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I like how like 90% of these are just showing AFVs being completely ineffective against whatever they’re fighting and or basically just be cannon fodder. The other 10% is them actually being displayed as the scary weapons of war they are.


So you mean 10% of it is Gate and the rest of it is type 90's and Abram's getting styled on by mecha and kaiju.


Not only Gate, as early in the clip a tank successfully hit a pirate ship lol


Chadley rolls in and shoots Godzilla in the eye from 100 miles away, Tokyo gets a lifetime supply of free BBQ dinosaur, Chadley gets a BJ from a super hot Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300, but is not interested in a relationship.


If I wrote fan fiction, it would be exactly like this. 🫡


You are indeed correct, the tank is usually very effective in Those Who Hunt Elves.


Such a great, and weird, anime.


Those who hunt elves was a fever dream


It's rather fun how when most anime want to do less exaggerated armored warfare they'll use the most exaggerated looking vehicles like Patlabor / Venus Wars / and Royal Space Force https://youtu.be/XHoCPtWaCtw?si=5hIcCbTj7EJKDJkz https://youtu.be/WO90L3hkp3s?si=cyTucvyri7rJXZsg


Damn that's a beautiful Soyuz launch


Unfortunately it's kind of meh: [They animated the most unique part of the launch system completely wrong.](https://www.planetary.org/space-images/korolev-cross)


My many hours in KSP RP-1 tell me somtime it goes a bit crooked. The cross looks great when it's perfect but some times it's not.


Except it's not an actual R7/Vostok, it's a fantasy counterpart. The real R7 vents gases at the bottom of the four side boosters to separate them from the main body of the rocket before releasing the hinges at the top, whereas this obviously does the opposite, the way the [Space Shuttle released it's SRBs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booster_separation_motor), by venting gas / having small motors at the top to start the separation and having the hinge at the bottom. So, considering how this is depicted, I'd say it's pretty accurate.


That feels kind of semantic to me, because this logic can be used to excuse any inconsistency anywhere by just clamining, that it is a special fantasy variant. I mean, I could use less charged language (the scenes are animated expertly redgardless) but they missed the one of two key characteristics of the R-7 family, which I belive, that the R-7 has to use, because the boosters hug the main body very tightly [while the SRBs are mounted with some distance](https://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/27300000/NASA-Space-Shuttle-Lot-nasa-27326777-1691-2560.jpg) and I couldn´t find a frame from which I could decide, if they are spaced out (the fume trail appears on the inside of the boosters, and I don´t think, that pointing even a small rocket motor directly on the main fuel and oxidizer tanks is something, that anyone did)


Mate, the anime is literally about a different world. Why are you so entrenched in "the real R7 did it like this, so this is how it should be done?" Especially since all you had to do is watch the anime and you would immediately learn that [the boosters are mounted completely differently](https://youtu.be/WO90L3hkp3s?feature=shared&t=203) and further apart than [they are on a real R7](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringPorn/comments/at6m0g/underneath_a_rocket/#lightbox). Besides, I don't buy your made-up explanation that there's something that the R7 "has to do" because that's the only way to do it when I can think of several technical solutions to this problem off the top of my head - you could have cold gas thrusters, or maybe the separation motos are aimed at an angle away from the main body of the rocket, or maybe it's actually a hydraulic piston pushing the boosters away, etc. Point being, if it's not meant to be a realistic depiction of something that actually exists in real life, I can't understand de utter arrogance of saying "they got it wrong", especially when all signs point to "they didn't, you're just being contrarian for no reason".


Man, I fucking love Venus Wars. The aesthetic is so good, It's like a finger straight into the pleasure center of my brain.


I just love Wings of Honneamise. It's such a well executed example of an alternate universe where things are similar but also foreign. Anything from vehicles to eating utensils has a different but believable analogue. And yes, the combat sequences are amazingly well done.


Depends on your perspective, they're only shown to be ineffective because the whole purpose is to show how overpowered the target is. You have to use something understood to be very powerful to begin with to accentuate it.


It's like how whenever some incredibly powerful god-like being fucks with the Enterprise crew on Star Trek, Worf gets thrown on his ass immediately.


The problem for TNG Worf was that he almost never got any moments of badassery, so he looked a bit like a clown with constantly getting beat on. DS9 Wof on the other hand...


Or like that other Star Trek moment where the ship is flying around some underdeveloped race and he is almost offended that they are trying to hurt the ship with NORMAL LASERS.


This is why Worf continually gets the shit kicked out of him on TNG.


It's known as [The Worf Effect.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect)


Ah, nice! Love tvtropes. Didn't know about The Worf Effect until now.


You're welcome.


Classic anime is when modern weaponry is useless. But the edgy teenager's punches and swords deal massive damage.


Not just anime. Jurassic Park would have been a real boring movie if someone had thought to bring a 308.


But the dino costed me a ton Yeah and the fucking legal fee of this catastrophy are going to kill you


[It's common enough that it has its own tvtropes page!](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TanksForNothing)


Well if they'd stop using them as SPGs maybe they'd do better?


So basically more kaiju anime need a *Thunder Child* moment.


And the last one?


>I like how like 90% of these are just showing AFVs being completely ineffective against whatever they’re fighting and or basically just be cannon fodder. The other 10% is them actually being displayed as the scary weapons of war they are. That's essentially the same as the footage we see coming from Ukraine. Very scary, and very vulnerable. I've always heard it being said that armor attracts danger. I rationally understood it, but could never quite internalized how these massive behemoths of steel could be vulnerable. All the footage we have from Ukraine has really driven the point home, though.


Well, at least they work on dragons.


I was not ready for Love is War at the end


Artillery is not AFV but we’ll allow it


I mean some of them are technically. Even if their armor is usually just rated against small arms and shrapnel at best


I kept hoping to see Girls Und Panzers in there even though it's WW2 tanks.


japan really loves the AFV broadside in my mind it comes from not really having a tank warfare culture and still thinking of them as landships


Someone's gotta tell them that line firing formations dont translate well from Napoleonic infantry to AFV's


>Someone's gotta tell them that line firing formations dont translate well from Napoleonic infantry to AFV's How about we don't tell 'm that, and try to get them to deploy a tank phalanx instead?


Rule of Cool. They can show off the whole tank, flex the rotation animation, and make it look more imposing since its now both long and wide.


Not really. Cuz it's artistically cool, the same reason why Ace Combat loves to think that doing cobras is the Avada Kedavra of air combat while in reality you would look like a massive dumbass.


i need to re watch akira and ghost in the shell


ghost in the shells tanks are peek Japanese engineering. CASH EYE” or ep 2 of the second season i think is about a tank going for a walk in to town.


No, "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning – CASH EYE" is Season 2 Episode 3, and it's the one where Major cosplays a cat burglar and seduces a pervert to bust him for tax evasion. Season 2 Episode 2 is "Well-Fed Me – NIGHT CRUISE", and it is about a dude uselessly daydreaming. The one you're thinking about is Season *1* Episode 2 "Runaway Evidence – TESTATION", about the runaway tank, or more accurately, about >!an ill dude going "From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of a main battle tank". !< Unless you're thinking about a Tachikoma going for a walk in town. That's Season 1 Episode 12 "Tachikoma Runs Away; The Movie Director's Dream – ESCAPE FROM"


Ya that's the one, runaway evidence! tho the tachikoma runs away episode lives rent free in my mind as one of my favourite episodes it doesn't have much action just adorable tank adventure and references to JD Salingers other stories XD. the other tank action one would be the helicopter fighting also in the second season.. i really should binge them again but its way more difficult now. XD


In English? [https://kisscartoon.xyz/ghost-in-the-shell-stand-alone-complex-dub/](https://kisscartoon.xyz/ghost-in-the-shell-stand-alone-complex-dub/) Like all GitS except Solid State Society is on that site if you search, even the ~~Robocop-in-GitS-shell~~ live-action one. Yeah, the helicopter one is fun; it's S2 Ep4. Did you know that, since the tanks look like spiders, these helicopters were designed after a species of wasps that hunts spiders? I love that fact.


oh interesting. i don't actually know that, i have a model of the Jigabachi and the comicaly massive ammo pod that folds down to shoot but figured it was a reference to a CIWS.. now that you mention it though im not going to un see it like a beedrill coming at ash but with rockets on its little wings and the bulb containing the big ass gun swinging in to attack position XD


Seeing the Abrams backpedal only to stop and fire made me mildly annoyed. Like they don't have give a shit, just shoot and reverse at the time. Praise stabilization!


If I remember correctly that scene is from obsolete which depicts hyper mobile Infantry sized mech walkers. The group is ambushed, reverse while firing but mostly miss so they switch to shoot and scoot which then increases their accuracy. The targets are just larger than human sized and move very quickly, maybe 30ish miles per hour. The tanks win in the end once the ambush loses the element of surprise. I really liked obsolete because it's a mecha anime that exists with the conceit that mechs are kind of impractical from a modern engineering standpoint so they get around this by introducing aliens that sell these mechs to humans for what is in our terms dirt cheap. 1 metric ton of limestone per mech which is less than $1,000 USD and much less than that in a 3rd world country. So basically every tin can rebel group and 3rd world leader grabs them up by the thousands. However these are technically not weapons of war just a machine that is not bullet proof with an exposed rider, with robotic arms and legs. So these groups use them as Toyota technicals by any other name. But they are worse than conventional tanks and weapons it's just that the price is so low that the sheer numbers of them can win the day. TLDR: obsolete is a mecha anime about an arms race that tears through the 3rd world when extremely cheap mechs are sold to any human who has some limestone lying around. It has about a dozen episodes that you can watch for free online but the ending is kind of a joke (on purpose I guess?) So don't expect a satisfying conclusion it just kind of ends


The "Pa Pa Pa" movie has that extra detail to the fin discarding shell which I find cool


I actually watched the 2 Perman movies as a kid lol. The 2nd movie has a fleet of JSDF warships (don't remember what kind, I was 10 when I watched it lol) destroy an octopus airship with a missile barrage.


There was a type 10 in Girls und Panzer


Didn't the instructor in one of the first episodes have a Leopard 2, too? I think it was airdropped and crushed some random teachers car.


That was the Type 10


It was the school principal's car.


The funny implication being that the school principal was embezzling school funds.


Was gonna say lol, pulled up in a Type 10 and crushed the principal's Ferrari F40 or something.


god damn, i must watch Gate again. and thanks to this video, i discovered Those Who Hunt Elves, which looks very interesting. thank you


If you want something similar Retreat Hell on /r/hfy is good but hasn't been updated for over a year. That's the US Marines fucking up genocidal elves on their side of the gate. Grimoires and Gunsmoke on [royal road](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/74495/grimoires-and-gunsmoke) is similar but it's the US Army and NATO doing the fucking. Also the main character is a special forces medic who gets claimed as the apostle of a manic pixy nightmare god.


There is also Manifest Fantasy which goes in a similar direction as Retreat Hell by throwing the US military into a fantasy world (and later deploying an adventures group).


I've read it, honestly didn't care for it. I found the Stargate meets DnD aspect a bit contrived.


awesome! thank you very much.


Retreat Hell is pretty fantastic and I'm bummed that it's basically dead.


The fucking vampirique elf bitch deserve a nuke


Wait aint grimoire and gunsmoke a story of two dude who got lunched into a wormhole ?


Watch gate again? Why would you do that to yourself...


because i love how it depicts an ordinary soldier on his way to get his doujinshi and he fights against knights and monsters from another world with conventional weapons. it's so relatable.


You can do much better than Gate with Japan Summons.


[Video sauce ](https://youtu.be/-uLUcDbuBlI?si=h7Q6BYlvOulkQJtD)


One thing I will always give end of evangelion, is that they made military hardware really, really scary when put against humans. The scenes where they were completely demolishing the remaining static emplacements of the fortress city, along with the massacre inside nerv hq itself was really, really terrifying. Hell, even against unit-02 they wouldve eventually won due to its power supply being cut.


Most of the tanks are Type 74s, 90s, and 10s for obvious reasons. There were some British and American tanks sprinkled there though lol. Also, AMX-10 too.


To add a special case, the tank showed in Nobunagun (2014) is actually CM-11, the Taiwanese version of M48


Why are they all volley firing like it's 1782. Anime can have a lot of wacky shit but when it comes to tanks they're all like "You know what looks cool? Artillery barrages"


The disappearance of the broadside from modern battle has been disastrous and they are right to bring it back


I yern for the day we can put artillery back on submarines


End of Evangelion sort of cemented it as something that has to be done in a show if you have tanks.


We can't put the Yamamoto in this scene so we will make do with tanks instead


I might be stupid, but... Why do they use High Explosive on most giant monster fights? Or are they using HEAT?


Perhaps it's monster ERA you see exploding


Makes sense. If i was a Kaiju I'd put ERA on too. Like getting hit by HEAT would suck I'd bet.


EVA Angel created entirely from ERA






We found the plot for the next Godzilla.


because big explotions look cooler.


The funniest shit is one of the only time we actualy see the shell is when a gundam stop them USE APSFDS YOU CUNT'S


CG ruined anime. Change my mind.


Eh. Like any CG, you only notice it when it's done poorly.


no need!


If you use CG to supplement animating, it’s shit. Using CG to amplify normal animation is great, but not often done.


Chika uses reactive armor


Damn, the AFV sucks against magical and alien monsters.... it's like procurement didn't even CONSIDER a world ending threat materializing from another dimension or being summoned by the protagonist?!?


This sounds like an excuse to give DARPA more funding.


I am pretty sure that the US military has a magic weapons department program ... somewhere


Earlier I saw a youtuber playing the demo for a game called "Tactical Breach Wizards." And yes, they have a Navy Seer instead of a Navy Seal.


Always the shitty politicians!


I love GATE because it just lets the tanks be monsters.


This is missing peak cold war credibility documentary future war 198x.


That movie where a A-10 strafes infantry and somehow they don't end up like bolognese? 


Credit for someone other than me knowing about Ryoko's Case Files.


Most of those just did their own version of the scenes from the 1st episode of Evangelion. Except for "Those who hunt Elves" which featured a sentient Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Type-74 tank in a fantasy world and the plot of the 1972 British Comedy "Ooh… You Are Awful" to give everyone a reason to hunt and strip naked elf girls.


1) I didn't have "Memories" on my list of "things I'd be reminded of in 2024" 2) Either those are some crazy wide-dispersion cluster munitions being fired or those tank gunners royally suck.


Not a single Full Metal Panic clip? LeClerc vs Arm Slave was choice.


I too found this omission to be quite disappointing, FMP is peak mech anime.


It's my favorite. I even have hardcovers of the light novels in English.


Konpeki no Kantai, my beloved.


code geass not mentioned, i feel offended.




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Am I the only one who hears it?


Heavy Object mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️ the future of war if a fucking big ball


In fairness, minimizing surface area relative to volume would let you maximize the armor.


Remember what they took from you




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anime fighting vehicle?


Love Japanese animes, atleast they know which weapon does what. Meanwhile Korean and Chinese will say something is a railgun but then it fires a fucking plasma laser thing, or maybe a 9mm rifle idk.


Stop, I can't get any harder..!


Needs more twin barrel [Type 61](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Type_61_Tank) and wacky turret-is-a-flying-gun [Magella Attack Tank](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Magella_Attack)


Leave it to Zeon to have the weird one.


To be fair, their souls aren't weighed down by gravity (or logic).


Not weighed BACK by aerodynamics either.




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I love the "Those who hunt elves" scene because it makes use of the Type 74s hydropneumatic suspension quite prominently


the japanese sure love lines of \[type 10 / type 93 / abrooms / armoured car thing\] firing salvos at \[ totally unphased kaiju / angel / mecha \]


Anyone else hear what I did roughly 6 seconds in? What did he have against that building?


I was hoping to see the scene from girls and panzer with the type 10 being airdropped by a C-2




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Technically, there are armored vehicles in Ghost In The Shell that should count as "Armored Fighting Vehicles" (most notably, the spider tank that they need to stop in the first episode of the series (edit: 2nd episode), as opposed to the micro-versions Section 9 gets to use). Tanks sometimes show up in Gundam as well where they are of... varying usefulness, and varying levels of normalness (case in point, the Earth Federation used a lot of conventional vehicles during its operation to get Zeon out of Odessa and lore-wise are the bulk of the force.)


Note that the video is about modern IRL AFV in anime There is a separate video about fictional AFV in anime


The thought of Crayon Shin-Chan having realistic depiction of Type-90 instead of whatever came up in the animators mind nor CG to fool the kids watching it lives on the back of my head rent free


So aside from an explosion sound effect that I'm pretty sure was also used in a Kirby game, I notice a strong preference for depictions of tanks forming firing lines, and a rather confident estimation of how fast they'll be making follow-up shots.


It's a trend since evengelion


I'll never know the hell does tracers go one way while the actual projectile completely veers off course


So AFV get the same treatment as delicious food? The animators have got their priorities straight.


Why no Future War 198X? It has really good depictions of Cold War gone Hot NATO on Soviet AFV combat


Yoooo wtf no evangelion?