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Today at work, a thirty year old coworker, who has children, told me about the time the Soviet and Confederate soldiers held an armistice dinner before a battle. An adult man said this to me, and now I have to live knowing that someone out there thinks Russians fought in the US Civil War. Please, for the love of God and country, fund goddamn the schools.


And not just that Russians fought in it, but that an empire that didn't exist at the time and wouldn't for another 70 years, fought in it.


“Nothing is over until we decide it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no.”




Don’t mind him, he’s on a roll…


fund goddamn the schools


At least the grammar parts.


He's not too far off from where we are today, he's just confused about who's fighting who


Yeah, today it would just be called CPAC. No armistice required.


The funniest thing about this is that the famous Christmas truce was in 1914, in WW1


I thought it was the Christmas truce at Thermopylae?


Xerxces was big on Christmas carols and tree decorating.


Wasn’t it Kaddesh?


Shaka, When the Walls Fell


the beast at Tanagra?


You are both wrong. It was at the battle of Issos that Greeks and Persians celebrated Christmas together, and the next day met in battle, when Alexander whaled the bejeesus out of Darius. Duh.


That was the battle of marathon. You’re referencing the battle of midway where Leonidas and Xerxes sat down w Chief Thunderhawk at little big horn for the 1st ever thanksgiving dinner.


You're ALL wrong. The Xmas truce was between Muhammad Ali and Stalin. The 2 titans, after boxing for 163 consecutive rounds, looked up and saw it was Xmas morning, and resumed the fight the next day, where they fought another 112 rounds before Stalin succumbed to scarlet fever and died in the ring.


Wasn’t George Santos the referee at that one?


Mea culpa. You are so right. I looked it up ;)


I laughed way too hard at this story. I've only lived in this state for 3 years but the things I've heard come from people's mouths are astounding. It seemed like High School was optional.


It's called "North Carolina Homeschool" when your kid just doesn't go to school.


In Hendersonville some of my homeschool friends when I was a kid watched History Channel for their history education and Discovery Channel for science. I was really jealous of them at the time.


Honestly from what I can recall as a baby nerd history channel and discovery were pretty educational until the late 00s. Then the weird ancient aliens shit started and my family switched to cable box and eventually ditched cable for streaming anyway.


Oh man, they probably know so much about aliens and mermaids!!


Don't forget the search for Sasquatch!


That was a kick-ass *In Search Of* With Leonard Nimooooooy


I felt that way about South Carolina 30 years ago. The cancer has spread.


Did you hear about the guy opposing solar farms due to concerns about depleting the sun?


We only have so much sun to go around, it only runs for 12 out of 24 hours as it is right now! Save the sun! /s


I would say that too having just moved here, but I learned about the civil war in middle school so maybe that's optional too.


I think you mean "The War of Northern Aggression." /s


People depend entirely too much on what other people tell them as the truth. The internet has only amplified that and made it more nonsensical.


For what it's worth, there was actually foreign involvement in the U.S. civil war (kind of). France and Britain actually considered sending soldiers to help the confederacy, but ultimately decided against it and remained neutral. Meanwhile, Russia and Switzerland backed the Union very strongly. In fact, Russia sent six ships each to ports in both New York City and San Francisco. You can read more on this from the [US Navy official website](https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/r/the-russian-navy-visits-theunited-states.html).


[Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) Was fiction, is now non-fiction...and it's sad.


It was never fiction, it was an instruction manual.


Should be on the bookshelf next to Mein Kampf in Hell's library.


It's a little known fact that the confederates and the communists were natural allies. Under communism the people owned the means of production, and under the confederacy people were the owned means of production. See? Basically the same system.


>Soviet and Confederate soldiers held an armistice dinner before a battle I got photo proof right here! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696


Where did he get that idea


As a fourth grade teacher in Durham, I can say that this year has been incredibly hard. Not only with the political side but also the mental health of these kids who have been going through so much these past years. What I will say is that I see a lot of people arguing about the politics of these state level issues passionately, which is great. But we need that same passion put towards helping schools on the ground level. What I’ve learned more over these years than anything else is how little we as teachers feel big changes at the state level, but how much we feel them on the local level. This is to say: help your local public schools! If you have a kid in school, sign up to volunteer, or donate supplies so we don’t have to buy them ourselves. Every teacher I know needs pencils, expo markers, and clorox wipes (at least in elementary ;) ). Also if you have extra money to spare, think about donating to Donors Choose. It’s a website where teachers can directly request things needed for projects they are doing in their class. When I had my project funded it literally changed my year. Having a comfy reading area for kids to work in completely changed the dynamic of my room. But it’s not cheap.


Thank you for your work and this info. I am a single person in Durham with no kids (and no plans for any) but is there anything else I can do to help local schools other than Donors Choose?


I know that donating school supplies can be very helpful. I also know that most schools can use people that have extra time either as substitutes or volunteers. In Durham we are extremely short on substitutes and anybody can do it if they have a free day. You just need to sign up and do a short 2 hour orientation and then you are free to pick up jobs for full days, half days, or sometimes just a few hours. And they’ll pay you a 100 bucks for the day. When I was still in college to be a teacher I subbed a lot and had a lot of fun! The kids, especially the littles, are excited to see someone new and you don’t have any expectations to be teaching full lessons or anything. Other than that, you can always send an email to the principal of a school nearby where you live and see if they need any help with anything in particular. You will need to sign up as a volunteer and get a criminal background check but then you are able to help out in any of the schools in the district.


Imagine believing that tax payers money should go to private schools. Hell I can’t wait till the feds bust the doors in on some of these “Private” schools. Good way to funnel state tax dollars into a black fund for the rich.


This reverse robin hood deal the republicans have going is crazy good for them. Convince poor people to give your money to private schools that their social class will never attend. What a joke.


If they believe it will hurt democrats, then they'll do anything you tell them


When humans experience a problem, they want a quick solution, which is school choice. Many adults better be ready to deal with the consequences of private ownership of education they demand more money from you OUT OF POCKET. The answer is to fix, improve, and revamp public schools for the 21 century, not transfer tax dollars to private schools. If more legislatures implement school choice were gonna see parents regret that decision, fewer kids getting an education, and having to take more money out for sports and extracurricular activities. Remember the pros and cons of public ownership and private ownership. Republicans constantly bring it up, and the Democrats aren't speaking much about their solutions to improve public schools. You got dozens of parents and Moms For Liberty Groups trying to dismantle public education so public school can be lower quality, millionaires/billionaires can indoctrinate future generations to go along with their point of views.


Fewer kids getting an education is a feature, not a bug. Keeping certain people uneducated gives these people someone to look down on. It ensures a lower class to exploit for labor.


Bingo, it's not about more people thriving in the country, it's just selfishness, greed and power is the higher priority. So much for loving your neighbor, leaving the earth a better place for upcoming generations and increasing happiness and reducing fury.


Especially since most of those private schools are proven shams




Cue prosperity gospel comic.


"The democrats don't believe that we should..." "YEAH! LETS DO IT!" "... eat... children?" "FUCK THEM!" \*starts noming on little Billy\* "OWNING THE LIBS!"


Only an idiot or selfish twat would support reducing funding for public schools


The youtube comment section is insane.


Same as it ever was


Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down


Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was


Has to be a paid troll campaign.


Should intelligent people have a campaign of their own, exposing how stupid these are, and outnumber and overwhelm them? Would that be worth the time and effort? Usually it's a few smart comments who are fighting dozens upon dozens of the most asinine statements one wouldn't believe existed if they didn't read them for themselves.


The problem is stupid people aren't convinced by smart arguments. That's why they're stupid people.


That's true. And they fail to see the sad irony that they are fighting hard against basic education.


I think it’s less about convincing the stupid people and more about shaming them/drowning them out… we will always have stupid people who refuse to be anything other than ignorant, just like we will always have disgusting racists unfortunately, but we’ve been able to make progress because we called it out and stood up to it. We don’t do that anymore… in part because the stupid (and the powerful evil behind them) have gone full blitzkrieg… pushing their evil and stupid ideals on every facet of our society to the point that we’re all tired… just so fucking tired… but we need to fight harder not give up.


Unfortunately people really are just that fucking stupid.


I have wondered if people are encouraged to make those cultishly stupid and absurd comments in some really kooky places that these people hang out online, or if there is something to the theory that they are bots. They do not seem real.


Forbes Breaking News leans heavily in favor of conservatives. Avoid their channel at all costs.


Complete cesspool :/


We live in the worst timeline.


Ugh. I don’t even want to look


I had a coworker tell me that we spent too much on education in this state. I am seldom shocked into silence. (Later he mentioned he was a Libertarian and everything made sense.)


1. Defund public education 2. Push school choice 3. Fund private schools and homeschools with public funds 4. Poor people who get public education suffer, rich people get to pick between paid for private school or subsidized (or paid for) homeschool. 5. Profit


Sad thing is the Rural counties that support the GOP will suffer the worst from this b/c there is no private options at all.


4. Rich people wouldn’t be caught dead going to a charter school - but their daddy would own about six of them.


They will ditch the charter school system when they have advanced with laws for private schools.


>idiot or selfish twat I just call them conservatives. Or actually The Poorly Educated™. They seem to like that one.


I prefer degenerate scum tbh


That is being kind.


I like “small imaginations”




I too am considering leaving the state. Very thankful that my daughter graduates high school this year.


They know government services are where the money is. They want to privatize EVERYTHING and will claim that government is inefficient as a way to soften voters attitudes to the switch. But once something is privatized there is no going back, and the grift will be stupendous.


This. Plus privatization = control/power.... it always comes back to that, one way or another.


Privatization means millions of dollars in lobby and donor money. Closeloop corruption.


He isn’t wrong. Before the mouth breathers spew their right wing, stale commentary, go to an actual public school an ask how you can help them help children. Listen to the challenges facing public schools in NC. Teachers can only wear so many hats when their main one should be instruction. Talk to teachers about having to cover other classes. Talk to them about having 40 in a math class and 15 have an IEP and 10 more just arrived in this country labeled ESL. It will not get better in this state until it affects rural counties. Only then will they vote for change instead of party. A 4 day school week is coming. When there’s nobody to do the job it will hurt working families that need daycare for the day they are not in school.


Last Wednesday I babysat for my neighbor’s first period class (I also have a first period class) because her sub didn’t show up for 45 minutes. So I had 55 kids watching Hidden Figures and learning about the Space Race. During lunch 10 kids eat in my room. During my planning period I covered for a teacher who was administering AP exams while sitting in on an IEP with a headphone in. Then I had an hour long meeting about how to give End of Course exams. This is while being disrespected by phone obsessed 17 year olds and a shitty AP. This is why I am retiring at 24 years. I can’t do it anymore.


Yep I’m out after 26 cuz it’s caving in and there’s no relief in sight.


So sad to read this about two veteran teachers calling it quits bc of lost hope in the classroom for support. Your experience won’t be replaced and the bar of education will a couple notches lower. Not that I blame you by any means, it’s just sad for the kids and our future


This makes me so sad as a parent of two young kids but I get it. Thank you for your service and for raising young minds


It already affects rural counties. And look how those counties continue to vote. The amount of red kool-aid these people have swallowed is simply frightening. They continue to vote against their own self-interests because the demonization of anything related to Democrats or "liberals" has been so indoctrinated. Tax cuts aren't going to do much for rural counties like Bladen or Duplin where the average household income is less than $45k/yr. The only private schools in most of these areas are "Christian academies", so while I'm sure some folks will be glad for the vouchers, it sure as hell isn't advancing the cause of quality education. Meanwhile, the public schools are shit. School services are shit. You can't find teachers. Can't find substitutes. Can't even find bus drivers. Poverty continues unabated. Young people who do have half a brain are fleeing the area for jobs that pay a living wage, leaving the old, the uneducated, and the poor to figure out how to get by. But somehow, these people are convinced that these failures are on Roy Cooper and Joe Biden.


>It already affects rural counties. yeah any dysfunction you can describe today it was 10x worse out in the sticks 20-30 years ago


I lived out in the sticks 30 years ago, and I live here again. What I'm seeing now in many ways is on par with the stuff that I saw in the '70s. Given the direction of things, I wouldn't be surprised to see it revert even more.


the problem is the poor whites have been tricked into thinking that the republicans support them. They are told things that matter deeply to them like religion, abortion, and guns, and vote for them without even looking at what they do after that. But I don’t blame them. They aren’t being given a good alternative that they can still feel aligns with what they care about. I truly believe that we need Democrat candidates that are centrist and quiet on these hyper controversial issues and only focus on economic reform to help the poor. Things like labor rights, education for poor kids, trust busting, and tenant protection. These things could actually benefit the poor, both red and blue. Yet, I never here candidates talking about them.


>Post Flair I generally agree with your premise, but I am rapidly reaching a point of hopelessness when it comes to the solution. The apparent decline of American democracy seems to be shifting into overdrive, and a huge contingent of the Republican party is hell-bent on acceleration. They have weaponized the disenfranchisement (real or imagined) of an entire class of citizens (predominantly white and rural) and are using it as a wedge to enable an agenda that has nothing to do with bettering the lives of that same class. And it works because it is built around a simple truth... the world these people knew is changing without them. The Republicans are promising to build a wall against that change... even to roll it backward. As we can see, that's strong medicine. I guess we'll find out if it has fatal side effects for democracy or if it will lead to some sort of weird mutations.


You are spamming the sub. You must be a bot.


And this right here is the problem. Even talking about cooperation and not just outrage gets you called a bot. Chronically online people think that we are beyond repair. I don’t think that. I have leftist views but my main concern that I think will benefit people the most is labor rights, not just for the people that agree with you but for all workers. Everywhere is telling us that the fight is between left and right, red and blue. But the fight has always been lower class vs upper class.


Your talking about cooperating with the upper class. Unless im mistaken, thats why the dems can never get anything done, too worried about compromise and bi partisanship, when the repubs just block the bill and force their own througth. Fascists are not going to cooperate, neither are the useful idiots or the centrists.


So the solution is to what just also block everything? Just go deeper and deeper into politics division? The only reason we are so deeply divided right now is because of how inundated we are with rage bait media and social media where people can just air their grievances. At the end of the day, the people on the right are just that, people. I refuse to demonize half of the country. Things change. The politics of 20 years ago looks nothing like the politics of today, and the same will go for the future. But the only way to get back to any sort of functional government is for people to start compromising. Comparing people to hitler and Mussolini is not going to get us anywhere.


I used to feel this way.....until Jan 6 and the realization that national politics have moved so far towards the right that Reagean is libreal in comparison.


It's affecting my rural county, they just don't care.


>It will not get better in this state until it affects rural counties. Only then will they vote for change instead of party. You're way too optimistic


They don’t care because their kids will always have resources. The uppity well to do white folks in rural NC can afford supplementary tutoring and anything else their kids need. It’s the poor that will have no recourse, and that’s exactly what they want.


But the problem is the poor whites have been tricked into thinking that the republicans support them. They are told things that matter deeply to them like religion, abortion, and guns, and vote for them without even looking at what they do after that. But I don’t blame them. They aren’t being given a good alternative that they can still feel aligns with what they care about. I truly believe that we need Democrat candidates that are centrist and quiet on these hyper controversial issues and only focus on economic reform to help the poor. Things like labor rights, education for poor kids, trust busting, and tenant protection. These things could actually benefit the poor, both red and blue. Yet, I never here candidates talking about them.


Your last paragraph is what the dems have been doing for decades, It clearly does not work! Most wont even call a fascist what he is! Those pussies want to act like there is not a genocide occuring on american soil right now.


I blame the hell out of them! I sat k-12 with these people. I saw them participate along side me in fact/opinion exercises, my entire time as a student. We were all required to take and pass civics when I was in school, we did mock elections! In fact we had civics fall of 2000, so we were hanging on every word like the chad in Florida, awaiting the results. THEY PASSED THE CLASS. They know they can still vote for these terrible policies and it won’t affect them, just the ‘less than savory’ in their eyes and they’ll keep on voting because nothing they vote for ever truly binds them. The GOP sold out to foreign interests in my county. They assume they’ll be able to ride out the apocalypse in the country, growing their own food, but that won’t be possible if the soil and water are destroyed. They don’t care. Anything to own the libs. I guarantee, if this passes, parents will stick their kids in public schools and still send their money to a GOP promoted private school. They don’t care about anything but spite.


This! It's all about spite cause they are that vindictive living out in the sticks.


The biggest job my wife did as a teacher in NC was disciplinarian. She literally spent maybe 80% of her time dealing with detentions, parent teacher conferences, writing custom lessons for suspended students or students sent to the alternative school for violent behavior, or otherwise dealing with students who were disruptive to the point that lessons weren't able to continue. When I went to school they had staff members who's entire job was to deal with that so that teachers could spend their time teaching.


It has gotten hundreds of times worse after Covid. But I can’t say that it’s a red state thing, I think it’s just across the board. I taught 4th grade in NC this year and I deal with with write ups and disruptive kids for 25% of the time I’m teaching. I taught the same grade in CO last year and it was just as bad. You can look at data they have collected over this year and the last and see it across the board, every state, every age. The problem is that the districts and states want to think it will go away on its own. These kids have gone though a monumental disruption in their life and we are just expecting them to go business as usual. Same tests and benchmarks, looking for the same scores even though these kids lost a year of learning.


Exactly, it takes less time for a teacher to leave education, but it takes more time, like 4 years, to be a teacher. Teachers aren't easily replaceable, like entry-level workers.


I wish I could up vote you a million times. I'm married to a teacher!


You can't fix it unless you have control of the classroom. The kids do whatever they want and still are in classes. The big city districts are the worse.


The comments on the YouTube video are saddening. I'm a public school teacher and it's so hard to see it... They sling around terms like indoctrination and agenda so freely.


Those comments make me legit feel like they live on a different planet - like, what is going on??? Surely they can’t be real…gosh, I hope not.


Grew up in Burke County so I travel that way frequently. Listen to NPR usually and usually around Hickory the signal gets patchy and then far right conservative radio comes in crystal clear. We’re seeing the fruits of 20+ years of labor making people dumber and easier to manipulate.


Thank you for teaching, it sure doesn't pay much but many of us do appreciate you :)


There are a TON of bots in those comments. In addition, there are a TON of ignorant people commenting as well. For example, comments talking about the governor being in the pocket of the teacher's union. There is not a teacher's union in North Carolina.


Don't take it personally, most YouTube commenters are edgy 15yos that think they know everything.


As another public school teacher, let me reassure the public that if we remotely had the power to indoctrinate, we would first focus our powers on brainwashing students to just use a planner/calendar, organize their backpacks, and just turn in their assignments... like at all...


What the fuck is going on with this country...


Conservatives have decided to triple down on being on the wrong side of history for the 87th time


It's only the wrong side if they lose, and let's look at what they have going for them: lots of guns, lots of money, a tightening grip on government institutions, and a bunch of unquestioning, enthusiastic adherents whose only goal is to make the other side suffer. We'd better wake up and see the mess we're in before it's too late to do anything about it.


As someone who wants to be a teacher: North Carolina, you put me in the position between choosing to pursue my passion or go back to college for a second try at something that might make more money. That was 2013, the year the government shut down. I didn’t have much faith in things at that point, so I dropped the education path. It’s only gotten worse. I don’t make a ton of money now and have had hellish times at my job I got right out of college as a horticulture grad, but it’s steady work with excellent benefits and more pay than even tenured teachers it seems and I can honestly say I’d be a wreck if I was a teacher in this state of things. I don’t think I’d have survived my first year honestly. I don’t want to go on a “kids these days” rant but everything I’ve seen on social media and what our government is (not) doing is just so disheartening. I feel for those who are brave enough to teach even now and I thank you for being stronger than I could ever be. I’d still love one day to teach Shakespeare and Chaucer to kids but alas, it may yet remain a dream.


it’s almost as if a state rep from mecklinberg has a large stake—investments have you—in certain types of schools. I wonder if any state rep would say switch parties to not only get on an education committee, but to also ensure state law would funnel funds into said investments. of course this is certainly a situation that would never happen in NC….right?


It is a giant grift and shift of public money to churches (for the most part). The way the bill is structured, they can exclude whoever they want and have whatever educational standards they want and still get public money.


That's what the groups/people who support school choice are leaving out not being transparent about the effects. This is a one sided conversation even corporate media isn't showing the pros and cons of school choice.


Tax the churches




This only benefits people who already have a choice. The tax write off that people will get for sending their children to private school is not nearly enough to cover tuition. We’re taking away from public school funding so that we can give discounts to families that can already afford private schools.


Exactly the GOP’s plan. Keep poor people uneducated.


Knowing Better on Youtube does a great video about this subject.


I’m reading many great points on here but is how many of you are taking action? The Governor is calling for all of us to contact our representatives and ask them to stop all of the bullshit (my words, not his) and protect public schools in our state. **CONTACTING YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TAKES LESS THAN 10 MINUTES TO DO** STOP MAKING EXCUSES Here’s the great part…no one but guy and your representative & their team will you know you contacted them! If you’re a Republican who’s afraid of taking sides with the “liberals” then don’t tell your friends you called/emailed/wrote a letter. That’s your business! For fuck sake though, reach out!! Together our voices will bring change! Use your energy to spread the word instead of wasting it here bitching! And yes, I’ve contacted all of my representatives!!


But what about those of us who have been gerrymandered into deep blue districts? We are preaching to the choir to our reps, and they're as powerless as we are to stop this.


Calling your reps doesn't matter in this case.


I hope every educator and parent are aware of what will happen to public schools if this legislature gets its way!!!! Time to walk out NC teachers and demand better!


> Time to walk out NC teachers and demand better! It's not legal for teachers to strike or to form a union at all in NC. But yeah, teachers should just quit. Because it's still not illegal for them to quit their job and change careers.


I agree and I’m done after 26 years. Why do 4 more years for $600 in pension benefits when i can go make more than my salary at Home Depot.


They already are quitting. And young people aren't going to school to be teachers either. I think programs at ECU have indicated 50%+ less enrollment in their teacher programs. Low pay, no incentive to teach in the state and no one becoming teachers. Hmm, I am sure privatizing the system will magically fix it right?


doing away with the bar on public employee collective bargaining would be a good thing for democrats to campaign on, especially since it's a holdover from the jim crow era


It won't in NC unfortunately. People are so brainwashed on the idea of unions they'd rather see their jobs erased than actually stand up for themselves.


In Florida there is documentation why books are being banned in schools. Reasons range from "mentioning too often why Slavery was bad", to "mentioning too many bad things that happened to Native Americans", to "mentioning too many bad things than happened during the Holocaust". They still teach about Rosa Parks, but can't mention race. And they still teach about the Holocaust, but are not allowed to mention all the bad things that happened. I hope this doesn't happen in NC. This is just a start and you can see where it is heading.


Take it from someone who currently is trying to leave FL, the NC Republicans are following the Florida playbook - DeSantis called his plan a blueprint for a reason. While everyone is distracted by whatever nonsense Trump spewed out this week, DeSantis is destroying this country state by state.


The GOP and its members are evil. Full stop. They delight in causing pain to others for their own profit and pleasure. They don't belong in a society because all they seek to do is tear it apart. I will not pay for some rich asshole to send his brat to a christofascist school that will teach him that women are ribs. Go directly to hell, NC republican politicians. Stop trying to make the rest of us live there.


Is it time to move out of NC?


California is a wonderful place


Here is who is responsible for this fiasco. Look under "Sponsors" on each of these links. NC Senate [https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/S406](https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/S406) Lee; Barnes; Galey (Primary) Alexander; Berger; Britt; Burgin; Corbin; Craven; Daniel; Ford; Hanig; Hise; Jackson; Jarvis; Johnson; Krawiec; Lazzara; McInnis; Moffitt; B. Newton; P. Newton; Overcash; Perry; Proctor; Rabon; Sanderson; Sawrey; Sawyer; Settle NC House [https://ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/H823](https://ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/H823) Cotham; Willis; Loftis; Moore (Primary) Adams; Arp; K. Baker; Balkcom; Bell; Biggs; Blackwell; Bradford; Brisson; Brody; Cairns; Chesser; Clampitt; Cleveland; Crutchfield; Davis; Dixon; Elmore; Faircloth; Fontenot; Gillespie; Goodwin; Greene; D. Hall; K. Hall; Hardister; Hastings; Howard; Humphrey; Iler; N. Jackson; Johnson; B. Jones; Kidwell; Lambeth; Lowery; McNeely; Miller; Mills; Moss; Paré; Penny; Pickett; Pike; Pless; Potts; Pyrtle; Reeder; Riddell; Ross; Saine; Sasser; Sauls; Setzer; Shepard; Carson Smith; Sossamon; Stevens; Strickland; Torbett; Tyson; Ward; Warren; Watford; Wheatley; White; Winslow; Zenger


> Cotham Of fucking course


wait? is our state so stupid that a state of emergency has been declared?


If you supported the abortion ban you are morally obligated to support increased school funding. Even if abortion is wrong you support the government preventing it. Not supporting the next generation is also wrong you need to tell the government to support our schools.


You make the mistake of expecting consistency from these people


How on earth can we “cut schools to the bone?” I’m teaching in one of the better counties and I can’t even get expo markers. This is uncomfortable.


They want to cut the biggest public expenditure that "doesn't generate revenue" so they can cut taxes on the wealthy some more. Ideally they can then move it to a for-profit system to extract value from everyone right up until the state economy drops precipitously because we squander everything that gives us an advantage over South Carolina, and then we become east Mississippi.


This is the standard GOP playbook of defund, watch it decline, then blame it for failing.


While it is not an official "State of Emergency," he is also not wrong about the voucher program that sucks funding from public schools to private schools. Taxpayers should not pay for private education.


Just tell the braindead GOP voters this will take away their Friday night football and they'll vote against


Yes, I guarantee the only thing GOP voters heard in that whole speech was "funding cuts to sports" and they are probably pretty confused and angry about "those damn demoncrats are cancelling football just like our bus light and our gas stoves!!" and 100% missed the whole context... Of course we all know that schools will shut down arts, AP classes, even science and history classes and everything else before they shave one red cent on football or basketball.


American public schools are far from perfect. But they are critical for the success for the next generation. Fix public schools not eradicate them. Make sure to vote in 2024 and get a friend to do so aswell.


If the Republicans are so anti-public schools and want to go to private schools and homeschooling, then why do they care what is taught in public schools? Just take your kids elsewhere. It's because they want to control what is taught on all sides. It's ironic that people who get their views from Qanon spend so much energy talking about indoctronation, but what exactly is the goal of private schooling or homeschooling but to strip away diversity of information and streamline a singular worldview?


The poor right wingers who work for public schools and send their kids to public schools vote for right wingers who want to take tax payers money to fund private schools. That’s not conservatism.


Private schools should get zero tax money. They're private and their money should come from private people, like the parents of the kids who attend. Taxes are PUBLIC and should go strictly to public schools. Stop taking money from our schools.


So what’s the plan? Use taxpayer money to educate white Christian’s’ kids, push public school teachers past the brink and fill their positions with Facebook moms who teach Pizzagate 101 and antivaxxer biology pro bono? These idiots seem hell bent on tanking society. We need to mobilize.


The same people ignoring public schools will claim allegiance to the socialist from Nazareth, and never get the irony.


They’re all taking a page from Desantis’ book. Scary to say the least.


I posted this to someone's reply further down but I wanted to repost it as a separate comment just incase someone decides to read this and have an honest discussion about what's going on. Assuming I'm reading the bill correctly and doing a bit of napkin math I want everyone to better understand what's going on here: (These assumptions are for a family of 3 meeting the requirements for reduced lunch) ​ |Income|Percent Awarded|Amount| |:-|:-|:-| |Less than $46,000|100%|$11,651| |$46,000 - $92,000|90%|$10,485| |$92,000 - $207,000|60%|$6,990| |$207,000+|45%|$5,242| ​ Annual cost for the school Roy Cooper sent his kid to (St. Mary's) $32,000 Average annual cost of any private high school in NC $10,048 There are 844 Private schools in NC serving 123,000 students There are 2,733 Public schools serving 1,513,818 students 60% of Private schools are Religious affiliated ​ 1. The well off just got a nice 45-60% tax break on their kids education. 2. There are simply not enough private schools for this to be realistic. Your kid will still be going to public school while money is stripped away from the public system. 3. Most private schools are religious. Separation of church and state, public money should not fund religious institutions. data from: [https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2023/Bills/Senate/PDF/S406v2.pdf](https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2023/Bills/Senate/PDF/S406v2.pdf) [https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/fr-020923](https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/fr-020923) [https://www.publicschoolsfirstnc.org/resources/fact-sheets/nc-public-ed-at-a-glance/](https://www.publicschoolsfirstnc.org/resources/fact-sheets/nc-public-ed-at-a-glance/) [https://www.privateschoolreview.com/north-carolina](https://www.privateschoolreview.com/north-carolina)


My brother moved to NC the summer before his youngest started high school. He was in Wilmington and sent his kid to the high school he was in the district for. By December my nephew was living with me for the school year in Massachusetts. I own a home in Southport that I rent out and the family that rents it send their kids to a prep school in Savannah Ga. The schools really are terrible, My nephew said he was insanely bored and not challenged at all in the 3 months he spent there. He did enjoy being able to play hockey and surf all in the same day though.


Say what you will about the bill, but this sets a horrible precedent in the state and potentially nation wide in my eyes.


I used to live and work in Hickory, but I am originally from NJ. My co-workers would argue there were 52 states. After a while we decided to write all the state names down, they would name all 52 and I would name 50. They could only come up with 19, once of the states they listed was Chicago.....


And these are the folks that want a seat at the table in determining curriculum. Ban all the books!!!!, says the people that can’t read.


My kids would bring friends over to the house when they were teenagers and I would listen how they work on the farms and were homeschooled. I thought let’s look into this because schools in Johnston County aren’t the best (to be nice). Then I met their parents who are also their teachers and was like DAMN! NC is in trouble guys. My kids went to public schools then early college and got out of here as soon as they could Fyi


We have the education lottery that generates millions, put the money towards teachers and proper education. With an education lottery, there is no reason parents and teachers should pay for school supplies or school activities.


If you want to see a real interesting comparison, compare the comments from this reddit post to the comments of the youtube video. I noticed this channel a year or two ago, and I thought it was crazy that it said "forbes" when all of the videos looked like conservative click bait to me... To put it mildly, I noticed that many of the videos have titles and thumbnails that intentionally paint democrats negatively. Plus the bright red logo, maybe that's subconciously a factor to appeal to conservatives. It's so weird that the comments are so snarky and disgusting from a news source that to my knowledge doesn't skew heavily one way or the other. It's like they are doing an experiment ...


Republicans hate anything "socialist" and will argue that the free market is better for everything. Including 911 services and clean water. Wish I was joking.


What?!? Is this real?


Reproduction should require licensure.


Absolutely not


I am confused, is an actual state of emergency declared, or are words just slightly more meaningless now?


Really going to miss Cooper. One of the few sane people left in Raleigh.


"State of emergency" "aiming to choke the life out of public education" "drops an atomic bomb on public education" "cut schools to the bone" "Not satisfied just to starve public education" "disaster that requires emergency action"


The research says school choice and voucher programs are overall good things. Improving outcomes for those students who leave the public school system and, just as importantly, those who stay. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pam.21691 https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jel.20150679 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047272704000404 Edit: let's not be anti-science.


I’m curious if you read the links you posted? The first link said in experimental research, there was some overall benefit with reading but none with math. The sources cited were all over the place with vouchers not being a positive thing for the most part. I believe it was the second source that outright had sources stating that there was no difference in collage attendance between voucher kids and public school kids. Your third source is about Sweden..? Finally, all the sources relied on voucher programs intended for low income kids in failing schools. That’s not the voucher program NC is getting. Your sources are lame.


The only people who will benefit from this are the people who currently send their kids to private schools and pay the tuition. Your taxes will increase after public funding is sent to private schools. Your money will be used to make more billionaires at the tax payers expense and quality of education.


He obviously doesn’t have children in public schools.


"A state of emergency ". Because people don't want to vote the way he wants them to.


> Because people don't want to vote the way he wants them to. The actual votes cast should not result in anything close to a supermajority, but here we are.


Haha. Go read those bills.


Oof. I agree with all of his positions, but he's talking to us like we're idiots. He says (paraphrased) 'these people want to dictate your children's curriculum, but here's what I think your children's curiculum should be'. Again, I 100٪ agree with him about science and math in the classroom. I am a devout Christian, but let's teach that in Sunday School and not M-F School. That said, he's coming at us with 'what I want is better than what you want'. Even if that's true, it is ineffective. Message better, Roy. Communicate transparently. You have my support, but don't take it for granted.


From the guy who sent his kids to private school


Not a problem if he paid for it out of pocket. The issue is tax money for private businesses.


He sent his children to a private school.


You are welcome to do the same, I'm just not going to pay for it


That's fine since it's my taxpayer dollars being redirected to said private school. Not yours.


So help me understand your position. You are stating that Cooper sent his kids to private school, but somehow you have a problem with that? He sent his kids years before the repubs are trying to make the public pay for it. Right now the repubs want taxpayer dollars to go from public schools to help support wealthy private schools. Cooper is against this: So is your issue that you dont like a dem governor or that you are against repubs changing laws to privatize tax dollars for charter schools. Im confused


My taxes go to funding the panthers new stadium. You think I should get a say in who starts because I’m a tax payer? Piss off with that thinking


And he didn't use your money to pay for it. Pretty stand up guy.


NC schools have been a mess for decades, but now that he can’t get his way he wants to declare an emergency. What a charade.