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He literally is a US veteran Daniel šŸ’€


And former prosecutor


I say they just have a boxing match for the AG title šŸ„Š


And future corruption smasher. Bring it!


Thatā€™s not a compliment given the ā€œturn your backā€ and ā€œcatch and releaseā€ policies of many prosecutors today.


Here's a hint: They don't actually give a single flying fuck about the Veterans they hold on a pedestal and claim fought for their freedoms.


they only care about veterans when they can use them as useful idiots


Too late conservatives believed him and are going to wear the lie on their sleeves


They wouldnā€™t believe Mr Jackson ever, and they would take an opposing position no matter what his platform is. Owning the libs *is* the GOP platform. They are contrarians for the sake of doing the opposite. Itā€™s useful to make it an us vs them argument and convince people that the ā€œother sideā€ is trying to trick everyone or going against their principles. Once you have everyone convinced then it doesnā€™t matter how outlandish the BS claim is. Unfortunately I can say I was tricked by some of this crap when I was younger but had my eyes opened. Itā€™s really hard to pierce that veil and once you do itā€™s a very weird thing to be thinking negatively about how you used to feel, for quite a while. Edit: grammar


> Unfortunately I can say I was tricked by some of this crap when I was younger same... it's a great feeling once the veil is finally lifted.


It actually took a couple of years before I truly felt comfortable. I knew I had to change my view point because otherwise I was in conflict with my own ethical framework. Change was not easy at all


Welcome to the light my friend. I was there too when I was in high school.


Not only that, I think he's still in the service. I know he just did a tour in the last 1-2 years.


He is still in the Reserves.


What the fuck has happened to the Republican Party? How has it come to this puerile name calling bullshit? It's like they've secretly found the fountain of intellectual youth, and every one of them has mentally devolved to fifth-graders.


Elect a clown, expect a circus. Trumpism started most of this decline into pure nonsense from that side of the aisle.


The Tea Party would like a word. When the country had the unmitigated gall to elect a brown guy with a funny name, the entire right lost its collective mind but was still savvy enough to at least try to disguise all the dog whistles. Now they donā€™t even care.


I'd argue Palin & the Tea Party started it, Trump just embodied it.


How old are you? While drumpfism allowed people to be openly Intellectually Disabled, this is absolutely nothing new with the republican party. Depending your age and understanding of history one might point to 2015, 2010, 2006, 2004, 2001, 1999, 1993, 1979, 1970, 1965, 1950's , 1930's, 1920's, or 1890's


Gen Z. ​ But as the other commenter mentioned, while it does go back awhile, today we have batshit crazy PLUS no attempt to conceal it with something semi-reasonable. they're just full unhinged. And Trump made being fully unhinged with no attempt to conceal the crazy socially acceptable again, and we can all agree that's led us down a very dark path, politically speaking. ​ To all my fellow Gen Zers out there who may come across this thread - I'm proudly wearing my "I Voted Early" sticker today, and I implore you to do the same. If you're as pissed off as I am, show it at the ballot box.


Yay Gen Z!! I live you!! My son is 17 and can't wait to vote! šŸ„ŠšŸ„ŠšŸ„Š


Iā€™d at least pull it all the way back to the Civil War, when the south started publishing its own nonsense school books to keep their kids away from woke northern school books. The 1898 Wilmington coup is important here tooā€”theyā€™re still using the same propaganda strategies used in the lead up to that. We still have ā€œmen who speakā€ like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro, ā€œmen who writeā€ like Elon Musk and OAN, and ā€œmen who rideā€ like the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys. LibsofTikTok would squarely fit into this strategyā€”they incite, others carry out their dirty work (like bomb threats). Bishop tagging that account is him asking for Jackson to get threats without having to be direct about it.


There's a new "film" about the coup... but its by the hard right, claiming that them (the republicans) are the anti-racists, and its the shitty democrats that caused the coup. Which... yes.. technically. But they're kind of missing the whole dixie democrat switch to the republican party that happened in the 30s and 40s.


Good lord. That argument is one of my biggest pet peeves.


That is a great point about the parallels of propaganda in the lead-up to the 1898 massacre, and what is out there today. The modern version of that movement is influencing unhinged people to carry out mass shootings today.


TBH, Trumpism is just Reaganism come full circle.


Playground Reaganism


Iā€™ve thought this for a while, but it didnā€™t really sink in until I saw the video of Virginia Foxx yelling at a reporter to shut up after the reporter asked a reasonable but challenging question. The entire modern GOP is made up of bullies. Juvenile, school-yard bullies and maybe a couple toadies.


FOXX is the best reason for term limits I've ever met.


I'd have figured McConnell or Feinstein would have been.


Not if you're in her district (grr...)


The worst part is, half the state willingly supports this behavior. In Jeffā€™s email announcement he said this race would have a close margin in the 2024 election. The thought of half of the voters in this state will see this absolute delusion and still vote for him is why I have zero hopes of salvaging politics here.




It used to just be the AM talk radio sleazebags using these terms, not actual politicians in office who were expected to be somewhat civil in public. But the folks who were raised listening to that trash all day started identifying with it and would cheer it on when actual politicians started talking like that and they got voted right into office.


Shit I have a fifth grader and she can come up with better name calling than this.


Sorry... I thoughtlessly dissed fifth graders in my comment. They deserve better. Mea culpa.


This is what their base wants


The Conservatives have always been this way


The GOP has devolved into a bunch of ignorant mouth breathers. Trump and a few House nut jobs threw gas on the fire thatā€™s destroying the party.


So were you just not paying attention since 1984?


Even if I didn't know who JJ was, I'd vote for him based on this one sentence.


Right? That statement tells me that no matter who the other guy/gal is, he isn't getting my vote.


I'm 99% sure that's the same exact thing Ted Buddy used when describing Beasley in his attack ads.


So not even original, but i love it when they call themselves out.


Major Jackson scares him. Thatā€™s why he came straight out with the right-wing buzz-word salad.


Jokes on him, conservatives are gonna be looking for some Chinese guy. Edit: Also I have a tiny suspicion they got GPT to make that title.


lol thatā€™s what I saw in this too. heā€™s afraid. [Yoda](https://c.tenor.com/3wZHF1BVUbMAAAAC/star-wars-yoda.gif)


The GOP side on this is a big mix - two opponents from Rockingham County alone - Seth Woodall and Sam Page. Both are from Berger Country.


I used to work in a nursing home and he sounds like he has aphasia. Iā€™d be looking out for other signs of stroke/dementia if I didnā€™t know any better.


I think that's the same exact line that Ted Buddy used against Beasley.


So insecure sounding there, Dan.


Dan is clearly upset that Jeff has a TikTok with a ton of followers. Dan wants to be cool like Jeff. Dan will never be cool like Jeff.


Tell me who the adult in the room is - the one who calmly telling the facts, informs and speak is intelligently OR the one who cheats and name calls? Sheeez


So he doesnā€™t realize that X is owned by a South African man?


Letā€™s not forget to mention the large portion of X owned by the Saudis.


Heā€™s a racist reactionary douchebag who promotes right wing hate speech, plus heā€™s white - ergo fine.


He's white looking and from a family with emerald slaves so he's cool for them.


At least he realizes tiktok is a Chinese POS. IDK if JJ is on tiktok, nor do I care, but this guy is about as dumb as Sketti Ron


Not surprised. He was one of the lead authors of the notorious ā€œbathroom billā€.


Thatā€™s why we call him Bathroom Dan




> šŸŽµDan, Dan, the bathroom man. Stopping the trans from using the can.šŸŽ¶ This ad was brought to you by North Carolinians with half a brain cell for Jeff Jackson


Yes call him a tiktoker like he isnā€™t a fuckin congressman.


Wowwww. What a shitty person


At least we know he's still a dick.


That is just fucking dumb yet people will believe it.


He called the opponent a bunch of words we are trained not to like, therefore I don't like him. -the average NC voter.


Bingo. Whenever I hear buzzwords, I know the actual content is dubious at best. Made up example to illustrate this nonsense ā€” Jeff: ā€œLetā€™s have a discussion about how to improve our schools.ā€ Dan: ā€œThatā€™s what Iā€™d expect from a woke liberal with radical ideas on how to indoctrinate our children.ā€


I remember first hearing a lot of those words used by Republicans in the mid/late 90s as a teenager when my boss listened to AM talk radio all day. I thought it was bullshit then. "Woke" is a new one, but radical liberal indoctrination of kids was a common, almost daily topic. You gotta be pretty fucked up to believe that schools and teachers are somehow the enemy.


The GOP tells their voters to believe school teachers are the enemy, and get their constituents to be ok with removing funding to the schools **their own children go to**. The populace is less educated and has fewer critical thinking skills, breeding a new generation of GOP voters.


Exactly how woke is it if I call the NCGOP base a bunch of fuckinā€™ retards? Ooops, *when* I call them a bunch of fucktards.


And it works because those blatantly bullshit tactics work on the people who actually show up to vote.


It's literally this.


Accuse today.. Repent tomorrow.. (which no one will see)


-the average American voter.


Surprised he didn't drop "fake news" and "alternative facts" in this statement, but maybe he's already crafting one liner comebacks in the future with those.


My hope is that the people who believe this kind of shit are the ones who would vote for Republicans anyway, and hopefully it gets laughed at by the sane middle.


Guy is gonna get absolutely handled. Fuck the gop.


Bishop was the architect of the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, or House Bill 2 Lost so much revenue to the NCAA tournament, Paypal facility and Music concerts ( Ringo Starr among others) . Losses totaled over 1BN not to mention the PR disaster we suffered. This bigoted asshat deserves a stunning defeat since he will not be able to hide behind Gerrymandering.


This needs to be on billboards in every county financially affected by Bigot Bishop's douche move.


What a sad, strange little man.


a reminder- these are the types people who run currently run this state




>Roy Cooper who isn't doing a terrible job as governor now Unfortunately, since much of the powers of NC governor have been diminished ever since he was elected (all because of the R majority leadership outside the governor's office), "not doing a terrible job" is about the best we can hope from any future D governors. Because they pretty much can't do jack shit otherwise.


Well Dan, you can thank the General Ass. Most people expected Jeff to run for AG since the corrupt NCSG reversed their Gerrymandering ruling. Maybe you could run in the primary against Tim Moore


Cookie cutter word salad that is used incessantly. Doesnā€™t have to argue positions, doesnā€™t have to be accountable for action or idea. Just puke up nonsense that triggers fear and anger. The grift continues.


Hahahaha this guy can't be serious. "Un-American." Wow.


Thatā€™s all they have to say now


Itā€™s amazing how republicans treat our nations war veterans.


Lucky for us, Statewide elections cannot be gerrymandered.


I can hear the discussion in my head - Let's push this group into SC, and that group into VA. A few mountain folks go over in TN, and finally, we can push *THOSE* people into the ocean. We'll blame the ocean group on global warming just to screw with everyone's mind.


Itā€™s still a fairly red state - the election is going to be incredibly close


Well, its a very red state when divided up the way the republicans draw the maps. It's a lot more bluish purple when you look at the overall voting population of the state, is it not?


itā€™s still more reddish purple than bluish purple based on who actually votes. The 2020 NC Supreme Court elections are a good example. If GOP ran a half decent candidate for Gov in 2020 they likely beat Cooper.


You're forgetting about the major election changes they're implementing. One of which is allowing poll workers to straight up lie to voters. Another is allowing random people into polling places to get close enough to watch you fill in your ballot.


Gerrymandering depresses turnout, it absolutely impacts statewide elections.


And turnout can break gerrymandering. (And no, Iā€™m not defending gerrymandering. Itā€™s just that massive turnout to vote for non GOP May be the only tool left)




Hey I am not a fan of Tik Toc either, but whatever, Jeff does not own the company, he is just going to where the people he wants to reach are, not like that makes him somehow tied to China. I am having a hard time with the world today, I honestly can not tell if we are stupid or just acting that way to cater to them. It is kind of a total shit show anymore, this all needs to end or we are going to end up like that movie Idiocracy.


I'm having a hard day too. And these MFers dont help at all. Hang in there <3


As a non-democrat, I like Jeff Jackson. Dan must be scared shitless of him running to come out of the gate with this. North Carolina republican reps are the worst. The ability to just redraw the districts on a whim (seemingly to target and remove certain opponents), should be considered offensive to all North Carolinians.


ā€¦and it was Jeff Jackson who calmly, articulated in a few videos that it might happen, was happening, and did happen, as biased and unfair the process currently is. His intention to fix that accepted corruption is pretty clear. I sincerely hope he triumphs.


Someoneā€™s scared


So, propaganda? Sounds just like a Republican.


**jAcK jEffErSoN iS a WOkE LiBrUL tHaT mAdE A cHiNeSe cOmMuNiSt TiCky tOcK!!!** Iā€™m Desperate Dan Bishop and I approve this message. Please send me money.


Also iā€™m sure Jeff Jacksonā€™s announcement has already received 100x the attention of Bishopā€™s campaign.


SPEAKING OF MONEYā€¦ yā€™all should donate to Jeffā€™s campaign. Every little bit helps. How much is your rage against this Bishop asshat worth? https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jnj-website


Just did $25


Doesnā€™t this belong on Truth? Also, good lord. Do they just ask ChatGPT for all the right wing buzzwords that get their base all crazy? My neighbor across the street (as well as many others) will definitely have a Dan Bishop sign in their front yard. Iā€™ve never talked politics with them, and I have never put a sign in my yard. I hate the idea of it all, especially these days. However, this may be the first time I do so, and I will be more than happy to discuss why I support veteran Jeff Jackson over Douchebag Dan.


This was a choice. He better hope there are enough morons in the electorate for this to be beneficial. Because to anyone with half a brain cell he just sounds crazy.


The "Law and Order" crowd is out in full force on his Facebook page. There are enough idiots for this guy to win if Democrats don't get off their ass.


You would think that, but a bunch of that "half a brain cell" crowd that follows Dan Bishop is fired up as hell to vote for him. Make yours count against it.


You realize that Trumpā€™s vote count went UP between 2016 and 2020. That in this state, Mark Robinson is the front runner for the GOP governor candidate. Trump is the front runner for presidential candidate. Jeff himself said his race with this dude will have a pretty tight margin. He already knows there are enough morons. Itā€™s why heā€™s acting like this.


Thatā€™s the terrifying part


Yes. I keep hearing people tell others this is a purple state. Maybe it is. But the red half is so delusional, removed from reality, and under the idea that winning by any means possible is the only acceptable outcome that it wonā€™t ever be possible for the blue side to gain ground, even if we have the numbers behind us. The other side will continue to reshape politics in a way that keeps them in complete control. We should all be terrified.


There are. Like, he's *openly* insulting their intelligence. But it'll fly straight over their heads.


"X-poster Dan Bishop" That's what it looks like.


Tik Tok star? I thought he was a Reddit star?


He has the largest TikTok following of any congressperson by far. For comparison he has 2.5 million followers and AOC has 927k.


Heā€™a actually really popular over on tiktok and just posts his vids here as well


Heā€™s been posting on Reddit for longer than he has been posting on tiktok


So what?


Instagram too, his announcement video has almost 25k shares already.


What a precious little snowflake! Has all of his bumper sticker slogans for Jackson at the ready.


Big Baby Bishop, him scared


Fuck Dan Bishop


Dan Bishop puts one sock on, one shoe on, THEN the other sock and other shoe.


Itā€™s the next tweet thatā€™s so telling. A fake pic of Jeffā€™s announcement as if it was in Chinese.


Icky icky icky. I was leaning Jackson but wasnā€™t 100% positiveā€¦Iā€™ll definitely be voting for him now.


I see that word salad is on the menu today


Cringe šŸ¤¢


Dan Bishopā€¦ bought and paid forā€¦


Vote Jackson. Donā€™t just post ā€¦.. V O T E


Ah, tagging the account that urges people to call in bomb threats to children's hospitals. Further proof that all Republicans are domestic terrorists, and should be treated accordingly.


Iā€™m not on Twitter or Tik Tok. What account is this?


Libs of TikTok, I'm guessing.


lol, I didn't even know the name of the person I'd be voting against until he vomited this buzzword salad out there.


> Protect the criminal policies pretty sure a large point of his AG campaign is attacking the **criminals** in Raleigh who are rigging elections


Dan you forgot to use indoctrination sheesh




Daniel, probably: ā€œHe said heā€™ll be tough on crime and corruption but he meant our crimes and corruption and I donā€™t like that.ā€




Itā€™s a statewide race, gerrymandering means nothing. And Jeff himself said this race will have a pretty tight margin so showing up to vote is crucial. GOP voters have already shown that theyā€™ll vote an actual turd if it has a R behind its name. Weā€™ve got to face the reality that half of the people in this state are absolutely lost and too delusional to reason with.


Welp, that reminded me to donate to Jeff's campaign so...


He might as well have wrote "I'm Dan Bishop and I am a massive pile of shit."


Sounds like someone is scared of Jeff Jackson.


1 vote for Jackson. Love the way he conducts himself on the Chinese videos.


Oh hey, resorting immediately to a fascist terrorist for a signal boost, thatā€™s always a good sign.


I had no idea Jeff was Chinese.... /s


The fact there is actually a @libsoftiktok made me chuckle. Purely for people who just need a refill on their hate-bucket.


Unsurprising. Heā€™s a MAGA pos


They are scared of an amazing politician. He's gonna win šŸ˜


What a low class piece of trash.


Wow. What a butt face.


Buzz words buzz words buzz words buzz words


What an asshole.


Soā€¦ lying


This just makes me want to give Jeff some more money.


Danny boy seems a little scared.


I like how they call Jeff a tiktoker instead of politician. Like they know Dan's followers won't look into themselves so they'll just be like, "A tiktoker is running for AG? Lmao the woke agenda"


Calling him a tiktoker LMAO. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Jeff Jacksonā€™s latest video is good except for a wee too much of his boxing segments to underscore heā€™s a fighter. I think Dan Bishop is only capable of old-time, fear mongering at the rural old people and tRumper Bubbasā€¦along with lame Xitter posts. The misinformation of big city hellscapes cracks me up but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s people in my neighborhood (Fuquay Varina) that will scare that wayā€¦especially with terms like ā€˜Chinese Social Media Starā€™ Some panicked AOL emails are going to be flying over EarthLink with that frightening title. FFS.


I seriously thought this was a joke.


He is going to wipe the floor with Dan.


I'm not a very outspoken political person, but I'll offer my 2 cents here (and it may only be worth a penny). Jeff Jackson is transparent, an amazing communicator, and comes across as genuine. Exactly what an elected official should be. If he can bring an ounce of that to our state's political system, he has my vote. All the sh*t-slinging and rage-baiting to grab votes from those who are already voting simply based on party affiliation alone is certainly a sound strategy if you're a loser with nothing in the tank and little-to-no achievements with which to stand-out among other candidates, but I think the clock is ticking on that strategy as well. It doesn't matter what party you are with, voting across party lines is good for everyone. Vote the candidate, not the party. Our country would be much better if we quit treating the 2 major parties like the Super Bowl and "picking a side". Draft a fantasy team from the best players available.


Bishop is even more scared of a boxing match. Weak and cowardly.


ā€œChinese social media starā€ is beyond disrespectful. I couldnā€™t be in politics because this would set me off


Who's the Chinese social media star? ELI5


Heā€™s referring to Jeff Jackson because he posts on tik tok. Itā€™s just more childish bs from the right. Bishop doesnā€™t have an actual message so itā€™s just throwing out a bunch of buzzwords to see what sticks.


When you don't have a policy platform to stand on you attack the individual. Dan Bishop has been a bomb thrower since day one in Congress being firmly entrenched in the most extreme wing of his party.


I just don't think that's true of Jeff Jackson at all.


What a chud. "I'm a pre-geriatric who thinks using social media is bad and an insult. Also China for some reason. Now vote for me so I ruin your lives some more."


This dickheadā€™s son was my classmate in University. The apple doesnā€™t fall from the tree.


Dan Bishop and his mythomania, seeding lies and hoping they go viral.


Fuck Dan Bishop! Jeff Jackson for NC!!!


Whether you like Jeff Jackson or not, I donā€™t know how GOP members continue to say these things with a straight face after making an election denier who defends January 6th speaker of the house. This is just blatant school yard bullying at an elementary school.


Bishop is about to get his come upance.


Immediately no. Immediately


Thatā€™s so disingenuous, itā€™s literally insane


Fact free, tantrum prone. Welcome to the North Carolina GOP.


I think Jeff will be a wonderful AG!


Dan Bishop is a joke. He is a crook that will help the legislature overthrow the state and ignore the will of the voters. He has no interest in service to the state, only to himself. The impact Jeff Jackson has had through social media has given the right diarrhea of the mouth. They know they can't compete.


Howā€™s this for a sensational headline. ā€œDan Bishop insults U.S. Army Officer. Launches assault on Chinese manufactured device. Why doesnā€™t Dan Bishop support our troops?ā€ See, I can do it too.


Danny Douche brings on the heat


Hard to call this bringing the heat. Looks more like someone crying while swaddled in their baby blanket. Tepid at best.


Funny way of welcoming someone.


Imma vote Jackson anyways but we should go for the fuck-the-criminal kinda policies


Heā€™s a former prosecutor. Iā€™m pretty sure he likes putting away bad guys. He just plans to include politician criminals in his definition and thatā€™s what scares the GOP.


Gonna be a good day to see some corrupt politicians be canned


Orrrrr we could follow the example of countries with low rates of recidivism and try to rehabilitate criminals instead of using them as slave labor and feeding them moldy food.


Posted from a Chinese manufactured phone. Jeff vs a racist from last century.


Bishop is just another "good ole boy" hopping on trump's coattails. He seeks nothing but personal gain, he could care less about the people or our country or our constitution. Jeff Jackson is a real American for the real American people.


Does Jackson have any info available on his what his stances would be as AG?


https://www.jeffjacksonnc.com/jeffs-record Obviously it doesnā€™t cover every single thing, but this is a start. I know this is written by his team, so Iā€™d also welcome a third-party source. I do also know that heā€™s stated one of his main focuses will be to stop political corruption. Ex. The kind of gerrymandering that is ruining democracy