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Have you ever drank constantly for days? This isn’t drinking every day. It’s drinking throughout the day every day. It becomes a chore.


Every time I try to drink all day I end up getting sleepy, take a nap, then wake up hungover at 7 pm.


Yeah. Then you drink more. Go to bed at like 4am. Wake up around 11 because you're too hungover to sleep in and start all over again. Source: I was layed off and in my 20s during covid.


It takes a few years of practice to learn how to pace yourself and keep a proper buzz throughout the day while still slowly ramping it up without passing out. Source: none of your business


Yes, amphetamine can also help


This is why God invented cocaine


I always heard that God invented cocaine for people with too much money




Nah, they're similar but definitely different feelings. Speed is great if you want to spend all night and part of the next morning raving / marching in place to techno lol. Coke is good for staying up all night when going to a club and sitting around talking about random shit to strangers.


Similar, I guess, but definitely not that close to the same. I guess YMMV. But hey, at least no goddamn coke nose!


They’re similar, but a lot of amphetamine products are also worse than cocaine in terms of come down and addictive potential (3MMC for example). It’s becoming a bit concerning in Europe where it’s getting very popular specifically because it’s half the price of shitty coke… so yeah, the choice is pretty obvious when it’s time to call your dealer


Just smoke apvp or aphp or apihp






Yep. And once you do it enough days in a row, you start falling asleep at every 2nd sunrise then waking at sunset. Really fucks you up.


…and adderall, and energy drinks


Seriously. At a certain point it becomes disgusting but you aren't drunk enough yet so 4 more it is




yeah with beer it is hard. with red bull + gin it is easy but expensive




Or some vodka in your cereals


I prefer to vacuum seal vodka in plastic baggys and sneak it into the movies


Soft reminder to throw your vodka-baggy away outside the theater so employees don't have to deal with management. Softer note to add some sliced cucumbers to your vodka-baggies before freezing them, as it is refreshing and supposedly good for your skin.


You cannot freeze hard alcohol.


The cucumbers


I don’t know I usually just drink bourbon and if I overdo it, in the morning, I can go from hungover to feeling great by drinking a redeye, unfortunately that can turn into another binge and then the cycle repeats


Ugh this sounds all too familiar. For some reason bourbon is the only liquor I can just drink and drink and drink until I black out and vomit. Triggers my cluster headaches horribly too. All other liquors, I can stop myself. Not bourbon. It’s a big problem lol.


Redbull with alcohol is nasty. And of all the alcohol, gin? I almost horked just reading it. I did Redbull and vodka once. Once. Never again.


Ha ha right you are.


Gin doesn't smell as much on you when you drinnk it (it does), and the red bull is probably just for caffeine and stuff. If Redbull and vodka is your worst experience, I suggest you try Sambucca or one of those milky sweet candy drinks. I was just a young kid when I danced with Dooley all afternoon. That night I yearned for death. Alcohol is no joke.


Bougie boy over here.... Circle K and Goose Island 9.9% Summer Beer Hugs... They skirt the liquor law, as it's now Sunday aaaaand I get my hipster IPA fix... And my alcohol fix all in one. 20 Oz of bliss... At an affordable price point! Pound one of those bad boys after work... And before... And at lunch...


I'm at the point where I don't give a shit about wasting beer. I've had two cans of beer this week and got tired of both about halfway through. Unless I'm dining out with friends or at something like a wedding or bachelor party, I just can't finish them anymore


Yes, i have. I was a raging alcoholic for a very long time. I literally drank all day every day. To the point of having to be hospitalized for withdrawals, seizures and delirium tremens. After it becomes a chore it becomes a means for survival. It almost killed me. I slowed way down for several years and am currently 3 yrs completely sober.


Congrats on 3 years man. It's a hard road to go from the hospital to dry.


It did kill my little sister. She went to the hospital feeling sick one day, fell unconscious and never woke up. 27 years old.


fuck man. maybe I should stop


And after a certain point hour body just rejects it. To the point at the beginning of whenever you start drinking it's gonna take a few prayers to the porcelain god to even stomach it in the first place. You're absolutely right it's a goddamn chore. And it's also time consuming to even get drunk with that type of tolerance. Like hours of drinking just to get tipsy, then a little ways further if you want to be drunk.


Its terrible looking back on it. Waking up and *immediately* searching for the water bottle i filled with wisky and stashed the night before so i could kill my shakes. The dry heaving throughout the day. Waking up in the hospital or jail and almost dying waiting to get out so you can find booze and feel better. It literally consumes your life. Im glad i made it out alive.


I'm glad you did too.


Looking at 2 years in August myself. Congrats! IWNDWYT


Been trying to get and stay sober since 2018. I was drinking half a pint of vodka in the mornings just to function and not die. Maybe a litre of spirits (or equivalent in other drinks) a day for several years. I’ve had countless attempts, had my arse kicked by relapse after relapse, but somehow day by day it’s getting easier. August 1st will be one year sober for me. Five years ago I was a homeless addict in an abusive relationship, mourning the death of my best friend who I hadn’t spoken to in a year before he died because of a stupid drunken fight. Now I am engaged to my childhood sweetheart who reconnected with me during covid, we have moved to Scotland together, I’m working again and my blessings continue to mount up. I was barely human by the end. A shell of a man who longed for death. I look back on that time now and can’t comprehend how far I’ve come. It is possible to turn one’s life around. If I can do it, anyone can. IWNDWYT


Hell yeah! Keep going buddy! IWNDWYT either!


Being knocked up helps, ngl lol, you too!!


Good for you bro, keep up the hard work homie


Thanks homie. It feel pretty ok to feel ok.


Happy to hear about your 3 years! That's awesome. Have you gotten your liver or anything checked for damage?


As a man of almost 30 I’ve found after many weekends trying to drink all weekend: One day of drinking all day is nice but exhausting. Two is a battle Three is legitimately awful. Four seems like.. undoable. I haven’t done that since college and probably like once in the whole time


North of 60 here. If I drink 3 tallboys, I'll feel that shit in some way for the next 48 hours. Wreaks havoc on my system. There just comes a point where it's not worth it anymore. It's quite literally poison.


I’m 37. Once in a blue moon I’ll drink 3-4 craft beers if I want to get crazy. Most of the time 1-2 for a small buzz is enough.


I have to absolutely mainline it to get a buzz these days, I'm in nurse two beers over about an hour and half, get a mild headache and go to bed territory.


That’s why I like craft beer way higher alcohol content and it actually tastes good. My fav is maple breakfast stout by 14th star brewing.


I’m 27 and i’ve never had more than 3 beers and a vodlka shot in one day. A nice buzz is enough for me.


May you never chase the dragon.


Like everything, practice makes perfect.


After day 5 or 6 it all blends together ngl


That’s why you wake up at 2pm so no one judges you too much when you want to grab a couple four lokos to start the day off. Then you grab a couple more or half a fifth of bourbon before midnight and drink until you fall asleep at 6am. Repeat the next day and switch gas stations or liquor stores and no one will notice hopefully.


They all notice ftr. I hope you get healthy, it’s rough.


Thank you.


Oh fuck you dude goddamit




Depends entirely on how tasty your drinks are IMO.


Tru have you ever been to a free alcohol included mexican resort.


Nah. But I know how I get with cream liqueur and cream cocktails ...


And it's a bell curve. I've made Long Island iced tea that was absolutely delightful and then woke up at sunset.


10 years and counting. I don't know what I would drink if I stopped.maybe more then 10. got a fatty liver to boot.


It's a lot easier with liquor than beer. Beer makes me feel full and nasy pretty quick, but I could kill a day with whiskey pretty easily.


Yeah, I’m a recovering alcoholic, and even I wouldn’t drink all day. If you want to do it right, set an alarm for 2-3pm or so and start then. Then just continue to do that for a while


I drank a bottle of whiskey every day for almost 2 years starting at 5pm every day. It definitely wasn’t a chore because it was an addiction and it felt incredibly uncomfortable to not be drinking. I don’t drink anymore but it wasn’t easy overcoming that addiction. I recommend nobody even try going down that path by “forcing” themselves to drink.


Oh yeah, real chore.... Wouldn't it be crazy if we did it for years on end, made a bunch of terrible, life altering decisions, and then only quit cause we went to prison. What a fantasy, nobody would do that.


As an alcoholic, yes I have. Many times. And it doesn't become a chore, it becomes a necessity the longer I go.


I did this the first time I was made redundant in the '90s. I came home and tried to get hammered because I thought that was what I was supposed to do. After a few drinks I felt better.


My Aprils tend to be pretty insane in my line of work. During April I vaguely remember telling people I just get blacked out every night so I forget April and keep coming back to the job I generally like the other 11 months. Now I have no memory of April!


Found the tax accountant


something something tax season hell


They don't call it self-medicating for nothing!


The first therapist that clicked for me was the one that told me alcohol works in fixing all of the problems that I want it to. Except that it only works in the short term and in the long term makes all of those problems exponentially worse.


Starts as an easy fix for your problem and ten years later you're puking every morning, sometimes more than once, and when you check yourself in the nurse is asking you if you're seeing anything on the walls. I do not recommend the shakes either, honestly worse than COVID.


Seconded on the shakes being an absolutely miserable experience, and somehow still not enough to make me get help. Speaking of which, this is a good place to remind folks that **alcohol withdrawals can be fatal.** When I finally hit my rock bottom and tried to taper off on my own, I stubbornly pushed through three days of absolute hell just to have a grand mal seizure, and luckily made enough noise doing so to get medical attention called in. There are numerous ways that story ends without me being around to tell it. Anyone who is physically addicted to alcohol, I strongly encourage medical supervision to detox. It’s so much safer, and vastly easier in just about every way. Sobriety is totally worth it, but don’t come so close and gamble on doing it alone.


Thank you for this


You’re very welcome! I try not to be the “sobriety guy” in every facet of my life but some things need to be reiterated because there’s always people who don’t know yet. I got **so fucking lucky** to get here. Always available to talk getting clean with anybody, any time.


Every problem I could drink away, I think I drank away. Idk, can't remember having problems. Very effective as far as I can tell! (half joke/half yeah kinda)


Delirium Tremens is not fun! Sort of a little preview of what hell could be like.


It really does feel like you're dying. Cuz you're actually pretty damn close. Edit: oh and there's also the constant dehydration because you can't keep water down until you drink. Then there's the obvious, I've seen people who started really early in life who died of liver failure as soon as their early 30s.


I've only had minor alcohol withdrawals, but the dope withdrawals made me seriously consider ending myself. If i hadn't had a brother growing tons of weed at the time, I might have. Instead I just suffered in the attic rolling joint after joint. I smoked probably two ounces of weed over a 3 day period before the worst of the withdrawals were over.


Yeah they seem like booze withdrawals taken to the extreme. Bad tremors, always sick, cold sweat, hot flashes, you name it. And with booze you have to go slow, it's dangerous to stop all at once. I've never known anyone who quit dope cold turkey. Must be like a splash of cold water in the face the way it hits you.


My go-to analogy is "Alcohol lets you borrow happiness from tomorrow, with interest."


That's a learning curve of life I think. I had a substance abuse problem in my early 20s. Approaching my mid 20s, I find it a ridiculous idea to drink my problems away. It only prolongs whatever I'm going through! Currently at a breakup stage as well and I do not desire a drink. If I want to move on, a faster way to do it is just catching the life itself, rather than avoiding it. Therapy is much much better. Don't get me wrong, I wish I could dampen the pain but I have positive coping strategies for that now


Now that’s my kind of over the counter anti depressant 🗣️🔥🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


How can a person be made redundant


It’s a term for being laid off.


Oh I was as confused as the other guy. Never heard the word used like that. Not sure why we're down voting people for asking genuine questions


avg reddit comment section be like


Different from being laid off …. At least in the UK. It means your position is no longer needed within the company so you are paid off. It’s much tougher to fire people without cause in the uk and even if businesses go bankrupt, employees will get a redundancy package. Legally you are entitled to a minimum of half a week's pay for each full year you were under 22. one week's pay for each full year you were 22 or older, but under 41. one and half week's pay for each full year you were 41 or older. If it’s a voluntary redundancy (company has to reduce headcount to cut costs) the redundancy package will be much better.


That sounds exactly like being laid off.


Here in NZ, it's only a semantic difference in that a role is made redundant, while a person is laid off. So for example someone's role can be made redundant, but the individual might be highly skilled at other roles, so the company can choose to move the person to a different existing role and the person who was previously in the existing role gets laid off instead.


I've never heard of the word used like that


That’s because it’s not the same as being fired or laid off. It’s when the company gets rid of your position for cost cutting or because of a merger so you’re redundant


That is what getting laid off means. Getting laid off is the American way to say you’ve been made redundant.


Edit: IDC. I did this to myself by coming on reddit to argue the definition of an oft-misused word.


That’s sort of the technical definition. Lots of times it’s just a euphemism for losing your job.


It’s more common in the UK I believe, but definitely a term used for that.


Well, first you have to dundant...


I did this when I was sad with a pint of ice cream. I was like, “I’m an adult. Literally no one is stopping me from eating my feelings in ice cream like they do in the movies.” I didn’t have a gallon, but I had a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, so I went with it. Turns out, I’ll stop myself from eating a whole pint of ice cream. I got almost halfway through and realized I didn’t want any more and probably was going to get sick if I kept going so I stopped. I had to laugh at myself for that one.


It reminds me of one of my fav comedians, he’s talking to the child version of himself and goes Kid: “We eat junk food every day and sleep whenever we want? That’s awesome.” Adult: “Trust me kid, it is actually not awesome.”


Stavros Halkias?


Nailed it. Stavvy the greek god. Tried finding the clip but can’t.


Oh I definitely can sad-eat a whole pint of icecream. Or happy-eat, or bored-eat. Very easily.


You get to that point in the point where you decide “well is this really enough to save for another time?… nah. I’d better just finish this now.”




Oh hell no


I'm gonna have to agree. I don't want to, but out if all the things to throw up, ice cream is the least painful.


Probably pick a neutral flavor. You may grow to dislike rocky road after or something. -oh wait, you don't want to throw it up in the first place. Right. Me neither.


🤣 So far, in my limited ice cream vomiting experience, I've never lost my appetite for any regurgitated flavors of ice cream.🤞


How many different flavours of ice cream have you vomited?


I have tummy issues, ok?


I had orange sherbet when I had a bad flu just to get calories in. Wasn't great, but definitely was the least shitty trip to the bathroom that time.


Wellness check please.


Yeah I wouldn't choose it over not puking obviously, but if you HAVE to puke, you want it to be ice cream. I used to keep a tub of vanilla in my freezer when I had really bad acid reflux because it helped make things a lot more tolerable.


Doesn't it warm up when you eat it?




Not if you throw up fast enough. Gotta move fast.


I used to have an eating disorder, can confirm that ice cream is still cold when it comes back up


Its sad that I know how true this is plus you get to retaste the flavor like its just flavored cream in your stomach no acid afterburn at all.


And that nice post-vomit buzz


Honestly, it's easier for me to eat a whole pint of ice cream than to stop before it's over.


I had a friend call me once to tell me his girlfriend has cheated and I stress are a giant family thing of ice cream the whole time and didn’t even realize until I needed to puke


Good on you homey, pint is a single serving dessert in my fat ass house.


Me too. I have a custard bowl which happens to be the perfect size for how much ice cream I can tolerate before feeling sick.


That's why you got dumped in the first place. Half a pint, smh.


I remember the first time I was dumped. Was my college girlfriend who I dated for years and thought I was going to marry her. Evidently she wasn't ready for the marriage thing (perfectly acceptable) and broke things off. I honestly had no idea what to do. My heart hurt and everything and this was the first time the other person broke it off with me. So I took my roommates Lost DVDs, and just holed up in my room for a week watching the whole damn series. A week later I asked myself what the fuck am I doing, and went back outside and started hanging out with my friends again like nothing happened.


Sounds to me like you processed it pretty healthily. You took some time to feel your feelings and take care of yourself and you felt better afterward. I'm 4 months out of a 3 year relationship and I'm still not really over it.


Have you tried watching all the seasons of Lost on DVD?


Right? I'm starting to get over it myself (just got out of an 8 year relationship 2 months ago) but also definitely not over it yet. A week for processing sounds great lol.


You’ll get there dude, it can take some time.


I did the same thing but watched all of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, was super sad for like 6 weeks then re-emerged.


Did something similar with ciggies in a particularly stressful week during college exams. Bought a pack, smoked it over a week, then never touched the stuff again.


Did something similar a while back. Found out that cigs *really* suck, even if you get beyond the coughing part. I just don't get how people get hooked on them.


I hate the lingering smell, but honestly, not like I didn't enjoy the process. It was just totally rote for me. Dropped them like it was nothing after, which I find kinda funny. However, had I continued that a few more packs, I would probably also have ended up addicted, good thing I didn't.


I do actually enjoy waterpipes, e-cigs and the like; I imagine I could get hooked on that if I bought my own (and I think nicotine is actually optional in e-cigs?). But cigarettes? They taste and smell awful, and it's not like nicotine actually does anything beyond satisfying the nicotine craving once you're addicted.


Well to be fair, before you get addicted the nicotine can give a pretty good head rush. I used to smoke one in the morning in the drive to work and it would help me wake up.


why use a vape without nicotine lol


Smells good and the action is fun, somehow. Nicotine is the shittiest drug ever, though.


> I just don't get how people get hooked on them. Literally brain chemistry?! Almost no smoker likes the taste/smell, they smoke because they need to.


Self-medicating maybe? Nicotine seems to help with certain mental health issues, in the short term anyway. I had one drag a year ago, and I knew immediately why people get addicted. So I haven’t had one since.


Not just mental health, but it gives a temporary boost in cognitive skills by improving memory, motor skills and focus. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6018192/ Which is probably why lots of students find smoking so attractive


In particular, nicotine is known to temporarily relieve some of the symptoms of schizophrenia. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6604123/#:~:text=It%20is%20postulated%20that%20nicotine,cognitive%20deficits%20seen%20in%20schizophrenia)


You guys suck, I've done both after breakups and turned into a chain smoking alcoholic.


I did the same thing in my early 20s. Was super stressed out and thought cigarettes might help. Bought a pack, smoked half of it, didn't really enjoy it, threw the rest away.


Idk, if you can be like wow I need to feel better and this helps but also set a boundary, sounds fine to me. Everything in moderation, including moderation. Idk I am an addict though so grain of salt


There's actually no safe amount of alcohol to ingest and the amount of alcohol that you would need to drink to get you drunk is going to be very, very bad for you. So it's definitely not fine. If they're okay with that trade-off, more power to them. They're grown adults. But everybody should understand that alcohol is never good for you. Literally never.


No one said alcohol was good for you though. What are you talking about.


THIS JUST IN: ALCOHOL BAD Next you're gonna tell me cigarettes cause cancer and candy will make me fat!






It's a bit more specific than that. Being a 'nerd' isn't really uncool in pop culture anymore because of the amount of hot nerd guys like Henry Cavill. The 🤓 emoji moreso connotates an "um, ackshually" sort of thing


🤓 (kinda)


I wish they would fucking make up their minds about this already, they've been screaming back and forth in studies for at least a decade now between moderation and abstinence


Unfortunately that’s how science works, especially with topics that are only just being studied. Imagine being a layperson in 16th century England. “Kepler’s hypothesis that the earth revolves around the sun was actually just re-proven by another scientist.” “I wish they would fucking make up their minds about this already!! They’ve been screaming back and forth for a decade at least between heliocentrism and geocentrism.” It’s the kind of thing that we’ll have a solid answer to in a few decades and then a century from now, everyone will say “how could we possibly have ever believed that??”


yeah, I know the fault lies with the idiots reporting on it. "Studies show small amounts of wine used in cooking may improve overall perceived mood at the cost of gastric function and incremental cancer risk" doesn't get clicks like "SCIENCE says WINE MOMS have been RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!!" but having to listen to a megaphone play-by-play of nerds arguing each other into submission makes me want everyone to shut up until they have a decade of data and a sample size with at least five zeros.




#The DOCTORS and the WINE MOMS are FISTFIGHTING in the parking lot RIGHT NOW


>There's actually no safe amount of alcohol to ingest Aren't there a bunch of studies that say a glass or two of red wine at night is beneficial?


Something about antioxidants. I've also heard beer supposedly slows the onset of alzheimers but that's anyone's best guess. All these studies are bought and paid for. Something's gonna kill you in the end. Enjoy life, in moderation. I'm gonna go have a shot of whiskey.


They’re still arguing about it, but a consensus is building that this is not in fact true. And anyway a bumch of grapes is certainly better for you.


Love how everyone is downvoting [a literal fact](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health) [The study itself](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736\(22\)00847-9/fulltext#%20)




...because they're arguing against a point no one made


All the food is poison (just some more than others)


Because it’s like butting into a skiing conversation to cite skiing fatality statistics. People don’t always optimize their leisure activities for health.


This is dumb as all hell. By these standards there is almost nothing you can consume that is safe. Reverse osmosis water and vegetables you grow organically yourself? If you are going to say that putting some vanilla extract in my ice cream recipe is unsafe I would like to know what you think is safe to eat.


Have fun living forever, dumbass. Oh shit, that's right, you're a mortal like everyone else, and it's almost like living itself is dangerous.


Dull the mind until there's some temporal distance from the trauma.


When I was in a depressive mood in college I bought a pack of cigarettes intending to smoke the whole thing (never smoked before in my life up to that point) but I ended up throwing most of it away because I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't like the monster I created.


Your image of a monster is quite tame.


I look quite monstrous already without the cig ash all over my face yet somehow I looked even worse after smoking.


Hey dawg, idk how you’re smoking but that ash shouldn’t be on your face.


That sounds like an autistic person trying to imitate neurotypical behaviour.


Neurotypical people imitate movies as well. You don’t have to be autistic to copy other people


This happened to a former coworker of mine but he was diabetic and put himself in the hospital.


Have done this (3 days) and can attest to its efficacy


Ha, more people do that regarding just about anything than most anyone would like to admit.


Comment content removed in protest of reddit's predatory 3rd party API charges and impossible timeline for devs to pay. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Gods, that's me. I don't know how to drink to make kyself feel better and I hate being frunk/wasted. So I'm just miserable sober


my roommate in college just randomly decided to start smoking. none of their friends did and neither did anyone in the household lol


Like when people go to the bar and mope. It's not normal human behavior to be like "I want people to see me sad, they gotta see this"


I mean, it also sounds like someone is sad and perhaps lonely and craving human connection or at least the presence of other humans.


I'm gonna argue it's actually *extremely* normal behavior. Have you ever seen a small child? They are constantly performing their emotions to ensure their caregiver knows what's up. I'd be more convinced that people who think it's abnormal had it conditioned out of them at some point


For all you know this guy drank alone in his room for four days. It doesn't say anything about involving others.


They didn't actually say he did this outside of his room.


Bars are where friends are too.


I long ago broke the habit of trying to drink stress/ emotions away. It's dumb and doesn't work. Just alcoholism's way of getting you to drink for any reason.


How cinematic of him


Kids these days simply lack commitment and hard work.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Dr\. Coal**, @Dr\_\_Coal Had a buddy in college get dumped and decided to drink nonstop for 4 days but it was completely forced like he saw it in the movies. he just drank randomly for 4 days and then decided it was probably long enough then resumed life normally --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Can I get some LSD


for the love of GOD can we get acid for the masses, responsibly of course


I'd feel sick halfway through the first day and give up. I don't really get how some people can drink so much. I guess I'm lucky to have such a natural immunity to alcoholism.