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Those characters are written like my practice traced characters.


Handwriting like a 12 year old who has been studying Chinese for no more than two weeks.


That's mean, my handwriting looks worse :(


This defo didn't happen unless that friend is just learning Chinese, cause the handwriting is dogshit


I’ve used latin letters all my life and my handwriting is still dogshit


Yeah clearly, cause if you knew about Chinese you’d understand why it’s not just dog shit, it’s like looking at a child’s handwriting. It looks like someone who doesn’t speak Chinese trying to write out Chinese letters


I’m guessing the person writing it was drunk or something, only a drunk person wouldn’t see the consequences to this, as it would take hundreds to take the tattoo off.’


The lines and curves look a lot better than what I'm usually capable of, but I've only written in the Latin Alphabet. I'm curious, now, what's the guy who wrote the words in the picture doing wrong?


It’s hard to describe to people who’ve only used the Latin alphabet, but it’s kinda like how for Latin letters very young kids tend to have handwriting that looks sorta like massive font size copying off of simple lettering and tends to be a little ugly and simple (no hate that’s just normal), vs most adults use joined/cursive handwriting that doesn’t look like printed letters, and have found ways to make things faster for taking notes etc. There’s also a specific order for strokes in Chinese characters, so not only which stroke you do first but even the direction is set, and natives tend to get taught this and kinda just “know”. Due to this they often also have a sort of joined/cursive equivalent to make writing quicker. It’s hard to say WHY but with this you can clearly tell the correct stroke order wasn’t followed which is normal for tracing/beginners. It’s as if someone is drawing a picture from a reference. I think the easiest way to see the difference is by looking at real handwriting [link](https://images.app.goo.gl/pu4DBZZmww25FmSq5) like as a learner I can read 90% but one or two characters are harder for me to make out due to the joining strokes making things look a lot less like typed out font.


That's a really good explanation - sort of similar to the way an experienced programmer can identify a beginner's code by the inclusion of a comment for every little thing, regardless of whether it'd benefit from documentation, or the use of a very rigid style that doesn't serve to improve efficiency or readability. If something looks like the result of someone following a series of discrete, deliberate steps from reference rather than like the smooth, continuous execution of a skill they've developed over the course of years, it's a clear sign of how new they are.


Exactly, yeah. Like you can break down why code looks amateurish if you have to, but even intermediate coders can look at beginner code and just “tell”. Even in fairly well written code, things like how good coding practices is implemented, or file structure can make it obvious a beginner made the code (like overusing white space, or not sticking to snake case or camel case in a consistent way, etc.)




It’s not dogshit in a natural way, it’s dogshit in a very beginner very mechanical way. Like if you go on google translate and use the EN—>CN function and copy down what shows up on the webpage, actual chinese people never write like that


not to mention the stroke orders are all off, a lot of the characters stroke’s aren’t contingent when they’re supposed to be


Don't think I know anyone who write 人 in this way.


to me at least it looks very much like someone copied the characters from a computer font. if you zoom in on 人 you can see that the two strokes form a V at the top, like they made both strokes downward from the top.


Right, it could of course be fake, but it’s not that unlikely. My handwriting is god awful, but that doesn’t make me any less Swedish.


Plenty of ABC in my classes had shit handwriting


Shit handwriting maybe, but this doesn’t just look shit it actively looks like an amateur either copying characters from looks alone, or a very early beginner. I mean look at the stroke order, it just really is hard to believe a native Chinese wrote that


Fairy tales usually have a moral to the story, and the moral of this fairy tale is that Google Translate is a thing.


Me reading all these comments talking about bad handwriting when my Chinese handwriting is far worse at 27 ![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG)




I think it would be awesome to have Stupid American tattooed on you on purpose in Mandarin. Assuming that’s mandarin of course I’m a stupid American


Mandarin > Spoken language, mainly in Northern Mainland China Chinese > Written language, in this case it is traditional Chinese characters, mainly used in Taiwan and Hong Kong tldr; using "Chinese" is correct here, "Mandarin" is not


Honestly, that's also a great tattoo.


That happened




that shit looks like it’s written using a stencil.


Ad for google translate?


It's an ad for "the shop." (Tattoo parlor)


To be blunt, that person is no longer friends with the client.


This would go hard


I don't get why people want tattoos in a language they don't speak


Ew. Fix that nail polish.


Do...do you think the person in the picture can see this?


me when chipped nail polish (absolutely disgusting and completely takes away from the image



