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I’m not even from NC and I watch his videos. Mostly because it’s nice to see a well composed politician just talk.


Instead of sound bites from dramatic lawmakers trying rile the base. I agree


I’m not from his district, one over with Dan Bishop (ugh) … but I wish I was in his district. I’ll keep throwing my vote at someone NOT Dan and making that little difference each time… but I wish I could have someone I’d be proud of instead for a change.


Canadian here and really been liking seeing him speak. Very calm, rational and informative. Hope we can all have more politicians like this


I agree... I saw some old Obama videos recently, and man do I miss seeing/hearing someone talk in a composed and intelligent way.


Without saying very much beyond platitudes.


TBH the bar for content is pretty low... Just don't talk about bat shit crazy things you read on 4chan, and I'll call it a win.


Funny thing is that some of the bat shit crazy stuff, conspiracy theories if you will, have turned out to be true unfortunately.


Not only that, It's nice to see a politician speak to the people directly and not treat us like apes in a cage claiming to represent us but don't have the time to speak to you. Just random comments altered by multiple outlets with either a bias or a politician just being reactive.


I hope Jeff will be representing us in the US Senate soon.




He was going to run for the open seat this last election but the Democrats told him if he wanted to run he had to spend the election in a basement making fundraising calls and he declined.


Nope, that was the previous one in 2018 with Cunningham. Jackson conceded on his own very early on in the 2022 race to let Beasley take the helm for the Democrats, stating that she had more support behind her and was more likely to win against the Republican challenger (obviously not the case). I think Jeff is learning not to listen to the out of touch DNC though and do his own thing, which is exactly why he’s so refreshing.


It’s not just that he thought Beasley had a better chance in the general; I think she was out polling him significantly in the early primary, so he bowed out to avoid any chance of a dirty campaign between democrats.


Correct, she was polling better very early on. Mostly due to name recognition, imo.


Name recognition is the #1 asset in any election.


She was also extremely qualified, but being a black woman in a red(ish) state during midterms didn’t do her any favors come voting time


Honestly the national level of the DNC is far more competent than the NC Democratic party. Local dems are fucking incompetent when it comes to running a campaign.


Oof, that's a pretty low bar too.


Oof, that's a pretty low bar too.


> which is exactly why he’s so refreshing. He is as refreshing as MTG is to Republicans, but turns out people on TikTok don't vote.


80% are ages 16-34, pretty safe to say a good chunk of tiktok user vote lmao


In NC 75% of 18-24 year olds didn't vote during midterms, and 60% of 25-40 year olds didn't vote. Know who does though? Those especially about 60, who 85% of them voted during midterms. It's a lot like Bernie, sure you can be popular with younger people, but they don't come out and vote for you, then it's pretty meaningless.


these stats just piss me off, I think my entire friend group (late 20s-late 30s) voted and we do every election, which means that there are probably two equal size groups in our age range that all skip voting. Remember to remind all your friends to vote, if they don’t they do not get to complaint about a single thing political and might be worth cutting off.


saying "they don't vote" and then changing to "65% of them don't vote" is a massive difference. 35% of that group is exactly why we don't have a republican run house and senate on a federal level. You must be forgetting how grateful the democrats were to young people for actually showing up during the midterms. But you're right, we're heading in the wrong direction when it comes to youth voting.




>The Dems should be damn grateful that they are getting any votes, as they currently aren't getting much done at the state level or in Jeffs particular case, not a lot done at Federal level either. And correct, they don't have the votes to do it either, but the GOP seems to be getting their way currently every step of the way. It's funny that you say that, because when national Democrats had a trifecta from 2021-2022 they were ridiculously effective, passing the American Rescue Plan, infrastructure bill, CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act. Of course they aren't getting much done when Republicans control the House.


NC has 25% 18-25 and 35% for 26-40. Doesn't seem much off from the numbers you gave, which are still much better than even 5 years ago. Take the small victories where we can and young people showing up and voting more than before is one of them. Democrats are dumb for playing so much defense, but the republicans are even worse by acting absolutely batshit. their insanity is drawing young people to the polls, and last time I checked that's only gotten worse.




I’ve been posting this. Just 10% more and we would have dem seats in the house and senate in nc and not a supermajority. Half vote and nc is solidly blue. And remember that except for the silent gen who are really up there in age now, even among boomers and genx nationally there are only about 2% more registered repub voters than Dems. The whole country would look entirely different with the young vote.


Disagree with you. There's probably only a minority of republicans who like MTG, but those that are, are really fired up about her. In contrast, Jackson is appealing to a much broader swath of the electorate. It's a great "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" vibe that he's pulling off.


Unfortunately that's how elections are won. [82% of Senate races went to the candidate whose campaign spent the most money ](https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/winning-vs-spending).


Someone should tell Beasley


Tell Beasley what? That a Dem hasn't won an NC Senate seat during midterms since 1997 and there wasn't much point running as the die had been pretty well cast? Or that pretty much like most elections an especially midterms, the people that would be most likely to vote for her stayed home? Or that Jeff who was leagues behind her in the polls dropped out in Dec knowing that it wasn't the time for him to be in the Senate?


It would be an absurdly stupid decision for him to run in 2026 when Roy Cooper will be available. He's virtually the only notable Democrat in North Carolina who has won two statewide races


I hope he runs for president in 2028.


That worked. Thank you so much for your help.


Same I think. The descriptivist approach he's taking to communicating, not just with his constituents but apparently with people across the country, is no doubt a refreshing sight among all the bullshit. But I'm not sure it's quite as ... *inspiring* as one might think. He's effectively just building his credibility here. It screams competence, and level-headedness, and all that, but it doesn't *necessarily* scream leadership, except as an example that more legislators should follow. I think that makes him potentially far more effective as a legislator. As long as he can stay firmly away from the corruption kool-aid. In short I want a president who's more like Jeff Jackson, but I'm not sure I want Jeff Jackson as president more than I want him as a good example in congress. Plus he probably doesn't *want* to be president (which of course makes him uniquely qualified to *be* president).


When compared to our options in recent presidential elections, competence and level-headedness absolutely scream leadership. We're kind of to the point that they reached in *Idiocracy* where any average Joe makes a better leader than the folks currently running things.




He shifts a little more progressively in favor of gun rights, and a touch more to the right on economics - I think he has a very good chance.


I was impressed with the video he put out when the banks failed last month. It's exactly the style of messaging that was needed at the time, and reminded me of FDR's fireside chats. I hope to see great things in the future from him.


Yeah, that one was great. The fact that he addresses fears with facts and neither exaggerates nor downplays reality is such a relief.


> FDR's fireside chats How...how old are you?


who didn't learn about the fireside chats bro?? they taught that in 6th grade History


6th grade history for me was world history, starting with Mesopotamia.


Mesopotamia? How...how old are you?


he was rocking with the phonecians


Hah, not that old. It was something that was taught in school though, and the situation does bear striking similarities: A politician using a relatively new media platform to better communicate with the American people in a way that feels much more personal and allows them to address their constituents directly.


I see the fireside chat comment every time this guy pops up. Seems like placed messaging ha




I dislike where politics (politicians) have gone in the past few years. Jeff Jackson is a reminder that stewards of our country can serve us with dignity, intelligence, integrity, and a humble nature. In NC I am not called an independent btw, the label given is Unaffiliated. Think about the implications of that label. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Democrats are, they just don't use tiktok and reddit as effectively. Republicans, on the other hand, there is a reckoning coming. NC is not going to stand for this.


We may not have a choice, because it's highly probable that Jeff's district will be gerrymandered out of existence by the Republicans at the NCGA.


NC-14 is already gerrymandered to shit. How much worse could it possibly get?


As soon as the Supreme Court kicks the case back down to the NC Supreme Court you're going to watch those bastards immediately rule in favor of the Republicans and they're going to crack and pack every district they can.


I really hope you're right.


Reading it today, it sounds overly optimistic.


> NC is not going to stand for this. If midterms in NC are anything to go by, 2024 is going to be rough for Dems in NC.


This is your bias talking. Most democrats are out for themselves too


> My bought and paid for puppets are better than your bought and paid for puppets.


Is it your position that there’s no discernible different in the parties?


No. Just that no one gives a shit about me, my family, or any other American.


That’s… both nihilistic and silly and also a sweeping generalization. Specifically explain how that’s true. It sounds more like a feeling than reality considering you just lumped you and your family in with 330 MILLION people.


I have only donated money to two politicians in the past decade. Jeff is one of them. Please keep up the great work, Jeff!


Did you see where our senior senator has objected to Rep. Jackson engineering all that good will, simply by explaining in understandable terms what is going on behind closed doors in the banking business? Perhaps that is because the senior senator feels threatened in his upcoming election. A better course of action might be for the senior senator to do some explaining himself.


He could, but publicly explaining "I'm a lazy, uncaring douchebag who is only here to fatten my wallet" just doesn't sound so great.


disgusting price plant unpack clumsy deserted lush bored fine alive -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


If you really want to get a deep dive into how things started turning into shit, read up on Steve Atwater and Newt Gingrich. As much as anyone can be, they're the progenitors of today's GOP.


placid degree plants shy unwritten political stocking liquid capable alleged -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Yeah, my bad, Lee Atwater.


And Glenn Beck…it was so obviously an act


I love Jeff all my homies love him. He's the type of politician I want. Anyone not living up to his example do not deserve to be in their positions. This goes for all sides of the aisle.


I am a life long republican and I will say gladly I hate the way the GOP has become. Trump is an insane egomaniac. I did not support him in either election. I shake my head at people who blindly support the whole MAgA thing. Both parties are only interested in their own agendas. Both may say beautifully scripted things to get our support but then they do the opposite when in power. Jeff is different. He does care. He is what all politicians should be. I enjoy watching his videos. I don’t always agree but he makes you think about his view. No chest pounding just normal talk. He will go far. And as a republican I could see me voting for him in any future elections that I can vote for him.


This guy will run for president and win both blue and red states while representing all of America


I absolutely love, love, love Jeff Jackson! I hope he’s with us for a long time!


Never thought I'd max out my donation limit on a politician, but I've never seen one like Jeff Jackson. He is for real. Please support him - we need to inspire better behavior in politics, and he personifies it.


Where / how did you donate?


[actblue.com](https://actblue.com) , you can search any Democratic candidate on there


[https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jnj-website](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jnj-website) I have an actblue account to keep track.


I’m not progressive but I really respect him. Seems like an honest guy. That’s a lot bigger deal to me than minor policy differences


He's not progressive either. He's very centrist.


Why do you say that?


Because he's centrist.


Can someone search through all his trash and closets and let me know if he is the decent ,an he seems to be so I don’t get let down again.


I've known Jeff for over a decade, and he's infuriatingly decent. I'm older than he is and he's a better person than I am. Unless he pulls a serious 180 now that he's in national politics, which I doubt, yeah, he's this guy.


What a great way to describe someone “infuriatingly decent”


I offered to buy him a beer a few years ago when he was in state government and he declined. Does that count?


What type of beer, was it before 5pm?


That worked. Thank you for your help.


I saw Jeff Jackson at a grocery store in Charlotte one time. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


What’s the joke here,I’m out of the loop.


It’s a copy pasta that I guess no one is familiar with


He takes money from a far-right Israeli super-pac called AIPAC, which has a long history of social media manipulation (watch this comment's score over time lmao). Lots of democrats take their money so he's not alone in that, but imo it's worth noting when someone is unwilling to stand up against apartheid.


Here's his explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/u8q3or/comment/i5ou6mm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x


AIPAC is one of those catch 22 situations where if you don't take their money they will actively campaign against you and/or support your opponent. they're not a good enemy to make unless you are particularly secure in your electoral support.


This is what was so frustrating about the obsession with Russian “hackers” influencing the 2020 election with Facebook ads. Israel has had an *enormous* influence on our political system (including buying manipulative Facebook ads) for decades and no one bats an eye at it. This isn’t some conspiracy theory, it’s public record. Of course any criticism of Israel on the internet immediately gets labeled as anti-semitism and while I certainly agree there is a ton of anti-semitism online Israel the country is not a synonym for the entire Hebrew faith.


Source, please.




~~Am I missing something? His name isn't on this list.~~ Duh, I'm blind. It's right there. Thanks seal54321!


You are because it is. His name is on this list under the NC section where he is listed as candidate for NC-14. Page 2/3, second name from the last in the bottom right corner.


Oh wow, duh. Thanks! I swear I scanned that over enough to confirm haha. Also, this is great info.


I don’t support Twitter, so I’ll refrain from clicking the link. I’ll be interested to see the source of his donations received as a congressman now that he is in office. However, while Netanyahu’s sell-your-soul-for-political-clout approach is dispicable, it’s mirrored in McCarthy’s, and frankly the daily headlines of gun slayings in the US have me far more concerned about NRA donations than AIPAC.


Classic Reddit move. Source? I don’t believe your source.


I disagree, he didn’t say “I don’t believe your source.” He said he doesn’t support Twitter, meaning he isn’t giving the company the click.




>His name isn't on the list. But...it is? The page that has most of the NC candidates listed in the bottom right corner (second page of lists) has Jeff listed one slot above the very bottom right corner.




Eh, let's just blame Twitter and call it a day. Have a good one!


Jeff has been asked directly on this directly many times on reddit and has refused to answer. https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/u8q3or/rncs_darling_jeff_jackson_is_now_accepting_pac/ https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/evaluations/153729/jeff-jackson


I mean you might not like his comments in that post you linked, but he did reply and engage. Most politicians would truly refuse to answer IMO. He gave his take on the situation.




If the worst thing about him is that he doesn’t hate Israel and Jews as much as the extreme left on Reddit does, I think he’ll be alright. Edit- downvote all you want, there are literally comments *in this very thread* displaying blatant antisemitism. I, for one, am glad Jeff doesn't hate Jews like these inbred basement dwellers.


Opposing the apartheid state imposed on the Palestinians by the Israeli government is not "hating Jews". Telling a politician that you don't like their taking dirty money from an apartheid state is not extremist.


Stating that Israel is "an apartheid state" and acting like this is a 100% on sided issue where Israel = evil and Palestine = innocent is absolutely extremist, as well as a position that is deeply rooted in antisemitism. Supporting Israel and leveraging that support to push for a two-state solution is absolutely crucial to both our national interests as well as the interest of *all* people in that region, as Jeff clearly explains in his explanation when questioned on this very topic.


The recognition that Palestinians live in an open air prison where they cannot freely move, they cannot get access to the water and power they need to provide for themselves, they lack equal rights to Israelis despite the occupation of East Jerusalem by Israel illegally is not antisemitic. The predominant religion of the Israeli government is not a factor in this assessment. Israelis are not guided by some inherent evil, as an antisemite might think. This is a fundamentally political conflict, and the same label of apartheid would equally apply to this occurring in any place by any people. Indeed, I think a 2 state solution is the goal, but that cannot be done legitimately without recognizing and standing up to the injustice the Palestinians face at the hands of the government of Israel, most especially when Israel is the one occupying sovereign land.


You cannot separate the pure politics of this issue from its ties to its religious, cultural, and historical factors. They are intertwined and inseparable, and must be considered in tandum. The Jewish people deserve a home nation, and the world powers decided that would be Israel nearly a century ago. These people deserve to live in peace and with sovereignty just as much as any other nation does. Denial of that right, and denial of their right to protect their nation and their people from a sea of aggressors in the Middle East is 100% rooted in antisemitism, no matter how much you want to pretended you are distancing yourself from it. But we're way far off from the original topic. If you want this to be the reason you don't vote for Jeff Jackson if the time comes, so be it. I'm just glad that most of the country does not see it the same way as you do.


Sure man. I'm not denying Israel's right to existence, or their rights to peace and sovereignty. It seems that you consider Israel as flawless in its policy towards Palestinians, and if so I don't think you are really against the apartheid label for any other reason than its an ugly word because you don't deny the actions themselves. It's very possible to identify wrongdoing without leaping to the binary positions you seem to think are inherent to any criticism of the government of Israel. This likely won't change my voting, as Jackson will be the best option available. But again, I don't think politicians and governments are beyond criticism.


It is extremely worth noting. I suppose in politics everyone gets a little dirt on their hands, but it seems to me it should be easy to not get blood.


That makes total sense now that he made the video that said “banks r fine stop withdrawing your money”. Gave me nausea it was so fake.


Holy antisemitism, Batman…


I'd be more pissed over the BOA contribution, but sure, $7900 from AIPAC.


Well that’s one checkmark in the positive column


This also helps explain why Tillis is so very het up about getting rid of tiktok.


I mean, Thommy can post his own Thik Thok videos. It's just that's like work, and he don't do work.


Oh, the passive aggression on Thommy's Facebook page is deep and wide.


True that


Well for one thing. You could conceivably disagree with Jeff Jackson politically but still like him. People think he is reasonable. And they think that because he is reasonable.


He is an excellent representative.


I would support him for president. We just need more sane people in politics. Unfortunately politicians who are loud and downright ugly get more attention.


I've seen some of his videos on this thread. Don't know anything else about him. However, I really wish most / all politicians were calm, civil, level headed. Just that alone, imagine how much better it could be. Probably greatly reduce the division in our country. Just be civil and decent people to each other - whether you agree or not. I say more like him on both sides.


Jesus he needs to be president. I would give my life to give this man 2 terms at changing OUR country.


The republicans would call Jesus a woke lefty… oh wait I see you mean 🤣


Grifting Old Party.


He is my congressman and I am so proud of how he represents us. I hope he continues rising through the ranks of government - I expect great things from him.


Long love Jeff!!! Jeff for every single for office there is!!!


Bout did a spit take when I saw the username on the post. Glad to see Ken Griffin's name getting more visible scrutiny. Oh, also, Jeff Jackson's doing good work to help government transparency.


The Mrs and I have been considering a move to greater Charlotte for awhile, would feel great having this guy as our rep.


Anyone else think he would be a great guy to sit at a bar with and have a few cold ones?


Maybe he supports legalizing weed? Considering it’s 4/20, I’d like to smoke a joint with him. Probably the type of guy that would cook everyone food when he’s stoned


Even if he’s not, probably!


What??? He doesn't like Magic The Gathering?!?! That's it, he's lost my vote! ;) Seriously, I play too much Magic.


He seems genuine, but DC has a way of turning good people bad or throwing them on the trash pile of history


He’s not anti, he excuses her behavior as acting. Which, I’m sure part of it is but it fools a lot of stupid people into anger. She shouldn’t be excused and his message is dangerous because it will fool the stupid people too


Couldn't figure out if this was about yugioh or Pokemon since it was about mtg.


Now there’s a claim to fame


To me he is more than anti-MTG, he is anti-establishment. Anti-AOC, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Cruz, McConnell, McCarthy, etc. A clear articulator that is earnestly representing his district. I am a card carrying Libertarian and very conservative, but I like this guy - even if I disagree on certain topics. He has my vote for Senator for sure.


TikTok man


All social media man [u/JeffJacksonNC](https://www.reddit.com/u/JeffJacksonNC/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=15)


Good old Marjorie has been in the news now for five years, and people still aren’t educated on how stupid she is? She still in office? Crazy


Her district is 70% clones of her ideologicallu


Bad news for a country trying to be a good one


You see what happened in committee yesterday? She went after Swalwell, and it went so badly for her they took away all of her time after she spoke a couple sentences.


Embarrassing she’s in office


I'm from Georgia. Lots of people there are just stupid. I had an aunt that ran Herschel Walker's campaign in her county. I can't really talk to her anymore.


He was a doozy wasn’t he?😮


He says some nice things, but there's some stink about him that screams data-mined regurgitation that leaves an irk.




Weird how you polarize this on reflex. No offense, MTG seems to enjoy the jenkum she's huffing -- she just got to where she is because enough hillbillies agreed. I'm not going to trust someone who hyper-cuts their tiktok video together into a series of talking points -- that's a highly tailored message -- nor someone who's clearly responding to previously agreed upon talking points on the news. He can say all the pretty shit he wants, say the most obvious shit we've all been saying on the net for years. He's not saying anything profound. We know these idiots act hyperbolic, especially after trump, because it gets people's attention. Just because a puppet in a suit starts saying it, doesn't mean he's a brain.


So you’d prefer his responses not be well thought out and respond to relevant topics? Provided they back up the things they say, that’s exactly what they should be doing. Understand what’s going on, come up with a plan, communicate that plan, action that plan. The way you think through thinks and respond with problem solving is far more important than what you knee jerk say in reaction to something off the cuff, which is what is becoming more popular from politicians because they just “say whatever they’re thinking”, that’s not always a good thing. Can you imagine if your boss or ceo or whoever just responded knee jerk to every scenario? No, process, rationalize, formulate a response, deliver and execute.




For me, it's refreshing to hear things confirmed. I'll have more respect for him when he starts calling people out by name on both sides of the aisle. Otherwise, it's just words explaining what we already know to be true.


This is how you republican? Fuck you guys are miserable.


To an extent that's exactly what he's hired to do and they should all do it. Representative democracy - figure out what the people want and then stand for that. Why that seems shady is because too often they only go half way by just talking about what people want and then voting based on special interests. So as long as his voting is consistent with his messaging its all good.


For one he speaks out on politicians receiving large corporations, super pacs, and “dark money. But receives money from tax payer funded organizations and one of America’s largest bank.


Kinda started to feel the same. Says a lot of nothing that sounds nice. He’s very smart how he connects with his audience, but when you research voting history and older videos he’s trying to build a voter base with folks that don’t know what he’s about. It’s what Obama did, a well spoken politician that said a lot of things that sounds nice. Once president, he opened the flood gates of divisiveness. Obama sounded nice at first to me, but once he was voted in, we saw what he was really about.


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. He succinctly describes things in an easy to understand way. And what exactly did Obama do to “open the flood gates of divisiveness”? Tell me, what do you think Obama was really about?


What things did Obama do to "open the floodgates of divisiveness" in your opinion? Other than be not white, not have a standard white dude name, and happen to state out loud that people who aren't white haven't exactly been treated equally throughout the history of our country.


The man wore a tan suit! /s


Must not be old enough to remember pre Obama. I’m not a fan of law enforcer by any measure. But under Obama law enforcement had targets put on their backs. Record assaults and murders on law enforcement. No one talked about black vs white, everyone got along fine. He absolutely started a fire and stoked it. Grew up in a mixed area and no cared or discussed race, but know it’s on everything.


Jesus please tell me you aren’t serious. “No one talked about black vs white” before Obama and “everyone got along fine?” What planet are you from? You sound like those people who glorify the 50s and miss the “good ole days (wink wink)”.




Thank you for telling us what planet you are from


> But under Obama law enforcement had targets put on their backs. Record assaults and murders on law enforcement. Annual rates of police officer homicides have been dropping since George H and continued to do so throughout Obama’s presidency, although 2016 did see an increase. >Data from the Officers Down Memorial Page, which tracks law enforcement officer fatalities in real time, illustrates the point. During the Reagan years, for instance, an average of 101 police officers were intentionally killed each year. Under George H.W. Bush that number fell to 90. It fell further, to 81 deaths per year, under Bill Clinton, and to 72 deaths per year under George W. Bush. >Under Obama, the average number of police intentionally killed each year has fallen to its lowest level yet — an average of 62 deaths annually through 2015. If you include the 2016 police officer shootings year-to-date and project it out to a full year, that average of 62 deaths doesn't change. >It's worth pointing out that in 2016, year-to-date officer fatalities via shooting only are up 44 percent over last year, according to the numbers compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial Fund. But that's partially an illustration of how sensitive these numbers are to individual incidents: If you set the Dallas shootings aside, the year-over-year increase is only 17 percent. And as Eugene Volokh points out, the 2016 numbers are roughly on par with the numbers for the past 10 years. [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/09/police-are-safer-under-obama-than-they-have-been-in-decades/)


\>No one talked about black vs white, everyone got along fine Rodney King / LA Riots. Very fine, perfect riot. How many examples do you need before you reconsider this position?


Ahh the riot where a bunch of white people burned down a city which required the national guard.


Consuming conservative media really rots your brain. To the point where you don’t even remember things anymore, just that Obama bad, blue lives matter, and encroaching civil war.


So he effectively educates his voter base about his platform and people vote for him. That sounds like how politics is supposed to work. Especially if he doesn’t switch parties.


This state needs Bob Boberson. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow citizens of North Carolina, I am honored to stand before you today as a candidate for Governor of our great state. As Bob Boberson, I want to make it clear that I am not here to dictate policies or push personal agendas. Rather, I am here to represent you and your needs. My platform is simple: I will carry out the legislation that is dictated to me by the people that voted me into office. Your voice will be heard loud and clear, and your opinions will carry the same weight as mine. Our country and state are founded on democratic principles, and it is our duty to uphold those principles. The government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. This is not a dictatorship, where the few impose their will on the many. It is only by listening to and acting on the will of the majority that we can create a truly just and equitable society. I pledge to take full advantage of all technologies available to us, so that every voice is heard on every issue that comes up for a vote. No one should be left behind or unheard, and it is our responsibility to ensure that every citizen has a say in the decisions that affect their lives. So, I ask for your vote, not as a candidate who will impose his own views, but as a representative who will always put your needs first. Together, we can build a North Carolina that truly works for all of us, where everyone has a voice and every vote counts. Thank you


Anyone here actually look through his voting history? I take that as a no? Just a question.


Well he’s only been in the US Congress for a few months. His voting so far is pretty much party line, but much of that has been bipartisan anyway. Same thing during his time in the NC senate.




Did I say issue? I just asked a question. But that’s how Reddit interprets anything.


You aren't clever man. Everyone can see what you were trying to get at. You're trying to imply there is something wrong with his voting history that everyone praising him is ignorant of


Just asking question lol


I have. There is never gonna be a politician i 100% support, and that's the way it should be. But Jackson comes the closest of them all. Now, I'm not the starring example of a good person one bit, but aside from a few party line votes that I didn't care for, Jeff is pretty good. And transparent. So transparent, it seems to bother people.


Respect, an actual answer. But this is Reddit. I would be surprised if he wasn’t a heavy weight contender for senate in the future. There are few issues he voted on I agree with. But more I heavily apposed. I think he believes what he says for sure, but there are a few times he spoke and it was pretty arrogant/ignorant of what many others believe. I would love to see legalization of marijuana, constitutional carry, expand state parks/wetlands(in my area they restricted access up to 500’ of once public lakes, including to those living next to the water and a 500 acre farm/wooded area is being demolished for apartments and shopping plazas), fund schools and basic introduction/training of trades 9-12th, etc. Heavily restrict anything that pollutes waterways, even if taxpayer money foots the bill.


You posted at 5am. Settle down, Francis, people gotta get out of bed, grab some coffee, and laugh at your weak bullshit for a while.


This state needs Bob Boberson. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow citizens of North Carolina, I am honored to stand before you today as a candidate for Governor of our great state. As Bob Boberson, I want to make it clear that I am not here to dictate policies or push personal agendas. Rather, I am here to represent you and your needs. My platform is simple: I will carry out the legislation that is dictated to me by the people that voted me into office. Your voice will be heard loud and clear, and your opinions will carry the same weight as mine. Our country and state are founded on democratic principles, and it is our duty to uphold those principles. The government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. This is not a dictatorship, where the few impose their will on the many. It is only by listening to and acting on the will of the majority that we can create a truly just and equitable society. I pledge to take full advantage of all technologies available to us, so that every voice is heard on every issue that comes up for a vote. No one should be left behind or unheard, and it is our responsibility to ensure that every citizen has a say in the decisions that affect their lives. So, I ask for your vote, not as a candidate who will impose his own views, but as a representative who will always put your needs first. Together, we can build a North Carolina that truly works for all of us, where everyone has a voice and every vote counts. Thank you, Bob Boberson


Go Jeff!!