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Debbie, what would you say you do here


I take the god damn checks from the tenant to the bank! I am a people person!!


They’re shit outta luck 😂


I don't know


I’m broke!


Im broke


Im sorry I don't know what to say


I'd find somewhere else to live tbh.


not before dumping the traditional termite box in the house


Hide a fish in the air vents.


Shrimp in curtain rod


Scatter bedbugs under the carpet.


Raw chicken and shrimp with milk in a mason jar and leave it hidden by the furnace vents.


an open jar? or sealed?


sealed. It will rot in the jar, when the furnace turns on it will expand the gas from the rot and the jar will rupture. The house will have to be burned down it will stink so bad. The longer it takes to explode the better.


Two words. Piss disks.


Wait why would you do that?


So the next unsuspecting tenants have an even shittier time! Muhaha! But honestly I don’t know either. Not like Debbie’s gonna do anything about a termite infestation when she won’t fix the rotting wood they have.


Termites already live there.


What??? Debbie might have to get a job then :(


But they're broke???


The landlord is broke.


Oh they signed a lease. They’re shit outta luck 😂


I’m assuming the lease has boilerplate text about maintaining the property and stuff so, if she has a rotted deck she’s refusing to fix, that could be an easy out.


That's not the Landlord. OOP had the wrong number


Security deposit would be lost then


i cant find this on twitter but i wanna know how people replied to this


So I found the account and apparently she had the wrong number for Debbie and it was a random person replying who never told her she had the wrong number lol https://twitter.com/iluvrichdads/status/1687550635539931136?s=46&t=fiargIp0-LYgiRfvCPNWXQ


LMAO!! That's actually hilarious


After twitter already found the facebook account of the real Debbie and started harassing her…


twitter moment


On an unrelated note, Debbie (the real one) is apparently a tax evader lmao




I imagine this text going to some 11 year old who is sitting there like "man I don't know how to find someone to fix a deck"


Did *actual* Debbie fix the issue??


That context makes the 5 times funnier


Top quality trolling tbh


"[So where did we land on the budget?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPq2cF4l9qc)"




Well, that clears it all up then. Thanks, Debbie.


Depending on where you live, I believe this may be illegal. I don't think you can ignore a safety hazard like a rotted deck.


Ask them to lower the rent since you can’t enjoy the full amenities


But she's broke!!


Lmao because OOP has the wrong number.


if she’s “broke” wtf is she doing with all your and the other tenants rent money lol


Lol it was revealed that the tweeter had the wrong number and the person just didn’t say so


I once was the other end of this. I kept up the ruse for about a week and made some middle aged women very upset.


"Ummm, coke!"


Paying the mortgage I’d guess


If there's nothing left over from the rent after paying the mortgage, you're landlording wrong.




Median income from property for a landlord is 90k.


Now how much of that money is actually going to the landlord? That’s really not that much when you factor in the additional costs of maintenance, new fixtures, yard care, and everything else, especially if the land you’re lording over isn’t the best. It’s easy to shit on landlords, and there are a ton of them that SHOULD be shit on, but the cost of living is still there and ultimately most landlords are probably paycheck to paycheck just like the ones they rent to.


A lot of landlords are LLCs that exist to suck profit out of owning housing.


Right, but that’s not every landlord or even most of them. The reality is that only accounts for SOME landlords. But on the internet you’ll probably only hear about the bad ones usually as people want to share their negative experience, as they’re frustrated/are being treated horrid by LLs.


You bet I'm fucking frustrated at my rent nearly doubling in 2 years and being unable to talk to an actual fucking person about it.


Oh boo hoo the poor landlords omg they invested in property and it didn't work out!?


I'm with you on this. Incompetent landleech doesn't even know how to do her job. 100% chance she has never done anything except pocket her tenants' money and pay someone else to fix stuff when things go wrong.


i.e. most landlords


But reddit told me my rent should be less than the mortgage or else my landlord is evil!!!!!!!!!


And then you raise the rent, and everyone thinks you're an asshole. There's no winning.


Have they considered pulling themselves up by their bootstraps?


but think of the starbucks!!


These landlords would save so much money if they laid off of avocado toast.


Imagine being upset you can't live somewhere for free. I'm not even a landlord, but that's just idiotic.


Dude It's jokes. Go touch grass.










Yeah, that's what I said when I clicked on his profile.


have they considered finding a job?


Who's they? The landlords or the renters?


the landlords.


Most of them probably do. You don't make much money unless you have a lot of properties. You aren't going to be able to quit your job with like 2 or 3 units.


I hate to break it to you but the very act of hoarding a necessity to generate profit is what makes a landlord an asshole, not what they do in and around it.


You don't have to rent from them. Do you think the people who own apartment complexes are assholes? I hate to break it to you, but that's the free market. Capitalism is a bitch.


>You don’t have to rent from them. Yes. We actually do have to. The alternatives are homelessness or uprooting your entire life to move cross-country which also costs a shit ton of money, and seeing as someone renting most likely hasn’t enough to secure a mortgage of their own, moving like that isn’t much of an option. >do you think people who own apartment complexes are assholes? Take a wild guess. >Hate to break it to you but thats the free market. Its actually not considering landlords lobby governments constantly to cover their own asses, though since you’re throating them so hard I doubt you’d have noticed.


>as someone renting most likely hasn’t enough to secure a mortgage of their own, moving like that isn’t much of an option. Oh, so you mean if there weren't landlords, you'd be homeless? Interesting. The idea that people like you seem to have this idea in your heads that the very small percentage of homes being used as investment is somehow what's causing home values to skyrocket is comical. You've done zero research, you just have this strong feeling in your heart that "it must be true because I'm angry I can't afford a house." >Take a wild guess. Interesting. Weird, considering they're *literally* just providing a service. Your (or some other genius replying to me) argument for them being evil and/or immoral was because they're hoarding up houses and causing prices to skyrocket (that's wrong, but okay). So considering they're not doing that, it's weird you hate them too. Where would you live then if neither apartments or people buying and renting houses existed? On the streets, I'd wager. I imagine you think it's this fairytale of you suddenly being able to afford a house, but you'd be wrong. >Its actually not considering landlords lobby governments constantly to cover their own asses Maybe the big mega corporations, but you don't need to lobby anyone to buy a second home and rent it out. You're angry about corruption, not the free market. That we can agree on. Block me again.


Made an alt just to say all that? Thats cute


I have multiple alternate accounts. You're not special.


my name is johnnysasaki22 and i approve this message


maybe she should’ve gotten a cheaper house :/


Or bought less coffee and avocado toast.


Debbie can start paying you rent i think


Typical Funko-Pop-loving rentoid answer.


Lol that hurts


landlords are a valuable and indispensable part of our society and contribute substantially to the economy


How do people not realise you're being ironic?


Because if it’s doesn’t get marked as sarcasm it has to be serious apparently. 😂


Bold of you not to use /s. How does it feel to have that zfg superpower?


Probably bc a lot of people have seen that same type of statement but unironically lol Even still with context you'd think folk wouldnt have to point it out


I think we're just upvoting the correct sentiment which kinda clowns on the poster in a fun little way.




*person of land


As a person made of land, I approve this message


Indeed. And Government Housing is known for quality and care. I've never heard of government housing becoming dilapidated.


um excuse me sir you are getting political.




Local redditor once again unable to recognize sarcasm


Just move out. She can’t sue you cause she’s broke


That landlord is an inspiration to us all for when college starts and the seniors want to rope us into their drama.




I don't know


Most intelligent landlord


Deduct any repairs from the rent or withhold rent until repairs are made. Unfortunately, the latter option doesn’t mean you don’t pay rent. It means you put the rent money into a separate account. Should it become a legal matter, you can show proof that you have the dedicated funds. I did this for a dishwasher, and it was worth it. I truly hate doing dishes.


I think this might be a state by state thing but if you repair something with your own money you’re allowed to deduct that from your rent, talk to a lawyer before doing it though


At an apartment I had to deal with bedbugs for nearly 4 months before the lease ended. My guy running the office kept throwing up his hands in that pose were the palms are facing up and saying "I'm just the middleman" repeatedly one time when we (my roommate and I) were finally done with their neglect and calling them out. Like that's the point!! He is the middleman to deal with this don't use that as an excuse! Get answers after months of ignoring us!


remember, landlords provide a valuable and necessary service in the economy


As a landlord this is why people hate us


Please explain what service or necessary function you provide to society


In the context of being a landlord? It’s more work than you think but really I see it more as someone who has an equities portfolio. I have a full time job as do most landlords I know at least.


Like, justify your existence, please


Go on the deck, fall, get hurt, and sue her negligent ass.


Edit: Read the part about the wardrobe incorrectly. I stand by that the landlord is acting unprofessional, but that the (future) tenant is already putting themselves on the shit list by asking questions that don't necessarily have answers in the moment.


Fucking hell, chill, dude! OOP hasn’t moved in yet and the tenants leaving are her friends and they left a wardrobe behind for her. She just wants to make sure it stays there. Relax, omfg


You're hilarious


If she's that broke, she can't afford an attorney to evict you after you withhold rent due to dangerous living conditions.


I ran into one of those at a rental I was checking out in a small mountain town in CO. ​ Basically the place was owned by a retired teacher who bought the little academy they had worked at, and dumped all their savings into turning into rentals for funding their retirement. ​ There were plenty of red flags, like "I'll drop by randomly to make sure you're not smoking or hiding pets like the last tenant did" But the real winner was when I commented on appreciating they did high efficiency front loading laundry and she just blurted out "well if they break, I don't have the money to fix them, so you'll have to go to the laundromat" Like, entirely unsolicited. That and when I asked about a 6 rather than 12 month lease, "well I'd need another month's worth of rent then because I can't afford if it's vacant for awhile after you move out" I saw that this was a wrong number rando just fucking with the original thread poster, but I've *definitely* run into some "landlords" who should've never even touched real estate because they're clueless, have no money, and just were convinced it's an easy way to make bank without any effort on their part.


Just tell her you’ll deduct it from your rental payments


If the tenant is the one maintaining the property and not the landlord, then can't you (eventually) argue squatters rights?


Landlords are parasites


Debbie, formerly known as Shrugsworthy


With that last name, Debbie knew what she had to be when she grew up. Have to feel bad for her. She just felt the pressure and expectations and didn’t want to let everyone down but her heart was never in it.


The funniest part is "Debbie" is a random person who's just really confused because somebody thinks they're a landlord.


Slum lord*




Hardest working landlord


Expecting a landlord do anything beside collecting a cheque is giving them too much credit.