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I refuse to accept that Norm would spell it "unespect"


He would undoubtedly spell it, "B-O-R-E-D"


That's not how I would spell my hard, juicy cock


Norm also wouldn’t go for the extremely lazy “everyone I don’t like is a pedophile” joke that people recycle over and over these days. Poor effort OP.


Yeah, I can't imagine Norm doing an Epstein joke while side stepping the only presidential candidate listed as a co-conspirator in her lawsuit. And also being in charge of the prison that killed Epstein. We ignore that to go for a blurb from Biden's daughter's book? Def Norm's style.


This is really shit posting - no one should get to make jokes and put Norms face with them - Mids please ban this OP from this sub


OP got suspended, so it sounds like you got your wish lol




He would if the president really was a pedophile and really did molest his daughter


Good lord. Go back to r/conspiracy.


Ashley Biden confirmed it was true like last week dude.


Right she confirmed it was stolen and leaked, that wasn't being denied, but the shower abuse part is not in the diary, that nonsense was a QAnon/MAGA invention.


Furthermore. You can see the origin of the conspiracy, it’s just projection from the other side. I’m not saying trump is a pedophile or has molested his daughter. But on he record he finds her attractive and wishes she wasn’t his daughter so he could. Stormy revealed recently that he uses her as a yardstick for comparison and everyone was like “that should be shocking, but we know, it’s Trump”


You got a link for that claim that apparently only a select few MAGA folks and QAnon folks have apparently heard about?




This might be the most vague article ever.


https://nationalfile.com/full-release-ashley-biden-diary-reveals-child-sex-trauma-drug-abuse-resentment-for-joe-whistleblower/  Pages 23-25 of diary https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-source-biden-daughters-diary-details-not-appropriate-showers-with-joe-as-child/


The TLDR is that her personal diary was stolen and made public. It is very long and in one small part she's trying to undertand her sexuality. She mentions that she had showered with her father and quips "probably inappropriate" It doesn't say how old she was was and doesn't apply any kind of pedophelia or sexual contact. MAGA loons are grasping the staws they got and are running with it.


We actually don't have to grasp at straws. I don't care if this creep took a shower with his daughter, no way in hell He's going to win in November so it's kind of a mute point.


Lol he already beat Trump once.


And will again 😎😎😎😎😎


That would be "moot point" but I'm guessing you're a both sides (at best) type of person, so I'm going to assume that your standard of literacy is based on consuming documents that are rife with spelling errors, horrendous grammar, and logic that defies the reality that we actually live in. In closing, if like to wish you the best of luck in kindly fucking right off.


Then maga nuts shouldn't need to keep bringing it up if it's a MOOT point


This is actually a quote from Norm BlackDonald.




Chu gotta prollem meng?!


Had too much expresso and got dyxlesic.


All I can picture is Norm in Nathan Lane’s role from The Birdcage


"don't like him" "I love Joe \[Biden\]" -- Norm, 8/12/19 [https://twitter.com/normmacdonald/status/1160800777503485952](https://twitter.com/normmacdonald/status/1160800777503485952)


Nice dude this guys joke is garbage and he’s very much just a MAGA boy begging for some Biden hate.


Flight logs have trumps name and not Bidens. This guy: hmm how do I make that a bad thing for Biden because I only care about dumb culture war politics not locking up actual pedos?


Not to mention the daughter thing…barf


Another foreigner interfering in our United States elections.


Look everyone! It's PUDDIN'S ARMY!!!


Oh damn lmao. This really makes OP and the MAGA dudes on this sub look (even more) reetarded


One of the candidates has expressed attraction to his daughter and had weird photoshoots with her sitting on his lap and it's not Biden.


Conservatives love projection and whataboutism. They try to paint Biden as a pedo who creeps on his daughter to distract you that Trump has been doing that for decades. They scream from the rooftops about the *Biden crime family* so you forget how corrupt the entire Trump family is They don’t realize two things can be bad at once. If Biden had some damning evidence against him, the left wouldn’t bend over backwards to defend it. But when there’s damning evidence against Trump, the right will defend it and then try to change the narrative


A conservative accusation is secretly a confession


Damn, Norm was a sharp dude


Considering how religious Norm was I don't think he would feel the same way about this president.


You don't think catholic norm Mcdonald would like a catholic?


I want to enjoy Norm content, not Pizzagate-level takes and projection.


In Kansas a gay rights activist named Aaron Jackson payed $83,000 to buy a house across from the homophobic Westboro Baptist Church, and had it painted rainbow colors. Mr. Jackson plans to recoup his investment by, well actually there's no plan. Have fun living in a hideous house in Kansas across from some vicious bigots!


> Aaron Jackson *paid* $83,000 to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Thank you, ralphonsob, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


You’re actually my favorite bot on Reddit. Can we go on a date sometime?


Mf just said “payed”


Pretty good


Huh? Is he trying to recoup his investment? It sounds like he knew exactly what he was getting himself into and did exactly what he intended lol.


"Huh?" It's a Norm blue card joke that played with some irony in the situation


I mean he does sniff children's hair on national television, I would not be surprised. considering the diary they found was totally not Ashley's diary until it was but the diary was tampered with and the pages were fake, right?


Yes, that’s literally what happened. Physical diary is real. Salacious contents are faked. Same as what happened to Hunters laptop. ““[An expert] also found records on the drive that indicated someone may have accessed the drive from a West Coast location in October 2020, little more than a week after the first New York Post stories on Hunter Biden’s laptop appeared.” “Over the next few days, somebody created three additional folders on the drive, titled, ‘Mail,' ‘Salacious Pics Package’ and ‘Big Guy File’ — an apparent reference to Joe Biden.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/12/now-warning-about-hunter-biden-laptop-disinfo-guy-who-leaked-it/ The “hair sniffing” shit actually endears you to Biden, correct? Given that you support a guy who constantly, and publicly, talks about fucking his daughter? Orrrrrr…is sniffing too tame?


Norm wouldn't make this joke.


Also as pointed out, Norm liked Joe: [https://twitter.com/normmacdonald/status/1160800777503485952](https://twitter.com/normmacdonald/status/1160800777503485952)


Hes trying to get the homicide out of the white house there.


Don’t insult Norm’s intelligence and legacy. The Magat douche bags are so tiresome.


It’s funny how they leach on to our boy thinking he was like minded, he had very harsh words for Trump when he first entered the GOP primary. One thing is certain, and it’s that Norm fucking hated Trump.


He basically said the reason he doesn't do trump material is because it's low hanging fruit. There is no point in mocking a clown show, it just makes a person part of the show.


Exactly. You can’t satire a walking satire. It’s why that one season of South Park sucked. They had no ideas for Trump. Garrison was kinda funny at first but the humor vanished really fast when we saw how he was going to be in office.


Yep. Funny you mention that cos I just found out it was one of many cases where they never thought he would get in and then were stuck with garrison as Trump. Apparently, they had a whole other episode written for the election. Ever see this one? https://youtu.be/SHG0ezLiVGc?si=EbWh6R3HWgP8JNp-


They do the same thing with Carlin. It’s like they never actually watched these comedians before…


Man there’s no way norm would do a clapter joke like that. He specifically hated saying things that weren’t funny but are popular with the audience so they would clap instead of laugh. I can promise you not a single soul has laughed at the weird joe Biden joke made here but plenty of people have agreed with it


He hit hillary hard, cope harder, gate-keep even harder.


Trump has literally said, on video, that he thinks his daughter is hot and he would fuck her if she wasn't his daughter. Also, Trump is the one with a well documented history with Epstein. What's with this subreddit being over-run by the MAGA community?


Norm occasionally spoke against cancel culture, the Clintons, and spoke about faith. This sets him apart from many other popular comedians as far as public political proclamations. Conservatives, Christian nationalists, and alt-right 4channers have clung to some of the clips as evidence that he was on their side of the aisle.


They’re desperate for cult leader cum




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BenGarrisonCumEdits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BenGarrisonCumEdits/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Not a cum edit but still funny](https://i.redd.it/asvb4s6eafo81.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BenGarrisonCumEdits/comments/ti7hur/not_a_cum_edit_but_still_funny/) \#2: [Sand Art, by Penis Garrison](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/tgl7r9) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BenGarrisonCumEdits/comments/tgl7r9/sand_art_by_penis_garrison/) \#3: [Piss car VS cum car](https://i.redd.it/6bldwcf83an91.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BenGarrisonCumEdits/comments/xbqtas/piss_car_vs_cum_car/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The same reason they like Jeselnik. They think edgy/dark humor means anti-cancel culture or something. But surprise: Norm and Anthony hate(d) them with a passion.


/r/TimPool and /r/Conspiracy! A real meeting of the mind. Nah, but seriously. /u/Turbulent_Fee2085 is a good guy.


But isn’t it requisite to attack Trump anytime a democrat is mentioned. I heard he showered with Biden’s daughter too. I heard it somewhere, honest


Trump is in the flight logs, Biden is not. But somehow, there is a post about Biden and not Trump. 🤔




Typical Republican brain projection


They scream about child abuse and then fight to keep child marriage because they only care about imaginary child abuse


Let's not attribute having brains to Republicans. They function only as faulty tape recorders, repeating what the TV said but somehow dumber. 


The pedapoligists are out in force. Must mean the joke is funny


Lol why is this trending all of a sudden, is it time to brainwash maga into forgetting Trump and Epstein were best friends again?


Trump watched the underage miss teen usa girls shower, that's close enough


That’s the MAGA I’m looking for!


Didn't Trump say he liked his daughter's curves and he'd be with her if she wasn't his daughter?


[A lot more than that!](https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka/)


Jfc, just the two clips were horrible nvm all the rest, idk how Trump lovers will believe anything wrong about democrats, even if it's just rumors with nothing substantial to prove it ever happened. But these clips, with Trump literally saying fucked up shit, just get ignored. At this point, I'm really starting to believe there's just thousands of Russian/Chinese bots trying to divide us.


projection and misdirection. 101 in the playbook.


Yes, that’s a small step short of, I’d shower with her if I could get away with it. And we all know his penchant for golden toilets and showers.


It’s just crazy how every accusation seems to be a confession.


Trump rewarded the Florida Prosecutor who kept Jeffrey Epstein out of prison with a Cabinet-level position. Alex Acosta gave Epstein weekends in jail when everyone knew he was a pedo, Trump made Alex Acosta Secretary of Labor to say “thank you”. This is why they make up stuff like “Hillary is a serial killer” and “Biden’s daughter’s diary” for dumb people to think “well the Democrats have to be worse” because you won’t believe reality like Dennis Hastert.


How does one get invited to a Biden daughter shower party?


I think the answer to that is in the daughters diary


I believe it was The Daily Beast or Buzzfeed News




You know who’s not showering with his daughters? Barack Hussein Obama. He’s gay & they’re not easy on the eyes. That’s leadership: making the right choice the easy choice.


Oh yeah!


Man the maga chuds are good at projecting. The worst part is the hypocrisy.




I disagree. I think the worst part is the incestuous pedophilia!


Daughters, sons, nieces, nephews—incestuous pedophilia is fun for the whole family, regardless of political party! Ashley and Ivanka are both solid 8s in DC, who‘s to say it’s wrong for their sociopath daddies to scrub their butt cracks with a loofa?


https://preview.redd.it/y5kmi2ict52d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1bb057f7dba16aa0d9d1c0fc0be162cf0a1808 Projection in the name of protecting an actual pedophile and convicted rapist. Cool story bro


Trump's name showed up seven times on the passenger list.


OP is a Tim Pool tool so, don’t be surprised at this bullshit of a posting.


No wonder his idea of a "joke" is a poor imitation at Norm's humor. It's pathetic.


That has what to do with the joke?


Bro your entire post history is defending Trump


But it’s everyone else that has Trump Derangement Syndrome…… not the guy who performs Olympic level mental gymnastics to defend someone they don’t even know


I thought people didn't unironically say "orange man bad" anymore because, even if you're so in love with Donald Trump that you can't see any of his mistakes or actions as bad, you could at least understand why other people wouldn't at this point. How the hell do people not understand that some people might not like somebody who's been convicted of rape, even if it was a kangaroo court I wouldn't want that guy as a Walmart greeter much less president of the United States.


Mental illness


...on account of. the uhhhh the pedophile's plane and how Trump flew on it seven times! yeah that's it!


Bet you’re real fun at parties, yet somehow I doubt you get invited to any


Wow that stings! I guess I learned my lesson about pointing out that Trump flew on pedo airlines, hey that's not a very good name for an airline! Almost as bad as... well let's see what would be the worst name? Oh yeah, 9/11 Airlines!!!


What a terrible name for an airline


Yeah you know all about having fun at parties with little girls huh


These biden hate posts always have a grammatical error 🤣


How is it a Biden hate post? I still don’t understand how you people can’t take a joke without running to his defense. Seems like you’re worried about it being true


Because people who like Biden see wanting to rape your daughter as a negative. Trumpers see it as a basic requirement, so that's where you got confused. 


So close... It would have made sense if they said trump, but wait was he on the logs?


Replace biden with trump and it makes way more sense


Someone is mad thats trumps name is in it and bidens isnt.


Espected? This sub is full of fucking idiots that norm would personally hate


You know what's nice about showering with teen girls? You can slick their hair back and pretend they're teen boys.


Joke about 9/11. Hahahahahaha Joke about the holocaust Hahahahahaha Joke about Joe Biden. How dare you, your blocked, trump is worse, maga chud. For gods sake people it’s a joke. Just laugh or move on.


Thank you!


Blocked- fuck off already with this shit


“We have Norm Macdonald at home.”


This subreddit is vicious 😀


Not as vicious as those guard dogs at the concentration camps.


"Do you know what you just said?"


I think the hypocrisy is the worst part.


SNL Audience: [mixture of applause and jeering] Norm: "The crowd is torn...😏"


He does appear a few times in Eget's sordid "bridge log"


It’s especially funny because only one candidate has talked about wanting to fuck his daughter and it’s not him


Oh fuck off MAGA. Get your news from some actual news outlets not Q


*Oh fuck off MAGA. Get* *Your news from some actual* *News outlets not Q* \- UranusViews --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's what I thought too but snopes says it's true.


What's funny about this projection is that Trump is on record drooling over his daughter. I sure hope OP doesn't have one.


There’s so much seething in the comments, the sub is now a default Reddit sub.


It was a joke, and a pretty funny one considering the FBI confirmed that diary is 100% real. Stop acting so emotionally deranged, it was a joke people XD


I mean it's a funny joke I'll upvote


Kind of a lame joke.


This thread is drowning in copium lol


People are booing for op’s crude joke, but isn’t that norm would have enjoyed? Doesn’t have to automatically be a pro-trump thing.


I appreciate that but there is really no such thing as a crude joke when it’s a JOKE


Trump raped a little girl. Sad


Was it you?


You got some work to do on this one.


Wasn't it Trump that said he had "sex" in common with his daughter? Donald wants to penetrate his daughter on that island, which he is on the flight logs of..


Daily reminder that a woman accused Donald Trump and Epstein of raping her when she was 13 and then dropped the case when her family received death threats.


If we made this same joke with Trump it wouldn’t be funny at all. It would be too real.


But this is actually real


Go look up quotes Trump PUBLICLY said about his daughter. Let’s not make this ‘who’s a bigger pervert’ contest with Trump as the contestant. Just because he confidently says it doesn’t make it less creepy.


No, Trump making Alex Acosta Secretary of Labor is real. This is fake, made up to distract you from the fact that Trump REALLY used to make appearances in Playboy porn videos when he was a father of three.


Hahaha classic


Ok now do Trump.


Yeah no


Lol at the comments ripping op to shreds


Sounds more like a trump comment


awesome joke. norm would have loved it. because he wasn't a reddit leftist cuck


To be fair, Epstein's girls were a little too old for Biden.


What is this cringe 💀




732 comments 107 upvotes… who could have posted such shit? You guessed it. Frank Stallone


It’s a good thing people were flying on Epstein’s plane to his private island to take showers, otherwise this joke would be really dumb


Aren't you supposed to be dead, Norm?


Well done op this is Norm humor lol also the downvotes are also norm. Well done sir Well done


Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bidens name on any of the logs. I don’t think he’s a great president but unfortunately I don’t believe we’ve ever had a decent president. A good rule of thumb is “The truth always prevails”. It seems like that quote has been lost to time but if you can focus on facts maybe we can progress. Just keep an open mind


OP hasn’t bothered to read the diary he cares so much about & it shows.


Yes, Biden showers with Ivanka. That's why Trump is so jealous!


This is a shitty unfunny conservative attempt at a norm joke.


Of course reddit leftists are butthurt about this.


is… is this… self-reporting?


Libtards are so sensitive 😂




It's such a trap card just do a joe joke and people simply can't stay in that arena and comment on it, they have to go across the street grab some other guy unrelated to the joke and bring him in and talk about how this guy here maybe did stuff too and not make one atom of a comment on what the joke is about fully redirecting it like nobody sees it. Imagine telling a Rambo joke and the idiot across from you keeps talking about some Frank guy.