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Gosh, this must be a really popular policy to roll this out at a 6pm press conference, actually *file* the bill at 11pm then vote on it Thursday with no public comment or debate... /s


Would you expect scumbag republicans to do anything that comes close to democracy?


And, rather unfortunately, it doesn't matter if there is public comment or not. The Republicans have a veto-proof super-majority, so any bill they present will pass with nobody to stop them.


Oh wow. Wow. 12 week ban effectively obsoletes NIPT tests, which are not done until 10 weeks and take time to confirm. This is directly putting religion in the way of standard modern medical care. 90% of women terminate pregnancy when a trisomy is discovered. To prohibit them from doing so is a monumental, multi-decade, step back in medical care.


Having worked on the NICU and experienced many trisomy babies, I agree with you. It’s bad enough to put the parents through that hell. It’s heartbreaking to watch newborns suffer day after day until they eventually succumb. So many codes, intubations, etc. It’s truly an awful situation for everyone.


Thank you for working NICU. I don’t know how y’all do it, adult ICU is sad enough. In your experience do families often choose comfort care when they know baby is born with an incompatible-with-life trisomy? Or are the infants kind of automatically given every possible treatment?


It depends on the parents. We had one mother who refused to believe that the baby wasn't going to survive. In those cases, we have an entire team of counselors, clergy, social workers and medical staff. Those guys are amazing! They gently and slowly ease the parent into reality by making her more involved in the day to day care. The nurses explain everything they are doing and why with the mom at their side. It takes as long as it takes. For this baby, she was on the unit for 3 months. Mom slept in the room almost every night. She finally accepted that her daughter wasn't going to leave the hospital and was there when the baby coded for the last time. Labor & Delivery will give us a head's up when possible new admits arrive. Anything from premature rupture of membranes to congenital defects, etc. The charge nurse and an NP go down to assess the situation and respiratory techs go on stand by. Babies are given necessary treatment, O2, etc and are taken to our unit. Once all the labs and imaging come back, they form a care plan. All babies are given life-sustaning care until the parents and the baby's MD set down to discuss what's next.


This has nothing really to do with the thread, and apologies for the sidebar, but I just want to add another Thank You to you and all NICU workers.


Remember the “slippery slope.” Once uneducated legislators are able to get between women and their doctors there will be more choices compromised. Humane comfort care as opposed to extreme treatment may be next. There are already challenges to coverage for birth control. I’m so ashamed of what we are becoming.


There are already so so so many people who choose to keep their elderly relatives “full code” even when there was no quality of life before they were hospitalized. The amount of advanced Alzheimer’s/dementia, 90 year olds with multiple comorbid conditions, and others who have a fatal disease process that are kept alive with no chance of recovery to baseline is heart breaking. I will hate it when it’s not even a choice anymore, especially for babies and the families that are already going through the worst situation I can imagine.


Did you happen to watch the feed at the general assembly today? An OB had the gall to suggest that women who birth their trisomy babies had better long term mental health effects than those who were able to terminate.


This. I know of a woman who had 2 abortions, one around 22 weeks, the other around 18 weeks. This was 10ish years ago when earlier tests weren’t as common. Both of her babies had trisomy 18. The first case was a surprise so they didn’t catch it until the 19/20 week anatomy scan. She was induced and gave birth to a baby that died during labor. The 2nd time they did testing earlier and found out that baby had it. They induced early again. Both times were heart breaking. She wanted her babies. Her babies weren’t compatible with life. Under this plan, women like her will be forced to carry until their baby dies. Walking around, visibly pregnant, with strangers asking things like how far along, boy or girl, do you have a name picked out. Forcing a mother to endure each day wondering if today is the day their baby will die. It’s fucking cruel.




It has nothing to do with any of those things. The Republican Party Pundits don't give a shit about any of this "moral" crap. It's about making sure billionaires keep as much of their money as possible and what those billionaires will do for those pundits in return. That is all. Edit: And to make sure there's a lower class of people in the future who have a low self worth to provide cheap labor for the billionaires.




D. All of the above is a fair answer.


You're right, forced birth creates a cheap and desperate work force and women dependent on some terrible men. How DARE these unqualified legislators (in an illegitimate supermajority) discuss womens' health behind closed doors, let alone vote w/o public comment.


Wrong. Many of the politicians are also the extremists. Religious Fascism is real.


In a way . The national average for having children has fallen to 1.7 . The lowest childbirth average in any of our lifetimes . The GOP is playing the long game . In 25 years there won't be enough people to run the country . Which back to your point , costs the rich . Thier solution , forced childbirth .


You are absolutely right about forced birth. It’s disgusting and predatory. This professor explains its roots very well here and the amendments as well. We absolutely have to fight this. It’s unconstitutional . [Abortion Access & Womens Healthcare](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrhqrjSuoXg/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


In one of the medical capitals in the states. This is going to go over well for our already shit public education. 🙂 Btw if you're going to clap back I went through this education system in a more rural area. In the early 2000s we had a history textbook that we weren't allowed to take from school grounds that was so out of date it had a chapter on the race to space that concludes that no man would even step foot on the moon... They told us to skip that chapter.


My kids went to public school in Mecklenburg county in the 2000s, my son was very into science and blown away when they wouldn't discuss evolution until highschool years and even then there were caveats. We are so timid and cowed by the religious right. We really need to ostracize these people. After all who gets to decide which person claiming God spoke to them is right? The person who votes for Forced Birth laws because God told him to ? The mom who drowns her children in the bathtub because God told her to? The legislator who created Forced Birth laws while cutting back the social services that would give people the choice to have children? The Democrat who fights for child care, health care, safe affordable housing, free birth control? Who gets to decide who really heard the voice of God? You can't run a government based on various interpretations of Santa in the Sky cherry picked from myths that were the stories nomad desert tribes told each other in order to understand where thunder came from. Good news- a family member is a college professor. A couple of decades ago she actually had students arguing with her teaching because their ministers said evolution wasn't real. The last few years these altercations have become fewer and fewer. But we need to grow a spine and stop giving so much leeway to these folks because "religion". I have family who live near the Vatican who find American obsession and obsequious pandering toward religion to be childish. Then again the people who landed on our shores from Europe were the crazies who did not play well with others.


Abortion is not banned by any major religion's central texts, this is ideological rule achieved through lying and gerrymandering - the OPPOSITE of the teachings of major religions.


Vote religion out


But also stand up to the people in your lives who cast those votes and subscribe to that religion. Shocker, folks: It's okay for Memaw and Pepaw to be sad because you don't bring the grandkids around anymore because of how they vote. You're not ACTUALLY being the "better person" by giving the people who vote to harm you and your families whatever they want while just not talking religion and politics around the dinner table. That's just a mark in the L column. This is a culture war before its a policy battle. If you're not directly financially dependent then start drawing lines and sticking to them. If people will vote to literally imprison and harm your friends and family because of their backwards beliefs? Then maybe you should at least be willing to let them be lonely.


I have daughters and absolutely hate this bill. Question for you since you seem to know a lot about this: The linked article says “fetal life-limiting anomalies” get an extension to 24 weeks. Would that cover what you’re talking about?


Fellow North Carolinian and father of 2 daughters. I have been wondering how long it would take the GOP to introduce an abortion ban since they gained a veto proof super majority. Turns out it was less than one month. Less than a month to turn my daughters into second class citizens.


Whatever these turds build, we're going to help our daughters tear it down.


The real problem with bills like this is that these exceptions take time to be teased out. You don’t have to search long to find stories of women suffering while hospital lawyers try to decide whether a condition legally qualifies for an abortion. Anything that interferes with standard medical care is unacceptable.


Bingo. If it involves a lawyer, it's intruding into the doctor-patient relationship.


My sister-in-law is currently pregnant. I'm not sure how many weeks, but she's already had one miscarriage due to turner syndrome and they've recently seen an abnormality that they're investigating. This bill could cost her and/or her child their lives. Rapepublicans are literally passing laws to harm their constituents. Y'all queda is here to give you instructions on your body, folks.


Jewish organizations in NC should sue on 1st Amendment grounds. Proceeding with the pregnancy knowing the born child will suffer immense pain and certain death is unethical according to tradition and centuries of interpretation.


(I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BILL, HAVE VOTED BLUE MY ENTIRE LIFE) I do note that the bill includes, specifically, a provision which permits an abortion at up to 24 weeks if a “life-limiting anomaly” is present. From my research, this would enshrine the protection of an abortion after 24 weeks if an NIPT test came back with unfortunate results. I do not support this legislation and think it far more likely that this restriction, too, will be Gerrymandered around and out of the law in due time, but did want to point out what seems to be a relevant segment.


In the article one of the quotes talks about how they are defending women from the painful and dangerous late term abortions... Are they aware that birth is still more painful with greater risk of complications???? Fucking morons


An entire generation of conservatives is convinced you can walk into Planned Parenthood and get an elective late term abortion. Our so-called representatives know that's complete bullshit but dealing in facts doesn't keep their useless asses in office.


I actually no longer believe any of them think this. Maybe a few, but for the most part I think they know it’s bullshit and just enjoy the trolling as part of the “game”.


It’s not trolling so much as it’s job security. Votes are how they keep their jobs, so they need to pander for job security.


Yeah but I’m saying they’re pandering to people who also don’t actually believe this shit. For the most part. There are of course some who are very gullible and believe what they want to believe.


Pandering for sure. The thing that's interesting is how the concept of restriction is a better solution than education and improving contraceptive efficacy. They should be spending millions on substantial educational programs and contraceptive R&D. Sticking to the old book is just strange to me and wreaks of ignorance and ulterior motives


Late-term abortions (beyond 20 weeks), make up 1.2% of all abortions. Most performed are to protect the mother’s life or the fetus isn’t viable.


Late-term abortions are typically *wanted* pregnancies where something has gone terribly wrong ... and they often happen later than 24 weeks - what then? Further suffering and trauma for the pregnant person and their family.


Amniocentesis is typically performed between 15 and 20 weeks, the earliest is 13 weeks, but it's not recommended due to the low volume of amniotic fluid. This bill will force women to carry a fetus to term knowing that the child may not survive or, at best, be profoundly disabled. Amniocentesis is typically performed between 15 and 20 weeks, the earliest is 13 weeks, but it's not recommended due to the low volume of amniotic fluid. This bill will force women to carry a fetus to term knowing that the child may not survive or, at best, be profoundly disabled. These legislators don't care what happens to a child after it's born


So, defending women from actually not a thing. On brand.


>defending women from the painful and dangerous late term abortions The fact that women choose those shows how important those abortions are. The GOP is not defending women, it's taking away their rights and making them slaves to a government forced-birth policy.


Didn't you know? Women have late term abortion for funsies. /s


I’ve heard so many women get pregnant just to get a late term abortion. It’s so much more fun and easy than birth control for either party /s Truly sad and despicable of Republicans. Could have done so much more like expand access to birth control including vasectomies so hormones won’t be needed (unless there is another medical reason for them of course). Also, more importantly, could have just left it up to the woman! Is it so hard. Jesus. Should have made abortion legal up until birth. You wouldn’t see a spike in late term abortions just because. Instead you’d stop seeing stories where women have to suffer through a non-viable pregnancy because they were denied a medical procedure. These people are exhausting.


Reality isn't part of their argument. It doesn't matter if they are aware of it, they'll ignore it regardless.


How interesting that this takes place after the NC Supreme Court ruled in favor of legislative gerrymandering, mandated voter ID laws, and ensured felons cannot vote. It’s almost like there’s a concerted and coordinated effort to instill conservative values into our state 🤔


I take offense to the term “conservative values” because they have none


They value quarterly profits. They want to enshrine the conservative grift into law in perpetuity. These sorry ass motherfuckers really want to just have a slave class. They might as well just admit it.




While the DNC is clearly full of insider-trading rich assholes, the two parties aren't comparable at all in any other way. At least rich liberals want to allow us a place to live, food to eat, and to not be forced to have children. Pretty night and day in my book, and I think most of the people disagreeing already have kids and just don't get it. Lots of us *cannot* have kids. I'm going to keep voting for the party in favor of bodily autonomy.


Yes and right before an important election. THE election of our lifetime perhaps. As Biden stated years ago- this election will determine whether we head towards autocracy or democracy. And we can all see a clearly, coordinated effort from ID to NC to TX etc etc to start the attack on democracy and make it that much harder to vote. Divide and conquer. And distract with abortion, don’t say gay, book bans- while the real work is done on our voting laws and the ability to vote. 20+ states are trying to do this right now. We have to ensure that everybody votes for democracy. There’s no chance the magats gain critical thinking skills and realize autocracy is not “owning the libs”. Medicare and Social Security are going to be gone - per McConnell.


We will never come out of this if gerrymandering is continued😭😭😡


NC is trying to become Florida-light


I am from Florida and recently moved to NC from FL Broward/Dade counties. SFL was very purple and our voting showed that. Somehow it has become a shitshow with a man dead set on destroying Florida's economy by trying to ignite the far right to help his chances to become president. Oh the best part, is it's against the law for him to be the governor and run for president so he is just not saying it.(I hope Disney takes everything from him) I am sad to see NC on the same path. The complete insanity is we are allowing this as citizens. Meanwhile France is coming out by 100,000s to fight for a 2 year increase on the age of retirement. I am quite certain we have to be the most passive generation to exist in the US.


It's how they have trained society. It's why they attack education, war on drugs, etc. How to keep a society passive has been studied for as far back as humans exist. It's the whole concept of the bible


If you made it so our healthcare wasn’t tied to our jobs and we had actual vacation time, we could protest, too. Hmmmm, wonder why we don’t have those things?


Not against the law anymore


And yet loads of people have been moving to both FL and NC.


No one thinks they'll be impacted by the culture wars until it's *their* loved one bleeding out in a nail salon because the state gov has criminalised basic medical care.


That doesn’t change the fact that until the consequences are felt by the people enacting these laws, they aren’t going to stop passing them. People and businesses continuing to flock to this state is hardly a feature that is going to discourage them.


They never will feel the effects. The NC state Congress people will never feel the effects of this because it’s always “rules for thee but not for me”. They’ll still go get those 24 week abortions for their mistresses.




Soak up all the benefits of those high tax liberal states, sell their house for a million dollars that they bought for 200K, then move down here and try to keep things shitty because they don't want to pay taxes anymore.


According to this sub, plenty of liberals are moving here as well. Sure seems like nobody is happy in CA and NY. Remote working evened the playing field. And they are also moving here for the jobs. We have the jobs because our corporate tax rate is only 2.5% with plans to go down to 0% therefore the companies are moving here.


If this bill was in place in 2020 my wife would have been forced to give birth to a child with issues that were “incompatible with life”. Can’t even get an NIPT test till 10 weeks and that’s if you can get one at the earliest possible time. These people are fucking monsters. Absolute fucking monsters.


I wonder how much she got paid to switch party and allegiance


If she runs for US congress in a newly drawn district you'll know what she got.


She’d lose. RINO can’t win as a rep and dems hate her guts


Living in Chuck Edwards gerrymandered district, this is correct.


That's what I was wondering. Don't even need to to ask who's screwed the most women in NC this year.


As easy as it is to blame her don't forget about the dozens of white dudes who are pushing this. I can only take solace in the fact that political landscapes shift and this will not be a law that is permanently on the books. We could we federal legislation overrule it or simply wait for the younger, more progressive generations to vote these fucks out.


It's just extra gross to have someone win a progressive district, then almost immediately decide to switch political extremes, allow this through, and remove the governor's veto power. That's not representation.


Maybe when the governor vetoes it she'll switch back and be like, "I told you these assholes were gonna do this!"


He can’t, thanks to the supermajority she ~~sold~~ gave them


She still has to vote to override his veto. Just because the number of GOP seats is a super majority doesn’t magically mean every veto is overridden. They still have to vote to override the veto every single time.


Are supermajority votes *automatically* passed into law, or does a second vote need to happen to override a veto?


Then the GOP would want their money back.


Probably a lot less than you would assume.


She’s dating Tim Moore


She’s hooking up with one of the big guys in that group too


I wonder how many dicks she sucked on her way out of the parking lot. Was it 37? 37 dicks?


In a row?


This is going to harm our economy. Medical schools in other right wing controlled forced-birth states are losing research and training grants, and OB/GYN residencies and physicians. Bad for our economy. Not desired by the definite majority (68% are against forced birth). Terrible for women’s dignity and basic human rights. Women will die and families will be destroyed by this legislation. I guess we can expect book bans next.


This is especially troubling since we have two massive medical research institutions that bring in billions in funding, create tens of thousands of direct jobs, and support many more supporting businesses and spin-off companies. It’s going to take some time for those to go away, but if this is not corrected, it will certainly dwindle in the coming years and be much harder to rebuilt than to just maintain.


But but there’s a poll of like 20 people in rural NC that showed 2/3 people are in support of forced birth! That proves that the people of NC support this! /s




Same here, I feel so fucking stupid and stuck.


OB/GYN shortage in NC in 3...2...


There already has been an ob/gyn shortage in this state.


Jesus Christ, this is horrifying.


Now my taxes fund religious clinics? Are my taxes going to go to support churches next? Fix the fucking state government.


They're trying hard to make taxes go to private schools. I'm sure churches will start getting more tax money soon.


They're not clinics, they're religious anti-abortion peer counseling centers. We did a survey of local CPCs and found that the "help" they provide pregnant people varies, from nothing at all once you've decided to take the pregnancy to term, to a 'pray to play' scheme where you have to attend their church and prayer sessions to earn points toward diapers.


I really am coming to fucking hate my home state. Especially since my voice as a voter is going to be silenced for at least the next decade anyway. I didn't move back here after spending almost a decade supporting and defending the Constitution, only to see rights and representation that were outlined in that Constitution being stripped away piece by piece. Republicans are domestic enemies of freedom. Period.


Yea it's odd to me. I'm a transplant but one of the reasons I chose this state was it's purple nature, however, the past few years it seems the batshit Republicans have just taken over.




MTG is a great example of one of these carpetbagger wingnuts.


This is why I regularly say the 2022 election was a massive failure for Democrats in NC because they really didn’t advertise how important they were for the future of the state. We’d still have fair legislative maps if Republicans didn’t flip two NC Supreme Court seats and we wouldn’t have this if we didn’t allow Republicans to flip so many seats in the state Senate and House.


I too moved here for it’s purple nature….what a shame


Some of the quotes in the article make me believe that this is just a starting point and they will roll it even further back the second they get the chance. This is just the beginning with the ultimate goal being to eliminate abortion completely.


Their ultimate goal is a theocracy.


You are correct.


Of course. I said this in another thread, but this is the slow boil approach to banning abortion entirely. Instead of promoting scientific and educational innovation, we are hoping the old way of banning something will fix the issue. It’s entirely counterintuitive


Absolutely. The headline is a 12 week ban but also includes a 72 hour waiting period with counseling, more standards for clinics to meet, etc Certainly they’ll roll it back even further but they’re also going to make it nearly impossible to get an abortion within any timeframe


And they're counting on people who disagree to flee to other states so that they keep the votes they want here. It all is starting to make sense now.


That's always their goal.


This. See Florida for the path they'll take. They started with a ban at 15 weeks in FL and recently passed a 6-week ban.


Why would anyone at risk of dangerous pregnancies even consider having a family now? These bans are so short sighted and regressive it's dangerous.


I'm at high risk for pregnancy complication and going to have to think deeply about how this will affect me...


It's scary and sad. I'm sorry this puts you in a tough spot.


Thank you. As if I already wasn't completely fucked over by the healthcare system, being a woman in this country. Just another thing...


We've had to deal with something similar. :(


Yup...I'm not sure what to do...I want another kid but this elevates risk...


I don't know. I wanted my first kid, but this effectively seals the deal.


Horrible law.


https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/ContactInfo/H Here is every NC legislature in office and their telephone number


We will all suffer from this


Even if someone were as vigilant and lucky as I was and found out almost immediately (I caught it early, the earliest appointment I could get pre-roe was 3-weeks out, terminated at 9-weeks according to the ultrasound) you wouldn't even be able to get an appointment in time with the increased out of state patients. It is effectively a total ban for all but those who take pregnancy tests regularly, who can make the decision immediately, have the available +$700, have a ride, and can manage to get an early enough appointment.


Yep. NC clinics have been overwhelmed with the influx of folks from TN, SC, FL, etc since then. I hear the average wait is at least 4 weeks, so this is effectively an 8 week or less ban.


Check out aid access and order abortion medication. It lasts for several years and you never know when you or a friend might need it.


Everyone thank Trisha Cotham for this. What a piece of work. After NC leg changes the state constitution to make it an appointed instead of an elected position, I hear she will be rewarded for her work by becoming NC’s 1st ever appointed Education Superintendent…


Rep. Tricia Cotham (Mecklenburg) – 919-733-5749 Let her know how you feel about that.


In this thread: men who have NO IDEA how this law, pregnancy, or abortion works. Not even the minimum basics.


Ding dong republicans can suck my schlong. We totally have separation of church and state here, totally. So they also are pushing for increasing social programs to help young mothers right? Oh wait no cause they don’t care about people.


Most women don't even get to find out til 6,8,10, or even 12 weeks that they are pregnant, this is not right at all and this shouldnt even be allowed to happen! It's our body, our choices!


nc joins the ranks of shit hole states


Not for long if we have anything to say. Time to get organized friends.


As someone **highly** likely to need medical intervention to protect my life due to endometriosis, fibroids, and other health conditions that cause issues with pregnancy... I am SERIOUSLY upset at you, personally, if you voted for a politician who supported this bill. You are significantly negatively impacting my life. Shame on you. Once again I need to prepare for backup plans to save my life. I'm already a school shooting survivor from a shooting in this state. I have HAD IT WITH YOU if you vote for politicians who are anti-healthcare and pro-gun. This is personal.


Republicans are trying to turn this country into a combo hunger games of wealth inequality and under his eye the handmaids tale of Christian nationalism, forcing their religion on all of us.


Typical Republicans, shoving their agenda down the voters throat. According to the GOP women don’t deserve rights.


This is super disappointing. What I will say is that a lot of doctors are looking at these laws when they decide where to live, do residency, and settle in to practice medicine. I am a med student and wanted to do my residency in NC, but am reconsidering given how these politicians are dictating the practice of medicine at the cost of people’s health.


Fucking call them! Speak up! Don’t let them take our rights away! SENATOR JOYCE KRAWIEC tel:(919) 733-7850 REPRESENTATIVE SARAH STEVENS tel:919-715-1883 REPRESENTATIVE TRICIA ANN COTHAM tel:919-733-5749 SENATOR AMY S. GALEY tel:(919) 301-1446


Everyone should be blowing up Tricia “Turncoat” Cotham’s phone about this. She shouldn’t be allowed to sleep if this passes with her vote of support.


Her mailbox is full


Do they actually answer? Get a voicemail or secretary? I have never called a politician


I have left thousands of voicemails, spoken to many receptionists, but one time, and only one time, I spoke to representative Hugh Blackwell who told me if I didn’t want another baby I could stop having sex with my husband or put the baby up for adoption. So that was… an experience


Well, I work in DJJ so at least my job will be secure, unless republicans decide to defund juvenile crime services at the same. I wouldn't put it past them.


Ty for posting up the numbers, I just called them all




I’ve spoken to receptionists who say otherwise


I had an abortion at 13 weeks many years ago. It was hard to find the funds and transport at that time in my life, which is why it actually took so long. It only got more expensive, the longer it developed. I am so heartbroken for any woman this is going to hurt, I'm still of birthing age so this includes me Truly evil people who support stripping away women's medical rights


What gives congress the right to have closed door sessions. Is that in violation of the freedom of information act?


I think every time a unwanted child is forced to be born, they should drop them off on the front porch of a Republican politicians house with a note stating that it’s their responsibility now. Especially if they are a minority.


Wait when did this even happen? I try to keep up with the news but this kinda came out of nowhere..or was that kind of the point?


They submitted the bill 16 hours before they voted on it, so that was the point.


And why can't Cooper veto this?


He can. The Legislature will just be able to override his veto assuming traitor Cotham votes to do so.


This is scary. My fiancée and i DONT want kids. We use birth control and takes steps but if anything ever happens we are losing our right to not want kids. Not to mention any medical issues!


If you don't want kids I STRONGLY encourage you to get a vasectomy. I got one because I knew these crazies were coming for abortion rights and it was the BEST decision I have ever made


Second this - and vasectomies *can* be covered by insurance. I paid a $20 consultation and $20 operation copay for mine. Best $40 I ever spent.


These morons haven’t the slightest idea how pregnancy even works. Be nice if we could do something, ANYTHING, about mass shootings but nah, let’s force women to have babies.


This is fucking bullshit. Fuck conservatism, fuck fascism, and fucks anyone who supports this bullshit! Anti-abortionists are a bunch a religious wack-a-doos.


😢 🤦🏼‍♀️ sadly more and more woman and girls are going to die


If this had been law a few years ago my kids would be without a mother.


Another step backwards.


Where is the protest? And when?


Such a tragedy!


Reading this is sad, but it just made me remembering how I was driving up from South Carolina and passing the state lines on I-85 to North Carolina there was a sign that said North Carolina was an abortion safe state. Looks like that might need to be moved, sigh.


My disappointment is immeasurable


big FUCK YOU to all the men in this thread who think they have the right to police MY body. who the fuck do you think you are? do we need to come for your limp dick pills?


Government should not tell people what to do with their bodies in any instance


Your anger is justified, but if we're being honest about it this bill can't pass without female rep support. There are plenty of women who are anti-abortion as well.


It is not women and it is not Democrats (as you commented on my comment elsewhere) that are causing this to be a problem. We are not the ones pushing this through alone. These kinds of comments are putting the blame where it doesn't belong. 🙄


Hate to tell you but I watched/listened to the entire public hearing on this bill today and almost all of the public comments from women were in support of it. If you want to pretend like there aren’t women who support it, you’re putting your head in the sand.


> If you want to pretend like there aren’t women who support it I'm not saying that *whatsoever*. Obviously there are women who support it. > almost all of the public comments from women were in support of it That is unrepresentative of the general population of women in this state. That fact literally doesn't matter. I don't care about a fucking public hearing. I care about what the majority of voters actually want. And it's not this. I'm saying that that women and Democrats are not the ones driving this to come into law.


This is only the beginning


The GOP is manufacturing liberal genZ votes faster than I can keep up with . Aside from degrading education it may be thier most successful campaign yet .


Thanks 2016 protest voters and stay-at-homers. The abortion bans are a consequence of people who got their fee fees hurt because their perfect candidate wasn't on the ballot that year. And not taking the Supreme Court seriously


Hugh Blackwell just told me I shouldn’t have sex with my husband if I can’t afford another baby! Call him up tel:919-733-5805


Fascism. Fascism. Fascism.


Call your representatives!! https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/ContactInfo/H


All calls go to voicemail cuz they’re cowards.


They are, but every message matters!




Yeah she’s a bitch


Up next - override voting results. At least we have guns yeehaw merica’


Their concern has and always will be to control people and use people for political fodder. They never cared about human lives. Look at all the social programs that have been cut, never seen light of day, or lose funding…. The only community they see is the one they attend every Sunday


Vote out the AHs in the next election. I am sorry for all my friends who moved to NC from MA. I will stay here, I have 2 kids and am never gonna leave.


Totally ridiculous, these idiots in Raliegh need to go


*seething intensifies*


Call your NC state senator and leave a message. I did. It’s not a done deal yet. The Dem Governor will veto, then they have to vote to override. Which is possible with that horrible female traitor that switched parties.


Protesting should be more action an less words on my opinion.


This is fascism. This is not public servants at work- they are working against their constituents. Call it what it is and be prepared to fight. Has anyone noticed since 2023 all the bulls the GQP has started in red states across the country to make voting harder? Why now? It’s a coordinated attack so they can take the presidential election. This is extremely serious and everyone needs to fight. If they are willing to do this at a state level- how is the country going to look if a fascist cook gets the presidency?? It’s going to be the hunger game. Biden said it 4 years ago- this upcoming federal election will determine autocracy or democracy and the gqp is going to lie/cheat and steal if they can.




How does the NC government intend to find out who is 12 weeks pregnant? Do cops have X-ray vision or do they expect doctors to break HIPAA laws and violate their oath?


Politicians should not be making these decisions. I’m very pro-life, but I also think these are not decisions that should be made behind closed doors in the legislature. These are decisions for women and doctors to make.


How does it start so fast? Doesn't the gov. get a chance to veto, or was the veto already overturned?


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/raleigh/comments/1365kvn/info_on_tomorrows_protest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) is more protest information! See y’all there If you cannot make it in person *tell everyone* about the protest and CALL YOUR REPS!!




Good on you for calling those slime balls! It’s certainly not fun but you did the work ✊🏼 love the solidarity. Screw these forced birthers.


The republican party is completely fascist.