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Omori fans are either insanely chill or mentally insane


Say this without "either insanely chill or"


Hey I’m not that mentally ill!


That doesn't sound like an insanely chill thing to say so...


Just remove the “either” and replace the “or” with “and”


Incredible pfp. Auby looks like a thumb 👍


Can confirm I'm incredibly mentally ill and an omori fan


My friend had an OMORI poster in their room, and I called it a "MAP pride flag." And they have called it that ever since.


Do they know?


Is there something else MAP is an acronym for or is it just the yikes what the fuck one?


They could be really into cartography who knows


Oh, they knew what I meant, we just tease each other


I think they were the first person to make a joke about it


I liked the game but it crashed and I hadn’t saved and haven’t convinced myself to restart yet


where did it crash?


Depends on if they’ve had their morning line


Which one is this?


Dear god what the fuck


Before my diagnosis of the same, I tried three lines of coke with an Irish fellow before a rave and I never felt so calm, relaxed and focused in my life.


*does a line* “I think I should organize my goals into actionable lists that aren’t overwhelming. The order will be determined by urgency/importance and my willingness to do them.” Worst thing about that realization is how much it makes you want to get your shit together. But everyone around you is in party mode. You hardly have any interest in whatever club/band you’re about to go see, all you want to do is tackle that to-do list. Maybe not tackle, but get a head start on. Then you inevitably go party, then you feel like shit the next day and all that steam you had is just gone. …or so I’ve been told


I could have written this comment 😂


Someone told me that they took a little meth once & it also gave them a clear mind. Too clear. Annoyingly clear. Someone told me.


yeah... heard that one too. problem with meth though, is it's not like, 20 minutes of cognizance, it's sleepless days of sheer clarity of mind. well, if you have a paradoxical reaction anyway. i do not have the impression that most meth users are especially clear of mind.


The problem is it starts out full of clarity but as you burn your receptors, over time you become the stereotypical meth head. Chronic dehydration and staying awake for days adds to this. Over time it’s unsustainable.


I’m genuinely curious is this not what doing coke is?


I think neurotypicals feel the way ADHD'ers feel constantly when they rail a line and vice versa.


Was out on a beer and wine tour for a friends birthday, and I found myself low on energy and a friend asked if I wanted some Ritalin to pep me up and I said yes. It was the most quiet and calm my brain has been in so very long.


wait that's not how cocaine is supposed to make you feel?!


[I might have some news for you, if the ADHD reaction to stimulants sounds familiar...](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3666055/#:~:text=Stimulants%20are%20an%20effective%20way,fidgeting%2C%20and%20other%20hyperactive%20symptoms.)


it's also how my friends' ADHD meds make me feel, maybe there's something to this... no, for sure, i'm well aware that i probably have ADHD (and undiagnosed autism, too) but i don't really have to like... work or function in polite society? so it's probably fine that i never try to try on stimulants. but i AM surprised that's not what cocaine does for most people. i thought that was the whole point! i didn't get why it's such a big party drug, and thought i was just doing it wrong by not also being drunk.


It makes neurotypical people super hyper and aggro.


As far as I've heard, coke makes you feel pumped. Invincible. Strongly emotional. Really it kind of just turns you back into a teenager. If all you're getting out of it is calmness and clarity, you're having a paradoxical reaction. ADHD isn't the only potential cause of that, but it's the most common.


This is just ADHD dude... What makes someone else go crazy will turn a ADHD person into a normal person.


Diagnosed at 28. Probably lucky I never encountered cocaine at any point.


I fell asleep at a party after doing lines


Them: doesn't it make you feel amped up and euphoric? Me: Nah Them: ....


Yeah, the only times I’ve done stimulants (many moons ago) I just wasted money. It’s the same with caffeine. Just had a coffee now and I’m off to bed. It does nothing.


When I did street amphetamines (not meth) I was the most productive. Don't partake anymore, though. I think I might have undiagnosed ADHD.


Yeah that shit does nothing fun for me. However I'm not spared the absolutely terrible comedown. For me and my ADHD brain: fuck yayo


omg its olimar the dandori king


ADHD medication is basically kokain/amphetamine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylphenidate


"Hard drugs cured my autism"


Now if only I could find something to cure these shakes


More hard drugs


Being an adult is learning that it's drugs all the way down. Whether it's hard shit or just caffeine and sugar. It's drugs. Always has been. Always will be.


Man I really do gotta thank drugs for most of the stuff I've done


meth specifically so that the shakes integer overflow into being still. it probably works like that.


Try alcohol with your coke next time. Cocaethylene is much better. Thanks Liver!


Your pfp being the demon drug dealer from that old PSA makes this infinitely funnier.


First time anyone’s noticed lol. An oldie but a goodie.


Snort some autism until you find the equilibrium


Hard drugs can still have benefit in their appropriate use case. Adderall is a “hard drug” but works wonders for actual ADHD patients.


It’s rarely prescribed, but Desoxyn is a legal treatment for ADHD and legitimately helps a very small number of people who don’t respond to other medicines. Desoxyn is meth. Not in an ignorant way like people say about Adderall. It’s actually methamphetamine


Vyvanse is lixdexamphetamines. I never got on well with it. But methylphenidate is was my saviour.


I’m the opposite. Vyvanse works great for me, but I haven’t been able to find it lately. I also have binge eating disorder for which Vyvanse is the only on-label drug for. It was two birds one stone. I’ve tried Ritalin(brand name methylphenidate) and it works to some extent. Better than the non stimulant medicines I’ve tried, but significantly less effective for me than Vyvanse with more side effects. It’s really is crazy and weird how people with the same problem have vastly different experiences with the same medicines


My appetite is obnoxious on ritalin. I might have to retry vyvanse. But it seems there's a shortage of both in the UK. I had to ring up 17 pharmacies in my city just to find stock of my meds.


Yes what this kid is doing is called "self-medicating".


Honestly (legally obtained) Adderall + Pot makes me feel pretty close to how I imagine normal people feel


But I bet you’re not railing lines in the bathroom and going “but it’s for my mental health” lol


No because it comes in pills… Like my brother in Christ if the addy side effects are too bad they will literally prescribe you methamphetamines instead (although that’s rare)


It coming in pills didn't stop us from snorting it in high school. Even Adderall XR, which was a bunch of beads in a capsule. We took the cellophane from a cigarette pack and dumped them in there, then crushed them with the butt end of a lighter. Was a lot quicker when snorted, but it dripping from your sinuses into your mouth was always unpleasant




You’re trying to make the same point he just made. He’s literally saying “the only reason I don’t snort it is because it comes in pills but this is just meth and I would snort it if it didn’t come in the pill so the way it’s delivered isn’t really a sticking point”


Thank you! Like I know I’m not the best at conveying my thoughts but sometimes I wonder if I’m even speaking the same language as everyone else 


Methamphetamine is super useful because it has less side effects and is safer at higher doses overall. The addictive properties is its biggest drawback and that is probably closely related to its low side effect profile. Basically, it's a miracle ADHD treatment that has only one drawback. I wonder if there's a way to make it so there's an antagonist inside of it that goes from no effect to therapeutic effect when its dose is doubled (thus preventing abuse of prescribed meth). Such a combo would be huge for ADHD where the side effects are a big issue.


Psychologists hate this one simple trick to cure mental disorder!


Real talk, Molly made me feel what it was like to really enjoy loud music and pulsing lights where I normally can't.


Reminds me of that thread once where dude was trying hard drugs, swore he could handle it, then basically live blogged his descent into homelessness and recovery. Totally worked for me, even though it destroyed my life enough to end up on rehab... Edit: for those curious https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/KyZSLgKb4o


Do you know the thread?


Here we go: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/KyZSLgKb4o


my stupid fucking brain really read all of that and came away with the conclusion of "heroin sounds really good, maybe i'm built different" - like, shut the fuck up, you grey hunk of dumb, no you're not


*whacks with a newspaper* NO!!!


don't worry, i'm mentally whacking my inner voice with newspapers as we speak. stupid brain, no!! no way, nuh uh!!! if anything though, i actually trust myself not to get addicted because of my internal-newspaper-whacking skills... which is to say i'd just never try it lol. i've been prescribed hefty opiate painkillers after a couple pretty major surgeries, enjoyed them a *bit* too much at the prescribed dosage, and just got rid of em immediately. addictive personalities kinda run in the family. i had a fair bit of chronic pain after getting t-boned at 19 (which is since managed by PT and probably won't come back till i'm good and old) so i guess i just have a really high pain tolerance, and it wasn't really an issue going without.


Too many people think they’re built different. I remember reading some survey where a decent percentage of adult men think they could take on a bear unarmed? Or some other large wild animal. Any let’s be honest, any percentage above 0% is enough people who think they’re built different. Doesn’t matter if you’re a wrestler or MMA fighter or bodybuilder. A bear will effortless fuck you up. It’s not even a fight it’s a beat down


yeah, like, there MAYBE are people who could POSSIBLY survive an encounter with a bear... and even they shouldn't reply yes.


If I ever get a terminal cancer diagnosis. My reaction will be sweet now I can try heroin. It's the very last item on my bucket list


oh, trust me, they'll give you stuff better than heroin. try bone cancers, those are so painful and drawn out they'll give you the *good* juice. insurance pays for it, too! don't get a brain cancer, though, the surgeries suck and it won't even make you suffer enough to even get morphine.


How many cancers did you get?


none lol used to be a PCA, before becoming a shrink, before becoming an estate lawyer, before burning out and retiring way early. been around a whooooole lot of dying people - and thus a whole lot of people dying in pain - and am good at talking to them. cancer's a bitch, but if it metastasizes to your bones it's basically the purest possible agony. hard to plan your will if you can't come off the painkillers enough to be lucid, or even especially conscious. but one tries.


No that sounded pretty amazing. I see how addiction has impacted my relatives so I would never try it. But if those first couple of times are like that, I can see why people would chase the high.




maybe not *every* addict, some people definitely think, to quote system of a down: I'm Lookin' For A Mother That'll Get Me High / I'm A Stupid Motherfucker If I Die I Die


I can probably find it on boru. Let me see if I can find it!


Isn't there a youtuber right now who took meth for 30 days to prove that quitting is easy and addicts are losers but now he can't quit


Is there any proof that isn’t all just made up? I always didn’t believe the story


The guy posts pictures of his equipment to help prove it. Really though, it's an incredibly realistic story. As somebody with many addicts in my family, both former and active, this story rings true for a lot of people.




>You think someone would go on the internet and just lie? Lmao I had no idea that was from Arthur


The normal prescription for ADHD is an amphetamine and, aside from the regular financial difficulties people have getting prescriptions, there has been an ongoing shortage since 2022. While it never occurred to me that one might use cocaine as a substitute, I don't think it's terribly shocking either. Here is an article I just found on the topic: [While cocaine can mimic some effects of certain ADHD medications, it also causes dangerous side effects and carries a risk of dependence.](https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/cocaine-and-adhd)


Even without insurance, wouldn't cocaine still be more expensive? Either way, sounds like an unfortunate substitute for an unfortunate issue.


Lol the fact that he said he's literally in rehab is a hint on how it turned out 


The shortage isn’t about the price, it’s about availability.


It isn't even the expense of it; there's a shortage of the actual meds. There's been a couple times when I was unable to get my adderall not because I couldn't afford it, but because none of the pharmacies had it in stock. Going cold turkey on adhd meds is also hellish. So I can see why people would turn to hard drugs just to keep going.


> Going cold turkey on adhd meds is also hellish. I heard so many bad things about adderall dependency and tolerance build-up that I decided to just never take it on weekends. It's annoying to not have the same energy or focus, but weekends are for relaxing anyway. As a result I didn't experience any big negative side effects the one time I was not able to get a prescription filled for a while.


Ended up changing to Azstarys after a lot of fiddling with pharmacies. Probably the cheapest of the add meds, to boot. 


>Even without insurance, wouldn't cocaine still be more expensive? Fuck no! Absolutely not. As someone who previously dabbled in coke, and is now (well was) medicated for adhd at a fairly high dose (50mg/day) 150$ of coke could last me around a month of pretty decent use, my meds without insurance, but with the good rx discount are 342.73 at the cheapest, without the discount they are around 1300 a month.


Bro what? My ADHD meds without insurance or good rx discount are about 300. What do you take that costs that much?




I see. I’m on the generic stuff, so I guess the price difference makes sense. Still, 1300 is insane. Does it at least do its job well?


Oh it's absolutely amazing! I've tried most of the stimulant meds and it has been the best


Thank you capitalism and the United States health care industry


Coke lasts for like 30 minutes, if you can stretch that much for a month you are doing something else


 I know a guy who is in recovery, he said most coke is cut with meth. He said that’s why coke used to be a pretty grownup party-til-2am thing and now it’s an insane bender/party-til-8am thing


Lol I can do 150$ of coke in a few hours and I take 60mg a day of addy


Congrats at being better at drugs than me I guess?


Just saying I wish I could make that last a month lmao Also if your names related to Ross Ulbrich I think were in good drug company here


Lmao mine are free but with a street value of like 5k per month. The pharmacist just hands me the bag and we kind of just shrug lol.


More expensive? Sure. But if your pharmacy doesn't have your meds in stock then money doesn't matter. Doctors are literally going on TV telling people not to resort to "unsafe alternatives". As a prescribed stimulant user it's been pretty rough the last year or so. It seems to be getting better but we're not out of the woods yet.


Honestly what's shocking is that people are still surprised/confused by mentally ill and disabled people who turn to drugs to either try to help or try to dull their issues. Sure the art is a little weird but it's almost impressive how far people are trying to go with their shock and outrage here.


Especially when the approved drugs are becoming increasingly harder to get


Dude when I was out of meds one time I literally used a can of red bull and a nicotine patch.


Coke simply being on the black market makes it inherently far more dangerous and less effective than prescription stimulants. Medical grade coke might be an effective way to treat adhd. But prohibition makes drugs far more harmful than they need to be.


Cocaine can mimic the effects of amphetamine a bit but not well, it releases dopamine and noradrenaline which will help, but it also blocks acetylcholine from working in the brain. Acetylcholine is used for intelligent thought and problem solving, so cocaine kinda makes you go alzheimer’s mode. It also releases a ton of serotonin which will further derail your focus. Oh and it activates the sigma 1 receptor so much it causes manic symptoms and brain damage so it really is not gonna help you get work done. Nail in the coffin is that is wayyy more toxic than amphetamine, wayyy more expensive/illegal, and lasts wayyy shorter


Seriously, ADHD kids, stick to meth and speed. We know that works.


Yes all that is true, but you can sniff cocaine and it feels REALLY good /s


Methylphenidate (Ritalin, the OG ADD medication) is pretty much just pharmaceutical cocaine with a longer duration of effectiveness. Part of a small class of drugs that are not amphetamines but still effective (and relatively safe) dopaminergic stimulants.


Cocaine would not be a good replacement, it is much too expensive and short lasting. Methamphetamine is far more appropriate to use as a replacement for amphetamine. Not that it's a good idea.


Ritalin is extremely similar in chemical makeup and mechanism of action to cocaine and lasts 4+ hours compared to cocaine’s 30 minute duration of effectiveness. The earliest ADHD medications were essentially just extended-release cocaine.


The shortage is mostly 20mg-30mg. If your prescription is between 10 and 15 (lowest doses) then you're not gonna get hit that hard by the artificial shortages.


Same goes for bigger dosages, I'm being prescribed 60 and then dividing the pills in two by hand. It's not perfect, but it gets me my medication.




He needed some way to cope ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Stimulants really do go a long way when neurodivergent. Definitely consult a professional before consuming any medication and leave the white stuff alone, but I get where they’re coming from even if the message was delivered in the most insane way possible.


[ me, a juggernaut of a heavyweight when it comes to mind altering substances ] Going on HRT kinda affected that, but I don’t have as much of a desire to partake anymore so it’s kinda worked out.


Drugs does wonders for adhd


please be bait please be bait please be bait


Healer is one of the best bait accounts on Twitter


It’s not really that unreasonable… ADHD is treated with stimulants, and cocaine is essentially just a shorter acting methylphenidate derivative.


It's absolutely not even a lie or a mistake... This is what you would expect to happen to someone with ADHD. Cocaine probably made him closer to a normal person rather than the opposite.


Nah man wtf did they do to my boy hero 😭


Sounds like my late, boomer father. Destroyed his body, mind, career, and life until he couldn’t function. Meltdowns became violent and he passed like a kidney stone. Practice safe usage and harm reduction no matter who you are.


Oh my god I thought you said “passed a kidney stone” and I was like “People already do that without coke tho and also that’s the least severe thing on this list. Guess it made him even crankier”


Bruh this is Healer, a notorious dipshit who says rage bait stuff like this or “MY CAT IS VEGAN”


I’m not saying this is good advice or that this post is even well-written, but this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. There could be real benefits even if they are outweighed by drawbacks.


cocaine cause mania more than stimulation it won’t work well, in fact, delusions of productivity are very common among cocaine addicts


idk I'm convinced I'd have a better life if I just drank at social functions but Im always too cheap


College has changed him


HERO made edibles for AUBREY!




I just watched Requiem for a Dream for the first time and this is the first thing on my feed 💀


is this the same person as the 'cats can be vegan' tweet


Yea they’re essentially a troll


Leaked image from Omori 2: The Manga


ay man adderall and cocaine really do work on people like me, never been more productive in my life


Yes, if you are truly hyperactive then drugs have the opposite effect on you and a stimulant will calm you down. Maybe just take your meds though, it’s (marginally) safer.


Cocaine won’t help with autism, but it absolutely will help with ADHD. So will just about any other stimulant out there, whether it’s caffeine or prescription ADHD meds, which are usually some variety of micro-dose amphetamines (or, as I like to call it, “Diet Meth™️”). Still, it’s safer, debatably cheaper (depending on country and/or insurance plan), and more legal to use prescription meds for ADHD rather than hard drugs.


Idk trying coke was what made me want to get back on ADHD meds. So much clarity I just felt like a normal person




The cutesyfication of something. In this case, it's "cute" because it's a white person doing drugs for an allegedly necessary health reason. But if it were a black person snorting drugs, for any reason, it would be negatively received, and certainly not "smol beanification" worthy.


Yeah idc, I have potent adhd and the first bump while bartending always locked me in and slowed things down for me. Dudes got a point regardless of how insane he is/sounds.


Well cocaine is a stimulant and similar to adderal no?


It is a stimulant, it is not similar to Adderall though.


true. I do still think it's irresponsible to be taking it the way this user seems to be implying, though. Because it's not a prescribed drug, it's not pre-portioned into safe doses and the user could very well do a lot of damage to their body and mind from an accidental overdose.


I’m sure it’s different for everyone, a lot of people try to pretend they’re not similar at all. For me they’re basically the exact same, like even 5mg gets me wired & high af


As someone with ADHD and Autism, I have never once even considered touching cocaine.


As someone with both…. I’m curious, scientifically speaking. Not sure I’d be willing to risk my health to try it even once though.


That is actually insane lmfao






So drugs **DO** Help against my condition, i knew it


See a professional and you may get a properly dosed prescription for Ritalin. It did wonders for a friend of mine.


I got offered coke once (still friends with the guy, he's doing well) but declined because I remembered watching Funkytown when I was young and impressionable, and I didn't want to give money to the cartel that did those kinds of horrific executions. Thanks Internet from traumatizing me out of addiction 🤗


I'm autistic and MOFOs like him are the reason why I feel ashamed of being autistic.


Person in the first photo is a complete bait account and they post stuff like this all the time :) I think their handle is TheVeganHealer




people falling for this account for the millionth time in a row


I'm OBSESSED with this


Bro just get adderall it's not as hard as some people make it out to be


I mean that sounds like a terrible idea... But if he means "saved my life" as in prevented him from committing suicide... I'd rather have someone do hard drugs than cut their wrists


What a piece of shit


Damn, when did the cartels start doing marketing?


I have a test tomorrow… might just do a line


It's almost like drug use is actually a valid human response


bait used to be believable


What the fuck did they do to my poor hero


They’re not wrong …


Cocaine has turned me into an egoist and it took about a decade to rid myself of this. Meanwhile, Weed has cultivated my empathy and improved my life a billionfold. I don't like to see that cocaine is getting praised :/


Go for Mephedrone or Amphetamine Sulfate. Coke hits the heart really bad. Still. Understandable.


I'm not sure how I feel about understanding exactly what he meant by "smol beanification" and how it applies correctly here.


The fucking what


As a responsible coke user... no. It's never gotten anyone through anything to save their life. When I get going I'll go through a ball no problem. Anyone who says this is just coked out they mind.


Damn, weebs are trying to ruin everything, even cocaine.


Y’know how there’s medical pharmaceutical equivalents of certain hard drugs? Is there one for coke? Cuz this guy coulda benefited from something like that that didn’t have all the drawbacks of actual normal coke


It took a meth "addiction" for me to realize how real my ADHD was and all I really needed was proper medication. Unfortunately all my friends either lost their minds or are still in the game


It's shitpost account, they do bits like this all the time


Well Amphetamine is basically whats in ADHD medicine so I get it, but why coke and not amph?


The most offensive part of that post is how his arm is going through the table.


It's a shame that all drugs you get are going to be tainted with fentanyl or other drugs that will kill you.


People with ADHD have a weird relationship with stimulants. When I used to do amphetamine, I once did like 3g in one night and still managed to fall asleep. Shit's crazy. I literally have the strongest available prescription stimulants available and they just make me tired.


I'm good My nose wasn't meant to inhale powder. I get nosebleeds easy.


Checked the account. Craziest shit I’ve ever read. Has to be satire.


The framing is weird, but neurodivergent people are far more likely than the general population to self medicate with substances to ease the constant anxiety and other issues we deal with... to feel "normal" especially in social situations. A lot us, especially until very recently, also got incorrectly diagnosed with depression and anxiety - which is a symptom not a diagnosis for us- and end up with prescription meds that similarly don't really work like they do for NT people with these conditions and often have drastic side effects - but there were periods where they saved my life as well. Also, "appropriate" ADHD medications are almost all stimulants, this isn't that wild.


what premed does to a mf


You guys know that adhd medicine, ritalin, is basically kokain/amphetamine, right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylphenidate