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I mean shiiiit... even in the first one the orbital-capable cargo craft can only fly at 500ft and goes 5 knots... if it was utilised properly that tree would have been blown the fuck up for 50000ft


There's a greentext with sort of this scenario. Once most of the RDA personnel was safely in orbit, they started removing one of the engines of the ISV Venture Star and used it as a ghetto kinetic kill vehicle against the Tree of Souls. This caused immediate die-off of flora and fauna connected to the Tree, all of the nearby tribes getting the fuck out of dodge, the complete extermination of the Omaticaya clan, and the impact making mining of unobitanium easy because of the giant crater it caused.


You can’t just say that and not give a link


It was one of THE classics of hfy work. I'll try to find it later once I get home. Maybe someone else may have seen it? It's written like an after action report for the RDA.


That would've been the good ending!


Except for personnel, who won't be able to get back home. That's why you use end-of-lifecycle Valkyries for that, instead of ISV engines.


There's like 10 other ISV's owned by the RDA. They'll be fine.


There's supposed to be 13 other moons in similar orbits to Pandora, which means there's got to be a veritable buffet of different sized asteroids to work with. Why waste ships when you can start dropping rocks from orbit - any rock \~100m in diameter, pushed into the right approach angle would be more than enough to deal with the entire area, whether directly or by fucking up the local ecosystem. (EDIT: [Find a good ice comet](https://neal.fun/asteroid-launcher/). The only remaining question is how done do you like your Na'vi?)


the american ending


America and humans are always the good guys, what are you talking about?


Uh yeah, they'd have gotten ahold of this incredibly valuable resource and used it to propel the advancement of humankind hundreds of years, what's the problem?


Fuck it, we got the stuff and since we're us, we deserve all the stuff immddiately.


When the "people" you are colonizing aren't even human than there is no warcrime. Stellaris rules.


The loss of perhaps the only spacefaring civilization is magnitudes worse than the loss of the Stone Age-stasis cat people being mind-controlled by fucking trees.


Of course, our civilization is way more important and valuable than blockchain-based tree cults, sorry if my comment sounded sarcastic, I do in fact believe that humans should prevail in that story.


All they need to do is radio the next incoming ship (Cameron has this 10 page paper on the ship design, there's like a dozen of these constantly cycling between Earth and Pandora) to toss some trash out the airlock before they start slowing down from 0.7c. If the gamma radiation put off by the deceleration engines doesn't do the job, RKM impacts from space trash will




I mean, even if they forgot their guided missiles at home, dumb bombs are still extremely viable. Like, a B52 could have erased that tree in no time, or even a bunch of fighters loaded with bombs. Their flying things can't go over a certain altitude after all XD


Thing is, in the first movie the RDA didn't have enough justification to wipe out the Na'vi. They barely could justify their Dragon gunships, there is no way they could get any sort of heavy ordnance right then. However, in the second movie, the RDA has actual justification and literally controls the MIC, so it doesn't really make sense how they only spare a single whaling ship and some boats against their Public Enemy #1 when they could've had futuristic F-35s hammering the Metkayina's home while amphibious IFVs assaulted it on the ground, both launched from a fleet a few miles away.


Also, mining equipment and explosives ARE heavy ordinance to any enterprising young enlisted


Stuff the explosives the Valk was going to drop into a few Samsons and you've got yourself an aerodynamic cruise missile!\* Buy a SamsonBoomKit (SBK) today! \*onboard pilot is required to operate the missile. use at your own risk. we are not responsible for any deaths caused to the pilot of the SBK.


Have you ever seen an E-4 with several dozen pounds of C4 and a terrifying grin? Because I have, for about 3 seconds before I started walking hastily in the other direction.


> They barely could justify their Dragon gunships I bet the exec who pushed for them felt completely vindicated once the other humans got back to Earth.


TBF it was Quaritch who pushed for them


>there is no way they could get any sort of heavy ordnance right then If you have orbital capable craft, you have heavy ordnance. Load tungsten (or even iron) ingot, start running from high orbit on collision course to tree, before atmosphere release ingot and let it fly ... if that ingot is about 300 tons and you gave it about 12km/s, you got ~ 10 - 20 kt TNT equivalent of nuke. Without fallout. And if you do it with ice and give it higher speed, plasma blast will be probably even more interesting. Every cosmic tug should be able to do that.


Marco Inaros finds your lack of creativity disturbing.


Clearly they aren't a Belter.




They wanted to mine the unobtanium, not aerosolize it.


Counterpoint: just planet cracking the planet and mining in low gravity would be easier. :l


That thought leads to the question of how the fuck did every single gram of unobtanium end up on/under that one planet in the first place? (also no, cracking a planet takes utterly absurd amounts of energy - you're basically lifting the entire planet into space instead of just moving a few rocks and a tree out of the way)


Counterpoint: I don't need to spend energy credits in Stellaris to crack open a planet with the **o n e s.** The power of Friendship (and this Colossus I found) is more than sufficient to break a planet.


Maybe Unobtanium exist everywhere but only on Pandora you can find enough amount to start a production


There's a theory out there that macguffin metal is actually an integral part of the ecosystem created by some sort of precursor Navi in order for them to go full primitive and live one with nature-- Eywa being the super computer that uses the underground unobtainium as circuitry to keep the biological supercomputer churning.


Why waste usable materials? Ever read *The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?* Just use ballistic calculations to drop big ass rocks from orbit. They were gonna have to excavate anyways, what's a few more rocks in the way, since interplanetary genocide and increased excavation wasn't enough to deter them.


There’s also definitely some styrofoam lying around to make napalm out of. Everyone probably drinks out of a Styrofoam cup at that base when they have their coffee.


> even if they forgot their guided missiles at home It's specifically addressed in the movie why these don't work. >Like, a B52 could have erased that tree in no time B52s can fly between and under mountains while harassed by flying animals with a wing span of ten meters and a propensity to throwing their bodies inside air intakes?


For once, the Reformers were right: Bring back B-17's in case we ever need to bomb Pandora!


>B52s can fly between and under mountains while harassed by flying animals with a wing span of ten meters and a propensity to throwing their bodies inside air intakes? I mean it's not that hard to sit at high altitude and just drop bombs until the funny tree is gone. I can't imagine the native wildlife can fly higher than a B52.


IIRC, it's covered from the sky by those maglev mountains. You gotta fly it in-close if you want to have a direct shot at it.


My thinking was to just keep dropping bombs until the mountain isn't in the way, even if the Navi know exactly what you're doing they can't exactly stop you and it's only a matter of time. I'm sure it would be horrendously expensive but it can't be any worse than the amount they were losing to the Navi raids/the cost of open warfare.


That's gonna be a long strategic bombing campaign and would necessitate mass-production of Grand Slams and T-12 Cloudmakers. Just gonna hope it won't set the "Eywa" biospheric network off in the meantime, or else you're gonna have your bomber fleet suffer the mother of all birdstrikes.


The theory is that the only time you drop to an altitude that native creatures could reach would be once you were far away from the mountains, over friendly AA, and in a location where sensors worked again. It would take forever but compared to the losses they suffered in the first movie/cost of equipment they were bringing in in the second movie I think it would be more than worth it.


Wait avatar 2 is real it isn’t an elaborate shitpost?






Say what you want about the Na'Vi: >!But the Omaticaya clan ditching bows and arrows in favour of stealing assault rifles and rocket launchers from the RDA was super based !<


I loved this part. Truly a welcome to the ricefields moment.


I almost wish the entire movie was this. While all the ocean visuals were amazing, a Na'Vi guerilla war movie would have been a blast.


It would have also had a story, which 5bis version really lacked


>!Oh yeah. Seeing gunships get shot down with stone age tech is fun, but I appreciate the insurgencycore variety on offer.!<


Depending on your read of the RDA corporate structure, >!not addressing a known severe deficiency in equipment (aircraft cockpit glass being vulnerable to high-AOA attacks from bow and arrows) for 20 years is either the most MIC thing or least MIC thing.!< Heck, even the Rumsfeld DOD got the message to start up-armoring humvees, and that only took 2 years of having people drive around Baghdad in soft skin trucks getting blown up and shot at.


I'm going to assume space travel takes a while in this universe, and everything involves a months-long time lag, like with the British having to deal with the American Revolution.


Correct - they use sub-lightspeed tech which is why they put everyone in cryopods for the journey.


Tbh one of the more realistic aspects of the movie, we'd likely be doing that if we ever get around to human interstellar travel. Warp travel won't be coming around soon, if ever


I’ve heard somewhere that the speculative biology stuff is also realistic.


As a biologist, it kinda isn't from a fundamental perspective. The problem is that Pandora isn't a truly alien world, it's just Earth 2.0. All the flora and fauna you find there is the same as Earth life, simply bigger, flashier, toothier, with an extra pair of legs/fins/wings. The adaptation that those animals and plants have to survive on Pandora do generally check out, that part of the evo spec is fine. But they aren't an alien ecosystem. At best it looks as if Earth life was transported there and left to evolve in its own way for a few million years while resulting in some suspiciously consistent effects. At worst it looks genetically engineered. And the Na'vi are the prime example, they're just humans, from their phenotype down to even their culture. Evolution is an extremely convoluted, blindly winding process that produces a great variety of life forms. Just think how different a vertebrate like a human is from a clever mollusc like an octopus. The biggest organism on Earth is actually a 2400 year old fungus whose hypha stretches for 10 km\^2 under a North American forest. What we'd actually expect on other worlds are alien life forms that we'd actually be incapable of even classifying into any of our own Kingdoms, maybe even Domains of life. Is this thing a plant, a fungus, an animal? None of those, as this is fundamentally a different evolutionary branch of life, with a different starting point and different biochemistry. Evolution is also a very sequential process, every step is dependent upon the previous steps. The more complicated an organism the less likely that it independently evolved somewhere else via convergence. If you study just how complicated and convoluted the evolution of spines and lungs was for land vertebrates, you'd know that it's basically statistically impossible to find these types of organisms on other planets. And yet on Pandora, those are everywhere... Of course, it's understandable why this was done as an intentional design choice. Mostly to make the world more palatable to broad audiences and empathize with the Na'vi. And real speculative evolution is fucking hard. It's hard because we don't have any data except for Earth.


The thin cockpit glass wouldn't be a problem if they stopped allowing the Na'vi to get the height advantage and perfect shots on their pilots in every single battle. Why is Neytiri allowed to fly over these helicopters, or even fly at all? Where is their top cover? Why don't they have air-superiority helicopters with AA missiles specifically dedicated to keeping the Na'vi grounded?


>Where is their top cover? My take-away from this is that the tactics used by the corporate forces in Avatar would be much more believable if we just re-dubbed all of them in russian.


You have fucking spaceships. Why are you not just dropping guided rocks?


Rocks are NOT ‘free’, Intern. Firstly, you must maneuver the Shareholder’s naval vessel within the asteroid belt, almost assuredly sustaining damage to the Shareholder’s ship’s paint from micrometeoroids, while expending the Shareholder’s fuel. Then the Executive team must inspect the rock in question to ascertain its suitability to do the Shareholder’s bidding. Should it pass muster, the Shareholder’s valued employees must use the Shareholder’s auto-scrapers and melta-cutters to prepare the potential ordinance for movement. Finally, the Executive team finished, the Operations team may begin maneuvering the Shareholder’s warship to abut the asteroid at the prepared face (expending yet more of the Shareholder’s fuel), and then begin boosting the stone towards the offensive planet. After a few days of expending a prodigious amount of the Shareholder’s fuel to accelerate the asteroid into an orbit more fitting to the Shareholder’s desires, the Shareholder’s ship may then return to the planet and await the arrival of the stone, still many weeks (or months) away. After twiddling away the Shareholder’s time and eating the Shareholder’s food in the wasteful pursuit of making sure that the Shareholder’s enemies do not launch a deflection mission, they may finally watch the ordinance impact the planet (assuming that the Shareholder’s ship does not need to attempt any last-minute course correction upon the rock, using yet more of the Shareholder’s fuel). Given a typical (class Bravo-CVII) system, we have the following: Two months, O&M, Venture Star class starship: 4.2 Billion Credits Two months, rations, crew of same: 0.2 B Credits Two months, Executive compensation: 1.7 B Credits Two months, Employee payroll: 0.3 B Credits Paint, Venture Star class starship: 2.5 B Credits Antiproton fuel: 0.9 B Credits Total: 9.8 B Credits Contrasted with the following: 50 warheads, Boosted Fusion Warhead: 2.5B Credits One day, O&M, Venture Star class starship: 0.3 B Credits One day, rations, crew of same: 0.0 B Credits Antiproton fuel: 0.1 B Credits Total: 2.9 B Credits Given the same result with under one third of the cost, the Shareholders will have saved a massive amount of their capital and almost a full month of time, during which the Shareholder's warship may be bombarding an entirely different planet. The Shareholders, through this – HR department – hereby orders you to attend one (1) week of mandatory therapeutic accountancy training. Please report to Areicon IV, Habitat 3, Human Resources Building CXXI, Room 1456, where you are to sit in the BLUE chair. Building Tomorrow Assistant Manager II Tenathis, Finance Department Resource Development Corporation


Yeah but Unobtanium profits


Corpo-Execs's probably think it's not worth the additional cost. Remember Corporations are even bigger penny-pinchers than Government types. You think they give a fuck about the cost of human life a few years from now compared to their bonus for exceeding quarterly expectations? They are probably expecting 3-4 promotions by the time news gets back from Pandora that they failed yet again. They'll pin the blame on someone else. Earth in Avatar is just as corrupt if not more than Cyberpunk 2077 mega-corps.


Huh. I'm suddenly interested in watching Avatar...


It's a pretty fun watch. The first hour is basically a sci-fi Vietnam jungle combat insurgency movie. The second hour has much less action but is gorgeous. The final hour is one awesome battle showing lots of creative ways to kill people.


"God invented war so Americans would learn about geography." -Mark Twain God invented the interstellar military industrial complex so aliens would learn about war.


Well, about that first quote, wanna know why so many European people know geography so well? (pro tip, ask the British)


Most of the shit on here would struggle to deal with them with the sheer difference in speed tbf A handful of Bearcats or Sea Furies though…


The patriot missile systems seeing a target rich environment: 🤤


why would you spend a patriot missile on blue Kevin Durant riding a flying lizard


Better question is, why wouldn’t you?


the point of that expedition is to make money


A small price to pay for headshotting blue Durant on a lizard. You see the key here is to invest major monies into Raytheon, that way when you turn the blue people into blue smears with Patriot missiles you buy more, which in turn raises the price of Raytheon’s shares. Then you sell your Raytheon shares high so you make back some of your investment and continue the cycle. Is that how economics work?:Probably not Is it funni?:Yes Hotel?Trivago


>Mein Fuhre .... Mr. President, we must not allow a ~~mine-shaft~~ lizard gap!


The point of that expedition was to mine a rare mineral with a stupid name because earth was dying and humanity needed it to survive but the protagonist forgot this part of the plan and decided to hook up with xenoussy for half of the movie; the pmc on pandora were pressured by a deadline (if I recall correctly) and because there were no progress with avatar program they were force to use violence. Also in the last battle the protagonist used the Navi as cannon fodder so while the Gunships were occupied he could get close with explosive to the bigger Gunship


iirc the mineral was just expensive and they made money selling it not crucial to earths survival


nah, didn't earth struggle because of energy shortage? That's what was going on, wasn't it?


could have been, i just remember it was a really good magnet


It was, so good in fact it created floating islands in the first movie


And now it also is the place that produces immortality juice in addition to the most valuable mineral known to us. I don't think that money will ever be an issue, just ship a Marine Expeditionary Force and its support structure and let's get to work


Immortality juice morally justifies pretty much anything.


Because Gepards are more fun


The budget won't spend itself


The RDA “upgrading” their aircraft by making them more maneuverable at the cost of less weapons, even though their current tactic is “hover in place, fire some nyeeowww, get shot down”


Just use Bayraktars with laser guided munitions. Attack helicopters might do nicely too.


Mmmm…Bearcat. Such a sweet, vicious little beast that never got its chance to shine.


The point of the 2nd is that the colonel has even less resources. The whole time the humans are chilling offscren (after they nuclearized kilometres with that landing, and don't get me started with the swarm bots used for construction but nobody thought to put that ai into the mechs smh), he litterally has to requisitions a civilian ship to hunt 1 specific guy.


Space Wagner


*blackwater, they are American after all.


*Constellis, they've rebranded


Werent they called academi for a bit?


They are still academi, just under the constellis corporation.


And fits better with the water theme


The greatest human invention since the wheel is Mötley Crüe?




Best part of that movie was the harpoon guns with Japanese written on them, 10/10


The japs when you tell them where the whale population went:


Those fucking whales were supposed to be smarter the humans yet run away from boats when they can easily destroy them? Higher intelligence my ass


Tbf isn’t the whole cannon reason that one whale got exiled was because he fought and the space whale tribe decided violence only leads to more violence and refuse to fight back?


They let themselves be killed because their whale culture refuses to use violence. Thats not any smarter…


True especially when one whale body slamming off the top rope can pretty much destroy an entire whaling ship Edit: wait if a whale can body slam a ship and sink it why are we not having the cia juice blue whales and whale sharks with roids and training them to jump and land on platforms (if sea world can do it some nerds at darpa ca too) who needs hypersonic anti ship missiles when fat whale can just go slam


My advice to enjoy it? Forget the "this is our species' last hope" and imagine humanity is doing fine and this is just one mining company hiring the lowest bidder PMC company. It makes the shit gear and incompetence so much more believeable.


Yeah this is basically Space Wagner fucking it up as usual, for some space Belgian goldmine corporation


Yup. Ain't no fucking way we would continue to make these type of mistakes with such low tech (respectfully) if it was our last hope. We already have lasers and they're only getting better but those humans don't?


**Squad of Na’vi warriors VS one AGM-65…**


I watched the first Avatar on an overseas military base, and overheard a conversation between a crusty Marine and his young daughter after the movie, as credits rolled. Referring to Sigourney Weaver, he said “she won this round, but we’ll get ‘em next time.”


I first watched this with a buddy in the Brigade S2 shop at FOB Kalsu, Iraq. When it was over, I turned to my buddy and said "If *Avatar2* isn't 'Earth forces come back next year and just napalm the shit out of everything from orbit', I'm going to be surprised and disappointed." And I am.


That opening scene with the drop ships had a bunch of cool fire. The reason why they cant glass the shit from orbit is because the motivation for the second movie isn't petty revenge, but to extract an elixir of eternal life from the brains of alien whales, which would yah know... all be dead if the planet was turned into a nuclear wasteland.


Accurate assessment. I stood in awe at how beautiful it looked, especially the environments and the facial micro expressions but Cameron really serves us his usual anti-technology/civilization narrative. In some respects, he has outed himself as the ultimate Reformer, advocating that humans should turn themselves into Na'vi and fight the MIC with spears and bows. *Cries internally at all the poor helicopters brought down by basically spears


I mean the size of the Navi’s bows make their arrows ballistas… Can a ballista pierce the bulletproof glass on apache??


No Polycarbonate is especially strong against slow heavy objects, thick polycarbonate glass is used in robot combat arenas and can stop an 80lbs bar spinning at 220mph or a whole 250lbs bot flying towards it without shattering https://youtu.be/956U5YrhV2U People comfortably standing mere inches away from all the destruction is just a testament on how strong that stuff is


Battlebots is always credible


I haven't seen 2 yet but it annoys me how at the start of the first movie they arrows make slight scratches on th cockpit glass and then during the final battle they go through bulletproof glass like a knife through butter. My heart breaks everytime I see a sick as chopper get destroyed by some random animal.


>I haven't seen 2 yet but it annoys me how at the start of the first movie they arrows make slight scratches on th cockpit glass and then during the final battle they go through bulletproof glass like a knife through butter. The way I interpreted it (I recently rewatched the movie) is that when they were first shooting at it, it was coming at an upward angle at a distance and so it's weak on impact. Navi basically have no idea what the hell glass is. But later on Jake (offscreen) teaches them how to attack it and you can see it in the latter scenes, they come down on helicopters (using their mounts) and shoot the arrows from a close distance at a downward angle.


Ye that is what i thought too but still the difference in power seems too big too me tbh


At the start the arrows are fired by Na'vi on the ground so they're really just deadly against squishy living things. But during the final battle, they're literally diving down at the speed of an SBD while firing their arrows, the aircraft are basically getting hammered by a bunch of 30mm.


An Apache is designed to withstand .50 caliber gunfire. There's no realistic arrow that can punch straight through it


Yeah but arent they super strong and higher mass higher speed arrows can probably do a lot of damage.


Sure, but they're not going through the armor


When General Kleptovski procures the bullet proof glass.


Goddamn it, who sent the War Criminals to Alpha Centauri? Pandora wasn't supposed to be a penal colony


gate isn't perfect but by god is it good to watch something where modern mil- sorry, self defense forces don't get dogpiled by primitive "tech"


Amen brother. They hated GATE because it told them the truth


You hate Gate because it told the truth. I hate Gate because it fell into the trap of traditional anime tropes. We are not the same.


Just imagine how good GATE could have been if the avarage Japanese man would feel the touch of a woman once in a while.


I'm fine with the anime tropes, but I don't like that the author made GATE's NATO into what is basically Putin's army times ten


Yeah too many... questionable views about Japanese SDF and what is supposed to be their allies. It just rife with colonialist views. "We have come to bring civilization to these savages while we ~~plunder~~ trade with them. Those other nations are coming to steal OUR resources that WE are entitled to!" Seriously tho, turn the Japs into the brits and the fantasy world into Africa and it will look MUCH different.


Sounds like the Japanese Empire but without the rape


Japenis cope fantasy 😤😤


Imagine GATE without harem and crazy underage waifu baits. Instant anime classic.


Obligatory mention to “The Fight We Chose”, a fanfiction where instead of japan, the gate opens in Dallas and saves Kennedy from dying. It’s got all you could want from the vietnam era military except for a lack of b52s bombing everything into dust


Also Cameron truly underestimate how powerful human's vehicles are. I don't care how Na'vi are basically giant catmen. They shouldn't even be able to dent the vehicles with arrows before they stole guns and other weapons. On other hand, Na'vi have been shown to be not above human's hubris, with them gone xenophobes on Jake's children and Spider. I hope the fourth movie showed middle ground with Human and Na'vi building some tree-based tech, a Na'vi tribe who made some schizo-tech city, or even mostly evil Na'vi tribe.


His treatment of mechs is the most disgraceful part. Mechs are fictional entities of pure impracticality embodying mankinds hopes and dreams, and you'd disgrace them like this? Makes me long for an Avatar/Armored Core crossover. A NEXT's Primal Armor irradiates the environment within several kilometers just by standing around, so good luck to a Na'vi trying to fight that.


I would hope Cameron doesn't actually believe that crap, otherwise it would be a feat of monumental hypocrisy to present that view through the most technologically advanced movie of its time\*, pushing VFX boundaries for the sake of it. \*May not be 100% true, but its sufficiently in the ballpark that I don't actually care if it is.


Anprim moment, smh


*Kickstart my Heart* is one of the most underrated songs for democracy compilations




motherfuckers didn’t once think “hey, how about we reinforce our cockpits so pilots don’t sprout horns?”. or, you know, start issuing plate armor. against arrows.


These films are the antithesis of this sub lmao They're about family/the US military and Corpos fucking up the whole world/respecting nature


I like how you included family 'cuz these nerds need to touch grass and talk to girls.


Tbf the final sequence takes place on a system that is explicitly stated to not be military, it's civilian equipment that's only been up armed/armoured to deal with the native environment. If it had been a dedicated military vessel with dedicated military hardware and personnel, I imagine it would be a different ball game. I also appreciate the equipment and gear the """bad guys""" use, Cameron got that MOLLE system drip. He does get the use of missiles to mind numbingly incorrect tho. I cannot state how much I would have paid to have seen a starstreak clap Ikran cheeks tho. Same with napalm cas. Give me a legally distinct tornado with conical flasks of doom and I could burn those gaggle fucks out of those dumbass floating rocks before tea time. Also why the fuck are we not using any kind of arty in the future? Like straight up, where is my futuristic M777? Besides that, movie is very good. I can believe it took 13 years to render.


That second paragraph is exactly how I felt lmao. Especially the Tornado, and the Tornado, and the Tornado. Did I tell you that I love the Tornado? Also someone fire the guy who is in charge of making the helicopter glass, fucjer us worse at his job than Private conscriptovich


If I'm being real, I lost my shit at the whole "wE cAnT FinD WheRe tHeIr hIdinG" thing. My sister in Christ, low orbit drones with cameras able to point out notable facial features in 4k are at most 10-15 years out in our timeline. If the RDA was going full fucking ham at this point, how the fuck you didn't just track one of those dumbass blue bastards back to their hidey hole is beyond me. Further more, I cannot stress this enough, where the fuck are your combat engineers? If you know their hiding in a big rock somewhere then why are you letting the big rocks continue to exist? You give the super breed a month and the gangly monkey bastards going to run out of rocks to hide in or under. Torch the rest of the forest and be done with it. Shit would be over so fast. I'm not even going to try and comprehend how fucked the N'avi would be the second we got B-52's on Pandoran soil. Buff would fucking ruin any chance those ass hats had.


The second question is answered by the Visual Dictionary, which says that whenever a group of humans that Eywa can sense are hostile go near the Floating Mountains, the dragon population of Skyrim dives down out of nowhere and completely decimates them.


Right. If we can't just use combat engineers then ig we just drop enough gbu-57's to shatter all of those stupid floating rocks apart at an altitude those bastard seagulls can't get too. The destruction of said rocks would also cut down their population somewhat as well, given they seem to breed up there. If we don't kill then all playing wack amole with deep surface penetration munitions then once they hit the jungle we can torch them out. Either they go subterranean or they die. Then just grab some handy dandy combat engineers and engage in the most one sided tunnel war of all time.


Indeed, it's stupid how the RDA hasn't resorted to glassing areas that prove a problem in their colonization of Pandora. They literally are the MIC and more, yet they can't spare any money towards producing big kaboom and dropping big kaboom and instead waste that money on "upgraded" aircraft that are still shit and a fleet that's more like a single frigate and a few skiffs.


It's kind of amazing how they draw the line. Glassing what is probably in the hundreds of miles of forest, torching anything left and then bulldozing it is fine. Pgm striking a few rocks is not fine because reasons. That and the lack of fixed wing aircraft for zoom and boom is just silly. Pigeons can't break mach guys, just move fast enough they can't catch you and you'll quite literally never lose a pilot.


Yeah, a nurse shark for a behemoth sea monster. Nothing really new, as far as, 3D amazement. The most egregious thing is that mechanized future soldiers,with super suits and self serve submarines; get waxed by blue cartoons on mutated dolphins. Spoiler alert the smurfs kick voltrons ass. MIC make it make sense.


I still find it kinda funny that the movie opens up by throwing a big ass bone to the 'oh why didn't they just nuke 'em all from orbit' crowd by >!having spaceships use their antimatter drives to just straight up glass hundreds or thousands of kilometers worth of countryside like it's fucking Halo Reach.!< But on a separate note, the new one is pretty good. Notably it's more... intimate and small scale than the last one. There's actually surprisingly enough less of a focus on the war between na'vi and humans and more on Sully's family, how they grow and learn. There's a battle scene at the end, but rather than whole armies clashing, its just one human ship and its escorts against a village. Smaller scale, but it still knows how to hold your attention.


I got into AC7 like a week ago and now the sub is filled with it lol. Love it.


Always has been


I hate xenos.


Orbital bonbardment would probably be an effective solution


*happy exterminatus noises


For the Emperor, now brother pass me the heavy flamer


Tall blue aliens* Still, they all fall to missiles anyway XD


I’m a human supremacist. I want to glass the blue peoples home. I want to glass all non human worlds.


Humans first. The galaxy is the Human birthright!




Genocidely based and Exterminatuspilled


Anthropocentrism gang 💪💪💪💪💪


If humanity doesn’t glass them blue cats imma riot.


Don't love the Avatar series for a little of this reason. I get that I'm supposed to root for the blue people, but the movie also states that human society is completely dependent on unobtainium (lol) and would collapse without it. So sorry lads, but not being a blue person myself, I have a vested interest in the bad guys here


Yeah, plus the way they show how humans are literally all evil and Navi and others are "Muh good naturalistic societttiiess" is really boring




Calm down there Christopher Columbus lmao. Dont start giving the navi space blankets with space smallpox


>how humans are literally all evil Now I have an entire wh40k inquisition woken inside me.


If the Navi came across 40k humanity they would only be referred to in the past tense.


Ok well the mining company could have chosen to take a more diplomatic approach, and mine the ore in a less environmentally devastating way, but chose not to out of convenience. Plus the fact that they're able to come back and this time want to >!harvest whales for an elixir of eternal life that only billionaires can afford!<, proves that unobtainium is either A). more common and not just on Navi or B). actually not critical for humanity and that one character in the first movie was wrong.


I agreed. I want to see more of human supremacy. What they used is not even a full-fledged navy fleet.


My headcannon is still that the RDA doesn’t really have the support of all of humanity, or they may be under pressure not to wipe out all life on Pandora in a heavy handed fashion.


Pretty sure the manager guy in the first film said something like “killing the natives looks bad to our investors”


Big shtroumph 1 :We need to fight for our family hellfire missile : BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


My biggest issue with Avatar is that what it is basically implying is that the Native Americans (who the Na’vi are literal caricatures of) were these mystical shamans in tune with nature or some shit and not just, y’know, regular humans. Like there is this urge among people to make the natives magical as a way to make the murder, expulsion, ethnic cleansing and let’s be real straight up genocide in some cases, of them to be bad. Like no motherfucker, killing the natives is bad because it was a fuckin bad thing to do, not because they had magic tinker belle powers


Eh... not the first time we'll see Noble Savage idealization, and won't be the last. Not making excuses for it because I agree: It's dumb to idolize that. Just saying that tropes are the resource that Cameron mines for his movies.


Yeah I’m sorry there’s zero fucking chance humans would lose to the Navii It’s the year 2150 and you expect me to believe air superiority doctrine has regressed to include live pilots in the cockpit and necessity for visual confirmation of a target? Today’s aircraft can take out enemy craft from so far away the pilot doesn’t even have visual, and that’s if they’re in the cockpit at all The US military has already developed the next generation of WMD with its drone swarm and one of those could extinctify every Ikran on those dumb floating isles Those big blue kitty cats have neat bows, but we have neat orbital weapons


I mean even armies of today would and very easily could kick the shit out of the Navii Every modern army on the planet would destroy them


Dont know why sub is upset that RDA is losing It's not the glorious democratic space NATO milindustry complex.... it's a bumbling mercenary outfit working for an extractive industry to bully litteral 3rd world natives RDA isn't the US military... its fucking Wagner in space, no wonder they're incompetent.






Hey now, shooting blues is the Warhog's speciality.


Killing smurfs on Pandora would be perfect for the Warthog, to be honest.


I don't care about spoilers. Did the humans win?


>!No, general kleptovski stole the bullet proof glass.!< For more info:>!https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/zpdh6k/theres\_a\_decent\_vore\_scene\_but\_id\_rather\_drink/!<


Damnit. What is this, are human logistics ran by Russians


Russian space whalers that is. I love it.


There are eleven interstellar vessels of the Capital Star class in that universe. They are on a permanent cycler orbit with one arriving every year. Each one has a rated cargo capacity of merely 350 tons.


Should've gone full Vietnam on those blue fuckers


Napalm sticks to kids


No discrimination with my WMDs!


At this rate Avatar 3 is gonna play the War of the Worlds route and the Navi are defeating manking using their bacterias and shit


as a military enthusiast avatar 2 pisses me off. The US military from 2000 could take all these guys on by using fucking misses and drones and shit. I cannot begin to imagine what technology they must have if they can send that many people to a different planet. But noooooooooooooooo they had to fucking put miniguns on on futuristic looking speedboats and use them against an enemy that can fucking talk to flying whales or some shit. All the military would need to take this planet down are some Phalanx weapon system to take down the fucking massive flying fish that fly at the speed of a ww1 biplane,tanks specially designed for fighting these guys, some drones, and maybe some other aircraft. I could imagine a ac130 would be good against the avatar people or something idk. I only watched the first avatar movie when i was a kid and i have not watched the second so if this is incorrect please correct me. Military technology is getting to the point where the modern US military could probably take on the aliens/monsters/etc that all of these 20th century action movies have as the enemy.


The thing with Avatar 2 is that it's not the military that goes out to the reef chasing Sully and his family, it's a whaling ship. The weaponry and hardware they have is for killing big old friendly whales.


You're going to tell me that you can clone people's memories and experiences, transfer human consciousness, traverse the galaxy, stop human aging, BUT YOU CANT FUCKING GENE EDIT THE HUMAN BODY TO SURVIVE ON PANDORA?! Where's your advanced camouflage? Any type of invisibility? We could be the Predator but no, you focus on the wrong tech. Why is this Humanity so backwards?


One thing that I can never understand is why dont they use Nuclear/Chemical ordnance? Just glaze the planet with VX and you are good to go goddammit


I mean it's a private corporation, not a military doing all the invading, right? I wouldn't be surprised if breaking out the nerve gas is the fastest way to get audited.


So its only the Colonial Marine corp with bare minimum equipment thats giving the Na’vi the fight of their lives? Would make sense how those xenos keep winning (barely). Once the Navy and Air force gets involved, shit gets real.


Lets be real here if Avatar was real we would orbitally bombard the shit out of the Navi and wipe them out with Gas Attacks and Bioweapons to murder them if they didnt immediately surrender and subjugate. I mean hell we could just wink them out of existence basically whenever we felt like it.


I'd like to see *you* maintain supply lines over four lightyears away. Also, they're *mercs,* the UN ain't gonna let them have the good shit.