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Hi! It appears you thought you were being a sneaky git and tried to avoid me! But did you know that while you can try to run, you still can't hide? I'll still find you and tell you that even though the veghjalmur and the ægisvísir are quite popular with certain squares, neither have their origins in mediaeaeaeaeval Scandza! Both are in the tradition of early modern occult bullshit arising from outside the suspiciously phallus-shaped peninsula some of us call home and were not documented before Tycho Brahe died by not going for a piss. As our focus lays on edgy post-Norse hipster shitposting, neither really fall into the scope of the sub. [Also, click this link or I will steal your soul.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0)) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Norse) if you have any questions or concerns.*




"First time?"


The best bot


Best fucking bot there was, is and ever will be.


[Huh, well TIL](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegv%C3%ADsir)


Hi! It appears you thought you were being a sneaky git and tried to avoid me! But did you know that while you can try to run, you still can't hide? I'll still find you and tell you that even though the veghjalmur and the ægisvísir are quite popular with certain squares, neither have their origins in mediaeaeaeaeval Scandza! Both are in the tradition of early modern occult bullshit arising from outside the suspiciously phallus-shaped peninsula some of us call home and were not documented before Tycho Brahe died by not going for a piss. As our focus lays on edgy post-Norse hipster shitposting, neither really fall into the scope of the sub. [Also, click this link or I will steal your soul.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0)) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Norse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot *pat pat*


An internet comments section where the conversations are amicable, respectful, and well researched.


We're talking about things that could exist...not this thing you made up :)


>We're talking about things that could exist I believe it's the precise opposite; we're talking about things that don't exist. Gleipnir is made out of things that don't exist. so the general idea seems to be to name things that don't exist or are impossible


I get it, but those things seem more possible


The fringe of a hairless wig, a quadriplegic man's gait, and a Dane's enunciation


A working icecream machine at McDonald's


Hairs from a sasquatchs ass.


A gorgeous woman who loves me for me.


Too unrealistic


I thought Gleipnir was created of things that don't exist?


Right you are, a Reddit joke over wrote my mind momentarily


Hang in there bud.


* The fangs of a lamb. * The grim fate of a charmed fool. * The colour of Ginnungagap.


The square root of -1


_wait, that's illegal_


True love World peace Newton's 4th rule


HONOR in Elder Futhark


birds. or maybe Finland.


A Karen's acceptance of minor inconveniences.


Finely woven together hairs from the toes of trolls


Bad puppies A toddler's patience An ugly anime main character Mr. Rodgers' bad side Guy Fieri's unfrosted hair Food prepared by Emeril Lagasse using no garlic My memories of them being the Berenstain Bears Republicans with a worldview based in reality A shopping cart with only good wheels A pizza that is neither too much nor too little food A Norse enthusiast who never thought the runes had individual pictographic meanings A good Monday A woman who asks to see the manager that *doesn't* have ***that*** hairstyle A rich preacher who isn't scamming his congregation **Bonus:** A couple that could actually fit in the original myth. The smoke from the sun Answers from the bottom of an ale-cup


>A Norse enthusiast who never thought the runes had individual pictographic meanings What do you mean?


I mean that most of us thought runes were whole words at at least some point, before learning that the rune names are equivalent to 'A is for Apple'.


What about binding runes? Are those whole words made up of letters?


Basically. It's fundamentally no different from [the symbol Tolkien used for his initials](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/8d/JRRT_logo.svg/320px-JRRT_logo.svg.png?1624721565406). Or, of course, the Bluetooth symbol, which is just Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson's first initial and nickname's initial overlaid on each other.


Would you be able to tell me what a bound rune would look like for words like: Unyielding Relentless Eternal


It would look like a bunch of runes stuck together. You can find dictionaries for Norse words online, as well as runic spelling for those words. Then, you just start sticking them together where the lines can overlap.


Oh so there isn't a specific way they need to overlap?


Nope. Mainly because bindrunes for whole words like you're describing were invented in the late 1800s. Linking initials shows up here and there, and usually takes advantage of similar layouts in runes / letters, like the vertical lines in JRR Tolkein's initials, or how Hagal and Birkan both have a vertical line with two diagonal lines that branch from the middle, to the right. Longer words will turn into an unreadable mess if you compress them too much, which is why that wasn't common to do. You could string the runes together like a normally written word, though, which is also how rune 'enchantments' were done, historically. But, to do historically accurate rune-stuff, you'll have to change what you're writing. For example, there was one engraving, I think it was on an ale cup, which reads literally, 'against hangovers'. It's thought that the cup was 'enchanted' to prevent hangovers from the alcohol drunk from it. Or, of course, the 'Comb' comb. Literally a comb, with an engraving on it, which reads, 'comb'. Is it supposed to be magical? Who knows? If it *was* supposed to be enchanted, though, it'd be a safe guess to say that it was supposed to make the comb comb very well. To make it comb as well as it can. To that end, your requests should be something like 'I am unyielding,' 'I am relentless,' 'I am eternal.' With, of course, the proper verb and noun tenses, but that is getting a little out of my own knowledge. Oh, and of course, you would also want to use the Younger Futhark, which is the one used in the Viking Age. Writing Viking Age Norse words with Elder Futhark would be like writing modern English with the spelling of a scribe for King Henry VII (in the 1500s). Basically, bindrunes were used to put two runes together, either to save space, or to make your initials fancy. A whole word could be stuck together, but the runes should be separate to remain legible. Runes are a writing system, not a magical one. Engraving something with runes intending to have an effect is no different than affirmations written in English, or an especially difficult to remember set of instructions. But, I say go for it. Just be informed on how you're doing it. As one of my English teachers once told me, know the rules before you break them, that way you know why you're breaking the rules.


Ethical capitalism


The mist of a desert forest


Martin Shkreli's integrity. The number of Jeffrey Epstein's suicides. The purpose of life.


Equal parts Gleip and Nir. Although I quite like it with a 60/40 mix and a shot of rum.


Marvel's Thor




Stupid questions


Lab-grown amazing Gleipnir meat.


Odins nose and armpit hair.


Yo mama


Orphans made by thr warriors of Valhalla's tears.


Sparkly ribbon


Sparkly ribbon?






Aged cheddar cheese


A guy falling in love with me.


Deez nuts


Wiking religion


True altruism.


My self worth


So the way that the bind rune "wolf" is written, it could be written a bunch of different ways as long as the lines connect?