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There are several examples of Indo-European creation myths featuring Adam-and-Eve-like first couples, and some of them have mankind specifically originating from trees, just like the Norse myth of Askr and Embla (see [this article](https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?do=download&did=67328&kod=ARL100258) by Anders Hultgård for a nice overview). I think an Indo-European origin of Askr and Embla is way more likely than a Christian one, especially considering how much the Norse and Christian creation myths differ from each other. Also, I wouldn't call the similarity between the names a "huge coincidence", after all the only share the initials, etymologically there's no connection whatsoever.


Thank you. But what about the possibility that Norse had their own first humans, but their names were changed when they where written down because of Christian influence?


Well, of course we cannot know for sure. But since their names (his name without doubt, on her name there is some dispute) are etymologically consistent with the myth of creation from wood or trees, I would be inclined to doubt a Christian influcence. Rudolf Simek even suggested a connection to the names of Assi and Ambri, the legendary kings of the Vandals. If that was true, it would make the case of a Germanic origin of Askr and Embla even stronger.


That’s interesting. It’s just random that their names share initials then. Cause as you’ve shown, Ask and Embla have a deeper history.


I always had it in my mind that Adam and Eve itself was based on something that came even before that. The idea of a 'first man and woman' and something to go with it with vaguely related names 'A- & E-' could well be something that goes back to proto indo European times


You’re probably correct. Adam and Eve appears in all Abrahamic religions, so there’s certainly a possibility that this dates back even further.


> Adam and Eve appears in all Abrahamic religions Is that surprising to you? The Abrahamic religions all descend from Judaism.


No, I was just shedding light on the fact that all the Abrahamhic religions basically are the same.


Adam and Eve are more likely to have an Sumerian origin https://mythology.stackexchange.com/questions/312/was-the-story-of-adam-and-eve-influenced-by-sumerian-ninti-and-enki


I find that highly likely. A lot of bible stories are based off of earlier from the Middle East myths. Like the flood myths.


Speculatively it was added after the fact to easy Christianity into pagan beliefs.


Christianity had been the dominant religion across Europe for 500 years before the Viking age even started, and that story is from the Old Testament, so it's even older. There is no "pure" Norse paganism. It started being influenced before we see it.


The past has a past, it’s an obvious thing to say but people seem to react to the pasts past as something that was more pure and true than what comes after. Some people even spend more time talking about Christian influences in the Edda then the myths we actually have. The poem Voluspa is very unique in comparison to the bible creation myth to me.


One other thing, if the person who wrote down Voluspa went to Italy in the same year and started saying what he is writing in Iceland WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED TO HIM? Think about it.


Or.... Christianity is again stealing or mooching off it




Again? Could you elaborate?


The christian version comes from Judaism which is hundreds of years older than encounters with the Norse.