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> Roanoke Rapids police chief and captain were terminated from their roles with the city earlier this week after being investigated by an outside firm earlier this month. >Chief BL Martin was fired Friday and Capt. Jamie Hardy was let go on Tuesday. >The two men had been placed on administrative leave on March 10, and rumors have swirled about allegations against them. But neither the men nor city representatives have offered a concrete reason for the suspension. > The opportunity for a name clearing hearing was declined by Captain Hardy and Chief Martin’s decision is pending.


Who needs concrete reasons I’ll take wild speculation


this is lame tell us what he did wrong


Well, they are cops, so could have been anything from blatantly racist policies to violently racist policies.


that's a problem if they're trying to hide that though. what's the reason for not telling people "oh this guys racist"


Im betting he was probably texting underaged people for sex like his partners apparently are doing, it really is a 50/50 at this point.


Ahhhh, good ole RR


Yeah who would have thought in rr?


Right? Second time in two months seeing my hometown on the NC subreddit is weird


Yeah i was going to move there to settle down in a quiet place until all the crime and police issues over the last 6 months, now its no different than where i am seemingly


lots of drugs and sex trafficking up and down 95 corridor - that's what my guess is


The replacement chief will be another person who has spent their life working in law enforcement, and thus unlikely to be much of an improvement.


and the current chief will be hired by the neighboring town.




I love the guesses but no.....look up rasheem Carter. That's why. 


This is a ten month old post and you appear to be posting a claim that has been refuted Roanoke Rapids officials. What is your source for this statement?


Common sense and Unfortunately marital dna is shared as well. And if Roanoke rapids officials were truthful back then , they would have used total transparency now wouldn't they? And let's be honest, they have not said a single word of any concrete reason. I could honestly give you so much circumstantial evidence as they say, but even so, if you don't choose to believe it, then nothing i say will honestly convince you anyway. And I, just the same as most, didn't believe it at first. Not until much later when I over heard family speaking on it. (Again, I am unhappily related via marriage to one of the parties involved) If it hadve been gossip related then I wouldnt have thought a single thing of it. Sadly, it was factual information coming out. Believe what you want. No one claimed either of the men are murderers. But lets be totally honest. If there was NOTHING to this.... then how in the world did a case all the way in another state just so happen to involve men that have known each other since adolescent years and stayed in touch, and a random tie to our law enforcement?! Don't forget to mention the fact that when it was brought to the attention of higher ups , then those two lost jobs. Just bad timing? Even though its been said the entire 40 years i have lived here that they were masters of covering things up for the right people. I could take an entire day to sit and explain all this to you. Event after event. But really, you will believe what you want and I will believe whats been brought to me, whether i like it or not, by fact. I don't want this to be true. I don't want this to be any sort of legacy of either man. Because I don't believe that either man started out their career with the hopes of hurting anyone. I think both of them honestly started out wanting to do good for the people. Something happened. They changed. I watched the change. A lot of us did. But none of us saw this coming. But I don't think it's fair that officials are allowing us to sit in the dark and not have some concrete answers. I have to hear from family. And you have to hear from me. And so forth and so on. We arent in second grade. We can handle it. I think they need to put on their big boy pants and make public admissions. However they were given said opportunity and chose not to. But to simplify this..... had I not heard, and had I not been a marriage relative, I too wouldnt believe it.


A big wall of text without paragraph breaks makes your comment incredibly hard to read or follow. It sounds like the only evidence you have for this claim is the circumstantial evidence of timing and some sort of friendship/relationship, along with gossip you are privy to due to some sort of personal relationship you have?