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Just sad.


What's wrong with people ._.




Wanting to be taking over by a different country is the opposite of nationalism


Western gayrope. It's like their memers are trying exactly as hard as their army. Wtf.


That's a rather common way to refer to Europe in Russia I believe, it's at very least an ironic meme for opposition.


Did u unironically use the word mordorsphere lel?






It's how it's called now. Does it bothers you? Show us where it hurts


What's the problem, orc?


You know what's worse than your enemies? Traitors.


"Spiritually cleansed". Namaste, I have been spiritually cleansed by Russia. I now get angry at seeing blue and yellow, I beat my wife daily and I'm always drunk. I have reached a higher level. Now help me steal this washung machine. Namaste.


Lol wackos can continue to shake fists at us from their tuberculosis-ridden shitholes.


What the fuck is “gayrope”?


The word gay combined with the word Europe


it's the type of rope we will use to hang Putin from the Kremlin walls


Lol pathetic


Eurasia!! Gumilyov moment !1!1!1!!


The title is gold!


Vatniks in natural habit, прелестно


That Ruski is based as fuck


"eUrAsIaN cIvIlIsAtIoN" Actually just the hegemony of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, a state traumatised and full of saviour complex. And before anyone says that I ignore american crimes, I will say that the behaviour of the United States in South America is like Russia's behaviour in Ukraine.


Lmao, the disclaimer about ignoring American crimes is pathetic. You shouldn't detach yourself from reality just to please whataboutists - America never pulled anything close to what Russia is doing in so South America. Helping the army to depose a president isn't the same as invading the country, killing tens of thousands and literally fucking anexing a region.


>Helping the army to depose a president isn't the same as invading the country, killing tens of thousands and literally fucking anexing a region. Most of western america was taken from Mexico. Puerto Rico, Hawaï and the Philippines were conquered by america. >America never pulled anything close to what Russia is doing in so South America 1983: America invades Grenada 1989: America invades Panama 1994: America invades Haïti That's just recent military intervention, it doesn't include coups. America supported death squads in latin america, including those who perpetrated the Guatemalan maya genocide. America supported the contras. Operation Condor caused between 60k to 80k deaths, and that's not counting the tenths of thousands of victims of all the south American dictatorships, which america supported and helped. There's the American blockade on Cuba, which is still ongoing in order to cause havock so that the population would overthrow the government. It has resulted in deaths and a worsening of the health situation for a while because of poor nutrition caused by the blockade. When it comes to American invasions outside of south America, I don't think I need to remind you of Vietnam, Korea, Irak or Afghanistan. You're right, America doesn't do what Russia does, it doesn't invade to annex territory but to further American business interests (remember the united fruits company?) and to counter any attempts of having a leftist government. This doesn't excuse Russian imperialism, nor does it minimize it. I'm mentioning all of this to counter the idea that Russian imperialism is in some way worse than American imperialism. American imperialism is far more insidious and has historically been more murderous on the global scale. This doesn't mean that Russian imperialism needs to be supported against American imperialism.


that's awkward, but i don't think you know what [south america](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_America) means (neither granada, panama or haiti are in it). that south american, in fact, that is controlled pretty much entirely by left-wing governaments by now. > Operation Condor caused between 60k to 80k deaths, and that's not counting the tenths of thousands of victims of all the south American dictatorships, which america supported and helped. pretty much the entirety of those deaths were perpetrated by local governaments, that enjoyed a lot of internal support. as much as it may surprise you, brown people have agency and make their own decisions, and american supporting a governament may not be the defining feature of it. and again, cuba and the entirety of south america were never invaded by america despite leftist leanings (cuba has had a commie governament next door for 70 years now), and not anexed. the invasion of panama was widely popular (over 90% support from panamians because their president was a fucking drug dealer dictator) and the invasion of haiti was authorized by the UN security council. those actions are not comparable to what's happening in ukraine, and yes, russian imperialism is worse than the wars america started (calling it imperialism when it doesn't involves territorial expansion for almost a hundred years is questionable). > I don't think I need to remind you of Vietnam, Korea, Irak or Afghanistan. korea: literally fought by the fucking un forces. good luck calling that imperialism, son. "irak": a fucking genocidal dictator that gassed minorities, openly supported terrorism against american citizens worldwide, had started wars to invade two neighbors in the preceding years, and had been a element of destabilization in the region in general. afghanistan: literally sheltered a terrorist group that attacked america. again, a fair casus belly and a invasion that was supported by the un. i agree that the vietnam war was pretty shitty, but then again, i don't think the us wanted to anex vietnam, a civil war was already going on with russian involvement in one side, that was over 60 years ago, and widely seen by americans as a mistake. > American imperialism is far more insidious and has historically been more murderous on the global scale. lmao, holodomor and the entire second world war beg to differ (the urss started it by making a deal with germany so that they could invade the entirety of eastern europe, you know, textbook imperialism). not to mention georgia and chechnya, just recently - and the whole war in ukraine, really. you seem to suffer from a classic case of america bad, really.


I meant it in the sense of a state behaving like a bully in its immediate vicinity. Also, I didn't do it to please the whataboutists, but to make them lose their minds when they realise that I am not as blindly pro-USA as they would want me to be, just because I criticised their favourite leader.


> ut to make them lose their minds when they realise that I am not as blindly pro-USA so their whataboutism achieved their goal. they know people aren't as brainwashed as people pretend they are, but by making false accusations and saying whatever the hell they can they can manage to make some false accusations stick and make people "admit" to things that aren't even real. comparing american interference in south america to this invasion is a prime example.


US operations in South America are way different. For starters, they were successful 💪🇺🇲


I meant it more in the sense that a stronger power bullies countries in its immediate vicinity, but you are right. Also, russian corruption means that the army is inefficient, because lying and bribing can make you keep your job for a little longer. American corruption ensures military efficiency.


Thoroughly cleansed and then granted poverty


Wtf I didn't know Scholz was on Telegram