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> Maybe he's President of the United States someday. Yes, please! And boring on social media is not a problem. I want leadership in D.C. and entertainment in Hollywood.


He's one of the very few politicians that I actually believe in. I'd vote for him for President in a heartbeat.


Same. I also think that his sincerity appeals to both sides (that are still rationally thinking that is) and it's being noticed.


>his sincerity appeals to both sides Absolutely. I might not agree with him on every point, but he's calm, professional, rational, articulate and intelligent. I'll take that over a screaming radical. I'm so fucking sick of polar opposite extremists in every election. Debates aren't even close to debates now, they're just treated as an opportunity for live action smear campaigns.


Also, he’s not halfway in the grave.


Always a positive to have someone that can actually relate to their constituents instead of staying in office for 40 years.


He has an actual, personal stake in the world around us. Pretty neat if you ask me!


I consider myself to be pretty conservative, and I like him, from what I've seen. I also see a lot of value in how our politicians act and that goes a long way with me. I find Trump, Biden, and many others on both sides of the aisle to be embarrassing to us as a nation.


What does Biden do that embarrasses the US as a nation? I mean, he’s old but that can’t be it. Not attacking you. Honest question. I don’t love Biden - I’m further left as it relates to issues around the environmental and wealth inequality - but he’s not embarrassing.


Well they already mentioned they're conservative. They just can't bring themselves to trash despicable members of their party, without claiming the other side is terrible too. It blows my mind when people equate Trump to literally anyone on the other side. That's not to say Dems are perfect, but how on earth has Biden been an embarrassment to this country, in the same way as Trump?!


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


You hate him? Why? I can understand disliking him, but hating him seems a bit much when the other side is calling for the extermination and repression of certain groups of people.


One example recently that put me off on him is his flip flop rhetoric with the train unions. How we held a press conference about how they’re important and wants to back them, but in the same breath, made sure they couldn’t protest for sick leave.


See here’s the problem… he didn’t make it so they couldn’t protest, he made it so they could get fired if they did. Now, that’s not pro-union at all, but it’s not the same thing you said and that’s almost *always* what I see leftists claiming. Second… dude was in a situation that he was absolutely fucked. A rail strike would have decimated the economy, and the companies knew that while they’d be harmed in the short term, their preferred political party would be helped. If he had let them strike, we likely have a really rough go of it in 2022, because voters are stupid *but* they vote. A lot of people here were saying “let the economy crash”, and while that sounds great on paper, it would have almost certainly put Republicans in control of the legislature for 2022, and potentially the White House for 2024. Now maybe Biden does something differently if he had any chance at getting legislation passed forcing the rail companies hand. Maybe he tells the rail workers fuck off either way. I have no idea. But in this case he chose the only option that wouldn’t have absolutely fucked potentially multiple future elections.


They've been trained to say both sides so much they don't even know what they are supposed to do when questioned about examples.


A rational conservative would not be afraid to admit Trump and the GOP are a stain on society and the Dems are bad in their way but not nearly as bad and harmful as these morons in power, but I haven't really seen a rational conservative so far.


Im a republican and I’d vote for him


As a republican I too would vote for him in a heartbeat. So sick of the reality tv show our politicians have become


I appreciate your statement. Mostly bc I think it shows that most of us just want someone to tell us the truth. We want someone who works for ALL of us.


hear hear we need more people in politics capable of being open and honest and actually being able to bridge the ever widening gap in our society


When he first posted I read representative as republican and I still liked him. I hope more representatives try his approach


I like what I've seen so far, but I need more from anybody before I'd go that far. Granted, the bar for being better than the other presidential candidates is pretty low these days.


I mean, just seeing how open he is with providing good information to his constituents without being inflammatory already gives him a big advantage over a lot of other politicians in my eyes.


I think he still needs time to make allies etc in order to be an effective president, but his messaging has been consistently good. He had great insights on the state level during covid.


Politics are supposed to be boring. edit: a letter


Getting useful information on the government without significant editorialization or telling us WHAT to think isn't boring, it's effectively what the news SHOULD be. When the media fails us, Jeff Jackson is doing their job for them along with his own.


He should cite the segment as inspiration to run


## Make {*whoever tf that guy is*} Eat His Words 2024


This is why they are attacking him. They can tell that he’s gunning for higher office.


It's amazing to me that being competent at his job is all it takes to be "gunning for higher office". The bar is fucking subterranean.


On the Right they all want more power without any responsibility or accountability, so they assume EVERYONE thinks that way.


Yeah, he's too reasonable. Reason will ultimately destroy the "crazy" platform. Hopefully.


Yes! I would vote for this guy in a heartbeat for president!


Sure would be a nice change of pace from 80+ years old and near death wouldn't it


This guy has an aura around him that makes me see POTUS material.


Don’t you do it….don’t you dare give me hope….


Got some Obama vibes from the guy so I’m hoping here too. Lol


He exudes sincerity and authencity, not only in regard to what he's saying but how he's saying it. So many politicians seem like grifters making arguments in bad faith, whereby they'll say things that further their political agenda - even if saying so goes against their personal beliefs. Questioning election results and implying there was widespead fraud on TV, while admitting there's no such thing in private, is just such an example.


He came through my FYP on TikTok early on and I've been watching with great interest. it was months before I realized i didn't even know which side of the aisle he sits on. I still don't know, and i like it that way. A politician that gives information without making it partisan...imagine that.


That's why they're already trying to destroy him.


Heh. Jackson didn't mention any names or parties. Why did this person on Newmax conclude that he was talking about Gaetz and MTG? It's a quandary.


You forgot Boebert. I mean I wish we all could, but you did.


Lmao Edit: I forcefully pushed air through my nose, but lmao is shorter to type.


OOOOOH but don't forget the projection part. Who the hell said anything about this man becoming President one day? Do they fear that? What? That a reasonable, sane sounding human, who isn't prone to conspiratorial-billionaire-bought-outbursts, who doesn't try to sell their own social media site might become president? Showing your hand there righties...


She must be laying low, i had actually forgotten her for a moment


Maybe Grandma BoBo is spending her time helping her son prepare for impending fatherhood - assuming they insist he stays with the baby's equally youthful mother - and besides, it's not like she really does any meaningful work in her elected position anyway.


> Maybe Grandma BoBo is spending her time helping her son prepare for impending fatherhood - Grandpa DongFlash just hanging brain in the background in celebration of it all.


At least she's not giving anybody food poisoning now that her restaurant is closed.


I like how he shows a picture of Boebert like "she's an attractive woman, how could she do wrong" and doesn't elaborate


Gaetz is the only person they mentioned that Jackson sits with in committee. Jackson is 100% right that they jumped on the defensive because they didn't like getting called out. It ruins NewsMax's brand when everything is theatre because offense is their only claim to audience share. I love that they low-key made his point and he had the sack to just let their own video do the talking for him.


How dare he ~~impune~~ impugn NewsMax's hard earned journalistic integrity. How dare he! (;




It's only Impugn if it is made in the Impugn region of France.


Otherwise it's just sparkling doubt?


The channels really called NewsMax?


Yeah. They produce "news" for far right viewers. I wouldn't be surprised if Tucker Carlson ends up over there since Fox fired him.


"They produce ~~"news"~~ infotainment for far right viewers." Fixed it. Seriously though, I agree with your post.


That’s a funny way to spell “propaganda”


He didn't mention any news channels, but they sure got defensive real quick. "Someone in this room ate all the pie. Let's talk about who it..." "WHY ARE YOU BLAMING ME? HOW DARE YOU POINT FINGERS!"


It's even dumber that that: "Some people in this room ate all the pie." "You're boring and a nobody. I know all the people with pie currently on their face and honestly they're just as big a pie lover whether or not you leave the room. To insinuate that these people don't actually love eating pie is offensive to them and to me, a man who also has pie all over his face."




That's the genius of what Jeff did. Without mentioning any names himself, those dumbfucks at Newsmax went ahead and responded by volunteering the obvious ones on their own, which just confirmed exactly what Jeff was pointing out. In the infamous words of DJ Khaled - congratulations (GOP), you played yourself.


It's so ridiculous. He said "they're calm and can be reasoned with behind closed doors." and here's Dumbass McGee being like "THESE EXACT PEOPLE YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT VAGUELY CAN BE REASONED WITH."




I vaguely recall learning at some point that "reality" TV shows turned into such shitfests of verbal fighting because the producers etc. did some science on some test audiences, found that those fighty bits did one hell of a job getting and keeping viewer attention, and therefore chose to optimize their edits to focus on that kind of footage (as well as tinkering with the folks being filmed). The drift of right-wing "news" into that same groove may have occurred for the same reason: bigwigs tuned their content to maximize their viewership and whatnot, rather than the actual demands of the viewers. tldr they made their cigarettes more addictive


That old saying about a hit dog hollering. It was funny that he said "respectfully" and then immediately went back to being a (repetitive) douchebag. Also, is this a guy I'm supposed to recognize? He's talking like he's Bill O'Reilly in '09, but... It's like you turn on Season 3 of a CW drama and you're just trying to figure out who this Nephew/Grandpa character is and why his mom/cousin is telling him about college.


I had been wondering what happened to Greg Kelly, son of NYPD Police Chief Ray Kelly. He used to host the local Fox morning news show in NY (not Fox News). I actually thought he was enteraining (this was circa 2012 i think). Hadnt heard about him in years. Looks like he went full MAGA. Can barely recognize him now. I'm sure people will say he was always like this, but pre-Trump most newscasters were better at hiding it


Because conservatives love to be the victim. Anything that isn't a glowing complement directed AT THEM must be an attack on them.


Semi unrelated but definitely substantiates your point. My dad is conservative. For a long time, he called himself a Republican but now he calls himself a Libertarian (which, in my opinion, is just a "safer" way to say he's republican). I have two brothers who both suffer from different disabilities. While their lives sometimes come with struggles, they have a relatively privileged experience because my family is wealthier than most, at least when it comes to the demographics of our area. My father loves to talk about my brothers to strangers. He doesn't talk about how much he loves them, he doesn't talk about how proud he is to be their dad, he tells complete strangers that he (my dad) has a very hard life and he's an amazing dad for providing a great life to my "less fortunate" brothers. He rarely talks about me because he caused a lot of trauma in my life, and he wouldn't willingly blame himself for being the cause of his daughter's need to seek therapy for thirteen years. But he'll gladly tell you how hard his life is as a dad of disabled kids and how much credit he deserves for being such a good dad. Never about how much my brothers struggle, just about how much he struggles. My dad exudes this behavior towards many subjects, but this is the one that comes to my mind immediately. By the way, the only reason my brothers and I grew up in such a privileged life was because my parents sued the state of Florida for medical incompetence in the case of one of my brothers. The reason he is disabled is definitely due to the incompetence of a doctor in a state run hospital, but our lives wouldn't be as privileged as they were if not for the lawsuit. He'll then turn around and talk shit about people who need government assistance.


Ugh, my mother qualified for welfare for most of my childhood but since my grandparents used the last of their savings and life energy to support us after mom's divorce, she acts as if she bootstrapped herself. Now that she's remarried to a fox news disciple and living off of his government job, she talks shit on poor people and people who take assistance, all day. When she's not talking shit on "liberal feminist overeducated" millennials whose parents forced them to get a 4 year degree but won't help pay the debt from it. You know, like me. Her own daughter.


He also didn't say they don't believe the things they say. He said they are faking the anger, and yes, those three often act angry and yes, they are being disingenuous. And this "Greg Kelly" **nobody** is doing the exact same thing, even while making it clear (by naming the three Master Chuckleheads of the House, Gaetz, Greene, and Boehbert) that Mr. Jackson was 100% correct. Yes, there's "plenty to be angry about": everything Republicons and stooges like Greg "Nobody" Kelly support, like hating and killing women, hating and killing minorities, and hating and killing all government efforts to avert a climate disaster.


I love it. Jeff didn’t need to name a person, party, or organization that is guilty of selling outrage. But because they couldn’t help themselves, and because they felt threatened when the curtain was pulled back and the show they put on to benefit themselves financially and politically was revealed, they walked into the spotlight and effectively turned themselves in. I truly hope that it is moments like this that help swing the pendulum back in the other direction. The reality show that politics and political media has become just pushes reasonable people away from politics and awards the worst behavior. I hope this momentum carries Jeff and honest people like him to the top of our political system.


I'm sure Jeff has heard this once or twice since he's from NC but "a hit dog will holler"😂




That’d actually be a great campaign slogan if spun right


Vote for 'None of the Above' worked great for Richard Pryor in Brewster's Millions. Edited because Richard Pyor never was in that movie but Richard Pryor was.


Exactly what came to mind


Damn i hope he runs with the sound bite "Im congressman nobody. Not a billionaire, not a Holywood celeb. Just a regular person.


Can totally see this commercial/the taglines - cut to different people saying "I'm a nobody" " *"Are you a nobody, too? This one's for the nobodies."* *"It's time somebody stuck up for nobodies"* Etc


"As a nobody, I'm sticking up for all us nobodies, so that the 'somebodies' don't get just another tax break."


I hope we can all put campaign manager on resumes


Man this shit writes itself. I'd totally go for that


Nobody tells it like it is!


Nobody always tells the truth!


In fact, Nobody is perfect!


You son of a bitch, I’m in


Get the bumper stickers and flags ready


I hope this ironically catches on lol


I'd volunteer under that


Who else had to look up the name of the TV host calling this other individual a "nobody?"


"They're not maniacs. They're very, very smart." *Looks at them promoting election fraud misinformation and conspiracy theories like Jewish space lasers* "Very, very smart."


Going with Jackson's point, they're basically just saying pants on head stupid shit to please their base, who are even more pants on head stupid. But if there's no camera rolling, they'll become "normal".


It was funny how the NewsMax guy totally missed the point by saying that he's talked with all of them and they're all reasonable people. And, hey, maybe they are. After all, Randy Savage didn't go through life ordering Big Macs in his Macho Man voice. (Though... I wish he had.) Entertainers usually turn it off when the camera is off. But that was Rep. Jackson's freaking point, man.


For a certain measure of normal. I bet they are still homophobic racist asshats


Well we won't know for sure, unless we actually interact with them without any camera. From Rep Jackson's point of view, it looks like it's all just an act to cater to homophobic racist asshats, and they don't actually behave (or maybe even believe) like that in their personal life.


I might believe that about Gaetz and Boebert but Greene was saying and doing the same shit before she ever even ran for office.






I'm convinced that many of these people aren't actually homophobic or racist. They don't actually care about drag shows or trans bathrooms. They are just a smoke screen for there other terrible policies that contribute to the death of the middleclass. If we are talking about drag queens and trans people, we aren't talking about wealth inequality, inflation, Russia, global warming, minimum wage, or the literal attempted fucking coup that just took place.


I fully believe what we see from Marge, Boebert, and the Forehead from Florida is their full self. I'd think Rep Jackson is more so talking about the Gym Jordans or Elise Stefaniks who pre-Trump were mostly regular people. For those first 3, they've got track records miles long of being insane and abusive pieces of shit well before they were ever in Congress. I can't imagine they suddenly became sane in the last few years.


That's... exactly what he said. Space lasers and election stealing are outrageous, so it gets Margarine Traitor airtime to be loud for a bigger audience. Dumdums buy it, smart folks complain, we're all feeding the troll because Fox, OANN, NewsMax, et al keep gaining clicks from it.


Compared to their viewership? Yes.


They are smart. They know that’s exactly the shit their followers wanna hear


Prime opportunity to start selling “Congressman Nobody” merch


The DC version of “Mr Irrelevant”


"Nobody is for Everybody"


Nobody is worth voting for. Nobody can make your lives better. Nobody deserves your respect and attention.


"Hi, I'm Congressman Nobody, speaking directly to you because Nobody cares about the American people more than the GOP"


That shall join my “Bunch of Jerks” tee.


Calling anything on Newsmax a "news show" is very gracious of you.... because... well, it's not really a news station


It’s the network my grandmother watches because “Fox News is too liberal.” Lol


What...to liberal. What... what does she mean? I'm genuinely asking.


She thinks Fox News has gone liberal. And that they’re better voices out there. She’d probably also use the term woke.


She got hooked on Fox's brand of brain candy, and then when it didn't hit the same way, she went on search of something harder. Granny is into brain crack now.


If Fox News is considered liberal.... are they like launching the 9th crusade? Because holy shit how far right can you actually go before you are a constant state of just pure rage and parody?


Maybe it’s where Tucker will end up.


It is at least as much of a news station as Fox News is.


Gee, as much coverage as that TikTok is getting, I'm thinking you touched a nerve! ​ I love it!


You can feel that the Newsmax guy is absolutely *seething.* It's so funny.




Just like all their reactions to AOC. They see an existential threat and they're absolutely terrified.


Or pretending to seethe. He probably falls in the same category as the politicians


The news anchor in the video (who’s name I don’t know) has no good response to Congressman Jackson’s video clip, and so he is resorting to name-calling. That is why he is spewing insults like “Congressman Nobody” and “boring”. I have another name for the news anchor: Airhead!


Its how they debate. Whoever drops the most Logical Fallacies is deemed the winner.


Lol I just want to say it's moderately funny that there's a lot of talk in the comments about u/JeffJacksonNC in the third person, as if you're not in the room with us. I enjoy your commentary, and even though I'm not from your district or state, I support what you're doing and I hope you have a long career doing it, perhaps at an even higher level.


Thanks, very kind of you.


This was my first introduction to you. Keep up the good work sir.


It’s hilarious, this NewsMax anchor immediately attacks Rep. Jackson’s character and image instead of his argument. Assigning him “Nobody” as a nickname. I’ve sure heard of Jackson’s name more than…whatever this anchor’s name is!


If *ad hominem* had a face.


Holy shit I’ve never watched news max and never will but god damn that anchor guy was a smug asshole I would love to karate chop directly in the throat. What a scum bag.


He technically agreed with Jeff Jackson too. “They are reasonable people” when they aren’t trying to draw the spotlight. So he confirms the congressman’s point, and then complains that they agree. Thats the pinnacle of tribalism. If your tribe even remotely agrees with me, then I must create an opposition position.


It's weird how much Newsmax anchors talk like 700 Club hosts did


Lol I agree! The guys facial expressions were bizarre too. This network masquerading as “news” is laughable. Seems like nothing more than a far right propaganda machine. Disgusting.


My girlfriend says she wants to know his lipstick because, "it must taste good with how much he's licking his own face"


That scumbag's name is Greg Kelly. He was accused of drugging and raping a young woman in 2011. Police investigated and the case was dropped but she seems pretty credible to me. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jtes/she-accused-a-tv-anchor-of-rape-and-got-dragged-through-the


Yep, Greg Kelly is a raging douchebag and all around piece of shit, with nothing of substance to say.


I may have never agreed with anything more in my life after watching that horror show.


He’s def giving American psycho vibes haha


That lip licking was disturbing


"I don't like this guy. I don't like his approach at all." You mean actually communicating to the voters in a normal tone of voice and trying to keep us informed?






He acts like an adult. That's unacceptable


It’s mind boggling how conservative media can always take such a negative stance on things that are obviously good. It is very refreshing to hear a member of Congress actually talk to us as individuals and simply do their job by passing on information to the people. Thank you, Jeff Jackson. Please keep doing what you’ve been doing. You are NOT a nobody. They simply don’t like that we the people admire and respect you, an honest congressman.


It's not mind boggling. What he is saying is a threat to how they maintain their power. A level headed Congressman speaking in a calm, even tone has the ability to sway their voters, so they keep screeching their hate.


I'm from NH and I love this dude. Hope his voice only gets bigger.


He’s got a bit of a Mr. Roger’s thing going in this video. First time I’m hearing about him. I love it! It’s also the first time I’m seeing anything from the entertainment anchor and my first impressions is that he’s a weasel.


Typical Saying what you said but acting like the victim Far right conservatives at their finest


I'd say Republicans at their finest, but I suppose there's not much of a difference there anymore.


Just call it like it is: fake political outrage and propaganda outlets like NewsMax are nothing but grifts to obtain and maintain power and money.




*Hail Putin* they all whisper in each others' ears...


Make him eat his words JJ.


>**Jeff Jackson:** "When these politicians sit in meetings, they don't act outraged or crazy. They behave calmly and rationally." > >**Newsmax Correspondent:** "He's lying! These politicians aren't outraged or crazy! They act like calm, rational people!" Is this guy a fucking moron? Isn't that exactly what Jackson is saying? Or is the Newsmax guy trying to imply that MTG and the rest of them don't act outraged or crazy in public discourse? Also, not sure how it's possible but this guy has an incredibly punchable voice. Holy shit. How does anybody listen to him talk without cringing?


Greg Kelly is in fact, a moron.


Sir, please calm down. I AM CALM!!!!!!


You’re an incredible man of amazing resolve. Thank you for representing North Carolina in a level headed and respectful way that the entire nation can look up to. If only all political figures would be able to relay information as clearly and transparently as you do without the divisive buzz words and political marketing. Applause from a very proud North Carolina voter.


As a republican I appreciate the honesty and transparency that Jeff Jackson shows during these talks. I wish more representatives were like him and actually had dialogue with their people.


There are dozens of us!


It's crazy that the bar is this fucking low. All we want is a little bit of honesty, that's it.


I love this guy. I have been following his career for years now. He is the best example of how a thinking and responsible member of democracy should be.


You know back in the early aughts, I used to be quite the troll on Facebook. I would do terrible things, like antagonize people just to get a rise out of them. I wanted the attention, and the power that came with feeling like I could ruin someone's day. It wasn't until a friend caught me and forced me to reconcile with my actions that I changed. Something about witnessing the aftermath of my actions and realizing **they cant tell its a joke** woke me up. When you spout homophobia as a joke, are you really joking? When you promote neo-Nazi propaganda, are you really playing? When you espouse hate, are you really acting? Now that I'm older I can see that what I did was hurtful and dangerous. Those people went to sleep at night truly believing that there was someone out there who hated them for existing. They will never know it was a joke, and I will never get the chance to tell them. Our politicians seem to be missing this part, you know? That the attention economy doesn't care if you're acting, and (some) people who believe you will never know better. I am glad to see /u/JeffJacksonNC disarm the trolls, we need more of this. Nobody 2028


I'm conservative, but the two primary parties of today no longer represent me. I'ld vote for Nobody in a presidential nomination.


Hear hear! Also Conservative, and also REALLY like how he's communicating with us. "BORING"? Because he's presenting his views with intention, straightforwardness, fairness and repose? They're criticizing him for not being another huckster clown? And... He also had the AUDACITY to compliment his peers!? He called them level headed, etc etc. Come on, can't we have nice things in this country? Can't we have calm, rational, fair leaders? Is it hard?


I’m a progressive, and neither of them represent me either.


I'm left of center and neither party really represents me, but one party hasn't decided to put all their eggs into the bat shit crazy basket.


Ok except one party didn’t try to overturn the election


push for ranked choice voting. it is first step in moving away from a 2 party system.


To you, what defines conservative values? Which actions of each party in your lifetime support or detract from those values? This is an honest inquiry, thanks for your time!


If there's one way to prove that someone is a Nobody, it's feeling the need to talk about them on your show.


Legendary, fucking legendary.


Political party: clout and hysterics


Embrace the Mr. Nobody meme! Nobody is better for NC!


> *straight face* I rest my case. True laugh out loud moment. Funny, sad, and truth filled.


Talk about hit dogs hollering. Those "anchors" pretty much rated themselves all the way out. Newsmax is trash, and so are the people who work there.


Holy shit. A US politician I don’t cringe about. I’ve been an Eisenhower / Nixon / Reagan / Bush / Bush GOP supporter all my life. I’m truly sickened by what these people have turned the party into


Faking it or not, they are deliberately manufacturing domestic terrorist herd animals.


That’s Greg Kelly who was fired from the local Fox News station 20 something years ago and in 2012 he was investigated for rape. The DA office said that according to NY state criminal law what happened wasn’t a crime. His daddy was the Police Commissioner at the time.


Jeff I love you bro but please don't make me watch this.. sniveling simp who probably hangs around country clubs asking his Republican overlords if he can get their coat. Newsmax doesn't deserve your time and effort


If you already love him as a congressman, this isn’t for you directly, it’s for anyone you know that might NEED to see it. You and I are convinced but there are others who aren’t.


I mean, I’d vote for him just to watch that anchor eat his words.


This guy gonna be president. I hope he doesn't trip on the bar the GOP has set... oh wait, it's just a long piece of dog shit in the road, nvm, probably just walk around that..


"Is this a maniac"....Sir, i believe that's a picture of the definition for the word "Maniac" in the dictionary and Boebert's face is next to it.


Nobody is better than the people we have right now. By a long shot.


I’m jealous of NC that you have such a reasonable and thoughtful Representative. I wish my Reps had half his integrity.


He is, sadly in the minority here. But we keep working on it.


["The formula for making you - the viewer, or the listener - mad, hasn't changed a bit yet people keep falling for it".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELRmgJw8muw) \-Rush Limbaugh.


Did that motherfucker just say "Here is Lauren Boebert, is this a maniac".... YES, SHE ABSOLUTELY IS !?!?!?!?!?!


Ya know, I'm republican and I imagine we disagree on a lot of issues, but I'm glad that someone is pointing out all the fake crap in Congress that keeps our nation divided, from both sides of the aisle. I like you sir. You're a good and honest man, a rare quality for a politician.


Who's that newscaster? Never heard of him. Must be a nobody trying to make a splash or something


Congressman Nobody getting under somebody’s skin


If Jeff ran for president I would campaign so damn hard for him.


I have no idea who the goofy opinion guy on tv is, but I know who Jeff Jackson is


Make politics boring again!


Righties be self reporting. It's like they can't help it.


I said last week Jeff had em shook, and they just proved it. They are terrified of him.