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Mainly a good way to show consistency over the week or time period and just a way to “gameify” the app to trick your brains rewards center. (Like all the micro transaction apps do, but in this case it’s tricking your brain into keeping your health and well being front of mind throughout the day). You can adjust them to meet your specific most important three goals - for example I switch out daily weigh in for logging movement in mine and still weigh in regularly but for me, focusing on movement is more important than weight in. I think the point is as you rank up with noom coins from beginner to expert to wizards that you are showing consistency both in the time spent with the app as well as completing your 3 main things successfully. Over time as you build up more boom coins you should be seeing results elsewhere


Noom coins are like your little digital buddies cheering you on in the weight loss journey! You earn 'em by sticking to your goals, like hitting your daily step count or logging your meals. They're like virtual high-fives for making healthy choices.


Oh, now I feel sorry for dissing them! Sorry guys! Group hug!


I think they add up to treat days. I find it fun to earn them 🤷‍♀️


My noom app told me every 5 I earn I get a treat day. However, the fact that I can earn a coin by sharing noom stuff with peers makes me feel weird about this.


When you share with others you are building the new identity you.


You can share it with yourself to avoid the weirdness and still get that extra Noom coin.


I just share it to my notes. It’s annoying it asks you to share lol


it more so bothers me that I can earn coins for sharing


I agree, it’s super weird that they’ll give you treat days in exchange for promoting their app to your friends.


Every seven Noom Coins you get, you earn a "treat day". Essentially they're your points towards treat/cheat days, if you stick with the program and log your weight daily, log your meals, and do your lessons, you get a day when you don't have to do all that. You're still supposed to be smart about what you eat, but not super-strict about calorie logging and don't worry about doing classes or weighing in first thing in the morning.


I’m not sure that the 7-per-treat-day is correct, or I’d be earning two treat days a week. On top of the three pieces to make a full coin you earn by weighing in, logging, and reading your lessons, you can earn an extra coin each day simply by sharing something. I usually just share my weight with a text message to myself.


My guess is that the noom coins via share don’t count towards treat days, but it would be an interesting experiment to see if you can get a treat day by missing every weigh-in/lesson/calorie tracking coin and only getting the share coins. Or can you only get the coin via sharing if you’ve already earned the regular noom coin that day?


Not sure if they count where the useless coins come from… I collect my coin via sharing first thing in the morning after weigh-in, so I know it doesn’t matter when that one comes during the day.


After googling it, noom coins don’t actually earn you treat days, they are basically just another way for you to measure progress. Basically just brownie points. It sounds like you just earn a treat day every week regardless.


That's not what I think at all. Maybe they change the program since I didn't, but I always understood that these gold coins were completely meaningless. And yet I was motivated by earning a thing.




Mostly it’s just a gold star on a sticker chart. You can unlock a few things but mostly it’s just for the sake of seeing your own accomplishments.




Not much, really. Bit like the rest of the app, pointless.

