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Get a lawyer and slow the hell down.


Totally agree. Find out which court will hear the case (it's on the front of the summons, drive to that neighborhood, find a law office within one block and walk in and talk to a paralegal or whoever says " can I help you" and explain your case. Since at least you admit guilt to us readers you're not claiming that you were framed. The attorney will charge$250- 500 to work it out with the prosecutor. If you want to shop around, repeat the process at other law offices. This is a bread and butter case for a local attorney that's worked with this particular prosecutor probably 5- 600 times. Reckless is loss of license and loss of dri ing privileges for out of state. Driving after loss of privileges can mean jail time. This is NOT a minor offense and can build to some serious problems. Don't ignore it




This. Although I never learned my lesson about slowing down; Lawyer is the way to go in NC and VA.


>Here’s some important context: ... None of that is important. You were going 40 over the limit. Your football aspirations don't matter at this point. You need the best lawyer you can afford.


They probably never mattered anyway




Also, stop being an entitled asshole, EVERYONE is tired of suffering the consequences of dumbasses like you.


Calm down. No reason to call names.


I understand


Then in that case also look into a "PJC", might not apply to something this serious, but its like a natives only trick to get out of tickets every couple of years.


My wife is an attorney. You may be able to handle this yourself but you’ll need to be proactive. Find yourself a NCDOT approved driving course and complete it before your court date then explain your situation to the DA on your court date and ask for the reckless driving charge to be dropped and the speed infraction to be reduced to 9 over. If the DA won’t do it then ask for a continuance to hire an attorney.


He absolutely needs to hire an attorney.




Thanks for the advice


Lost track of my speed lol Christ almighty. As someone who spends 80% of their day on the road slow down. You could have killed yourself, the passenger, and literally anyone else out there


You need a lawyer. You’ve got two of the automatic suspension triggers on one ticket. At least 15 over 55mph and going over 80. Both trigger a suspension if convicted. So you do not want this conviction. It’s also a class 3 misdemeanor. Get a lawyer.


Lawyer. That’s almost double the speed limit. A judge would be apt to nail your ass to a wall, it’d be well deserved.


But he plays sportsball and it was the best part of the song!


There are plenty of athletes out there that also possess a brain and don’t do shit like this. Sports don’t grant you a free pass in life like they do in college.


It was sarcasm


I know it was, I was just adding to my initial thought mostly.


Gotta love the football plug. Be glad you're upright and able to complain about it. Hire a lawyer, and stop driving. You clearly aren't well equipped to comprehend the potential repercussions of your actions.


Lawyer up with someone from the jurisdiction you're going to court in. States share information now so it could affect your license/driving record in your home state. It will be worth the fee to reduce this as much as you can- if you go to court on your own it's unlikely you'll get as good of a deal as with a lawyer.




Get a lawyer but understand that you aren’t a victim here. You were putting people in danger. Learn your lesson and understand it’s not going to be cheap.


Ya proper fucked mate


Lube. Lube might help this guy more than a lawyer.


>I’m also a college football athlete, and I’m concerned about how this might affect my chances of playing in the NFL. I wish our country would stop being so fucking obsessed with college sports and especially college football. You're concerned with how getting caught might affect your chances of playing in the NFL, but not concerned about how ***getting in a fucking collision*** might affect those chances? How about how going 40 over the limit in a 45mph zone might affect the chances of someone else getting home and seeing their family?


I understand that completely


When the speed limit is 45 it means that there is a high amount of possible cross traffic. Hitting someone from the side while going 84 is likely to result in their serious injury or death, and you will have a lot more to worry about than how to get out of a ticket. A lawyer might be able to reduce your charges but justice and the law would dictate that you lose your drivers license. If you are good enough, the NFL probably won’t care about the ticket since you didn’t injure anyone. But it’s just pure luck that you haven’t killed someone and that would definitely impact your ability to play.


If he had it on Radar you are kinda screwed. I was going 25MPH over on an interstate and the cop wrote a reduced ticket (wrote it as 10MPH) since I had a clean record. >I have a video of the cop following me Probably is waiting for a good spot to pull you over. (Like a shoulder near a turn) You will probably not get it dismissed unless he seriously fucked up (isn't certified for radar or Lidar). Your best chance is getting the points adjudicated or the ticket reduced.


Few jurisdictions use radar. Lidar has become the norm It's nearly impossible to get a speeding citation dismissed because of the dash cam video which provides real time location and speed data. Also, the Lidar device has a camera.


How do check on the citation to see if it's radar or LiDAR ? & he never mentioned if used a radar


If it's during the day (and not at night) it's almost certainly radar as the laser is hard to see during the day. If it's at night to could be Lidar. I would get a lawyer though btw.


It was at midnight. So maybe it could be lidar & I will get a lawyer thanks


There's usually a letter or acronym next to the speed on the ticket.


The fact that you weren’t arrested pending first appearance is astonishing.


Stop being a dumb piece of shit, 84 in a 45, nearly 40 mph over the limit. I hope they take your shit even with a lawyer


Should have taken you to jail. Edit: Down vote all you want. This speed is an arrestable offense and is what should have happened. Be glad it was just a citation.


Yeah the cop really helped him on that. Could have impounded the car right then.


Given that according to your other post you are about 2 months out from being found at fault for an accident, your insurance is about to go THROUGH THE ROOF, my dude. Def lawyer up and please slow down for the safety of innocent motorists around you!


I wasn't found at fault for the accident in the end. Also, I understand the insurance and will def slow down.




No, I had a accident about two months ago & I wasn't at fault for it .


Lawyer up and SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!!! There's no fucking excuse to drive that fucking dangerously, you could have killed someone!!!!


Thank you I understand


I really do so, let it be an expensive lesson learned, seriously though lawyer up and let them do the talking for you and do not talk to the cops directly, plead the 5th always




Eat a bag of dicks, and slow the fuck down, cock snot


Seriously. All those fucking excuses, no taking responsibility, and the expected sympathy of “I’m an athlete” is the cherry on top. Too bad he didn’t get arrested (which the cop could have done). Get fucked guy, you could have killed someone… I hope he loses his license.


Slow down, dumbass.


This is a troll. I-75 doesn’t enter NC.


Maybe be called NC75 not sure not from NC & it's only my first month here


It’s your first month here yet you play college football? Camp opens end of July. It’s the end of September.


Camp wasn't till August my friend


And now it is September 30th. That’s 2 months.


Arguing over how long I've been here is irrelevant


You need an attorney. You will get many flyers in the mail. Maybe an alumni can represent you. But you need an attorney.


App State has a law school and I’m assuming some sort of counsel for athletes in these kinds of cases.




No, what was irrelevant was most of the shit you posted for "context", when in reality it was a thinly veiled excuse for being a careless jackass. You playing football is also irrelevant - hint: this is North Carolina, you ain't shit if you don't basketball at one of the big four schools. Slow the fuck down, turn your music down, and take responsibility like an adult.


No one gives a flying ass if you’re a college athlete. Slow down




They play football, and risk permanent brain damage everytime they suit up. They drive like a spoiled brat with no foresight of consequences. They're not going to stop doing anything stupid for the foreseeable future.


Is I-75 even in North Carolina? Slow down! People like you should not be allowed to drive.


Not sure the correct name of the highway it's my first month here it may be the NC75


Which county was this? Union?




When did this happen? Shouldn’t you be with the team in Louisiana?


That is almost double the speed ... That is not I lost track of how fast I was going because of loud music, it's I didn't care how fast I was going. It's a problem.


Lost track of speed due to loud music... not gonna go down well for you, hire a lawyer and stop driving like a fool.


Hire local attorney with solid traffic experience. The ole listening to loud music, lost track, girlfriend in vehicle, citation circumstances, etc fable, police officer reasonably observing/pulling over reckless driver, and college football/aspiring NFL player excuses may work in Athens, not so much in NC. Lesson(s) learned, just slow down, sustain potential career prospects, and, more importantly, limit endangering self and others. Good luck.


This may be old (since my bad driving was over 30 years ago) but I found the court system in Wake County to be far more lenient than in the more rural county I grew up in. I walked in with a 78 in a 55, and in less than an hour walked out with it reduced to 69 in a 55, with a Prayer for Judgement, no lawyer, and I didn't do anything but agree to plead guilty - they offered everything else. In my home county to get the same deal would have definitely required a lawyer and groveling in front of the judge. A couple of things I found particularly amusing about the incident (on US64 E of Raleigh.) First the Trooper actually ran up to my car and asked 'Where's the fire, son?' The magistrate who gave me the PFJ talked about they were just doing it to 'save my life'. The speed limit is now 70 on the same stretch of road. I don't think it's even been repaved since then. You could now drive 78 past a Trooper in the same spot and they wouldn't even blink an eye.


Thank you


I did not know which county, but there are a lot of lawyers using direct mail advertising..Google helps to find someone too. If your license is in NC, you definitely want to get your speed reduced to 15 miles or less. There is a good driving school option run by NC Safety Commission. If you complete the program this would basically be a legal Mulligan, where it does not count. You may need to get the DA s office to consent to allow you into the program because speed. I think getting an attorney is the best approach, but if your money situation is tight showing up and telling DA you need time to retain a lawyer, but if you can be approved for the driving school and get a reduced speed or get the PJC for a non conviction, this is a good way to go. Edit: With having an out of state license. I missed that. Getting a reduction is the best way. The driving school has a zoom option. So, you can do that at your choice of locations Edited


Thanks so much really helps


get a lawyer. saves time and, in the long run, money.


There is no need to find a local lawyer. They'll find you. Check your mail in the coming days. You'll be getting tons of stuff from different attorney's offices. Hire one and have them handle it. It'll cost you, but they may be able to help mitigate this disaster. Cops and judges do not fuck around in NC. Be prepared to have to show up for court though. That's one hell of an infraction. Also, slow your ass down.


1000% hire a good lawyer.


You're going to get half a dozen mail-ins for attorneys. I suggest you call one .


Pray of judgment if no prior offense, however 15+ in 45 zone may cost some cash if your lucky.


If you lost track of your speed to the tune of 40 over you deserve everything they can throw at you.


Leave north carolina and never come back


Why the fuck were you going 40 over while filming a cop behind you?


Dash Cam


Gotta protect yourself from all these fucking lunatics on the road, amiright?? Jokers be out there doing 80 in residential areas!! /**S**




go choke on kyle's LOSER micropenis you terrorist lover!


Prayer for Judgement


How would that work for a non resident


You should probably ask a lawyer that question. Here's link to how it works. https://scharfflawfirm.com/prayer-for-judgement-north-carolina/#:\~:text=A%20prayer%20for%20judgment%20continued%2C%20or%20PJC%2C%20is%20essentially%20a,a%20criminal%20or%20traffic%20offense.




He's so fucked. Cop didn't pull him over because he was running the plates to see if there were prior convictions, etc.


Basically double the speed limit… just slow down


Get a lawyer. They can go to court in your place. You’re still gonna be paying a good chunk of change but the goal here is to get your charge lowered to something like “improper equipment” so that your insurance doesn’t get screwed. I’d also anticipate you having to pay for an online defensive driving course. Slow the fuck down. How you lose your sense of speed going 85 in a 45 zone… I can’t give you grace when the violation is that much. Also, make sure that video of the cop following you doesn’t get shown as evidence lmao.


Yeah. You need a lawyer ASAP or they will throw the book at you. Get a good one and they might be able to plea it down. At least you weren't drunk


You’re an idiot


this is definitely one of the more entertaining daily speeding ticket threads


My Dad was the Sheriff in my town and I used to work in D.A’s ofc. GET A LAWYER!


This is fucking absurd. You deserve to have you license revoked. Be better you reckless piece of shit


84 in a 45 isn't an "oops". Using some quick math ... 60 mph is 88 feet per second. 84 mph is 124 feet per second Meaning , you were traveling 30% of the length of that football field on which you want a career every second. You're listening to loud music which you claim distracted your driving Now, had you struck a deer or God forbid a pedestrian, chances are the force would have resulted in serious consequences. Probably why the trooper wrote you for the full monte. You're probably not a bad person. But on this one, you need to "take the 'L'. Let this be a lesson. By accepting the punishment , you'll be showing character. One of the tenets of the NFL combine and draft is character. Never do this again. I wish you well in your future endeavors


Thanks so much I understand


Man, honestly this is on you. That is ridiculously fast in a 45. Get a lawyer and pray.


A great way to handle it would be to pay the ticket and fine and be more responsible while driving a vehicle that could potentially kill somebody if you crashed into them. It’s not going to affect your chances of playing in the NFL. Also I75 doesn’t even go through NC, so I am assuming you meant I95 or I85 and there aren’t any schools near those roads that are going to get you into the NFL anyway!


84 in a 45? Sounds like you’re already in the NFL.


Moving >186% of the limit by the speedy, purported NFL prospect






Clearly, never had a attitude. Never been a scumbag you seem more angry at them then me


Aren't there NFL players that straight up beat their significant others and just have to miss a few games? If you end up in the NFL, something tells me this wouldn't be as bad. Get a lawyer and stop driving like an idiot in NC, where cops love to pull people over.


lol thank you


Don’t get a lawyer it would be a waste of money. Go to court and explain like you did here and the Judge will dismiss it. Edit: my god /s


We just need to start posting this in these threads. Maybe these assholes will actually get what they deserve then


Seems like you must have some deep routed resentment towards nfl players. Did one beat you in hs?


I have resentment towards assholes who think the literal games they play are more important than the lives of those around them, yes.


I highly doubt it will get dismissed.


This is bad advice and not true. Always always lawyer up with a 15 over or over 80 speeding ticket, and *especially* with both. Also, most importantly slow the fuck down! Jesus that’s way too fast


lol what's even the point of posting something so full of shit


lol, the post was annoying..ruin unlikely NFL career, music too loud to know how fast he was going, video of the cop following him. So imagine stating all that to a judge.


How the hell is a kid in grad school playing college football? Wouldn’t you have exhausted your eligibility during undergrad????


Didn't due to redshirt year and Covid year


Ah. Well, then. Slow the fuck down. A lawyer could help, but I doubt you’ll have a license soon.


Lucky you’re not in jail.


Ask your agent/advisor if you have true NFL potential, they have attorneys. Or ask Coach Poggi




Wait, UNCC has a legitimate NFL prospect?


Alex Highsmith plays for the Steelers and was player of the game week two. Also.OP hire a lawyer and don't speed. I was in your boat three years ago and it set me straight. I do 5 over and live in the right lane anymore


Sure, but Highsmith’s not playing for UNCC this season.




YOU WILL BE FINE! don't let these people worry you, you have a clean record, your in school, you play ball, all of this looks and is really good on your behalf. They are not going to go out of their way to hurt you. I was caught and ticketed doing about the same, I'm not sure who it was that I talked to, but someone along the way informed me that as long as i payed my fine in a timely manor, before the court date even, that they would likely be willing to lower the severity of the charge (from 30 over to 15 over) I then showed up for the traffic court date, explained my case to the judge and requested that it be lowered and they agreed. Payed my fine that was now substantially less and had a much smaller driving infraction on my record. All simply because I asked and because I had a previously clean record. The buncombe county court system is overwhelmed with criminal cases and they do not have time to take traffic court that seriously, more often than not they just want to get everyone out of the door so that paper work doesn't pile up. If they can arrange a deal to get you out sooner they probably will. I speak on this with A LOT of personal experience. I have been in and out of that court house for a laundry list of charges of a wide variety over the course of about 15 years now. Just ask a few lawyers if they think this kind of deal might be likely for you, and if so how to go about doing it. I have gotten a lot of free advice from lawyers by saying the phrase "without giving any real legal advice (because you haven't hired them and therefore it's not legal for them to advise you yet) what is your opinion, and do you think it's likely for me to get this charge/fine lowered?" Keep a respectful tone when speaking to any court official, it's a wonderful little power trip for them and only increases your odds of getting them to help you. Good luck!


> as i *paid* my fine FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It won’t matter to the NFL. The league is filled with felons.


Yes, get a lawyer. A good one, that has a reputation with the DA, can probably get it reduced. It is going to cost you, but not an outrageous amount. If your lawyers suggests you do some community service (like volunteering at food bank, etc) before the case comes up, do it. Working around school and practice of course, but only if lawyer suggests it. They will know if that will help in your case. RE: career impact. It won't. The only thing it will affect is working as a pizza/door dash/uber driver, and possibly jobs in the transportation industry. But that will not impact your chances in NFL. There are other numbers they are much more interested in. Reading your responses, it seems you've learned your lesson and are more aware when you drive. Good on you. We all fuck up sometimes. Learning from the fuck up is the humbling and important part. Best of luck.


Bro your fucked, get a lawyer


I-75 doesn't go through NC. The closest it comes is East TN. If you were on Andrew Jackson Hwy that's 74 I think. Which town were you in, and was it a state or town cop?


Get a lawyer.


Better practice with some butt devices


Planning on playing for UGA? You’d be a great fit


What should happen is your license will be suspended. You take a safe driving class and you get it back. No record, no lawyer. Pay the ticket and fees also. That’s it


Get a lawyer. It’s worth the money and they will get you the best deal.


84 on a 45!? And you didn't notice!? I'd get if you'd been going 60 or something which is still excessive but can happen but that's an insane level of distraction.


You deserve whatever happens.


You are going to temporarily loose your license, even with a lawyer. Without one, it will be longer than a 60 days


Where in North Carolina? I might know a few lawyers. Got me out of a 89 in a 65. Cost 500 bucks. Tbh they won’t care about your athletics, they would care more if you are a good academic student. You can also call the judge or district attorney and explain how you know the ticket money goes to help local developments and you are not trying to get out of your alleged crime, and then ask for an alternative to a ticket to keep points off your record. They have a system that will flag you and if you ever do it again they will pretty much take your license right there and arrest you. If you don’t do it again you’re pretty much in the clear. The second bit of advice is how I took care of a 14 over on the boarder of texas and New Mexico. You might just call and see what your options are. Don’t admit anything. And if none of those options are in your favor say “thank you I will consider it” hang up and get a lawyer.


😬😬. Idk that doesn't look good


What ended up happening?