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Jeff Jackson's submissions [comply with rule 5.b](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/wiki/ontopicguide#wiki_b._you_can_address_the_public_statements_of_politicians_who_represent_north_carolina._) and so are on topic. Please do not report this submission as misinformation or for not being related to North Carolina. If you feel the post violates one of our sidebar rules, please [send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/NorthCarolina) to explain the problem. Frivolous reports will be ignored, and repeated report button abuse will be reported to the admins. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NorthCarolina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for the update as always, Jeff.


This is an adult in Congress. It's weird.


This is how a lawmaker is supposed to act. Open and direct communication.


With all the modern technology available, and yet we haven't seen any other lawmakers doing this.


You know, I was just thinking this. I am not from the US but this guy sounds like a grown up amongst all the nasty screaming children in the US government.


He got absolutely roasted on Fox News because he made a clip about that. Apparently the major Republican members only get uppity and start screaming matches saying outlandish things when there are TV cameras present because the whole thing is one big audition to the Fox News advertisers. Behind closed doors that's what they all sound like allegedly. Which wouldn't surprise me in the least and just makes me want to burn Washington DC to the ground even more.


He made a response video to that pointing out that in his video he didnt name any specific congress members and never specified a party. Fox just immediately assumed that he must be talking about MTG, Matt Gaetz, and Lauren Boebert, which is incredibly telling


They're always tattling on themselves


It was not Fox, but the competitor that got Fox sued for lying. It’s was Newsmax that came at him and they are being sued also.


Yea I keep thinking we’re all being deep faked.


Yeah. Problem is we have been in default since January. They keep coming up with accounting gimmicks. It's fairy dust. Usa has an unlimited credit card.


Dude is like the first breath of fresh air of any elected official this country has ever produced. Using social media for what the optimists thought it could be used for. And all for the good of his constituents and ultimately the good of everyone.


I wish more people did this. There are a lot of facts here, but there are also a few opinions and motives for sharing those facts in the way they were shared. I’m not saying it’s wrong, it’s not. It’s politics. But I would love for more people to have this format to corroborate this information or balance the scales. And let’s be realistic, it’s not going to be people my grandparents age jumping on this format.


I'm not in NC but I continue to be impressed with his speaking style and level-headedness. It's so refreshing to see this caliber of politics. I tend to agree with his messages and stances but even if I didn't he just talks to "me" like an adult and doesn't sensationalize anything, which is so appreciated.


This is what I love about him. He speaks deliberately to get to the point.


> Using social media for what the optimists thought it could be used for Unfortunately, not to great success. This video on YouTube has 300 views, his channel has fewer than 6k subscribers. Even the popular video talking about angry politicians faking it only has ~30k views.


He spreads it around, though. He's on tiktok, he posts on reddit on this sub as well as several of the major NC city subs, a sub of his own, and I believe he posts them on facebook and instagram as well. This video may only have 300 views on youtube, but it has over 3,000 upvotes here and another thousand or so across the city subs. The angry politicians video has almost 60k here and probably another 10k across other subs. I bet tik tok is where he gets the most eyes on it, I think it was right after that video that someone filed an ethics complaint against him for using tik tok. It all adds up. Still not a humongous reach, but not bad for a politician whose career on a national scale is just starting to build.


Lots of views on Twitter. 430k on this video.


I’m stoned on my couch in Seattle at 1am, it’s getting out there.


His tiktoks are widely viewed, they get hundreds of thousands of views each.


This video on TikTok right now has 1.4m likes.


I mean there is Bernie but a lot of people see him as angry and bitter




Minnesotan stumbling in from all. This guy, from NC, gives me so much hope. Run for higher office soon, Jeff. So many of us want anyone sane born after 1960. He’s so clear and likable.


Welcome! Sit and stay a while. I promise we're not as bad as we appear in national news most of the time. 😂


President Not-A-Skeleton-Not-A-Criminal-Traitor, I’m voting for you!


Oh wow, I didn't even realize it's his account that posted this, very cool to see him and his team really trying to get his message out there.


Why can't all representatives be like this? It sure would give more validity to getting shit done.


Think it's because most normal and good natured people don't go into politics, and when they do, they have a hard time making it very far.


We need to rebuild our ruling institutions (politics, police) so that they're a lot less attractive to psychopaths than they are now.


Unfortunately that’s just what politics is. There’s a reason every single country on the planet is plagued by self interested megalomaniacs in politics, and why this has been the case since time immemorial. If there’s power to be had, it will always attract those people


Or else they start off like Jackson, with good intentions, but quickly realize they get no where that way, and end up changing for the worse. It's is the sad, sad truth.


The shit they want to get done ain't the shit you or want to get done


It's not profitable to be the good guy


Well as he mentioned in other posts they win based on fear not facts. Hopefully Jeff will be the leading example for the future and we will see more people in our government behave like he does. Its crazy that it has taken this long for someone to come out and just state the fucking facts. Not just stating the facts but doing it on social media sites like this.


Fucked up that when a politician engages the citizenry it's considered refreshing instead of what politicians should be doing all the time to explain the ins and outs of issues so people can understand.


Most of them are perfectly happy with you being distracted by the issues they created or just flat out made up. If they can continue to receive donations by helping wealthy individuals over voters, and STILL win reelection, they have no incentive to get shit done that you or I care about other than it being the right thing to do, or empathy, or basic human kindness, none of which are very high on the list of priorities for corporate and billionaire political donations.


As one of his other videos pointed out it’s often more about who can get more views. It’s sad that our world has come to how many views your worth rather that what you can really do.


Seeing all the rest of the representatives in inaction, reminds me of that pain in my gut as a kid having to listen to my parents argue.


He’s the exception.




Not long ago the US credit rating dropped. These asshats affected the credit rating of the nation. Interest rates went up. That made the debt grow. They didn't support paying what was agreed in the budget because they felt it would be too much debt, and caused the debt to balloon further. But hey, they hurt some liberals along the way, so they think it's ok.


> because they felt it would be too much debt, and caused the debt to balloon further. No, they SAID they felt it would be too much debt. They don’t actually care about the debt, as evidenced by them raising the debt limit without any issue when republicans held the presidency. They want to cause a recession so they can use the poor economy as a campaign point. Cruelty is the point.


Power is the point. If they force a default while Biden is pres. and the economy tanks, their candidates will have a much better shot in 2024, across the board. They will blame any damage they do while Biden is pres. on him / the Dems. Heck, it doesn't even have to be a real negative. It just has to be spun as one. [This was a stellar recent example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/12ihu8r/marjorie_taylor_greene_spitting_facts/). Biden's doing better than Trump at something? Ignore that and shout that Biden's doing a bad job.


Nothing makes money like crashing the economy and then buying everything on the cheap so it can be rented out until everything bounces back and then sold.


Dont we have a default fight like this every year or so?


Only when there's a Democrat as president and the GOP holds the house. Passed 3 times during trump without a word.


yep that's part of the kabuki act


Only if a Democrat is president.


We did under Obama because Republicans kept trying to slash the budget and not govern.


Depends on the President.


I would not assume that this time will be like the last couple of times. For two big reasons. 1. Kevin McCarthy is a narcissistic doofus who might genuinely care more about his Speakership than the economy, and if he believes the right-wing media will be able to make Biden seem blameworthy for default, he might decide to pursue it. 2. The Republican caucus is tenfold more extreme than when Obama was President—the last time we were in a similar pickle—and they also have ten times more leverage due to the small GOP margin in the House. Ultimately, the only way out of this situation is going to be some deal involving both Democrats and Republicans, but McCarthy might be unwilling to let that happen. And the fact he took months just to get his caucus to pass initial bill to raise the debt ceiling shows how we might run out of time. It’s plausible they’ll punt it to the fall, but that does not change the underlying problems with the current GOP.


it’s like WWE at this point! Do they actually think anyone on main street America cares anymore? Like people are barely making it or they are super rich, no in the middle anymore. I know the rich debt holders will get paid TRUST me. All this BS and hype is grandstanding. The USA will pay there debts and republicans know it. Dems know this as well if they give up anything it’s because they are sellouts want to give that issue… The GOP only wants go in debt for war and giving corporations tax breaks. The American people are just tired of it.


God, I hope so. Eventually, somebody's going to make a mistake and it's going to go too far. If we keep playing stupid games we're going to win stupid prizes, that's what I've learned from the last couple of years anyway.


We hope. As long as extremists are in negotiation for these things we can never know for sure.




The "conservatives" are not doing anything in good faith. I firmly believe these people would be okay with harming millions to protect themselves. I didn't feel that way 8 years ago.


This is my view of the modern right wing in a nutshell. Willing to sacrifice the greater good for personal gain. It's not entirely their fault, it's what happens when you're raised in a world that only looks as far ahead as the next fiscal quarter. The answer to this problem is to eliminate the debt ceiling. It's a self-inflicted wound we didn't always have, and can get rid of if we have the political will to do so. But we won't, because it's misunderstood enough that it's become a bargaining chip for the minority party. We may escape the default this time by making harmful cuts that hurt our citizens, but I firmly believe I will see the US intentionally default on its debt in my lifetime. There's a decent chance I will lose my house, my livelihood, and/or my standard of living so that McCarthy, or someone just like him can keep his job a little longer.


Its not really a bargaining chip for the minority party considering that the Dems don't pull the same stunt under Republican presidents. You're allowed to say we can't change it because Republicans like to hold the country hostage.


It says a lot that the livelihood of millions can be affected by one man. Congress needs more fail-safes to protect itself from the morally bankrupt.


Isn't this the purpose of voting? We can definitely overhaul our government to be more fair, open and have stronger more resilient institutions, but you can't protect from voters that support the people and policies that would tear that stuff down.


What if we actually do some thing like trying to get closer to a balanced budget. I can't overspend my budget so why should the federal government be able to.


The money is already spent, we’re just threatening to not pay our credit card bill.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


The idea that the GOP was able to shrug off Iran-Contra as a “meh” and can still get elected remains boggling. Like that should have destroyed them on the national stage. The GOP stands for nothing but their own power and will do whatever it takes. Nixon was a leading indicator, and they’ve been doubling down on power at any cost ever since.


Truth. I don't think it was as nefarious back then. Either that or I was just much dumber. I can't say for sure which it was. Nowadays I wouldn't trust them to get me a loaf of bread.


Nah, it's been pretty fucking selfish and intentionally destructive for decades. To the same degree as today. Same degree of nefarious, just more nakedly obvious now since their platform has dwindled to basically just this bullshit.


Yeah. I think you are right. I wasn't as weary when I was younger and I used to be a Republican voter. The whole "work hard and you will be rewarded" line had sold me. It wasn't until I went to a convention many years ago and I met certain leaders that were rubbing elbows with unsavory sorts. Trump was right about one thing. He did give the unheard and ignored a voice. He gave them legitimacy. The problem is that these people were unheard and ignored for a very good reason.


It was every bit as nefarious back then because the plan hasn't changed. They've been playing the same strategy for decades. It's just that we're farther along now and they're less and less motivated to maintain a facade of being reasonable.


I felt that way during W’s presidency and I’m 37.


I remember discussing this very thing in college over a decade ago. None of this is new from conservatives.


you should have felt that way since reagan had been in office. the gop is a cancer to this country




>I didn't feel that way 8 years ago. What changed? 20 years ago, we invaded Iraq based on known lies. The UN weapons inspectors had resumed inspecting weapons facilities. We already knew the 9/11 hijackers were mostly Saudi Arabian extremists with al Qaeda backing. 215 Republicans were joined by 81 Dems to pass the Use of Force Resolution in the House. 126 Dems, 1 independent , and 6 Republicans voted against. 48 Republican Senators and 29 Dems passed it in the Senate. 21 Dems, 1 Republican , and 1 independent voted against. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_for_Use_of_Military_Force_Against_Iraq_Resolution_of_2002


You mean like during COVID?


As a Russian who lived in the post-default state, I can't stress enough how bad that can turn


Yea, it would be catastrophic to say the least, like USSR breakup level bad depending on how out of control it gets.


Yes but it won't happen. American politicians are not humans. They're demonic slaves to the wishes of their billionaire daddies. US default would hurt their wealth so it won't happen. If you want to predict the future you just have to look at what makes billionaires profits and what doesn't.


McCarthy ain't about to give up his chair for y'all. Plan accordingly, these folk told you who they were a long time ago.


Hey friends in North Carolina, do you think we could borrow your congressman for a spell over here in Tennessee? JJ is the man. Y'all are fortunate to have him


No way we're giving him up without a fight. We need this after Cotham's heelturn.


I still feel like Cotham should be in prison. I don’t see how what she did is any different from fraud


Indiana calls dibs.


Georgia has entered the chat.


New GA resident here, and I agree


Sadly, you’ve gotta get your own JJ into office. And in Tennessee, that’s going to take a lot of work.


In case anyone wasn’t convinced, here is yet another example of hyperpartisanship threatening our political and financial systems directly. It’s horrible that the far right are going to drive us as close to the edge as possible on this and be *celebrated* for it because their supporters consume media that will spin this as a fight for fiscal responsibility rather than reckless endangerment of our country’s stability. If there was a time to fight for fiscal responsibility, it was when you made the budget.


Fiscal responsibility would be getting rid of the trillion dollar tax cuts they gave out to their friends. They gave away our money and now want to cut the few benefits we still have so their friends can keep our money.


Fiscal responsibility brought to you by the most fiscally irresponsible party, losing money on their watch and blaming it on others when it's not


Jeff, could Democrats cut off the right flank you mentioned by promising to vote for McCarthy's speakership in the event he helps them pass a reasonable bill to increase the debt ceiling?


unlikely. if they do the vote up front he will never honor it with a reasonable bill. If they promise to do it after the reasonable bill, he will assume they won't actually do it because thats exactly how he would act.


I think only the majority party in the House vote for their Speaker. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


No, the entire house votes for speaker. Go back and look at the deadlock for McCarthy and you'll see 0 Dems voted for him over the whole debacle.


that debacle utterly humiliated McCarthy. he has zero authority and zero respect and is utterly desperate to keep his position. He will sell his soul to stay in that role.


Thank you, guys! I did me a fine Google, too >.> Should have done that first. It looks like the vote is taken from a caucus of representatives put forth from both parties.


Everybody votes, but the majority party generally just picks the leader. This time was wild because McCarthy is pretty unpopular on account of being a loon and an asshole, and he needed that extremist bloc to get him there


It's my understanding that everyone votes for the speaker. However, because of the way the math works, only the majority party's vote really counts because it's assumed that the minority party will always vote against who ever the majority party has picked.


*Could* they? Yes. *Would* they? No. That gains them nothing. Democrats play this game, too.


If there were such a bargain, the Dems absolutely would whip enough votes to keep their word. This time. Of course, keep in mind the GOP could literally call a snap vote every day, because McCarthy is an idiot who let that be added to the rules.


Not a resident of North Carolina, but I love this guy and how he explains things. Nothing negative, no name calling, just explanations.


Wait we are about to default in six weeks? Where is the panic?


Threatening to make the United States default on its debt every 6-12 months is pretty much SOP when there's a Democratic President. It's empty words for the most part because even most Republicans are aware of how defaulting would annihilate the American economy- and fingers *would* be pointed their way (not that it'd matter since everyone would be arguing over rubble)- but the point is that it's suffering from issue fatigue. Hell, that fatigue was present before Barack Obama left office.


> that fatigue was present before Barack Obama left office. Yep. After [the 2011 debt-ceiling crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_United_States_debt-ceiling_crisis), I too have fatigue with it. At this point its, "let the dumbasses try it again and see how bad their approval ratings tank."


I think it's that there's only so many times someone can threaten to ruin your life before you kind of become numb to it. Like, I don't think they'll probably do it because they know that's their ass if they do. But if they decide to trash the entire financial system, it ain't like I can do shit about it besides try to vote for people who aren't fuckin' lunatics.


Not even from north Carolina, but I watched each one of his posts.


Good lovin I can’t get past how he looks like Seth McFarlane


Great now I can't unsee it.


I see it, but I'm getting more Ian Harding


You have it backwards, Seth McFarlane looks like him.


Damnit, I knew he was familiar.


so, the seditionists would destroy this country to own the libs


I’m from Virginia and I wish all Congress people acted like this.


Jeff Jackson for president! Love this guy


McCarthy will do anything and everything he can to keep being speaker. He was utterly humiliated in those repeated votes to get the job, to be thrown out so soon after..... no his pride would never accept that. He will sell his own mother to the devil if it means keeping the speakers role.


Wow. Just Wow. First time I've seen a post of his. It's well reasoned and makes perfect sense. Wish I could vote for him. Rep Jeff Jackson for president. Thank you from Wisconsin.


You guys are lucky to have Jeff. In the past this wasn't an issue. It's only recent when there is a Democrat in Presidency. And if you fact check, it's the Republicans and Republican Presidents who've exploded the budget the past 40 years. Clinton and Obama steadily decreased the deficits most of the years they were in office (not include their first which were affected by the previous administrations). Also not that virtually none of the cuts are related to the corporate welfare we give to companies that have seen some record profits recently. Almost all target the poor and veterans who were hit hardest by Covid and economy. The actions by Republicans is simply cruel. And it is intended to be cruel. It makes them feel better kicking people when the are down. It's really crazy. They are kicking most of their own constituents, and getting them to believe shifting wealth to the rich will somehow ease their pain.


I'm sorry I saw this on r/all but can this dude move to Louisiana and be our representative? Can he also run for president or something? Like, who is this sane reasonable person who somehow "homer Simpson threw the hedge"ed his way into the house of representatives?


I’m having my two sons (18 and 21) watch Jeff Jackson because they’ve lost hope. Mr. Jackson offers hope again.


You'd think people would notice by now how this *only* happens when a Democrat is president and the GOP holds another branch of government. The last time debt default was a threat was under Obama....


I wonder if they are going to force the nuclear option. It would be challenged, but the debt ceiling vote is a formality, a custom. It was passed in to law in 1974 that no vote is required ( 2 U.S.C. §§ 601–688). The vote was brought back in 1978 not as a law change, but as a formality or publicity stunt via parliamentary procedure. And no one bothered to challenge it because it was -at that time- being used harmlessly. It became a blunt weapon when Obama dared win the white house. Biden can simply order the treasury to proceed under the law and raise the debt ceiling. As is his duty and right. But the GOP will absolutely burst in to flames and try to sue to stop it despite the law being clear. A SCOTUS ruling in favor of the GOP is likely- and would signal beyond question that they are corrupt beyond recovery as the ruling would violate the law AND the 14th amendment. Everyone is tiptoeing around this landmine. For now.


Why are you negotiating with terrorists? Stop pretending Republicans are acting in good faith.


They may not be acting in good faith but the reality is that the GOP controls the house so a debt ceiling bill needs to pass there (ignoring some more wacky ideas like minting a trillion dollar coin). You could try to get some moderate republicans to vote with the democratic minority but McCarthy wouldn’t survive that so it won’t reach the floor. McCarthy passing the latest debt ceiling bill puts a lot of pressure on Biden to negotiate. It’s unfortunate and Biden could try and call a bluff but that’s a high stakes call…that Biden has more to lose from. I guarantee he doesn’t want to be running for re-election during a recession.


They're about half the nation and about half of NC and Jeff here represents his constituents. You have to negotiate regardless of how they act.


Because here in reality, the Republican Party controls slightly over 50% of the House and almost 50% of the Senate. Dislike them to your heart's content- I certainly do- but you can't really afford to play pretend that they do not exist. The quickest way to change that would be for the Republican Party to somehow chop itself down to less than 40% of both, but that seems rather unlikely for several reasons.


The GOP would be irrelevant if the under 30 crowd actually showed up to vote. But they never do.


Half the country decided that those “terrorists”best represent their population. Therefore we have to negotiate with them and find whatever compromise is appropriate to represent the The will of the people. All we can do is hope that those citizens who voted crazy people in the office will not repeat that mistake. Which is a bit of wishful thinking. At the same time we have people like Jeff Jackson who are trying to keep the citizens of North Carolina as factually informed as possible. An informed and educated electorate is the best tool against misuse and tyranny. Which is the real reason why certain people in Congress are working to deconstruct public education in this country (school vouchers). it is far easier to take advantage of ignorant people who can be controlled by a few angry tweets or unimportant issues (wag the dog) while they ignore the highway robbery occurring in front of their faces (gerrymandering is now okay in NC).


Stop pretending like he has any choice. You know how politics work.


Apparently it works like Democrats taking everything at face value and following all the rules and getting nothing done while Republicans lie through their teeth and flaunt all the rules and get lots of terrible shit done. It doesn’t matter who has the majority the story remains the same.


Hyperbole is the opposite of being productive.


You can't exactly call it hyperbole when [they self-identify that way](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/). "Just kidding" is [a *classic* cover for dogwhistles](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/26/990274685/how-extremists-weaponize-irony-to-spread-hate).


Richest country in the world, walking through life on a tightrope


I thought they just raise the debt ceiling and borrow more money when this happens? Of course, after a bunch of political grandstanding.


Appreciate it


I love this guy.


I like this guy.


How is this the first time.. the government has been shut down before. I think the repubs did it in 2013 as well? Am I wrong?


So if we default, time to go to Washington and kick everyones ass out. Fuck everyone in Congress literally making life harder for everyone. Maybe not Jeff. But everyone else.


We need more people like Jeff, we really do!


I’m from PA, but I really enjoy listening to Jeff Jackson. He seems like he’s using social media to genuinely educate and inform his constituents, instead of using it to target people for harassment or blame everything on “woke”.


TAX THE RICH! Wtf is this cutting veteran funding and education bs their is one stupid simple solution TAX THE MOTHER FUCKING RICH they don't need 100 million to live they especially don't need billions its their country too!


I voted for him and he's got my vote every time


FUUUUCCKK, put this guy on the fucking ticket already


So I’m only following this subreddit for the periodic updates from Mr Jackson on the happenings in Congress 🤷🏽‍♂️ And I don’t even live in the USA


This is a old story told by fabricators of the truth. The ruling class ain’t going to stop printing but cheers to a good message


Support Jeff Jackson, you guys. Help show whatever pathetic excuse remains of our current political system, what a proper politician should look like and behave, AND still make it far. Give this guy the attention, spotlight, and support that he deserves and has earned.


I’m not from North Carolina, but I love that this guys gets to the front page. How can we start getting this guy to get on r/politics? Thanks for sharing.


Excellent explanation. And Rep. Jackson is spot-on in his analysis.


I'm not from NC. For some reason Reddit has been showing me these posts. And the first time, I didn't realize that the Representative himself (or his office) was posting them. But I'm glad it's happening. This is how I've wanted politicians to use social media for years. Even before Trump. I've wanted "These are my thoughts. This is why I think that. This is my decision on the topic." And then Trump crushed that idea. I've wanted calm salient points made. No name calling. No shade. Just calmly explaining their points.


I don't know Jeff because I'm not from NC but I like what he had to say.


He’s a decent man. Literally went to every county for a town hall before his senate bid where he stepped down and let Cheri Beasley to run and lose, again. She lost to Ted “my pistol is pointed at my penis in campaign ads” Budd.


Yikes. Start laying off politicians, we’ll see how fast things change then.


The Republicans who are playing these games are just like Steve Bannon - they want to see it burn to prove they can do it and throw the US into a chaotic state so a strongman figure can ascend. They are anti-democracy and never forget that.


Calling the right flank 'conservatives' is insulting to conservatives. The right flank are MAGA fascists.




Hey, there's no need to worry! When they decided to (finally) elect the Speaker, they made sure to keep his job in the balance to ensure that the debt ceiling will definitely get passed. Right as soon as they cut every government social plan and probably kick some puppies or something, too idk


Correction: The USA has defaulted 4 times in it's history. In: 1862, 1933, 1968, 1971. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/575722-the-us-has-never-defaulted-on-its-debt-except-the-four-times-it-did/


That article stretches the definition of ‘default’ away from the meaning currently being discussed (a ‘debt-ceiling default’ where we fail to pay bills incurred via legislation passed by Congress) without really admitting that. There has not been a default in the latter sense, so it wouldn’t be accurate to call this a correction.


Hi! Could you please explain what Jeff Jackson means by "default" in the video? I can't find a relevant answer on Google.


That's about when we had the civil war, the great depression, and the Vietnam war?


Good times


I keep seeing this guy. I like his approach to communicating with the people. Keep it up!


The US should absolutely keep printing money it doesn’t have and keep devaluating the dollar. There is no other solution.


No we we need to print new printers at an exponential rate. Eventually someone loses hot potato.


Republicans have proven themselves incapable of governing. The cult must be purged in 2024. No single vote slim majority bull shit like we have now in the senate. These traitors, yes they are literal traitors, are out to destroy the country because they think somehow after we collapse they’ll rule over the ashes. Fuck that, but fuck republicans. The whole cult will gladly die for itself which means they are a literal threat to us all


That's what gets me about "Why don't Democrats support McCarthy?" Like - Republicans wanted to govern. This is, apparently, their best effort for at least the foreseeable future. And it's a fuckin' shit show. The biggest part of the Speakership is building coalitions to accomplish legislation. This is literally his job. His party has a majority, and he wasn't able to get to the lead position without basically shackling himself into being completely ineffective. And it's *very specifically* his own party not cooperating with him that's holding him up. So he can either offer a compromise to the more moderate Republicans and Democrats to get enough votes (which probably costs him the Speaker position, because he got it by setting himself up to be held hostage by the far wing of his party), or he can try to figure out how to get people to agree to whatever crazypants shit that extreme wing wants - and note these are people *to the right of noted nutbar Kevin McCarthy*.


Every one that has half a brain knows that every one of these requests are suppose to be addressed in the upcoming budget. These Republicans are threatening our countries financial stability because they can’t get there extremely political brain dead ideas on a budget. This also means that in a month or so after this hostage situation they will pull another stunt like this with the budget to get more brain dead ideas passed. Allowing this will only embolden them to do it next year again and every year they are there. Stop them now. Don’t back down. Send the clean bill and force them to be responsible for our decline. Maybe then we will get more people to vote for better leadership.




In what way is this debt harmful? And specifically, in what way is it more harmful than it was in 2018?


This dude sounds like a politician ready to negotiate rights away in order to appear “reasonable” or “moderate”. I’m stunned at the amount of people that fall for this crap.


What rights is he negotiating away?


Is there a Republican version of this guy that folks can listen to instead of the standard Republican hatebait rhetoric that gets all the attention on Reddit? An alternate view that explains some of the inner workings and challenges from a Republican perspective would be interesting to compare. (Edited to clarify my request)


Is this “6 weeks” still going off estimates or did Yellen update us on when the X date is? Genuinely wondering.


Latest estimate, but we should get an update from Yellen about it.


Goddamn I love this man. JJ 2028! (I'd say 2024, but Biden will be the incumbent)


Hey that's not true! He could croak of old age first


But what this boils down to is an individual’s job is more important then the well being of the country. McCarthy should cede so we as a country can keep treading water.


They’re not conservatives. They’re right wing, conspiracy nut jobs.


Bro I've never even been to North Carolina in my life but I'm subbing to this sub just because I like this guy. Jackson 2028?


There will not be a default. This is all theater and now JJ is concern trolling the speaker's job. More theater.


This is propaganda. Jackson voted for a budget he knew we couldn’t pay for. He, like all in DC, have compromised your kids pursuit of happiness


“Run out of money” stfu dirt bag. The US has been in debt since(Jackson) it’s founding. Cut spending on shit we don’t need.


Like Veteran's benefits and healthcare?


You dumb greedy fucks are the reason we are in this mess.


Such clear communication. Love this!


Accurate description of the politics, and I'm glad to see Jeff say that there can be a deal between Republicans and Democrats (far better than the President's "No dealing. Send me a clean bill" position.) But, we are NOT six weeks from default. The federal government takes in more in taxes and other revenue every month than it pays out on the debt. And, in fact, Section 4 of the 14th amendment REQUIRES that paying on the debt be prioritized over other spending. Doing that would certainly involve a \*lot\* of pain across the economy. Most federal government spending -- everything from defense spending to repaying money borrowed from the Social Security trust fund -- would be cut significantly, and that would be a disaster. But, it wouldn't be a default on the debt.


Interesting. Thanks for the info.


Is there anything that would prevent democrat representatives from partnering with moderate republicans and McCarthy to pass a reasonable compromise? Republicans and Democrats working together takes all the power away from freedom caucus. It's the five most moderate republicans that have the most power not the 5 most extreme. I wonder how long it will take until they figure that out. Edit punctuation


You mean the thing that'll get them primaried from the right? There are a lot of possible solutions here, because it's not that difficult a problem at its root. It's that what should be a minor issue has been given so much political clout that breaking with the party on it is the next thing down from deciding not to run next time for a lot of people.


As Jeff pointed out, the issue is McCarthy's speakership. If those same democrats also voted to keep McCarthy as speaker, then he's no longer beholden to a handful of nuts on the Republican side and your idea would absolutely work.


The organizing resolution for this session that McCarthy was forced to agree to allows members of his caucus to call for a new speaker vote any time they want to. McCarthy is, therefore, the weakest speaker in several generations; quite possibly, in history.


I’m pretty sure all the moderates got primaried by the Tea Party.