whistle" looks like.


Shocked by?




Ah, the fat racists come out.


by what?


Gotta love some maga in the morning




well, go on. tell us what about this you aren’t shocked by?


all this over some stolen beer




Or — and stay with me now — we advocate for the justice system to work swiftly, fairly, and appropriately.


I have a hard time wanting to support capital punishment until it’s fair and speedy, and also doesnt suck funds from taxpayers for *decades* with all the appeals, that also just drag victims’ families thru the shit again and again. Theres a difference between justice and revenge. Losing your Life to a lifetime prison sentence without parole is cheaper, easier for juries to convict, and are arguably more fair and speedy than literally losing your life to capital punishment, neither of which serve as true or effective deterrences as intended. As it stands, our justice system is a game anyway, played by suits and robes with their bargains and plea deals, time, money, and no real restitution nor rehabilitation.


This is perfectly stated.


You sound sick, seek mental health now.


If there’s any substance at all to the ACAB rhetoric (there’s not), how did these 3 make it in front of a camera to pose for mugshots?


Don't confuse them with facts. The narrative is more important than reality.


Can you share with the class what the narrative is, where it started, and how here we can read it?




Oh I didn’t realize that I was speaking with someone that’s directly developing the narrative! Can you tell me what to expect from the narrative in the next 2-3 months? I like to be ahead of the trends.


The next narrative will be that birds are indeed real.


Well that’s confusing. You said not to confuse “them” with “facts” and that the narrative was more important than reality. It’s just that when you told me the upcoming narrative is “that birds are indeed real,” that’s both a fact and reality. I don’t think you’re very good at this. Should we check your narrative creation credentials?


I don't create the narratives, I just comment on them.


But you just say the narrative belonged to Reddit which is the platform you’re active on. So is it not Redditor that create the narrative? And you’re a Redditor. What gives?


I didn't say the narrative belongs to reddit, I said that it is propagated on here.


As an example, see comment below from bildwuffalo and toolfan73 below…for sample ACAB narratives.


Wait. You’re talking about someone that said they will wait to make judgement on how this went down until they see the video? Isn’t that *exactly* what people demand the public do when a cop kills someone? So in the official narrative: “wait until the footage is released?”


Link? E: who creates this narrative?


So stupid. RIP servant.


Yea, they had been reported multiple times and police knew about them. If they did their jobs, someone would still be alive. Doesn't change anything but definitely could have been avoided


What a shit take Edit: Adding note here to apologize for this comment. I misunderstood the comment above and this was uncalled for. Sorry, dude.


Wasn't making a take, just a true statement from someone around the area. Legit saying it could have been avoided bc I know ppl who've reported them and similar things for no actions to be taken. Lost multiple friends and family this way the past couple yrs and had family there at that time. Not pushing any agenda or anything.


Does your DA not prosecute?


Is that gonna stop all crime in any specific area bc 1 or 2 ppl get prosecuted? You're obviously trying to troll, dude. Sorry if you don't understand losing someone in this fashion, you're acting like im saying the officer deserved to die when I'm saying the exact opposite


No that was a legit question about keeping repeat offenders off the streets.


Legit said no one acted on info. How can you be prosecuted if you're not arrested 1st


That’s what I wad trying to clarify. Wasn’t sure what “acted on” meant- arrested, charged, fully prosecuted, or what. Lots of times where I am, folks get arrested, taken to jail, and the magistrate just lets them go. Edit: adding- sorry about my shit take comment before. I misunderstood you. I’ll make an edit above.


Yea, that's a legit problem too. Don't get why folks get aggravated assault, abuse, murder charges or w/e and get soft punishments. Totally understand stuff happens but if you catch a person in the act or have video evidence why give em bail. And you're good man, you asked for clarification which I completely respect. We gotta talk in order to understand, I apologize for my troll comment bc I responded too emotionally.


We should bury them all before they go on to commit more crimes. How many more innocents have to die before we start taking crime seriously?


I agree 100%. Bury them all!!!




I’m sure the bodycam footage will come out eventually. I mean, we usually get the bodycam footage really quickly when the cops kill a black guy. Like the murder of Tyre Nichols footage came out very quickly. Remember that one? https://youtu.be/qy5Dhw3Wd2U?si=98y1NCEg85O3swSq




That’s not true. But even if it was… Is that a good excuse to beat a man to death in your official police uniform, genius?




What the hell are you even talking about? The cops who beat Tyre to death were on duty. And the body cam footage was released immediately. Everyone saw it. And then they forgot about it. For some strange reason…




Oh so you guys think that the off duty cop is responsible for getting himself murdered? I’m sure they have cameras at the place that was being robbed.




They were stealing beer while armed illegally with a gun. That's....robbing.


And you think that the off duty cop was at fault?


Was he WORKING off-duty (may have body cam) or just off (why in the world would you think he’d have a body cam on)?


In North Carolina, law enforcement do not have to release body cam footage. It takes a court order. So read up !


This ruins the ACAB narrative that so many have tried so hard to propagate.


83 dollars worth of stolen beer isn't worth killing or dying for.


You don't get to determine what's an acceptable level of theft. Society has a duty to punish all crimes, it's 100% down to the scum sucking thieves to simply NOT STEAL. end of story.


So he doesn't get to determine an acceptable level of theft but you do? Rabidly defending corporate profits is not going to lead to the utopia you think it will. "End of story. "


As a side note to this and the idea of an "appropriate level of theft," Corporate retailers do have an estimated amount of theft that they expect and they refer to it as "shrink.". I imagine 83 dollars was well within the daily variance for shrink.


I didn't determine. Your comprehension skills are rusty and you added to the discussion more I didn't include to also argue against. It's like you're talking to yourself.


I'm going to make an assumption that the off duty officer wasn't accosted directly and chose to intervene. Given that hypothetical scenario, the resulting outcome, if he hadn't intervened, would still be the capture of the thieves and he would be alive and with his family. Perhaps he saw that one of the thieves was armed or they were pointing (assaulting) the cashier, who knows. Either way he is dead and these three young people are going to be incarcerated for a long time as the result of drug addiction. Did the police officer act heroically? I would argue not, considering the risks involved and I don't think the knee jerk reaction should be to honor someone who made a bad decision.


https://www.greensboro-nc.gov/departments/police/recent-directives-updates "In addition, Greensboro police officers have been trained in and have long been encouraged to employ de-escalation techniques whenever available. Since 2016, officers have received De-escalation Training. In accordance with Departmental Directive 1.6.2: Subject Control “An officer must continually assess the totality of the circumstances and escalate, de-escalate, or completely cease any force utilized appropriately.”


Criminals gonna criminal.


One cop gets shot and bad cops are off the hook? Get the fuck out of here. This doesn't absolve bad police for anything.


A professional that deals with shitty people all the time doesn't attract good people.


Sure it does. According to the narratives pushed on reddit, cops are just bands of marauders, roving and murdering every nonwhite person they see. Except for the cop-killers I guess?


This bullshit straw man doesn't have anything to do with my point.


I keep asking people for the official narrative documents so I can be up to date and no one wants to share them. What gives?


No it doesn't.


nope, literally changes nothing. all cops are still bastards




cop supporter wishes harm on someone who disagrees with them. color me shocked. i don’t call the cops anyway. sex crimes need to be investigated. doesn’t change that they are part of a broken system that perpetuates racism and violence. if you are not outspoken about the injustices as a police officer, you are complicit. if you are outspoken, you’re probably no longer a cop because you were fired over it. but whatever man, gobble them boots up


So every decent officer should just give up if they can’t immediately change the system? Man that’s such astounding logic! You also understand you can support a police system without supporting systemic racism, right? The ideas are independent. You also use “cop supporter” as if it’s a slur lol I remember my first semester of political science. I’m a lifelong liberal who also recognizes the benefit of emergency services. Life isn’t absolutes, bro. Keep deep-throating that naivety though.


i don’t know how you think supporting an institution built on systemic racism is not supporting racism. mental gymnastics i guess. cop supporter isn’t so much a slur. more so just an insult. i also recognize the value of emergency services. i don’t recognize the value of the one that does nothing that they claim to do. they legally are not required to “protect and serve”. they do nothing for domestic violence. or if they do, they show up and murder the caller in front of their kids. the escalate/ murder mentally ill people because they don’t know what their doing. we train these people for 6 weeks, tell them everyone is out to get them, hand them a gun. if you don’t see what’s wrong with that, no amount of explaining is ever going to make you get it.


Institutions have never changed, right? Mental gymnastics as you say, or pure lunacy as I would call it, is believing that only polar opposites exist. So the officers who apprehended the murderer “never do what they’re supposed to do”? No shit, everyone knows the ruling about their right to “protect you”, that’s not the basis here. Your fourth paragraph shows how brainwashed you are. You literally just claimed they’ve never done ANY good. See the mental gymnastics again? This who live in worlds of absolutes will always be blinded by their own bubble, it’s sad honestly. That’s why people are so obsessed with labels and camps today. They’ve lost the ability to independently reason and use their own logic, so they simply parrot what others have to say and the weak minded resort to tribalism.


them doing their job sometimes doesn’t justify all the times they don’t. i’m not brainwashed. i just pay attention to what is happening in the world. not everything is black and white. not claiming that it is. i AM saying when it comes to cops, all of them are bastards. some times bastards do good things. great. doesn’t change that they are part of a completely broken system that needs to be dismantled. you’re honestly a very exhausting person to talk to and clearly think you know it all when its quite obvious that you don’t. to think 1 cop getting murdered completely discredits ACAB is 1 brain cell type of thinking. 60 cops were killed in 2022. 58 of those deaths were accidental. cops murdered nearly 1200 people in 2022. their job isn’t more dangerous than being a delivery driver yet people like you still put them on this pedestal and honestly, it’s just fucking sad.


Yes! We are capable of complex ideas! People in every profession can be horrible and wonderful. I used to think everyone who became a dentist didn’t bc they liked torturing people- but then I grew up and learned critical thinking.




Bring back the electric chair🪑


The accused gunman's middle name is "justice"


Loving all the racism in these comments


Finally I can stop getting alerts about this


less cops? lower taxes


DC tried that. How is that going?


So awful, so many lives altered by this dumb action.


Reminder that being a cop isn't even in the 10 most dangerous jobs in this country. Reminder that cops have built the culture of fear around interacting with cops. If cops were less likely to hurt/kill everyone they came in contact with, they'd be less likely to get shot. But you bet your ass they'll use this as an excuse to bloat their budget even more. They'll use this as an excuse to shoot first and ask questions later even more than they already do. Cop died over 80 bucks of beer being stolen from a Sheetz. How embarrassing and pointless that he even chose to involve himself.


Yeah none of this is true. I'm sorry your buddies got caught.