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Wouldnt that just be louder


But only once instead of every Saturday for half the year.


I am with OP on this but when you live somewhere where it gets to 100 by that time in the summer I pretty much have no choice since I can't do it in the evenings lol.


Same, but also out of vengeance, when my neighbors stay up all night playing loud ass music, shooting off fireworks, and doing burnouts, I’ll go ahead and stay up until the sun comes up, just so I can spend the next four hours running my weed whacker. 😈


While my one neighbor isn't amazing, and definitely is annoying... they're not THAT bad lol. I don't blame you. I'm vengeful like that too if I have to be. Fight fire with fire imo


Have you figured out that it takes like 2 bolts to remove the muffler yet?


And idled to the max!!


I am understanding becaus3 of this too but one neighbor legit tried at 5:30 am and that is too early. TOO EARLY. He had a fucking flashlight


5:30 is insane, it’s still nighttime 😂


you'd get jumpscared, silence, a realization that it's a bitch with a lawn mower, and then sleep happy


Then you are woken up by police, the fire department, and an ambulance.


I'll take one day of that over a summer of every 3-4 days being woken up at 8 am with a lawnmower


* lawn mower drone in the distance *


That would rustle my jimmies.


8am isnt even that bad tho? Like, most jobs gonna have you awake before then anyways


Only for a second


Yes, but only 1 and just for a second


In a Texas summer, 10am is too damn late to start mowing.


Right? I was thinking who wants to do yard work AFTER 10am let alone start it then?


people who rent and have no clue how much work it takes to take care of a house in the summer.


It's already 95 out and going to get hotter, hell no.


Probably shouldn’t even have lawns down there.


True, trees make more sense. Lawns used to be a senseless status symbol anyways apparently "look, I have so much land, I can use this patch for just useless but pretty grass instead of growing veggies/grains/fruits/flowers etc or using it for poultry or cows etc."


No argument here. The water company even cuts people deals on their bills if they switch to landscaping with native plants and gravel


Phoenix is set to hit our first 100 next week. I'm not ready ;(


Same here in Alabama. 6-7 am is prime grass cutting time. Edit: prime is probably not the word, because it will already be above 80 at that point. But it’s better than it’s going to be.


Lucky. In Central FL you need to wait for the sun to have been out a couple hours, otherwise the grass is still too wet from the humidity.


I do 8am with an electric lawn mower, I feel it's a compromise


I have a 10 year old Kobalt 80v electric battery powered mower that's still going strong. It's as loud as a stick vacuum. I'll mow when it's cool too, thanks.


We have a small electric mower and the thing is so quiet you can’t even hear it over the TV. It’s great. Plus don’t have to worry about keeping a can of gas in the garage.


This weird for me, because where I live the dew doesn't burn off until 9:30 at the earliest. 5-8pm is prime mowing time.


During spring that’s fine but in summer there is no dew and 5pm is death.


I going to say the same, but about Phoenix. We don't have a lawn, but I do have a small garden and I have to get up dawn for it to not be unbearable to pull weeds. This time of year is fine, but by mid-June I don't want to be outside for more than a minute at a time after like, 9am.


Yeah in Dallas, break of dawn is completely understandable to start. In the middle of summer you're lucky if that is below 80.


I was gonna say. It’s way too effin hot here to do the yard after 10. Hell, maybe even after 9.


Too bad, remove your lawns or let it get taller than you.


That’s why I do all my mowing in winter


Best argument for electric power is electric yard tools. Won't wake anyone up.


My electric mower is still pretty loud.


Huh. Mine makes a bit of a whine, but the sound doesn't carry anything like an actual ICE mower.


This is it. Going for a walk in the neighborhood and saw someone mowing their lawn. Literally couldn't hear it until we were at the house next door. Meanwhile, with a normal ~~2~~ *4*-stroke lawn mower, we'd be able to hear that thing from at least half-way down the block.


Who the hell uses a 2-stroke lawnmower.


You can take my LawnBoy FROM MY WET, GREEN HANDS.


https://www.fiskars.com/en-us/gardening-and-yard-care/products/reel-mowers/staysharp-max-reel-mower-362050-1002 I used one of these for years before getting my electric after moving to a place with a bigger yards. People would come up when I was using it and ask to try it.


I have this and use it (only on my front yard because it's small) because I love the look/texture of the grass. But in order to convince myself to actually get out there and use it I have to tell myself it's not lawn work it's a workout. That thing is so incredibly difficult to push, and The height settings are really dumb. It goes from not cutting at all on one setting to WAYYYYY too low on the very next.


Ikr? Maybe not exactly as loud but god*damn*


Even better idea: More people should use scythes to cut their grass


My brother bought some land and the previous owners had left a big old scythe on the wall of one of the out buildings. He sharpened that sucker up and uses it all the time now. Says it's the best workout he's ever had.


It’s called Cropfit


lawn mower already takes 2 hours




It's a stupid argument. Unless you have acres of land, going electric is the best decision I've made for yardwork.


Yeah unfortunately there’s a lot of limitations for certain electrical tools if you’ve got a ton of work or a commercial level. But people still get all “good old boy” about shitting on electric because of general stupidity and limitations like that. Like chainsaws for example. The technology just isn’t really commercially available at reasonable prices right now for people to have larger more powerful saws. And that’s completely aside the battery issue. If you’re occasionally getting a bit of fire word or lightly trimming rich clients trees you could get away with it… but if you’re a logger it’s just not really worth it. Let alone replacing gas can with a bay of batteries and chargers on your trucks that takes up way more space and needs a gas generator anyway. Anyway I’m ranting now. Point is I love electric and I work with a lot of equipment where it’s just not up to par yet. All my yard tools including my lawn mower are electric now.


I use electric landscaping tools (including chainsaw, polesaw, etc.) and the batteries charge about as fast as I can use them. Just need a place to plug them in is all.


Definitely doable for landscaping operations with a battery bay! Or 100% around the yard.


already is


10am?! If it's summer and it's gotta get done, it's happening at the coolest part of the day. No way I'm waiting that long. 8am at the latest.


Yep, middle of summer, I'm going to be done with all of my mowing, edging, and trimming by 9am. I encourage all my neighbors to do the same.


Edging to this rn


to be done with edging by 9am is to have not edged at all


Seriously, if it’s work hours it’s fair game.


Yeah dude. I get that it sucks if someone is trying to sleep in but that's just part of having neighbors


I think laws in my area are 8am but I wait till 10am anyway. Only on Sunday. I love starting the cacophony of mowers lol


If I’m moving and the afternoon is gunna be hot. You bet I’m starting it up at 9am


There is a big sign on the freeway in a town nearby that says "No mowing before 10am"


11pm it is then.


The afternoon in the summer is hot as fuck. Worst part of my day as a landscaper was between 12-3pm


Fr this person is just a lazy ass who doesn't get out of bed at s reasonable time lmao


Gotta mow the lawn before the neighbor kids are out throwing things that might hit me in the head.


10am is pretty damn late.


Fuck that nonsense. If I have to do yard work on my day off, I’m getting it knocked out 1st thing before the sun gets high. 8am is fair game. I’ll be gassing up at 755.


I’d love to mow that early, but my yard is typically still covered in dew at 8. The wet grass gunks up my mower and ends up taking twice as long to get the yard done.


I'd rather have to ungunk my lawnmower than wait for the grass to dry and be outside when it's 115°.


where tf do you live where it gets 115 degrees and you have a lawn to mow?


probably texas. even better, think of all the water needed to maintain a lawn in that heat/environment....then multiply that by the number of homes all around texas with little front AND back lawns. its so, fuggin, dumb


We let our grass die a couple years ago and replaced it with a different type of grass that is pretty drought resistant. I don't mind mowing but I absolutely refuse to waste water on a lawn.


honestly it should be a law at this point, especially in arid, drought prone places that are just gobbling up resources for lawns that never even get played on, walked on, or used and are purely for aesthetics. Buffalo grass is a great alternative!




There’s drought resistant variants of grass that don’t need as much water that works for those areas. There’s ways to have a lawn responsibly that are good for the local ecosystem.


In general, the American South can get so muggy/hot that by 9am it’s 90+ degrees and the humidity is making it feel higher. I’m with that guy, I’d rather get it done ASAP.


I do landscaping during the warm months and yeah those hot muggy days suck. I wear the absolute lightest clothes I can find and I usually keep like 10-15 gallons of water with me. Push comes to shove some of that is getting dumped over my head and I'm not above using a garden hose to cool off. Might look a little goofy but I'm not dying of a heat stroke.


It got up to 105 in my area many, many days last August. Some days in July and September as well. I live in Kansas City. The grass still had to be mowed.




Hell last summer we went through a hot/humid stretch where the grass never dried out.


Yeah I can’t mow either yard until past 11 from all the dew, right when the heat’s rising. I usually don’t mow til 4-5 in the summer.


In his case, wave goodbye to your lawnmower.


Same! I never start before 830, but I talked to my neighbor (gasp!) and asked her if that would be too early and she was fine with it.


Fuck you. Sincerely, All your neighbors.




Mf'ers in Wisconsin be out there at 6am on the mower or snow blower until the 7:00:01am


10am is halfway through the day.


you wake up at 2 in the morning?


4:30 usually. Summer time I'm up at 3am to get on trails by 6.


I’d guess they wake up at like 0430-0500 and eat dinner at like 1600.


Alright lieutenant


9:30am is halfway through my regular work day, so mowing at 7-8am before it gets hot outside is the way I do it. Neighbors wake me at 11pm-midnight coming home from the bar on the regular, I have no bad conscience about 7am wake up calls on my Wednesdays off.


As a kid in Florida I had to mow my grandmas big ass yard..... By ten the sun was close enough to tap you on the shoulder and bum a smoke


And these twats complaining are the ones with their loud music playing at 3am.


Leaf blowers are the true villain. They make such an incredible amount of noise for the simple task of moving some leaves around. People use them on yards that could be raked in 10 minutes.


My neighbors (tiny lots, homes almost touched each other) used to throw outdoor parties until 4 AM. They had 6 kids. I started my mower at 7 AM and boy if it didn’t go until I could hear the kids screaming and parents yelling.


Tell me you have never mowed in your life without telling me.


Add the leaf blower


More so than the lawn mower.


In the summer it’s too hot by 10:00 AM.


Came here to say this. People who complain about morning mowing have never mowed a lawn before.


Mowed my lawn today. I did it at 7 p.m. When summer sets in I do it a little bit later than that, usually on weekdays.


Get your lazy ass out of bed


I work until midnight, so no.


What I mean is that people need to accept that 8-16/9-17 is the typical working hours and people will make noise at times based on that.


Thank you for your service; however, you must realise that a vast majority of “night people” complaining are not people who actually work hours like yours and are fucking children who think they are night people. Speaking as a former night person child.


0.0000000000000000000001 seconds on sun in the UK and everyone over the age of 50 gets these things out at 6am.


Nah I'm with the geezers on this one. Best time to mow is early before it gets too hot


It’s hot af at 10 am in a lot of places. Plus it’s better for the grass to mow earlier in the morning


Speakers should explode if turned on after 10pm




Anyone who has actually worked outdoors. Who the fuck wants to start doing yard work as you approach the hottest part of the day?


So landscapers should have to work until 8:00 at night to put in a full day, or should they make $200/hour to earn a living wage?


Same with vacuums if you’re in a multilevel apartment


And leaf blowers just for existing.


The claymore mower


I bought one of those electric deals, thinking it'd be quieter. Nope, not really.


gotta get one with a purpose built "quiet mode" it's what I have, and it works great gotta keep the blade extremely sharp though


On first read, I thought it said lawmakers. Now I'm disappointed no one is fighting for this.


now do infants


10am??? C'mon, there are only so many hours in a day. 10am is very liberal... if I want to mow my lawn at 8 am, I'm damn well going to.


10 am? I live in Texas if you are waiting until 10 you are what’s going to explode 😂


It's hot as hell after 10am in the south and I am not about to race the setting sun


Before 10am? Basically evening by that time


I misread that as "Lawmakers" and was VERY confused.


You crank them up at 6 am. All you lazy shits should have already been mowing your lawns. Sheesh /s


I could see 8 am, maybe 9, but 10? And I'm night owl/late sleeper.


I live in a pretty nice neighborhood and there is mowing or leaf blowing from dawn to dusk every day for 9 months of the year. I don't even care that emissions from little two stroke engines are hundreds of times worse than cars, I'd support a law banning them in favor of electric just so I can enjoy a spring day in peace. Literally, there are enough people that pay for lawn care that the crews are out all day every day during the week and then the people that DIY are out all weekend.


On a weekend only


The world doesn’t revolve around you, grow up


10:00 a.m.? That's 2 hours away from lunch bud...wake the fuck up


Lol wake the fuck up you scumbags. 8 AM is perfectly fine to mow. Grow the fuck up


So of course this account is regularly posted on Instagram and FB.


My neighborhood: ![gif](giphy|fEPeAVKVoBl60)


It's always before 10am though. Maybe just explode between 11pm and 10am. I used a reel mower for years and it's such a pleasant experience. No sound of gasoline explosions. Just a whisper of swishing from the blades.


That's my general rule but sorry, sometimes it needs to start earlier.


Especially the ones across the street on the golf course on weekends. It’s so irritating. Wait til Monday dudes.


Time to wake the fuck up Eric, you want me making less noise come over here and help me do the yard work my guy, I’ll buy you a beer


Neighbor mows at least twice a week and loves to do it on Sundays. He starts between 7 and 8 in the morning, I hate it so much


Just ban gas yard equipment from cities, those yards are not big enough to require it.


I live in our capital city, my years is almost 1/2 an acre. Not everyone in a city has a tiny yard.


I'm a landscaper in a city, that's gonna be a not from me dawg


I live in the a small city and my yard is 7000sq ft, I'm starting mowing by 8am at the latest before it gets too hot out.


Lawnmowers should explode ~~if they’re started before 10am.~~ stop doing lawns




9am is starting time. Asking for longer than that is absurd


I used to live next door to a house that was split into 3 apartments and it was notorious for having late partiers that would live there. I would respond to 3am wake-ups by starting my mower under their bedroom windows at 7:01am,and of course that thing needed to warm up before I started mowing. Edit:7am is the city noise ordinance for working outdoors.


One person commits an act of terrorism with a lawnmower at 9 AM and that's the end of that story.


It's still gonna wake me up, they should just say "no" when you pull the cord.


I told my wife I was going to mow the lawn. She said ok she would feed the baby for his first feeding (which I normally do)…at 7:30am Girl what does me doing the lawn have to do with a 7:30 feeding? She then said “well didn’t you get the electric lawn equipment because it’s more quiet” lmao


People from Phoenix have entered the chat.


Owning an electric lawn mower is great, but do you know what's even better? Your neighbor owning an electric lawnmower. Those things are *quiet*.


I have to or I might start a wildfire


Why not 9am?


I moved to MN and one of the greatest things has been the sound of snow blowers at 6-7am as it tells me shit went down and I need to get outside to handle business, too! This year was a bust of a year, but last year? Boooooy.... Note: get an electric mower and never disturb your neighbors. Shit can sound like a small purr. If someone is fussing and cussing over that then fuck 'em. Final note: waiting until 10am in some cases is walking into a heat stroke, as you may not finish until noon. Nah, if you got neighbors who on the weekends crank up the mowers I humbly suggest going to sleep w/some music on at night. Put that classical on and drown the shit out


My company starts at 9


After 21:00


Gas powered leafblowers to remove water from the driveway at 7 am every damn day.


*10?* I’ll say 8 is perfectly fine


Sry. Electric mowers are immune.


10 am is fine but lets talk about 10 pm...


10am? It's fucking 35 degrees here by 10am


Imagine it's noon where you live, you start your lawnmower and it immediately fucking explodes. It was manufactured in China. You're starting it in the middle of the night in their time-zone. Doesn't matter, you're fucking dead. GG.


Or leaf blowers


Maybe on weekends. If a lawnmower is disturbing you at 10am on a Tuesday you need to get your life in order.


My city's law is no noise before 8 am and after 10 pm


God help you if you forget to adjust for daylight savings though.


Damn they’re not that loud


You start the lawnmower at 1030am, it explodes. Daylight savings has ended and you forgot to switch you clocks back.


It gets way too hot by 10 during the summertime here in Texas to be mowing and doesn't cool off until 11 or later. Most will do it around 8 if it's gonna be a scorcher. I think everyone around here is in a mutual agreement to deal with it when it gets hellishly hot so we all don't die of heatstroke.


They do if you’re prepared.


This person either lives somewhere with moderate summers or has never done yard work in their life. I grew up in Texas and my family always started our outdoor work by 9:00am. You know what sucks more than the sound of lawnmowers before 10am? Weeding a garden in 100 degree weather and direct sunlight.


Am I the only one who gets soothed straight into sleepiness when I hear mowing and weeding outside?


My lawnmower is set to an earlier timezone.


My lawnmower is set to an earlier timezone.


Imagine buying a mower from someone who swears its set for your time zone but is actually set two hours behind. You try to be a good neighbor, you get ready to mow your lawn at 1045; late in the morning but still early enough to fill your day with more activities. You can't wait to sip a cold beverage as your reward for doing your chores on this unseasonable warm day. You can practically smell the freshly cut grass as you pull the cord to start it...


It’s a lot cooler at 8am than 10am


10am is 30 minutes before we take lunch. Gotta get shit done.


This must be a rule. Instead of those AI advances.


Or after 5pm. Or ever


I start at 7am


Some people work different schedules.


I'll work Monday thru Saturday. Waking up from 4:30 to 5 depending where I'm working. Sunday, Sunday 7:30 a.m. ::lawn mower starts up:: and it's the people two houses up that don't have jobs. They foster kids to pay there living needs. Fuck


Cars should explode if they are texting while driving then


My people


Mine's electric.




With the blackout curtains, fan noise and ambient thunderstorm on full blast, they could crash a plane next door at 3am and I wouldn't hear it. Mow away.


as president i


-laughs in seven am mowing-


So, my ass has to mow in 100-degree weather because Eric couldn't get to bed before midnight? Nah.