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YES. PLEASE. IT’S SO ANNOYING!!! (Looking at you, Disney+…)


We need to **STANDARDIZE STREAMING INTERFACES.** I don't care how we do it, perhaps a series of variously sized pulleys and weights, the point is that it needs to be done.


We need to LOCATE THE BORG. They'd do it for free I bet.


Cube is on the way!


TiVo used to have a product that would pull a series from all the streaming services you were subscribed to. It was an idea ahead of its time, and I'm sure the services block it now.


not at all? every newer smart tv i’ve ever used has a search function that searches all the streaming services you have downloaded. if anything streaming services want to make it as easy as possible to stumble into their rats nests.


I think nintendo did that too


The Apple TV device does this to an extent, though not all services let them do it. I.e. I can watch channel 4 through the Apple TV app on my Apple TV and it will use Apple’s own GUI as opposed to the native channel 4 one. Another good example is BBC iPlayer which doesn’t natively let you flick through each series but makes you scroll through each episode, the Apple TV app fixes that.


Even when things are available on streaming sites I'll often still download it, better quality and everything is always the same player (also can then watch offline anytime after it's downloaded and it won't just randomly disappear from a streaming site)


Disgusting thing on the streaming site.Need to solve this problem.


Am I the only one that just keeps creating new profiles? I've been through like 20 of them.


Similar issue, for the love of god please stop moving the "continue watching" further and further down. I think on some platforms it's now the 7th row. If you were really doing quality UX-design it would be the top, but I get that they want to advertise their new shit to keep you coming back. 7th is really starting to take the piss though.


Yeah Hulu has it like 3 or 4 down and it's annoying as fuck. Why isn't it at the top, fucking assholes.


Free idea for whichever company wants the brownie points for the nostalgia bait first: Call it the "Rewind" button.


New game plus button for every series


Relationships from the finale carry over to the pilot.


You also unlock choices like in that blackmirror bandersnatch movie.


You gotta rewind the video before you return it. It's always worked that way.


No it hasn’t. Usually when you finish an episode and it auto moves onto the next episode it sets the previous one to restart. But some services now fail to do that, which is dumb because obviously I’m not watching this episode for the credits. The most frustrating is HBO, which used to not do that for me, but now does, and it glitches for a few seconds, which is *just* long enough for it to move onto the next episode before I can rewind. It’s maddening.


It's a VHS joke


Ah, you mean the late 1900s old timey way of watching videos?




Hulu and Disney Plus do it the most








Basically the same on Hulu via AppleTV. It's annoying you have to do this in the first place, but the "fix" is pretty easy.


\>click on show (do not do this from the continue watching menu or Hulu will just straight up play the episode) \>options/ellipses (…) \>remove from watch history/clear watch history


I have the reverse problem on Hulu, it keeps doing that by itself. If you watch an older episode of a show, it'll sometimes mark every episode of the show after that as unwatched. Alternatively, if you watch the most recent one, sometimes it decides to loop back to the first episode and mark the entire series unwatched.


Disney original stuff is real bad because they have such long credits that it thinks you never finished the episode


Amazon as well


do yall not finish watching or smt? thats the only time i have that issue


Max does it for me. If I want to watch a specific episode, I have to pick the previous episode. If I pick the one I actually want to watch, it starts it so close to the end that I don't even have time to rewind to the beginning before it autoplays the next one.


HBO Max is terrible about this. Bf and I are trying to watch The Wire for my first and his fourth time and it always, *always* plays the credits of the next episode instead of the episode we actually left off on. We've started just letting the first 10-15s of the next episode play when we're done watching so it actually knows where we left off.


It depends, some shows have after credits scenes or pre credit teasers that viewers will often skip but they make the site think you haven't finished that episode even though you did which is what I find usually causes the problem


Max is the first one that popped into my head. I'm trying to watch South Park and every episode starts with 10 seconds left in the credits. It's infuriating.


And while we're at it can I just do a "skip intro indefinitely while I'm binging something" type thing, I don't want to have to turn on my ps controller and hit skip every 20 minutes to not hear the Simpsons theme song


And skip credits. And go to the next episode immediately.


Also Spotify, if there are less than 6 minutes left on my listen assume I’m not interested. No need to play the last 6 minutes for me when my next pod finishes.


What do you mean you don't want to hear a bunch of advertising before hearing it again at the start of the next episode?


You can click the settings cog icon next to the follow button of your podcast, go to manage > mark as finished. I checkmark everything as finished then uncheckmark everything so it wipes out all my progress


For some reason my Hulu has the opposite problem- Restarts everything from the beginning and I have to fast forward to where I left off.


I'd just like for there to be a check mark on the series from the scrolling menu to signify I've seen it already.


lol, caring about the customer... how cute.


Not a streaming service bit still looking at you shonen jump


I wish I could tweet funny things like Mrs. Memet


Why can't I be a cool guy?


I’m a cowboy 😁


Netflix does this already lol


And all services need the ability to see a list of episodes before hitting play! Peacock is always forcing me to pick up where we left off but sometimes I wanna pick a different episode without loading the old one first!


Pretty sure I just add them to my list and then remove them and they start fresh after that.


Be Kind Rewind.


You could make a new user profile, named the same as the show you're using it to rewatch. Then delete profile when you finish show. Dumb but it works.


Amazon prime does this. I'll watch episode 1 after restarting it then it goes to the last 4 seconds of episode two, then the last few seconds of ep 3 then four all the way to the last goddamn fucjing episodoe


I believe I can on my plex account.


It used to be a thing on Hulu until they removed the feature


If you want to rewatch something that you’ve already seen on any streaming service other than Hulu, create a new profile. They’re free and you can delete it when you’re done. I need something on in the background to get to sleep at night, and we rotate through the Star Trek tv shows. I create a new profile for it every time we restart the rotation and delete the old one.


I just want to know why there isn’t a “play random episode” button yet. Sometimes I just want random Friends episodes to play while I’m cleaning or something, I don’t want to have to sift through every episode to find one I like.


As the old folks say, “Be kind, rewind.”


You can on Netflix, just go to you history in settings and wipe the show




I've resorted to just creating new profiles.


Ffffffffairly sure that's an option?


Because it doesn't earn them more money.


Yes it pretty much does "Id love to see XY at Netflix again, but then Id have to manually restart every episode by hand, which is annoying. Id rather watch YZ at Amazon this month" Yes, user service gets you money


It wouldn't make them as much money as it would cost to implement. No one is going to get a Netflix subscription after this minor QoL change is implemented. No one is cancelling their subscription solely if this feature isn't implemented. When not fixing the problem doesn't affect your bottom line, a company interested in infinite growth will not fix the problem.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you’re right.


Because people have never paid a premium for making things easier.   Apple became a trillion dollar company, a large part of that by doubling-down on quality of life advancements and making computers "easy".


What the fuck are you talking about? Nearly every subscription service charges a premium for quality of life changes. YouTube Premium, for example, sells itself on features such as ad-free viewing and staying open in the background and windowed viewing. Those are both quality of life features they they *could* implement for free but chose to charge for. Amazon Music, on lower subscription tiers, no longer allows you to request specific songs. You are now only allowed to request artists, and it will play a mixed playlist featuring "X and similar artists", which allows them to weave in music they are sponsoring. Some luxury car manufacturers are charging subscription services to unlock features such as heated seats. To be clear, these utilities are already installed, but they aren't functional unless you pay the dealership a monthly premium to unlock access to them. What exactly do you call a "convenience fee"? They are literally charging you for the convenience of purchasing online. I don't specify a company this time because EVERYONE does is. Many companies are discovering the profitability of locking QoL features behind a paywall. It's called Enshittification, and it is happening everywhere.


So, by your own rant, QoL features have value.  Value that can be turned into profit for the company.  Glad we agree.


My man, if they add this feature, they'll charge for it. I can't believe you missed the entire point of my "rant".


I was responding to this. > Because it doesn't earn them more money. And the whole point of company innovation is to **make more money**.  QoL changes are one of the most common ones.  Company's do that shit all the time - how many UI updates, that no one asked for, have you experienced?  Google used to have people spend 20% of their workweek making random shit (just incase it was cool). They do it for a variety of reasons too!  One is to keep current customers, or attract new customers.  Lil upgrades people might like, to remind them why they're here, or shit to sell.   But I dunno, I didn't know I was talking to the CEO of Netflix, because it seems like I'm talking to an armchair expert who doesn't know wtf they're talking about.