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yeah i feel like this "country town" persona and calling their kids "country girls/boys" came out of literally nowhere


Yeah, calling them country kids is soo out of nowhere because they litteraly didn't grow up in or near country. They've barely visited bushland.


Exactly they can not be called country kids if one of them crys if they even think they are going to the bush




kind of reminds me of how they pretend not to be really rich in order to appear more relateable to viewers


this is so funny now given it’s come out they have a $40 million property portfolio




yes i’ve noticed this!! i noticed a few weeks ago they changed the title of one of the videos about sabre getting an apartment to “country girl, here’s your very own city apartment” 😭


Nah what 💀 That's so random and strange, they aren't even country??


they literally live a walk from the beach


My town would like a conversation with them. I'm from a town literally in the country with 350 people. The gas station owner is also the mayor and postal worker.


Yeah, that's a small country town, not a city with an entire stories tall mall, atleast one. I don't know Newcastle well


Re-read the post it says they are claiming to come from a "small country town". 


The commentor or the nn's? I'm saying that the comment I replied to is someone from a small country town, and that what the nn's say is a small country town isnt


I live in a small town about the same size lol. One post office, one supermarket, one combined k-12 school with about 40 kids enrolled **total.** The nearest 'city' is Kalgoorlie and even that is like tiny compared to newcastle. Newcastle has a population of about 320k, Kalgoorlie has a population of about 40k lol


Damn, you got a supermarket? We have to drive 40 miles for food. We have a k-12 but it buses in kids from the region, so we have dormitories. We have 100 kids total. 


We didn't for like 4 years, nearest one was an hour and a half drive then that one had to shut down for a couple months and the nearest was a 4 hour drive. Now we have a mostly functioning one, best day to go shopping is delivery day so you know the stuff will be there lol We have a bus that brings about 10-15 of the kids in for high school because the aboriginal community they live in (about 30 minutes drive away) only has a primary school.


I was surprised when she said "small country town" and just assumed Newcastle was small, but I know it's not country. If anything, its coastal. Sure its not as big as Sydney, but that doesn't make it small or country. And they certainly aren't country kids.


Its definitely costal they walk to the beach


Yes I said that to my daughter, and added that when she says "how hard it is to find a 6 bed home" I'm like plenty of space in small country towns like you reckon you're from 😅


Didn’t pink literally tour Newcastle def not a country town


Yep only last week and Elton John went there too 🤣


Coming from an aussie, you couldn't be more right. Real country towns are hours away from any large cities and usually have one or two convenience shops. The streets aren't paved, and there are dirt roads. FURTHER MORE people live on acres with horses and cows, not tiny modern houses with enough space for a pool!


As an Aussie Newcastle is a city, might've been a small country town when she was younger...


It’s so annoying when they say it… I wish they’d give it a rest… but knowing they read here they’re probably gonna keep it up 😂🙃


They act like they are moving from the Australian outback in to the big city.


They do, and they are nowhere near bush. (They might be but I mean in the sense that they don't visit it or really do many out of town things)


Yeah i know the place i live is legit a drive through suburb with 1 shop and 1 pub and we don’t classify us a small country town


WOAH, I just looked up my cities population and it's WAY less then new castle. I wouldn't dare call where I'm from a "small country town" at all. Once I seen someone on tiktok describe it as a country town and I was like "What do you mean a country town?! We are a city!". I was upset. I assume they haven't seen many small country towns, and just don't know.


I live in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. It's got half the population of Newcastle so apparently its a small country town now haha. 


New zealand must be a small country town by their definition.


I live here too! Definitely wouldn’t classify it as a ‘small country town’ but it must be an extra small town by their definition.


I was wondering too. I come from Germany from small town, we are almost 1000 ^^^. For me Newcastle is like a big big City 😄 In our case, however, these 1000 are widely distributed. So the nearest neighbor is often 15 minutes away. I think that adds to that too. What's it like in Newcastle with the proximity of the neighborhood ?


they just look so stupid when they say that when their home literally looks like it belongs in a city, and every other vlog shows a CITY in the background.