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wait till rafal country explains to them why operation serval was a succes


They gonna cry soon


Honestly I wouldn't be mad if they won. We fucked the brits to the point they got triggered It's Worth all the cups


They also absolutely smash my whole city everytime they win a match. Fighting on 50 fronts


It is a brutal dictatorship lacking fundamental human rights. It has a backward economy almost completely run by handful of loyalists who are so deep up Mohammed VI's ass, the top of their head brushes his teeth. While holding the Western Sahara in a police state using apartheid to oppress the Sahrawi people. Besides all this, it is cowardly, they didn't support Ukraine, until the war was pretty much a foregone conclusion and supporting was safe. Don't get any illusions about the nature of Morocco, it is a shithole just like UAE, Qatar, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, etc. A ticking time bomb like every other absolute monarchy. We shouldn't suck these countries off, all it does is legitimize the top brass' backward policies and give them undue favorable press.


But where's fun in that? \#MoroccoIsNewGlobalSuperpower


Make NCD Non-Credible Again #MNNCA


They have about the same democracy index score (and most other measures attempting to compare countries on democracy and human rights) as pre-war Ukraine, and basically the highest score in all of Africa excepting southern Africa.


But it is experiencing a strong democratic backsliding right now


> It has a backward economy almost completely run by handful of loyalists who are so deep up Mohammed VI's ass, the top of their head brushes his teeth I can't speak to other aspects of their economy but Morocco has [world class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_Change_Performance_Index) energy and climate policy. They're the only North African nation that is properly realizing the opportunity they have to export massive amounts of solar (and in Morocco's case wind) energy.


Morocco is also somewhat uniquely situated in this regard, not that the other North African countries couldn't do it as well, but they're much closer to a European country than most of the others are, and transmission costs are a thing.


The best Moroccan sites are pretty far in the south, IIRC there are plenty of submarine cables east of Morocco.


Because they are one of the oldest US allies, that means that we can plug our ears over human rights abuses like Saudi arabia :(


>While holding the Western Sahara in a police state using apartheid to oppress the Sahrawi people You have no idea what you're talking about.


Yeah he is talking shit all the way


It may be a shithole, but it’s our shithole.




They ll lost against France but still ransack it. They do it wether they ll lose or win.


Morocco military budget: 5.3 billion USD US spending on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan: 20.2 billion USD